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利用 Landsat 遥感影像, 采用面向对象分类法, 获取 30 年( 1985- 2015) 序列的吉林省湖泊空间分布图。基于 GIS 通过时间动态度指数、空间分布矢量密度指数以及多个景观指数对湖泊演变的时空动态特征进行系统分析。 结果表明: 30 年间吉林省湖泊面积总体呈萎缩趋势, 面积由2 667.12 km2 减少到2 131. 25 km2 , 湖泊数量减少了 72 个, 减少比例为 13. 74% ; 吉林省湖泊资源以小型湖泊( 0~ < 10 km2 ) 为主, 占比超过 90% , 30 年间不同面积等级的湖泊数量均有所减少, 其中小型湖泊减少了 63 个, 占 13.04% ; 空间分布矢量密度显示吉林省湖泊资源的分布呈现显著的分区特点, 其中东部湖泊资源稀少且密度指数最低, 湖泊数量增加了 10.39% , 但总体面积减少了 10.83 km2 ; 西部湖泊资源丰富, 以小型湖泊为主, 30 年间湖泊数量和面积均显著减少, 面积减少 266.85 km2 , 数量减少 25. 54% , 中部湖泊资源变化波动较大, 面积总体减少 237. 75 km2 , 数量减少 5. 33% 。  相似文献   

西北黄土高原区该区涉及陕西、山西、青海、内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃等六省(自治区)40个县(旗),水土流失面积41.9万km2,占总面积的67.14%,其中轻度水力侵蚀面积占30.32%,中度水力侵蚀面积占32.37%,强度以上水力侵蚀面积占37.31%。水土流失最严重的多沙粗沙区面积为7.86万km2,多年平均输沙量达11.8亿t,占黄河同期总输沙量的62.8%。东北黑土区该区包括辽宁省大部,吉林省全部,黑龙江省全部,内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市东部、兴安盟和通辽市北部,总土地面积103万km2。据考察,目前该区水蚀面积17.70万km2,占总面积的17.2%,其中黑龙江省8.86万km2,内蒙古自治区东部4.04万km2,辽宁省3.07万km2,吉林省1.73万km2,以轻度侵蚀为主。北方土石山区该区主要分布在海河流域和淮河流域。其中海河流域总面积31.82万km2,山地和高原面积18.9万km2,占60%;淮河流域总面积27万km2,山地丘陵面积约占流域总面积的三分之一。经考察,海河流域区域土壤侵蚀面积在近20年呈现减少趋势,水土流失程度明显减轻。淮河流域区域土壤侵蚀总面积在近20年的时间内减少了2.7万km2。——...  相似文献   

一、武汉市湖泊现状与历史演变 武汉是名副其实的“百湖之市”,湖泊之多在世界城市中也不多见。根据有关统计,截止2003年3月,武汉市境内共有大小湖泊200多个,其中有192个被列为武汉市保护湖泊名录,全市湖泊汇水总面积在5km2以上的有65个,汇水总面积5 925.2 km2,正常水位时的水面总面积达到942.8km2,湖泊水面率为11.1%,居全国各大城市首位。其中主城区现有主要湖  相似文献   

苏州市吴江区河湖长效管护经验探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>一、河湖长效管护工作概述1.河湖概况苏州市吴江区地处江浙沪交界地带,是典型的江南水乡,全区总面积1 176 km~2,其中水域面积267 km~2(不含太湖84.2 km~2),占总面积的22.7%。拥有50亩以上湖泊320个,其中列入省保护名录湖泊56个108.4km~2,非省保湖泊264个48.2 km~2,湖泊面积占全区水域总面积58%。拥有各类河道2 600多条,其中流域性河道3条、县级河道24条、镇级河道297条、农村河道2 298条,有22条河道被列入省级骨干河道名录。河道总长2 300多km,河道密度1.96 km/km~2。  相似文献   

张旋 《治淮》2021,(2):16-18
一、引言 安徽省地处淮河中游,流域面积广阔,约6.7万km2,范围主要涉及淮北、阜阳、六安、淮南、蚌埠、滁州等10个地级市(22个区),以及30个县、县级市.沿淮的地形地貌中,平原及洼地约占总面积的61%,面积约4.1万km2;山丘区2.4万km2,占36%;其他湖泊水面面积约占总面积的3%.历次黄河南泛的严重影响以及...  相似文献   

