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垃圾焚烧电厂常用烟气净化工艺分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雷  张运翘 《锅炉技术》2008,39(3):73-76
针对我国城市生活垃圾焚烧工艺的发展现状及垃圾焚烧烟气中污染物的组成和排放标准,介绍了3种常用的垃圾焚烧发电厂半干法烟气净化工艺,并对这几种烟气净化工艺进行了对比和分析,可为垃圾焚烧发电厂烟气净化工艺的选择提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

分析比较垃圾焚烧发电厂烟气净化技术特点.通过综合考虑进行决策,选出最优的技术方案.给出了烟气净化技术方案选择的方法.  相似文献   

我国首座国产化设备垃圾焚烧发电厂日前在温州市瓯海区并网发电。该电厂日处理生活垃圾320t,年发电量2500万kWh,在全国率先使用半干法中和反应塔与布袋过滤烟气净化系统,从而使烟气中的微尘和有害物得到充分净化而达到国家排放标准。经中科院水生生物研究所等权威机构检测,烟气排放指标符合国家环保标准,焚烧发电工艺和技术居全国领先地位并达到国际水平。首座国产化垃圾发电厂并网发电@康军  相似文献   

调研中温和低温选择性催化还原(SCR)催化剂在垃圾焚烧发电厂烟气净化系统中的应用情况,并通过实际工程对其在垃圾焚烧发电厂烟气净化系统中的建设和运行成本进行分析,为垃圾焚烧发电厂烟气治理工作提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

屠进 《能源工程》2001,(6):47-49
对垃圾焚烧发电厂设计中主要设备与系统的选用进行了讨论,主要设备为焚烧锅炉与汽轮机,主要系统为垃圾进料与前处理系统,烟气净化系统等。最后,给出了本类电厂目前的发电效率与供电效率的水平。  相似文献   

本文首先概述了雾化电晕放电净化烟气中颗粒物的基本原理,在此基础上提出了一种加氨雾化电晕放电法净化船舶柴油机烟气的试验设计。这种烟气净化方法在以往雾化电晕放电净化炭粒的基础上,使烟气中的NOx和SO2在一定条件下与氨反应生成铵盐颗粒,从而达到净化它们的目的。最后设计试验不同的反应温度和氨水浓度分别对NOx、SO2净化效率的影响。  相似文献   

毛智强  王育文 《节能》2020,39(7):96-98
SSD-G型干法式烟气净化处理系统适应国内绝大多数火化工况,在多家殡仪馆应用,取得良好效果。介绍了由"烟气急冷+旋风除尘+火星捕集+布袋除尘+低温催化+变频引风"组成的烟气净化技术的工作原理及运行效果和影响参数,为火化烟气净化技术的发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

以电弧炉炼钢过程烟气余热的回收利用及烟气净化除尘为主线,以热管蒸发器为换热元件,合理控制烟气流速,解决高温烟尘的沉降和蒸发器热管灰堵以及烟气温度波动大的难题,完成了50t电弧炉烟气余热回收净化系统设计与施工.对电弧炉炼钢过程中所产生的高温烟气直接进行余热回收,满足电弧炉炼钢流程VD真空处理对蒸汽的需求,实现了高温烟气余热回收利用和环境净化,为国内电弧炉节能降耗和清洁生产进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

本文针对寿光垃圾焚烧发电项目烟气处置实际生产需要,结合项目烟气的原始参数和运行公用工程参数,设计寿光垃圾焚烧发电烟气处置控制系统,该系统包括SNCR系统、石灰浆制备系统、半干喷雾反应塔系统、消石灰喷射系统、活性炭喷射系统和袋式除尘器系统等单元。该系统已经于2016年5月应用于光大环保能源(寿光)有限公司寿光生活垃圾焚烧发电厂项目,运行结果表明依据该设计建成的烟气处置控制系统稳定运行且效果良好。  相似文献   

深圳市能源环保有限公司投资兴建的宝安二期垃圾发电厂,日处理能力可达4200t,将成为国内最大的垃圾焚烧发电厂。据介绍,目前深圳市垃圾日产量为12074t,已建成垃圾焚烧发电厂7座,设计垃圾焚烧总处理能力为  相似文献   

