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Variable temperature magnetic circular dichroism spectra have been measured on oxidised Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin. Evidence has been obtained for the presence of two one-electron charge-transfer transitions, sulphur to ferric ion, in the region 15 000 to 28 000 cm-1. The first moment of the lower energy band is consistent with it being the orbital transition t1 non-bonding sulphur orbital, to the 2 e ferric d-orbital. The magnitude of the spin-orbit coupling constant in the lower excited state has been determined and shown to be small compared with the axial distortion. The splitting of the low energy band observed in the absorption spectrum can therefore be equated directly with the axial distortion of the lowest excited charge-transfer state. Finally, the potential utility of making saturation experiments at very low temperatures has been examined.  相似文献   

The origin of the nonconservative nature of the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of bacteriochlorophyll dimers is investigated. It is shown that coupling between the Qy and Qx transitions can, under rather restricting circumstances, lead to an asymmetrical CD spectrum: only for a limited set of relative orientations of the monomers within the dimer is the spectrum found to be asymmetrical. The relation between intensity and asymmetry of the CD spectrum is elucidated. The results are applied to the B820 subunit of the LH1 antenna system and subsequently to the antenna system LH1 itself. Differences in the geometry of the BChls in LH1 versus the LH2 structure are discussed.  相似文献   

Defensin A is an inducible antibacterial protein isolated from the larvae of Phormia terranovae. The conformation of defensin A has been previously determined by two-dimensional 1H-NMR for concentrations in the range of 4-8 mM in water (Bonmatin JM et al (1992) J Biomol NMR 2, 235-256). CD spectroscopic data of defensin A at lower concentrations (10(-5) to 10(-3) M) are reported herein. The ellipticity in the 200-240 nm wavelength range for various solvents varies as follows: acetonitrile < water < methanol < HFIP. The magnitude of theta 222 is strongly dependent on defensin concentration in a buffer solution, suggesting an aggregation process. The helical content of defensin A is maximum at a pH value range (7.5-8) for which the optimum antibacterial activity was observed (Cociancich S et al (1993) J Biol Chem 268, 19239-19245).  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy are used to establish the secondary structure of peptides containing one or more transmembrane segments (M1-M4) of the Torpedo californica nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR). Peptides containing the M2-M3 and M1-M2-M3 transmembrane segments of the AChR beta-subunit and the M4 segment of the alpha- and gamma-subunits were isolated from proteolytic digests of receptor subunits, purified, and reconstituted into lipid vesicles. For each peptide, an amide I vibrational frequency centered between 1650 and 1656 cm-1 and negative CD absorption bands at 208 and 222 nm indicate that the peptide is largely alpha-helical. In addition, the CD spectrum of a tryptic peptide of the alpha-subunit containing the M1 segment is also consistent with a largely alpha-helical structure. However, secondary structure analysis of the alpha-M1 CD spectrum indicates the presence of other structures, suggesting that the M1 segment may represent either a distorted alpha-helix, likely the consequence of several proline residues, or may not be entirely alpha-helical. Overall, these findings are consistent with studies that indicate that the transmembrane region of the AChR comprises predominantly, if not exclusively, membrane-spanning alpha-helices.  相似文献   

