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Touch-based haptics for interactive editing on point set surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A modeling paradigm for haptics-based editing on point set surfaces exploits implicit surfaces, physics-based modeling, point-sampled surfaces, and haptic. We propose a point-based geometry representation that we initially designed for dynamic physics-based sculpting, but can easily generalize to other relevant applications such as data modeling and human-computer interaction. By extending the idea of the local reference domain in the moving least square (MLS) surface model to the construction of a local and global surface distance field, we naturally incorporate Hua and Qin's dynamic implicit volumetric model into our deformation of the point-based geometry, which not only facilitates topology change but also affords dynamic sculpting and deformation.  相似文献   

Computing and rendering point set surfaces   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We advocate the use of point sets to represent shapes. We provide a definition of a smooth manifold surface from a set of points close to the original surface. The definition is based on local maps from differential geometry, which are approximated by the method of moving least squares (MLS). The computation of points on the surface is local, which results in an out-of-core technique that can handle any point set. We show that the approximation error is bounded and present tools to increase or decrease the density of the points, thus allowing an adjustment of the spacing among the points to control the error. To display the point set surface, we introduce a novel point rendering technique. The idea is to evaluate the local maps according to the image resolution. This results in high quality shading effects and smooth silhouettes at interactive frame rates.  相似文献   

Feature sensitive simplification and re-sampling of point set surfaces is an important and challenging issue for many computer graphics and geometric modeling applications.Based on the regular sampling of the Gaussian sphere and the surface normals mapping onto the Gaussian sphere,an adaptive re-sampling framework for point set surfaces is presented in this paper,which includes a naive sampling step by index propagation and a novel cluster optimization step by normalized rectification.Our proposed re-sampling scheme can generate non-uniformly distributed discrete sample points for the underlying point sets in a feature sensitive manner.The intrinsic geometric features of the underlying point set surfaces can be preserved efficiently due to our adaptive re-sampling scheme.A novel splat rendering technique is adopted to illustrate the efficiency of our re-sampling scheme.Moreover,a numerical error statistics and surface reconstruction for simplified models are also given to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm in term of the simplified quality of the point set surfaces.  相似文献   

Feature sensitive multiscale editing on surfaces   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A novel editing method for large triangular meshes is presented. We detect surface features, such as edge and corners, by computing local zero and first surface moments, using a robust and noise resistant method. The feature detection is encoded in a finite element matrix, passed to an algebraic multigrid (AMG) algorithm. The AMG algorithm generates a matrix hierarchy ranging from fine to coarse representations of the initial fine grid matrix. This hierarchy comes along with a corresponding multiscale of basis functions, which reflect the surface features on all hierarchy levels. We consider either these basis functions or distinct sets from an induced multiscale domain decomposition as handles for surface manipulation. We present a multiscale editor which enables Boolean operations on this domain decomposition and simply algebraic operations on the basis functions. Users can interactively design their favorite surface handles by simple grouping operations on the multiscale of domains. Several applications on large meshes underline the effectiveness and flexibility of the presented tool.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach for appearance and geometry completion over point-sampled geometry. Based on the result of surface clustering and a given texture sample, we define a global texture energy function on the point set surface for direct texture synthesis. The color texture completion is performed by minimizing a constrained global energy using the existing surface texture on the surface as the input texture sample. We convert the problem of context-based geometry completion into a task of texture completion on the surface. The geometric detail is then peeled and converted into a piece of signed gray-scale texture on the base surface of the point set surface. We fill the holes on the base surface by smoothed extrapolation and the geometric details over these patches are reconstructed by a process of gray-scale texture completion. Experiments show that our method is flexible, efficient and easy to implement. It provides a practical texture synthesis and geometry completion tool for 3D point set surfaces.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an out-of-core editing system for point clouds, which allows selecting and modifying arbitrary parts of a huge point cloud interactively. We can use the selections to segment the point cloud, to delete points, or to render a preview of the model without the points in the selections. Furthermore, we allow for inserting points into an already existing point cloud. All operations are conducted on a rendering optimized data structure that uses the raw point cloud from a laser scanner, and no additionally created points are needed for an efficient level-of-detail (LOD) representation using this data structure. We also propose an algorithm to alleviate the artifacts when rendering a point cloud with large discrepancies in density in different areas by estimating point sizes heuristically. These estimated point sizes can be used to mimic a closed surface on the raw point cloud, also when the point cloud is composed of several raw laser scans.  相似文献   

