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河南省高职高专院校学生的体育意识整体较为肤浅,学生对于体育的价值和意义不清楚,导致河南省高职院校的学生整体参与体育运动的热情不高.长期以来,学校体育教学中,学校教师往往注重体育技能的培养,而忽视了运动能力和身体锻炼的习惯之间的关系,忽视了对学生体育兴趣和体育意识的培养,学生在学校期间未能形成终身体育的观念.本文试图通过对高职高专院校学生对体育意识的现状的分析从而提出发展对策.  相似文献   

终身体育意识是在当今知识经济时代背景下所提倡的体育理念,充分培养和发展学生的终舟体育意识,将是体育教学的必然趋势与历史要求.文章就高校大学生身体素质的现状进行了分析讨论,在此基础上提出了高校大学生终身体育教育思想的理念,浅谈了对学生终身体育意识的培养.  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的深入,我国学校体育教学已朝着"快乐化、生活化、终身化"方向发展,终生体育将成为学校体育的主导,学校体育是终身体育的基础.体育教学要根据新课标要求和学生特点,激发学习动机,使学生懂得终生体育终身受益的重要性.在教学过程中,体育教师要更新教学理念,培养学生终身体育意识;改进教学方法,提高学生终身体育能力;挖掘学生潜能,增强学生终身体育兴趣.最终实现新课程要求达到的培养学生终身体育意识的目标.  相似文献   

高中体育教学对学生形成健康的体魄、终身体育意识具有至关重要的作用,所以,笔者就高中体育教学提出五点培养学生终身体育意识的对策,仅供同仁参考.  相似文献   

随着社会的不断进步,经济的高速发展,人们生活水平有了很大提高.人们对于健康的追求度越来越高,体育教学是一个人保持健康的根本,从体育教学中培养学生的健康意识更要从小做起.目前体育教育计划要求体育教师坚持培养学生的健康意识,做到老师与学生、学生与学生之间的多方面的互动,使课堂教育更加活跃.本文从教授幼儿教师体育教学方法的角度,阐述了体育教学中如何营造课堂氛围,调动学生进行体育学习的积极性和主动性.  相似文献   

在体育教学中将比赛运用到课堂教学中去,可以改变学生对体育课教学的态度。激发学生的积极性和求知欲。比赛能提高学生的参与积极性,比赛能提高学生的运动水平,锻炼学生的身体,增强了学生的体育、保健意识,培养了学生的体育兴趣和爱好,发展了学生个性,培养了学生竞争意识、创新、合作和应变能力。以及自立自强、坚毅勇敢顽强拼搏和开拓进取的精神。陶冶了学生的情操。比赛的作用和功能对培养学生良好的思想品德,促进学生的身心健康发展,起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

体育作为学校教育的一个重要的组成部分,在学生的成长过程中发挥着不可替代的作用.尤其是学校体育又是学生终身体育的基础,运动兴趣的培养以及运动习惯与参与意识的形成是促进学生自主学习和终身坚持锻炼的前提.在全面贯彻教育方针,落实素质教育,以提高学生身心素质为根本宗旨的今天,如何充分发挥学生的主体锻炼能力,提高学生终身体育锻炼意识,这是学校体育教育急待解决的问题.  相似文献   

"健康体育教育"是目前体育发展的方向,也是新课标的要求.实现教师在课堂中的角色转换,落实课堂教学以学生为主体的原则,既要注重体育教学的方法和技巧,又要注重学生心理健康方面的引导.调动学生学习的积极性和创新思维,培养学生终身体育意识,是我们新课标体育教学的深远意义.  相似文献   

提高体育教学质量,首要的是抓住学生对体育课的兴趣,没有兴趣的学习是被动的,毫无创造性的,本文从树立学生正确的学习动机,培养学生练习兴趣和参与意识,以及教师在体育教学中的主导地位和主导方面,简要地论述了兴趣在体育教学中的重要性和如何培养学生的练习兴趣,有效地提高体育教学质量,使学生成为体育教育的终身受益者.  相似文献   

兴趣是激发和保持学生行为的内部动力,也是影响学生学习自觉性和积极性的重要因素.激发运动兴趣,培养学生终身体育意识是体育与健康课程设计的基本理念之一.如何激发学生运动兴趣是体育教学中长期以来探讨的重要问题,激发学生的体育课堂学习兴趣涉及到多方面的因素,本文就如何提高学生的体育学习兴趣做了一些探讨.  相似文献   

近年来,随着人们健康意识的增强,全民健身运动得到了较大发展,特别是社区全民健身运动.文章阐述了全民健身运动与高校体育的关系,分析了社区全民健身运动的优势,在此基础上,对如何利用当地社区全民健身运动的优势发展高校体育教育,谈了几点看法.  相似文献   

The authors tested the effectiveness of 2 group career interventions for 73 battered women who were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment conditions or a wait-list control group. Both interventions included the 5 most effective career intervention components identified by S. D. Brown and N. E. Krane (2000), and 1 of the interventions also was designed to enhance critical consciousness (i.e., empowerment for self-protection and awareness of domestic violence impact; P. Freire, 1970; I. Martín-Baró, 1994). Relative to controls, standard participants had higher career-search self-efficacy, and standard-plus participants had higher critical consciousness at posttest. At follow-up, standard-plus participants had higher critical consciousness scores and made more progress toward goal achievement than standard participants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