The intracellular mechanisms responsible for inhibition of osteoclast activity are of significant interest in the search for more effective ways of managing bone diseases associated with enhanced bone resorption. Previous studies have suggested that the protein kinase C (PKC) pathway is an important inhibitory second messenger in osteoclasts. We, therefore, investigated the effects of the synthetic peptide fragments, PKC(530-558) and (19-36), which correspond to parts of the catalytic and regulatory domains of PKC, on the activity of isolated osteoclasts. These fragments have been shown to activate and inhibit PKC, respectively, in biochemical studies employing isolated rat brain PKC, but have rarely been employed in studies of cellular activity. PKC(19-36), an enzyme inhibitor (PKC-I), had no effect by itself on osteoclastic bone resorption. However, PKC(530-558), a PKC activator (PKC-A), caused a dose-responsive inhibition of bone resorption, which was accompanied by a rapid and distinctive change in osteoclast morphology. This effect was reversible: (a) upon removal of PKC-A, (b) upon continuous exposure to this fragment for more than 36 h, or (c) in the presence of PKC-I. In conclusion, a short synthetic peptide fragment of PKC (PKC-A) significantly inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption; this, together with the fact that the inhibitory effect is abolished in the presence of PKC-I, provides further evidence for an important physiological role for the PKC pathway in the regulation of osteoclast activity. Selective activation of this pathway may have important therapeutic implications for the management of bone diseases associated with enhanced resorption.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that a compartmentalised protein exists in its native state only within a particular size of aqueous cavity. This behaviour is shown to exist in AOT reverse micelles using fluorescence quenching and circular dichroism (CD) studies of human serum albumin (HSA). In particular, far ultraviolet CD measurements show that a reduction in quencher accessibility to the fluorophore is consistent with the protein being nearest to its native conformation at a waterpool size of around 80 A diameter. We also show that the biexponential fluorescence decay of N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide (NATA) in AOT reverse micelles arises from the probe being located in two distinct sites within the interfacial region. The more viscous of these two sites is located on the waterpool side of the interface and the other is located on the oil side of the interface.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor p16INK4A with eight N-terminal amino acids deleted (p16/delta 1-8) was expressed in Escherichia coli without any fusion artifacts and purified. The integrity of p16/delta 1-8 was confirmed by mass spectrometry, and its activity was demonstrated by in vitro cdk4 inhibition assay. Various physical methods were used to characterize the molecular and structural properties of p16/delta 1-8. The protein was found to oligomerize in vitro, as demonstrated by gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and NMR. Various approaches, including changes of concentration and pH, additions of salts, detergents, and various organic solvents, and construction of a C-terminal deletion mutant and a cysteine mutant were used to try to reduce the extent of oligomerization. Only decreasing the protein concentration was found to reduce oligomerization. The affinity between p16 molecules in vivo was demonstrated by the yeast two-hybrid system. The protein was found to be very unstable on the basis of urea- and guanidinium chloride-induced denaturation studies monitored by NMR and CD, respectively. Despite these unfavorable properties, total NMR assignments were accomplished with uniform 13C and 15N isotope labeling. All multidimensional NMR experiments were performed at a very low concentration of 0.2 mM. The secondary structure was then determined from the NMR data. The results of NMR and CD studies indicate that the protein is highly alpha-helical, and the ankyrin repeat sequences show helix-turn-helix structures. This is the first structural information obtained for the important motif of ankyrin repeats. Overall, p16/delta 1-8 appears to be conformationally flexible. In order to understand the structural basis of the functional changes for some mutants existing in tumor cells, several missense mutants of p16/delta 1-8 were constructed. Four of them were expressed at high levels and purified. The molecular and structural properties of these mutants were analyzed by CD and NMR and compared with the corresponding properties of wild-type p16/delta 1-8. The results suggest that the functional changes in P114L and G101W are likely to be related to global conformational changes. In addition, we have demonstrated that the tendency of aggregation increases significantly by a single D84H mutation.  相似文献   

An experimental approach to interpretation of the anomalous absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectra of hemoglobin in situ in red blood cells is reported. Absorption flattening effects have been overcome by use of high cell concentratons in very short light path cuvettes. Differential scattering contributions to circular dichroism have been resolved using a CD instrument capable of variable detection geometry. Scattering effects have also been resolved using media of high refractive index to match that of the red blood cell. The results are in agreement with a parellel calculational analysis of red blood cell CD spectra, which predicted the relative magnitudes of the flattening and differential scattering CD contributions. An experimental absorption spectrum has been obtained for hemoglobin in the red blood cell with scattering and flattening eliminated. This quantitatively simulates the spectrum of a hemoglobin solution. The methods described should be widely applicable to conformational studies of macromolecules in their native environment.  相似文献   

A new approach for evaluating the secondary structure of proteins by CD spectroscopy of overlapping peptide segments is applied to porcine adenylate kinase (AK1) and yeast guanylate kinase (GK3). One hundred seventy-six peptide segments of a length of 15 residues, overlapping by 13 residues and covering the complete sequences of AK1 and GK3, were synthesized in order to evaluate their secondary structure composition by CD spectroscopy. The peptides were prepared by solid phase multiple peptide synthesis method using the 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl/tert-butyl strategy. The individual peptide secondary structures were studied with CD spectroscopy in a mixture of 30% trifluoroethanol in phosphate buffer (pH 7) and subsequently compared with x-ray data of AK1 and GK3. Peptide segments that cover alpha-helical regions of the AK1 or GK3 sequence mainly showed CD spectra with increasing and decreasing Cotton effects that were typical for appearing and disappearing alpha-helical structures. For segments with dominating beta-sheet conformation, however, the application of this method is limited due to the stability and clustering of beta-sheet segments in solution and due to the difficult interpretation of random-coiled superimposed beta-sheet CD signals. Nevertheless, the results of this method especially for alpha-helical segments are very impressive. All alpha-helical and 71% of the beta-sheet containing regions of the AK1 and GK3 could be identified. Moreover, it was shown that CD spectra of consecutive peptide content reveal the appearance and disappearance of alpha-helical secondary structure elements and help localizing them on the sequence string.  相似文献   