孙继昌 《水利发展研究》2012,12(9):72-74,82
我国幅员辽阔,河湖众多.据统计,我国流域面积大于100 km2的河流有5万多条,大于1 000km2的河流有1 500多条,河道总长达42万km;全国面积大于1 km2的天然湖泊共有2 943个,总面积达8.45万km2,湖泊淡水总蓄水容积为2 260亿m3,占我国陆地淡水资源量的8%.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯湖泊时空变化规律及影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王艳伟  陈鲁  王亚军  吴越 《人民黄河》2013,35(2):45-46,49
利用Landsat数据、Modis数据,分别提取了1980年、1990年、2000年、2008年鄂尔多斯地区湖泊的水体指数与植被指数,统计了不同年代各湖泊的水面面积并分析了湖泊面积变化的原因。结果表明:鄂尔多斯地区湖泊总面积由1980年的297 km2萎缩至2008年的136 km2,萎缩了54%;湖泊萎缩率与海拔高度关系密切,高海拔区域湖泊的萎缩率较高,而地势低洼区域湖泊的萎缩率较低;湖泊萎缩影响因素有降水量减少、人类活动和植被指数增大等,其中植被指数的增大可能是最重要的影响因素。  相似文献   

西藏是我国湖泊最多的省区,全自治区约有*千五百个湖泊。这个数字远远超过有“千湖之省”之弥的湖北。西藏湖泊的总面积占全国湖泊总面积的三分之一左右。在西藏众多的湖泊中,面积大于一平方公里的有、大百多个。由于资料介绍不够!西藏湖泊的真面目长期为许多世人所不知。被大多数誉为世界最古门湖泊的位于南美洲玻利维亚和秘鲁交界处的“的的喀喀湖”和西藏湖泊比起来.真是微不足道。一的的喀略湖」海拔仅三千八百一十.一米.而在西藏.海拔在四千米以上的湖泊就有近千个.海拔超过五千米的约有二十个。在平均海拔四千五百米左右的高…  相似文献   

1概况中国河流总长度约43万km,其中流域面积在1000km2以上的河流有1500多条.绝大多数河流分布在东部和南方,西北地区因干旱少雨,河流稀少,并有范围较大的无流区.河流中,最重要的7大江河的流域面积为437万km2,占国土总面积的45.5%.中国水面面积在1km2以上的湖泊有2300多个,其中面积在1000km2以上的大湖有12个.湖泊总面积7.2万km2,占国土面积的0.8%.湖泊储水总量7088亿m3,其中淡水储量2260亿m3,占总储水量的30.1%.中国水资源总量为28000亿m3,列世界第6位.人均占有水资源量2300m3,不足世界人均占有量的1/4,水资源供…  相似文献   

浅议江苏省水土保持地面监测体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 概述 江苏省地处江、淮、沂、沭、泗下游,丘陵山区总面积约1.52万km:,占全省总面积的15%,分布于19个县(市、区).据全国第二次土壤侵蚀遥感调查,全省现有水土流失面积4351.3 km2,占丘陵山区面积的27.1%,其中中度以上的流失面积为180.5 km2,占总流失面积的4.2%.  相似文献   

The external loading of 14 lakes in the Wielkopolska National Park was calculated, including nitrogen and phosphorus loads from point, diffuse and dispersed sources, precipitation and recreation. The basic source of nitrogen and phosphorus for most lakes in the Park is the export of diffuse pollution from the catchment area. Only four lakes are contaminated by sewage, which accounts for 0.1–61.2% of total nutrient loading. Annual unit area loads of phosphorus and nitrogen estimated for each lake were 2–51 times higher than Vollenweider’s critical loading levels. Estimated mass loading and annual unit area loads of nutrients for each lake were compared with lake water quality, expressed as the trophic state index. Analysis of the physico‐geographical structure of the catchment area and natural resistance of lakes to external input of nutrients allowed us to assess the role of the catchment in the deterioration of water quality and to indicate the protective measures required.  相似文献   