王曼  王林平  覃川  郑刚  魏立军 《节能技术》2014,32(6):553-556
靖边气田天然气净化处理系统的主要用能部位和重点耗能设备是天然气净化装置、污水回注系统、甲醇回收系统、酸气焚烧火炬系统等,能耗较高。因此对其应用了凝结水闭式回收工艺技术、脱硫溶液富液余压回收技术、一元化生活污水处理装置等节能技术,既环保又节能降耗。净化处理系统节能技术的应用是推动气田净化处理厂节能降耗工作的重要途径。  相似文献   

Efficient two-step solar-thermochemical fuel production requires vacuum pumping or inert gas sweeping to lower the oxygen pressure in the thermal reduction step. Pumping is hampered by large oxygen volumetric flows, whereas sweeping is energy-intensive, requiring heat recovery at high temperature, and a dedicated inert gas purification plant. A novel pumping approach—using a cascade of chambers at successively lower pressures—is analyzed and shown to lead to over an order of magnitude pressure decrease compared to a single-chambered design. The resulting efficiency gains are substantial, and represent an important step toward practical and efficient solar fuel production on a large scale.  相似文献   

  目的  近年来,天然气发电在我国构建清洁能源体系中扮演着重要角色,预计到2025年“十四五”规划期结束时,中国气电装机容量将会突破150 GW。二氧化碳捕集利用是气电实现“双碳”目标的关键路径之一。  方法  为此,设立1个600 MW等级天然气联合循环发电(NGCC)、1个CO2捕集和压缩(PCC)的综合工厂作为模拟对象。  结果  模拟研究表明:设计CO2全烟气量捕集、90%效率、CO2压缩提纯率为99.5%,燃气发电总出力输出下降了约16.05%,厂用电率增加5.55%,循环冷却水需求增加了约50.52%。  结论  通过经济分析显示,综合工厂的静态投资成本比单一发电厂的成本高54.28%,电力均等化运营成本(LCOE)增加了15.96%,给二氧化碳捕集的部署和发展带来了非常大的困难。但其中天然气价格仍然是影响电厂运营成本的最主要因素。  相似文献   

This work develops a design and operation support tool for an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plant, which allows the efficiency and environmental issues of alternative process designs and feedstock to be assessed. The study is based on a conceptual model of an IGCC plant, validated with data from the ELCOGAS power plant in Spain. The layout of the model includes an Air Separation Unit (ASU), a Pressurized Entrained Flow (PRENFLO) gasifier, a series of purification gas units (venturi scrubber, sour water steam stripper, COS hydrolysis reactor, MDEA absorber columns and a sulphur recovery Claus plant), a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) and a Combined Cycle (CC) system. It comprises steady state models. One of the purposes of this work is to analyze the feasibility of coal co-gasification using waste materials; specifically petcoke and olive pomace (orujillo) are considered here. The model has been developed in Aspen Hysys. It uses electrolyte models that have been implemented in Aspen Plus which are connected to Aspen Hysys by means of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) models. Results of the model's, gas composition and generated power, are in agreement with the industrial data.  相似文献   

曹立宏 《节能》2011,30(3):17-19,23
阐述目前我国生活垃圾的特点,提出生活垃圾焚烧的必要性,简述生活垃圾焚烧过程中所产生的烟气污染成分。根据国家对垃圾焚烧电站烟气处理的要求和排放标准,提出现阶段国内外较常运用的三种生活垃圾电站的烟气净化技术工艺,并对比其优缺点。总结出目前最受国内外欢迎的垃圾电站烟气净化技术工艺特点和应用实例,归纳出半干法烟气净化技术净化效率较高、投资和运行费用低、流程简单等优点,是一种极具发展前途的生活垃圾焚烧电站烟气净化技术工艺。  相似文献   

