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舟坝电站引水建筑物设计对两台机组引水采用单洞单机的形式,以满足安全、工期及经济上的优化需求;技施阶段通过对进水口、引水隧洞、压力钢管计算,采取了安全合理的结构型式,满足了工程建设的需要。  相似文献   

The evolution of the overland flow velocity along the distance downslope on smooth and granular beds in different cases is investigated by means of the electrolyte tracer via flume experiments.The results demonstrate that a non-uniform flow regime and a uniform flow regime exist in the development process of the overland flow.Owing to the different attributes of beds’roughness,the position of those zones with different flow regimes varies correspondingly:(1)the overland flow on granular beds enters into the uniform regime much sooner,additionally,the roll waves tend to appear because of the presence of the proper flow resistance imparted by the roughness(coarse sands),and large slopes(20o and 25o)which makes the flow velocities and depths to undulate spatially.Furthermore,the flow resistance of the overland flows with different roughness elements,that is the non-sands,the fine sands and the coarse sands,is calculated.A quadratic interpolation method of the third order accuracy is employed in the calculation of the longitudinal flow resistance.The results show that it is rational to use the bed slope to approximate the hydraulic energy slope over a relative small roughness(the present roughness),however on the other hand,if the mean flow velocities and depths rather than the local parameters are used to calculate the flow resistance,a considerable error will be induced within the non-uniform regime of the overland flows,including the acceleration zone and the roll-wave zone.  相似文献   

该工程为长距离、跨流域的多级提升调水工程,地形、地质条件复杂,提水高度1029m,由10级梯级泵站和3条隧洞组成,以解决申办2022年冬奥会滑雪场地的供水问题及张家口市区和崇礼县的生态用水。文中介绍了取水口选择、泵站设置、水锤分析、内胆式水锤消除罐等主要设计内容。  相似文献   

In order to analyze the impact of the water surface area of a watershed on the design flood, the watershed was classified into a land watershed and a water surface watershed for flood flow calculation at the same time interval. Then, the design flood of the whole watershed was obtained by adding the two flood flows together. Using this method, we calculated design floods with different water surface areas of three reservoirs and analyzed the impact of water surface area on the flood volume and peak flow. The results indicate that larger water surface areas lead to greater impacts on the flood volume and peak flow. For the same watershed area, the impact of water surface area on the flood volume and peak flow is positively proportional to the flood frequency, i.e., the higher the frequency, the greater the impact becomes.  相似文献   

大湖管理体制探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊是我国地表水资源的主要载体,又是生态环境的控制性要素,其中大型湖泊又具有极其显著的特点,我国大型湖泊湖水面积大,储水量多,对其下游的径流具有很大的调节作用,在经济建设中的作用也不容忽视.目前,我国大型湖泊实行的是行政分级分区管理、部门分工管理,并与湖泊流域管理相结合的管理体制,存在纵向行政尚未理顺、地方政府间关系未规范、职能部门间关系不协调、公众参与的积极性不高以及法律制度尚不健全等问题,应当从大湖资源开发利用和保护的多种利益诉求入手,设置相应的大湖管理机构,完善管理和保护的法制体系,建立“一湖一法,一支队伍”的新型大湖管理体制.  相似文献   

In order to study the influences of hydraulic and mechanical parameters on land subsidence and ground fissure caused by groundwater exploitation,based on the Biot’s consolidation theory and combined with the nonlinear rheological theory of soil,the constitutive relation in Biot’s consolidation theory is extended to include the viscoelastic plasticity,and the dynamic relationship among the porosity,the hydraulic conductivity,the parameters of soil deformation and effective stress is also considered,a threedimensional full coupling mathematical model is established and applied to the study of land subsidence and ground fissures of Cangzhou in Hebei Province,through the analysis of parameter sensitivity,the influences of soil hydraulic and mechanical parameters on land subsidence and ground fissure are revealed.It is shown that the elastic modulus E,the Poisson ratio v,the specific yield u and the soil cohesion c have a great influence on the land subsidence and the ground fissures.In addition,the vertical hydraulic conductivity z k and the horizontal hydraulic conductivity s k also have a great influence on the land subsidence and the ground fissures.  相似文献   

With the constructions of high dam projects in China, the energy dissipation downstream of a dam becomes a serious concern. In this study, a multiple slit-type energy dissipater, with different reduction size slits in the outlet, is developed on the basis of conventional slit-type energy dissipaters, aiming to enhance the energy dissipation through the turbulence and the friction between the different layers of the jet flow and the air entrainment due to the increased surface of the flow to the air. The hydraulic characteristics of the energy dissipater are experimentally investigated by means of three sets of physical models in nine cases, to characterize the geometric parameters with suitable performance. The main concerns are the flow regime, the jet flow trajectory, the energy dissipation, the cavitation characteristics, and the flow choking. The results indicate that the dissipater enjoys a high energy dissipation ratio with suitable hydraulic performance comparing with the conventional slit-type energy dissipaters.  相似文献   

混凝土在海洋环境中使用,遭到冰冻、风浪、水质、潮汐等多种天然因素的作用而缩短其使用寿命,甚至遭受严重地破毁。文中以沧州市防潮闸为例,论述了受海水污染腐蚀破坏的闸涵修复并对其经济效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

Impacts of ice cover on local scour around semi-circular bridge abutment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence of ice cover in winter can significantly change the flow field around bridge abutments, which can also cause a different local scour pattern. To investigate the impacts of ice cover, results from a recent flume experiments were presented. Smooth and rough ice covers were created to investigate the impacts of ice cover roughness on the scour geometry around the semi-circular abutment. Three bed materials were used, with 50D s of 0.58 mm, 0.50 mm, 0.47 mm respectively. Scour volume and scour area were calculated. It was found that the maximum scour depth was located 75o inclined to the flume wall. Under rough ice cover, the scour area and scour depth were the largest. An empirical equation on the maximum scour depth was also developed.  相似文献   