为了研究青藏高原典型河流与湖泊水体碳时空变化特征,采集了典型河流、湖泊、冰川等水体样品,通过实验室测试分析获取了总碳、无机碳和有机碳观测数据。结果表明青藏高原典型河流与湖泊水体碳以无机碳为主、有机碳为辅。其中,长江、黄河和澜沧江源区典型河流与湖泊水体总碳平均含量分别为62.46,32.88,17.70 mg/L,长江南源当曲源、正源沱沱河源和北源楚玛尔河源水体总碳含量分别为32.90,36.56,32.90 mg/L;青藏高原封闭性湖泊水体碳含量比河流水体较高,封闭性湖泊水体总碳、总无机碳和总有机碳平均含量分别为403.82,398.35,1.24 mg/L,而河流水体则分别为17.03,14.56,2.46 mg/L,河流水体有机碳含量比封闭性湖泊水体较高。该成果可为我国青藏高原水域碳循环研究提供基础数据,对高海拔区域气候变化研究具有参考价值。  相似文献   

黄河源沙漠中月牙泉群的特性及形成机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
月牙泉是沙漠里地下水水位抬升在沙丘间形成的小湖泊。近年来黄河源沙漠新增加了数千个月牙泉,这种小湖泊群的形成和增长对于遏制黄河源区的沙漠化和改善源区生态具有重要意义。通过连续4年的野外调研和遥感解译,分析研究了黄河源月牙泉群的形成机理和运动特性。黄河源沙漠围绕黄河故道发育,以卵石和细沙组成的沉积物渗流发育,地下水渗流可传播几十千米补给月牙泉。特别是2002年建成黄河源大坝蓄水,抬高了鄂陵湖水位和临近地区的地下水水位,把鄂陵湖下游沙漠月牙泉的分布从30 km往下游扩展到60 km,沙漠月牙泉个数和面积迅速增加了3倍。新生的月牙泉具有活动性,移动速度3~13 m/a。如果月牙泉得到地下水的持续补给,周边沙丘发育植被逐渐稳定,黄沙发生风化,表层和浅层泥沙级配出现20%的风化黏土细颗粒,最终植被发育,稳定并绿化了沙漠。  相似文献   

Water temperature and the related thermal structure and stratification of a lake are very important to lake ecosystems because of their significant effects on the vertical exchanges of dissolved and particulate matter. In this study, we present high resolution, seasonal variations in water temperature at different depths of a large deep lake on the central Tibetan Plateau. The results show that Nam Co is a typical dimictic lake whose thermal stratification begins and ends in early June and early November, respectively. Increases in the water temperature during spring and the establishment of thermal stratification in the eastern small sub-basin occur approximately one month prior to the main basin which is likely caused by the different morphometry, different water transparency during spring, and the possible presence of a spring thermal bar. The Schmidt stability of the water column is directly controlled by surface water temperature. During the ice-covered period, the homogeneous water temperature exhibits a continuous increasing trend from approximately 0.5 °C to 3.5 °C. The daily mean surface water temperature of the main open lake area is highly correlated to the air temperature but shows a hysteresis effect of approximately 38 days, which shows the significant heat storage in such a large deep lake. Nam Co is a typical lake in this area in terms of its altitude, water depth and climatic conditions, so our results have broader significance for limnological and paleolimnological studies of similar lakes on the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

India is home to a wide range of water impoundments located in a diversity of climates, stretching from mountain conditions near the Himalayas in the north, to tropical conditions in the south. The impoundments include natural lakes, wetlands and coastal lagoons, as well as constructed reservoirs and tanks. This paper provides an overview of the lake management in India, focusing on wetlands, reservoirs and tanks. While there has never been a thorough survey of the lakes of India, it is possible to discuss the general conditions in which lake management is currently carried out in India. Overall, lakes all over the country are exhibiting varying degrees of environmental degradation caused by encroachments, eutrophication (from domestic and industrial effluents) and siltation. The high population density ensures that many water bodies are under severe and direct pressure from anthropogenic activities in their catchments. Actions to control and prevent these problems are addressed, with a focus on measures such as public interest litigation, the National Lake Conservation Plan, and the Special Purpose Vehicles. The role of national and international institutions is critiqued. Finally, the issues related to gaps in the knowledge base, delays in restoration, lack of coordination, ineffectiveness of legislation, and the general lack of an integrated approach to management are discussed, and possible solutions to these impediments are explored.  相似文献   