论述了体育校本课程的5个价值目标:健康第一、创新精神、学生个性的发展、体育教师的专业发展、学校传统体育项目的发展.这5个目标相互交融、相互依存,共同实现体育校本课程的价值追求.  相似文献   

兴趣是影响学生体育锻炼积极性的重要因素.在体育教学中,应根据体育教学的特点,结合学生的实际情况,采取相应的教学方法及对策,创设和谐环境,培养学生的体育锻炼兴趣,奠定学生终身体育锻炼的基础.  相似文献   

Although there are noteworthy commonalities among disparate theories of hypnosis, they are neither as readily integrated nor as complementary as J. E Kihlstrom (1998) and E. Woody and P. Sadler (1998) implied. All current theories of hypnosis, including our social cognitive model, are provisional and incomplete, and each has something of value to offer. However, the multiple streams of consciousness hypothesis and the hypnotic state hypothesis should be abandoned because they are neither well supported by data nor consistent with current research and theory in social and cognitive psychology. In their place, the authors propose theoretical formulations based on such concepts as response sets, hierarchical control systems, associative memory networks, automatic activation of behavior, motivation, intention, and response expectancy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The N1 and P3 waves of the auditory event-related potential provide information on consciousness and cortical function. The N1 wave is reduced during states of low vigilance. The P3 wave occurs only for stimuli that somehow capture the subject's attention. There are two types of P3:P3a and P3b. The P3a predominates frontally and probably occurs when the subject simply notices the stimulus. The P3b predominates parietally and indicates conscious awareness of the evoking stimulus. The N1 and P3 were recorded in 12 patients during cardiac surgery under sufentanil anesthesia to search for unintentional awareness. The study was limited to the period before cardiopulmonary bypass. METHODS: After premedication with diazepam, morphine, and scopolamine, sufentanil was used for induction (mean dose, 7.9 micrograms/kg) and maintenance (4 micrograms/kg) of anesthesia. No other anesthetics were administered. Recordings were obtained before induction, during induction after loss of consciousness, after tracheal intubation before incision, and before cardiopulmonary bypass. RESULTS: The N1 was attenuated significantly by sufentanil but was not abolished. The P3b occurred only during preinduction. There was no P3 during induction. There was a P3a during postintubation and precardiopulmonary bypass. CONCLUSIONS: The attenuation of N1 from induction onward reflects a decrease in the level of arousal caused by sufentanil. A P3a during postintubation and precardiopulmonary bypass indicates that pitch discrimination at the cortical level occurs but does not prove that conscious awareness has occurred. Whether or not the P3a reflects the regaining of consciousness is not known.  相似文献   

The American Psychological Foundation (APF) Charles L. Brewer Award for Distinguished Teaching in Psychology recognizes an outstanding career contribution to the teaching of psychology. The 2005 recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award is Thomas E. Ludwig. Dorothy W. Cantor, president of the APF, will present the Charles L. Brewer Award for Distinguished Teaching in Psychology at the 113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association on August 19, 2005, at 4:00 p.m. Members of the 2005 APF Board of Trustees are Dorothy W. Cantor, president; Norman Abeles, secretary; Charles L. McKay, treasurer; Elisabeth R. Straus, executive vice president/executive director; Norman Anderson; Camilla Benbow; Patrick H. DeLeon; Ronald E. Fox; William C. Howell; Steven E. James; Joseph D. Matarazzo; Martin E. P. Seligman; Robert J. Sternberg; and Philip G. Zimbardo. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Estrogen (E?) and/or progesterone (P) in the amygdala may influence anxiety, fear, and pain behaviors. Ovariectomized rats were administered subcutaneous or intra-amygdala vehicle, E?, P, or E? + P:Effects on open field, elevated plus-maze, defensive freezing, and hot-plate task performance were observed. Subcutaneous E? + P or intra-amygdala E?, P, or E? + P increased open field central entries and open arm time in the plus-maze compared with vehicle. Subcutaneous or intra-amygdala E?, P, or E? + P decreased time spent freezing postshock compared with vehicle. Subcutaneous or intra-amygdala E? + P increased latencies to lick paws compared with vehicle. Thus, E? and P may have effects in the amygdala to decrease anxiety, fear, and/or pain responses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A tacit assumption since the 19th Century has been that the neocortex serves as the "seat of consciousness." An unexpected challenge to that assumption arose in 1949 with the discovery that high-frequency EEG activation associated with an alert state requires the intactness of the brainstem reticular formation. This discovery became the impetus for nearly three decades of research on what came to be known as the reticular activating system. By the 1970s, however, methodological and philosophical controversies led to the general abandonment of subcortical theories of attention and consciousness, with a return to an almost exclusive focus upon the cortex. With recent advances in the neurosciences the focus is shifting once more, this time to the unique contributions of cortical, thalamic, and brainstem structures in mediating selective attention and perceptual awareness. This paper offers a nontechnical review of the history of these developments up to contemporary interest in the putative role of oscillatory EEG patterns in the integration of perceptual features of experience. It puts forward the thesis that a key to understanding attention and consciousness is an appreciation of the contributions of the thalamus to these cognitive processes.  相似文献   

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