Control point surfaces over non-four-sided areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper constructs control point surfaces of arbitrary degree over 3-, 5- and 6-sided areas. These surface patches behave like rectangular Bézier surface patches along their boundaries and can be connected smoothly with surrounding rectangular Bézier patches.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the new definition of high frequency geometric detail for point-sampled surfaces, a new approach for detail manipulation and a detail-preserving editing framework are proposed. Geometric detail scaling and enhancement can always produce fantastic effects by directly manipulating the geometric details of the underlying geometry. Detail-preserving editing is capable of preserving geometric details during the shape deformation of point-sampled model. For efficient editing, the point set of the model is first clustered by a mean shift scheme, according to its anisotropic geometric features and each cluster is abstracted as a simplification sample point (SSP). Our editing operation is implemented by manipulating the SSP first and then diffusing the deformation to all sample points on the underlying geometry. As a postprocessing step, a new up-sampling and relaxation procedure is proposed to refine the deformed model. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by several examples.  相似文献   

Point set registration is a key component in many computer vision tasks. The goal of point set registration is to assign correspondences between two sets of points and to recover the transformation that maps one point set to the other. Multiple factors, including an unknown nonrigid spatial transformation, large dimensionality of point set, noise, and outliers, make the point set registration a challenging problem. We introduce a probabilistic method, called the Coherent Point Drift (CPD) algorithm, for both rigid and nonrigid point set registration. We consider the alignment of two point sets as a probability density estimation problem. We fit the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) centroids (representing the first point set) to the data (the second point set) by maximizing the likelihood. We force the GMM centroids to move coherently as a group to preserve the topological structure of the point sets. In the rigid case, we impose the coherence constraint by reparameterization of GMM centroid locations with rigid parameters and derive a closed form solution of the maximization step of the EM algorithm in arbitrary dimensions. In the nonrigid case, we impose the coherence constraint by regularizing the displacement field and using the variational calculus to derive the optimal transformation. We also introduce a fast algorithm that reduces the method computation complexity to linear. We test the CPD algorithm for both rigid and nonrigid transformations in the presence of noise, outliers, and missing points, where CPD shows accurate results and outperforms current state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Artificial Life and Robotics - The rapid development of machine learning has made it possible to recognize images with high accuracy across a wide range of tasks. However, constellations found...  相似文献   

为了对点模型表面进行保细节的自由形状编辑,提出了一种基于曲率流的点模型形状编辑方法。该方法定义了基于平均曲率流的光顺算子,通过此光顺算子获得点模型不同光滑程度的曲面表示。运用对应曲面上点之间的向量差进行相应几何细节的抽取,在相邻的曲面表示之间将几何细节剥离出来。用户可以在不同的曲面上进行自由形状编辑,而无须关心几何细节。在变形后的曲面上再将相应的几何细节映射回去,实现对模型保细节的变形。实验结果表明该方法是一种有效的点模型造型算法,在变形的同时,有效地保持了模型表面的细节特征。  相似文献   

Versatile spectral methods for point set matching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work is concerned with the problem of point set matching over features extracted from images. A novel approach to the problem is proposed which leverages different techniques from the literature. It combines a number of similarity metrics that quantify measures of correspondence between the two sets of features and introduces a non-iterative algorithm for feature matching based on spectral methods. The flexibility of the technique allows its straightforward application in a number of diverse scenarios, thus overcoming domain-specific limitations of known techniques. The proposed approach is tested in a number of heterogeneous case studies: of synthetic nature; drawn from experimental biological data; and taken from known benchmarks in computer vision.  相似文献   