张金良 《水资源保护》2022,38(1):141-146
通过评价黄河流域河湖生态环境演变特征,探究其存在的问题,分析黄河流域河湖生态环境复苏目标与总体格局,探讨并提出黄河流域河湖生态环境复苏的实现路径.结果表明,黄河流域河湖生态环境系统正在由无序发展向有序发展转变.针对黄河流域河湖生态环境复苏面临的河湖生态环境脆弱、区域地下水超采、流域水土流失等主要问题,应从强化河湖监管、...  相似文献   

针对柴达木盆地内盐湖资源开发布局与生态空间矛盾日渐突出的问题,以柴达木盆地那棱格勒河尾闾湖泊东、西台吉乃尔湖为例,基于长序列遥感影像及气候观测数据,结合水量平衡等方法进行湖泊天然生态水文特性辨识。结果表明:东台吉乃尔湖以2.19 km2/a的速率呈扩张趋势,湖面积为180~220 km2,西台吉乃尔湖以3.50 km2/a的速率缩小,湖面积为130~140 km2;水量减小时,东台吉乃尔湖以原有形态向内缩小,西台吉乃尔湖从近似三角形形态萎缩至椭圆形,由于地形和上游来水路径的原因,两湖的湖岸线主要在湖西南侧和西北侧发生变化;对长序列湖泊面积变化做累积频率曲线,确定湖泊面积保证率,选取25%、50%、75%和90%的保证率,可识别天然状态的湖泊面积、湖容及空间形态。  相似文献   

重建江(河)湖动态联系修复水网生态环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
受围湖造地、污水直排、无序养殖等人为活动的影响,湖北地区的湖泊数量及面积急剧下降,江(河)湖阻隔日趋严重,水系日益破碎,湖泊生态功能日渐萎缩,生物多样性逆向演替.从分析湖北地区湖泊生态水环境的问题入手,讨论了水系网络修复的必要性,提出重建江(河)湖动态联系、修复水网生态环境的理念和方法,同时介绍了武汉市汉阳地区四湖连通水力调度工程和新洲县涨渡湖引水工程两个实例以及所取得的成效.  相似文献   

This study focuses on determining how many samples are needed to effectively assess the species richness of a community. Zooplankton samples at 40 sampling sites distributed among four lakes in the floodplain of the middle Araguaia River (Central‐West region of Brazil) were evaluated to determine the effect of the accumulation of collecting points by lake on species richness estimates. The results indicated the zooplankton community has high spatial heterogeneity. Thus, using a single sampling unit per lake would not be sufficient to accurately estimate their diversity (i.e. the zooplankton composition in these cases would be represented mainly by abundant species). Sampling designs that include a minimum of seven sampling sites in each lake are needed to record 70% of the total species richness. It is recommended, therefore, that researchers use a larger number of sampling sites per lake or, alternatively, that the water obtained and filtered through plankton nets is extracted from a wide area and in different lake compartments, rather than from a single site.  相似文献   

Although many lakes in the Philippines are threatened, the effectiveness of their governance has not received sufficient attention to date. This predicament is most severe in regard to small lakes as their localized governance has least been given consideration over the years. Predicated on this observation, this study explores the local governance of three small lakes (Gunao Lake; Tikub Lake; Dagatan Lake) situated between the Mount Banahaw–San Cristobal and Mount Malepunyo area. Specifically, it analyses the role of local governments in managing and developing the small lakes. Using data from interviews, observations and the few existing documents on these lakes, this study contends that the main feature of governance regarding the three lakes is the Municipal Governments’ commitment and determination, which is consequential in their development over time. For Gunao Lake, the failure of the Municipal Government of Dolores to link the development of the lake with the tourism agenda in the Mount Banahaw area has resulted in its lack of tourism development. For Tikub Lake, the consistent push of the Municipal Government of Tiaong for its tourism agenda is key in the incremental improvement and preservation of the lake. For Dagatan Lake, the persistence of the Municipal Government of San Antonio in pursuing the restoration project and searching for a patron to finance the endeavour is crucial in the revival of the lake. Overall, this study highlights the distinct praxis of local governance regarding each of these small lakes, extends scholarship in regard to lake governance and offers a broad template for managing the many existing small lakes in the country.  相似文献   

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