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与iPad2相比,如果仅仅从外形上估计没有兄弟第一眼就能看出区别来。事实上,新一代iPad将重心放在了更直观的地方——The new iPad的分辨率比iPad2提高T4陪,升级为Retina屏幕。对于分辨率从1024×768到2048×1536的提升,水果提高的并不是显示面积,而是显示的精度——现在用4个像素来表示1个像素。面对这样的处理,如果有兄弟要追根究底,那么咱们倒是很乐意提供放大镜。  相似文献   

Bioinformatics is dominated by online databases and sophisticated web‐accessible tools. As such, it is ideally placed to benefit from the rapid, purpose specific combination of services achievable via web mashups. The recent introduction of a number of sophisticated frameworks has greatly simplified the mashup creation process, making them accessible to scientists with limited programming expertise. In this paper we investigate the feasibility of mashups as a new approach to bioinformatic experimentation, focusing on an exploratory niche between interactive web usage and robust workflows, and attempting to identify the range of computations for which mashups may be employed. While we treat each of the major frameworks, we illustrate the ideas with a series of examples developed under the Popfly framework . Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although it is not always possible to derive from statistics the causes of an accident, data clearly show that they are mostly due to a lack of driver’s perception, with high direct and indirect social costs for society (Hutchinson in Road accidents statistics, Rumsby Scientific Publishing, 1987; Kawai in Convergence 1994, Conference Proceedings, 1994; Boussuge in Bilan et perspectives, Revue Gen. des Routes et des Aerodromes, N. 726, 1995). Therefore, a strong integration among all the actors involved (i.e., the drivers, the vehicle or technical system in general and the driving environment) is quite necessary. From the beginning of 1980s, there has been a shift in system concept design, moving from a technological approach towards a human-centred design approach (Norman and Draper 1986; Rouse 1991). Firstly this approach was applied to the human–computer interaction domain, and has also been extended towards complex and automated technological systems (Sheridan in Telerobotics, automation, and human supervisory control, MIT Press, 1992; Scerbo in Human performance in automated systems: theory and applications, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996) in several domains as, among the others, automotive (Michon in Generic intelligent driver support, Taylor & Francis, 1994) and industrial plants (Cacciabue in Giuseppe mantovani ergonomia, II Mulino, 2000). According to these perspectives, the role of user’s needs in the design process of a certain system becomes crucial; nevertheless, the technological requirements, i.e., the so-called “machine needs” should maintain a role of which the designer should be totally aware. Otherwise, the risk is to fail the design process making a system incoherent and ineffective. Thus, this paper aims at presenting such types of needs, the mutual interaction between machine and users, as well as the interaction of both with the surrounding environment. The work is based on several experiences conducted in the automotive domain.
Roberto MontanariEmail:

One of the time bounds claimed for a recent algorithm computing the longest common subsequence of two strings is shown not to correct. While this fact considerably affects the performance of that algorithm, it also contributes to pose a few interesting questions.  相似文献   

There exist the complicated waveguide modes as well as the surface waves in the electromagnetic field induced by a horizontal electric dipole in layered lossless dielectrics between two ground planes. In spectral domain, all these modes can be characterized by the rational parts with the real poles of the vector and scalar potentials. The accurate extraction of these modes plays an important role in the evaluation of the Green's function in spatial domain. In this paper, a new algorithm based on rational approximation is presented, which can accurately extract all the real poles and the residues of each pole simultaneously. Thus, we can get all the surface wave modes and waveguide modes, which is of great help to the calculation of the spatial domain Green's function. The numerical results demonstrated the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

《Location Science #》1998,6(1-4):417-425
This paper provides a new method to obtain theorems of the alternative, using a location approach. This consists of associating a location problem with the original system of linear inequalities. The paper introduces a dual optimization problem and strong duality is established. From the dual problem, there is derived a second system of equations and inequalities and for both systems the duality and solvability properties provide a conclusion of the general theorem of the alternative. The assigned location problem includes weighting factors and powers of the norms. These weighting factors and exponents may be considered as parameters appearing in the theorem of the alternative, which therefore represents a whole class of theorems of the alternative. The presented theorem of the alternative may be considered as a generalization of the well-known Gale's theorem of the alternative for linear inequalities.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a new model for the one-machine earliness–tardiness scheduling problem where jobs can be interrupted. Some dominance rules and a lower bound are derived. A new timing algorithm is also presented and a local search algorithm based on this timing algorithm permits the computation of good feasible solutions. We experimentally compare our timing algorithm with a previously published timing algorithm. The tests show that the execution time of the new timing algorithm is significantly faster, especially for large instances. The values of the solutions are compared to the lower bound.  相似文献   