为了对点模型表面进行保细节的自由形状编辑,提出了一种基于曲率流的点模型形状编辑方法。该方法定义了基于平均曲率流的光顺算子,通过此光顺算子获得点模型不同光滑程度的曲面表示。运用对应曲面上点之间的向量差进行相应几何细节的抽取,在相邻的曲面表示之间将几何细节剥离出来。用户可以在不同的曲面上进行自由形状编辑,而无须关心几何细节。在变形后的曲面上再将相应的几何细节映射回去,实现对模型保细节的变形。实验结果表明该方法是一种有效的点模型造型算法,在变形的同时,有效地保持了模型表面的细节特征。  相似文献   

翟艳丽  罗格格 《控制与决策》2024,39(8):2801-2809
针对面板数据样本行为矩阵间的关联性分析,从接近性视角提出基于面板数据的灰色点集关联分析模型.首先,将样本行为矩阵的二元指标子矩阵投射为空间中的点集,利用对应点的高度差建立对应点集的绝对离差矩阵,依据此矩阵中数据的平均值和标准差分别建立对应点集的绝对离差平均值关联系数和绝对离差标准差关联系数,基于此,构建灰色点集关联分析模型;然后,讨论模型的规范性、接近性、正定性、对称性等性质,对比分析发现,模型不仅不受指标排序的影响,且能够感知样本行为矩阵间数据差距的变化并有效反映其接近性;最后,利用灰色点集关联分析模型对豫中4个城市的空气质量进行定量评价,并基于此进行豫中4个城市的关联聚类,将豫中划分为3类污染区域,以期为豫中大气污染联防联控的区域划分提供理论支持.  相似文献   

对于非均匀散乱点云,多数基于区域生长方法的曲面重构往往容易出现孔洞等缺陷。针对该问题,在K邻域点集的基础上提出间接邻域点集的概念,对以点为生长对象进行区域生长的三角网格曲面重构方法进行了研究,实现三角网格曲面重构。以生长点的邻域点集为样点估算微切平面,将邻域点投影至该平面上,并按照右手定则、逆时针方向进行排序,通过拓扑正确性原则从点列中去除错误的连接点,优化局部网格,选择较好的连接点,实现网格曲面的区域生长。  相似文献   

平面点集凸壳的快速算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种计算平面点集凸壳的快速算法。利用极值点划分出四个矩形,它们包含了所有凸壳顶点,通过对矩形中的点进行扫描,排除明显不是凸壳顶点的点,剩余的点构成一个简单多边形。再利用极点顺序法判断多边形顶点的凹凸性并删除所出现的凹顶点,最终得到一个凸多边形即为点集的凸壳。整个算法简洁明了,避免了乘法运算(除最坏情况外),从而节省计算时间。  相似文献   

随着信息化改革的不断深入,目标跟踪问题越来越受到人们的重视。特别是在国防领域,如雷达对飞机、轮船和导弹等机动军事目标的精确探测和定位很大程度上决定了战争武器的有效性。针对点目标和扩展目标同时存在的特殊情况,提出基于随机集的点目标和扩展目标联合跟踪算法。该算法探索基于随机有限集的扩展目标滤波器对于点目标跟踪的不足,并尝试通过放宽约束条件的方式对其进行改进。仿真结果表明,在点目标和扩展目标同时存在的情况下,本文所提算法相比于已有基于随机集理论的扩展目标跟踪算法具有更好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Motivated by the results of Artstein and Leizarowitz [2] on steady-state periodic tracking, a continuous-time nonzero set point regulation problem is considered which involves 1) noisy and nonnoisy measurements, 2) weighted and unweighted controls, 3) Correlated plant/ measurement noise and cross weighting, 4) nonzero-mean disturbances, and 5) state-, control-, and measurement-dependent white noise. It is shown that in the absence of multiplicative disturbances the closed-loop control can be designed independently of the open-loop control. Unlike [2], the results are obtained without using the overtaking criterion.  相似文献   

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