喷涂聚脲弹性体技术应用展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文首先简要讨论了水工泄水消能建筑物抗冲磨材料的工程应用情况和存在的问题,以及目前的研究趋势。详细阐述了喷涂聚脲弹性体材料及其配套施用技术的独特性能,综述了该项技术在国内外的应用状况,展望了其在水利水电工程中的应用前景。  相似文献   

人工骨料耐磨性及混凝土抗冲耐磨性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对溪洛渡水电站混凝土人工骨料的耐磨性能及混凝土抗冲耐磨性能的试验研究表明 ,骨料的品种 (特别是细骨料品种 )对混凝土抗冲耐磨强度影响很大 ,骨料的自身耐磨性能与混凝土抗冲耐磨性能之间存在着一定的关系 ,骨料的自身耐磨性能越好 ,其混凝土抗冲耐磨强度就越高 .在试验研究的基础上 ,提出溪洛渡水电站抗冲耐磨混凝土选用玄武岩人工骨料效果最好  相似文献   

首先介绍喷涂聚脲和喷涂聚氨酯-脲技术的性能特点以及涂层的物理性能,指出该技术具有无溶剂、可厚涂、快速固化、施工周期短、韧性好、耐磨防腐性能优异等特点;其次介绍该喷涂技术所需设备和工艺特点;最后简单介绍喷涂聚氨酯(脲)涂料在水利工程中用作抗冲磨防护涂层、防腐阻锈涂层以及在国内外几个工程中的应用情况。  相似文献   

高速水流对水工建筑物的冲磨破坏极大,这就对水工混凝土的抗冲磨性能提出了很高的要求。合理选用混凝土的组成材料,能够提高混凝土的抗冲磨强度,避免冲磨破坏,保证工程正常运行就有着极其重要的意义。通过对混凝土拌合料中加入适当的橡胶粉材料进行试验,研究了胶粉材料对混凝土抗冲磨性能的影响,并对其原理进行了分析。  相似文献   

JS— 18(CPE)防水卷材因具有抗拉强度高、延伸率大、抗渗性能强等优点 ,已用于水工防渗止水工程等 ,其抗空蚀抗磨蚀性能经过试验表明 ,当流速小于 10m/s时 ,完全满足要求。  相似文献   

柔性槽壳水力计算采用优化拟合的方法,通过对现有成果表中有关数值的拟合,获得了较为简捷的函数替代式,在实用范围内,成果误差不超过0.36%,便于实际应用。  相似文献   

全面概述结构材料研究所50年来在水工混凝土结构的材料研究方面的创新成果,主要包括水工混凝土掺合料与外加剂、碾压混凝土、面板混凝土、水工混凝土耐久性与抗裂性、特种混凝土、全级配混凝土、混凝土三轴强度与徐变、高分子材料等研究与应用,水工混凝土建筑物缺陷检测、评估与修补加固,以及材料试验仪器设备、材料试验方法与现场检测方法、新材料产品、规程规范与出版著作等方面的创新成果,其中获全国科学大会奖2项、获国家科技进步奖5项、获省部科技进步奖26项,主编规程规范12部、参编5部,以上成果为我国水利水电建设做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

高速水流下新型高抗冲耐磨材料的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈改新 《水力发电》2006,32(3):56-59,75
随着西部大开发和西电东送发展战略的实施,我国要兴建一批大型高水头电站,其泄水建筑物泄流流速均达40~50m/s,对抗冲磨混凝土和过流面抗冲耐磨防护材料的性能提出了更高的要求,促进了水工抗冲耐磨材料的发展。近年来在新型高抗冲磨材料研究方面取得的进展主要包括:多元胶凝粉体新型抗冲磨混凝土的开发研究;降低高强抗冲磨混凝土体积收缩技术措施的研究;“海岛结构”环氧树脂合金抗冲磨防护材料的开发研究;聚脲高抗冲耐磨防护材料和喷涂技术研究;圆环高速含沙水流冲刷试验仪的研制等。  相似文献   

抗冲磨混凝土在姜射坝水电站的试验研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗冲磨混凝土被广泛应用于水工建筑物坝体泄水孔洞、溢流面、消力池等需要抗冲磨的部位,其质量直接关系到水工建筑物运行安全及使用周期。四川姜射坝水电站在首部枢纽工程冲沙闸、泄洪闸、护坦等部位的底板面层均采用了铁钢砂混凝土和HF耐磨粉煤灰混凝土,经过试验研究与应用表明,采用掺HF外加剂配制的抗冲磨混凝土不仅具有较高的力学强度和抗冲磨强度,而且施工工艺简单、经济效益明显,是一种较理想的抗冲磨混凝土。  相似文献   

为解决水工建筑物面临的冲蚀问题,试验研究了在不同养护龄期下,不同体积掺量PVA纤维对混凝土强度、抗冲磨性能的影响,并对纤维混凝土的微观形貌进行了分析。研究结果表明,同基准组混凝土相比,当PVA纤维体积掺量为0.2%时,纤维混凝土的抗压强度提升了20.8%,劈裂抗拉强度提升了33.2%,抗冲磨强度提升了108.4%,磨损深度下降了34.2%,质量磨损率下降了3.9%。PVA纤维混凝土微观形貌的分析结果显示,当PVA纤维体积掺量为0.2%时,纤维在混凝土基体内分散性良好且呈乱向分布。结合SEM分析结果得知,在混凝土中掺入适量PVA纤维,可以显著提升水工混凝土的强度和抗冲磨性。  相似文献   

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