Hydrogen-rich gas from fertilizer plant and ethylene plant can be sent to refinery in a petrochemical complex, which can alleviate the deficit of hydrogen in refinery. Thus the optimization of inter-plant hydrogen network in a petrochemical complex is attractive. A novel superstructure for the optimal design of inter-plant hydrogen network with purification process is proposed and the corresponding mathematical programming models are presented for different scenarios. Two cases are utilized to illustrate the proposed approach. The flowrates of hydrogen utilities in refinery can be reduced via the inter-plant optimization. The number of inter-plant connections is optimized to simplify the network configuration. The shortcut model for pressure swing adsorption (PSA) considering the design conditions (pressure ratio and adsorbent selectivity) is also embedded into the mathematical programming model. The impacts of those design conditions of PSA on the performance of inter-plant hydrogen network are investigated. With the reduction of adsorbent selectivity and the increment of pressure ratio, the hydrogen recovery ratio will increase and the total annual cost will be reduced.  相似文献   

高含硫气田开发内部收益率影响因素实证分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周超  王秀芝 《中外能源》2009,14(11):64-67
气田开发方案经济评价中,主要运用内部收益率、净现值、投资回收期等技术经济指标,而影响这些指标的因素较多。在分析高含硫气田开发经济评价特点的基础上,运用技术经济的基本原理,在估算开发投资、成本、收入的基础上,建立了高含硫气田经济评价模型,通过实例计算出不同投资、成本、价格下的内部收益率,并运用SPSS软件对数据进行一元和多元回归处理,得到投资、成本、价格与内部收益率之间的数学模型。分析认为:投资和成本与内部收益率负相关,价格与内部收益率正相关;对内部收益率影响较大的因素依次为天然气价格、采气成本、净化厂投资、硫磺价格。建议在气田开发过程中,应加强天然气和硫磺价格方面的研究、监测,重点控制采气成本和净化厂投资。  相似文献   

Cogeneration power plants based on fuel cells are a promising technology to produce electric and thermal energy with reduced costs and environmental impact. The most mature fuel cell technology for this kind of applications are polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, which require high-purity hydrogen.The most common and least expensive way to produce hydrogen within today's energy infrastructure is steam reforming of natural gas. Such a process produces a syngas rich in hydrogen that has to be purified to be properly used in low temperature fuel cells. However, the hydrogen production and purification processes strongly affect the performance, the cost, and the complexity of the energy system.Purification is usually performed through pressure swing adsorption, which is a semi-batch process that increases the plant complexity and incorporates a substantial efficiency penalty. A promising alternative option for hydrogen purification is the use of selective metal membranes that can be integrated in the reactors of the fuel processing plant. Such a membrane separation may improve the thermo-chemical performance of the energy system, while reducing the power plant complexity, and potentially its cost. Herein, we perform a technical analysis, through thermo-chemical models, to evaluate the integration of Pd-based H2-selective membranes in different sections of the fuel processing plant: (i) steam reforming reactor, (ii) water gas shift reactor, (iii) at the outlet of the fuel processor as a separator device. The results show that a drastic fuel processing plant simplification is achievable by integrating the Pd-membranes in the water gas shift and reforming reactors. Moreover, the natural gas reforming membrane reactor yields significant efficiency improvements.  相似文献   

大规模电力建设及日渐加速的城市化不可避免地使一部分燃机电厂选址于城市范围内。定义了城市型燃机电厂的概念并描述了其基本特征,强调其“城市性”及其与城市的关系。以其“城市性”为基础,浅析了其景观设计所遵循的基本原则,从地域性、文化性、城市设计、工艺设计、物理环境设计等多方面描述景观设计应侧重的内容,最后归纳出城市型燃机电厂景观设计应达到的预期目标。  相似文献   

朱红兵 《上海节能》2020,(2):123-132
工艺风机应用在特定的工艺系统中,由于工艺运行条件的特殊性,工艺风机必须进行专门设计和开发。论述应用在钢铁烧结烟气净化工艺流程中几种工艺风机的流程布置、烟气特性和设计要求,指出了原设计存在的问题。结合实例,从结构设计、材料选择、表面处理等方面给出了解决问题的方法,指出了工艺风机在工作管网中气动性能与设计性能产生偏差的原因,提出了科学、实用的工程解决方法。  相似文献   

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