A field survey at 17 stables involving 221 horses was performed to evaluate the presence of anthelmintic resistance in the equine small strongyles (cyathostomes). The horses were allocated into treatment groups, and resistance to fenbendazole (FBZ), pyrantel pamoate (PYR) and ivermectin (IVM) was tested by the faecal egg count reduction test (FECR-test). Faecal samples were collected at the time of treatment, 14 days post treatment and 90 days post treatment. Resistance to FBZ, which was defined as a faecal egg count reduction < 95%, was found in 14 out of 17 stables. In 2 of the 14 stables the egg reductions were close to the limit of 95%, 91 and 93%, respectively. In 1 stable the egg reductions indicated resistance to PYR as well as detection of resistance to FBZ, 94% reduction for PYR and 85% for FBZ. No signs of resistance were detected to IVM. The investigation was performed in late autumn and winter, and due to the climatic conditions and cleaning procedures in the stables no reinfection took place during this period. The faecal egg count reduction from treatment till day 90 post treatment was used as an expression of the effect of PYR and IVM on the early stage (hypobiotic), late third stage and fourth stage larvae in the gut wall. This was justified because there was no reinfection and because the 14 day post treatment egg counts were zero or close to zero for the PYR and IVM treatment groups. The effects of PYR and IVM on the larval stages were compared and no statistically significant differences were found.  相似文献   

Repetitive sequences have been proposed to be recombinogenic elements in eukaryotic chromosomes. We tested whether dinucleotide repeats sequences are preferential sites for recombination because of their high affinity for recombination enzymes. We compared the kinetics of the binding of the scRad51, hsRad51 and ecRecA proteins to oligonucleotides with repeats of dinucleotides GT, CA, CT, GA, GC or AT. Since secondary structures in single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) act as a barrier to complete binding we measured whether these oligonucleotides are able to form stable secondary structures. We show that the preferential binding of recombination proteins is conserved among the three proteins and is influenced mainly by secondary structures in ssDNA.  相似文献   

Lasers emitting in the ultraviolet wavelength range of 260-360 nm are almost exclusively used for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) of macromolecules. Reports about the use of lasers emitting in the infrared first appeared in 1990/1991. In contrast to MALDI in the ultraviolet, a very limited number of reports on IR-MALDI have since been published. Several matrices have been identified for infrared MALDI yielding spectra of a quality comparable to those obtained in the ultraviolet. Water (ice) was recognized early as a potential matrix because of its strong O-H stretching mode near 3 microm. Interest in water as matrix derives primarily from the fact that it is the major constituent of most biological tissues. If functional as matrix, it might allow the in situ analysis of macromolecular constituents in frozen cell sections without extraction or exchanging the water. We present results that show that IR-MALDI of lyophilized proteins, air dried protein solutions, or protein crystals up to a molecular mass of 30 kDa is possible without the addition of any separate matrix. Samples must be frozen to retain a sufficient fraction of the water of hydration in the vacuum. The limited current sensitivity, requiring at least 10 pmol of protein for a successful analysis needs to be further improved.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism and NH exchange are compared directly as techniques for measuring helix content in peptides and the parameters of the helix-coil transition. To cover a broad range of helix contents, alanine-based peptides with chain lengths varying from 12 to 22 residues are examined over the temperature range from 0.6 to 26.9 degrees C in 1 M sodium chloride, 2H2O. Helix-coil transition theory independently fits both circular dichroism and exchange data, but the helix contents measured by exchange are larger than those measured by circular dichroism. The two techniques are brought into agreement by removing the assumption that the intrinsic chemical exchange rate in the helix is the same as the exchange rate measured for short unstructured model peptides. This modification allows the circular dichroism and NH exchange data to be described by the same set of helix parameters and indicates that the intrinsic exchange rate in the presence of helical structure is reduced approximately 17% relative to the rates measured in unstructured models. To test the possibility that this effect is electrostatic in origin, the sensitivity of the exchange reaction to ionic strength is determined. A substantial dependence of exchange rate on ionic strength is found, but the form of the dependence is complex. In studies of the exchange rates of native proteins, the exchange-competent form of the protein is assumed to exchange with the same rate constant as a blocked dipeptide with the identical amino acid sequences. Our result suggests that this assumption will be seriously in error in some cases because of charge effects in the protein.  相似文献   

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