This paper derives from an interdisciplinary research project which is studying the engagement of young people with different aspects of techno-popular culture. The focus is on the young person and the significance of digital technologies in their lives as a whole. Drawing on cultural studies research we are investigating the ways in which the contexts for computer use are structured by the different discourses present within the family, and the ways in which these discourses may provide a framing context for children’s interactions with digital technology. Drawing on socio-cultural research we take the view that learning is learning to do something with a cultural or cognitive tool. Our analysis of data from case studies of 16 families shows that the context of home computer use amongst young people is far from a simple and uniform phenomenon and is structured by the different discourses present within the family. What young people learn through interaction with computers is thus as much framed by the context of use as by the affordance of the technology.  相似文献   

There exist the complicated waveguide modes as well as the surface waves in the electromagnetic field induced by a horizontal electric dipole in layered lossless dielectrics between two ground planes. In spectral domain, all these modes can be characterized by the rational parts with the real poles of the vector and scalar potentials. The accurate extraction of these modes plays an important role in the evaluation of the Green’s function in spatial domain. In this paper, a new algorithm based on rational approximation is presented, which can accurately extract all the real poles and the residues of each pole simultaneously. Thus, we can get all the surface wave modes and waveguide modes, which is of great help to the calculation of the spatial domain Green’s function. The numerical results demonstrated the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The instrument has been fabricated using ‘Velodyne’as one of its components applying the principle of a speed control system. The applications of the instrument for the measurement of viscosities of liquids, frictional torque of small bearings and performance characteristics of miniature size electrical motors have been explained and the results of the tests conducted are provided.  相似文献   

中国企业偏爱.COM我国顶级国际域名注册服务商新网 ChinaDNS(WWW.chinaDNS.com)4月18日发布的中国企业域名注册指数报告,我国国际域名(.com)注册总量已达18.28万个,远远超出了国内域名(.com.co)的注册数量。另悉:新网获得 ICANN 在中国授权的顶级国际域名注册机构.SSReader 下载突破120万截止到目前,超星图书阅览器(SSReader)的免费捆绑和下载已经突破120万套,近日,超星图书阅览器的最新版本SSReader3.4.8又将推出。该阅览器不但与 IE、Netscape 完全兼容,而且有功能相同的 HTML 浏览功能,在阅读图书的速度和本地数据资料的下载、管理等方面均得到了进一步提高。新浪广告调价近日,新浪网宣布对其网络广告价格进行调整,旗帜广告(banner)价格下调,而图标(button)以及文字链接(textlink)广告的价格上升,这是新浪网通过充分的市场调研,根据市场供求情况,并借鉴了国外的计价模式,进行的合理科学的价格调整.  相似文献   

12月1日,163.net推出电子商务网站——壹号网(1hao.com)。壹号网主要经营手机、家用电器、DVD机、新款彩电、汽车等超过500多种的商品。壹号网的特别之处,在于价格便宜和开设了专门的服务热线。顾客可以下用填写繁复的各类资料,而由服务小姐代劳进行定货;至于定单  相似文献   

12月1日起,ChinaRen.Com将在全国范围内举行名为“高校旋风”的主题巡回演讲。就“大学生如何网络创业、实现中国人的e-life、中国Intemet市场发展现状与未来、探讨中国的成功电子商务”等热点话题与青年学子直面交流。在正式进入中国后,考虑到目前中国主要网络之间的带宽限  相似文献   

中国出口商品网开通专门为各类企业提供出口服务、向全球工商展示中国出口商品的B to B网站——中国出口商品网(http://www.chinaproducts.com)于近日正式开通。该网站由中国国际贸易促进委员会经济信息部与广州实信通信发展有限公司合开发,是一个专业的对外贸易网站。拉拉手推出企业运营资源交易网  相似文献   

中国商务在线开通近日,旨在为商务人士的商务生活提供最实用、专业、便捷、周到的信息服务的专业网站——中国商务在线(www.BusinessOnline.com.cn)在京正式开通。VCON 中文网站登场VCON 通信有限公司近日推出改版后的全新中文网站(www.vcon.com.cn).重点介绍 VCON 从桌面视频会议系统到会议室型视频会议系统全系列解决方案。中国室内网开通中国首家立足于全球社会、专注于室内设计业、建材业及室内装饰施工相关行业的目标网站 chinainteriors.com(中国室内网)于近日正式开通.中国室内网旨在成为一家集业界相关信息、行业先进的理念、商业行销、客户咨询于一身的内容与服务提供商。北大将建中国青年第一网站中国针对大学生群体的网站——北大新青年网站(newyouth.beida-  相似文献   

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