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在图像的获取和传输过程中,可能会出现噪声, 它不仅破坏了图像的真实信息,而且严重影响了图像的视觉效果。因此, 噪声图像的语义分割成为图像分析中最具挑战性的问题之一。为了提高噪声图像的分割性能 ,本文在分析全卷积网络(FCN)的 基础上,提出一种改进的FCN模型(IFCN)对噪声图像语义分割。该算法采用一种新的中值 池化方法代替卷积神经网络的最大值 池化,可以在去除噪声的同时保留更多边缘信息。在训练整个深度网络时,通过反向传播算 法以一种直接的端到端,像素到像素 的方式映射。实验结果表明,提出的模型在PASCAL VOC2012数据集上对噪声图像语义分割 可以获得比较好的分割效果,准确率mean IU达到86.5%。  相似文献   

针对医学图像中组织边缘模糊、灰度不均匀、图像噪声高的问题,将改进的布谷鸟算法和信息熵结合,提出一种基于改进布谷鸟算法优化最大熵的医学图像分割方法。通过改进的布谷鸟算法优化最大熵法确定图像的最佳分割门限,在此基础上完成最佳分割点的分割。在多个实验样本上的测试结果表明,文中提出的新方法在很大程度上解决了过去几种方法的缺陷,使得分割速度与精度明显提升,另一方面,其鲁棒性也相对理想,适用于实际应用。  相似文献   

针对舰船合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像识别中的图像分割问题,运用数理统计领域的方法,以舰船合成孔径雷达图像为研究对象,在深入分析经典K–Means聚类算法以及高斯混合模型之后,提出一个改进的高斯混合模型,用来对舰船合成孔径雷达图像进行分割。该方法采用马氏距离对经典K–Means方法进行改进,同时,将传统高斯混合模型的每一个概率分布,进一步再细分成单个的概率成分,在辅助变量计算过程中,采用梯度上升算法。仿真实验结果显示,研究得到了比使用经典K–Means算法和普通高斯混合模型的分割方法精确度更高、稳定性更好的分割结果。  相似文献   

图像阈值分割技术在图像分割中具有重要的意义。遗传算法既可以对全局信息高效利用,也减少了存储空间和计算量。利用遗传算法的优点,文章提出了一种用改进遗传算法优化图像阈值并对图像进行分割的方法。通过实验对比,文章表明该方法具有快速、稳定分割的特点。  相似文献   

基于简化的PCNN与类内最小离散度的图像自动分割方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了一种基于简化的PCNN与类内最小离散度相结合的自适应图像分割方法,在每次迭代时将脉冲耦合神经网络点火的神经元对应的像素作为目标,未点火的神经元对应的像素作为背景,计算目标和背景的类内离散度,取类内离散度最小的分割图像作为最终结果.实验结果表明,本文算法可以有效地对不同图像进行自动分割,是一种可行的与有效的图像分割方法.  相似文献   

The problem of semi-automatic segmentation has attracted much interest over the last few years. The Random Walker algorithm [1] has proven to be quite a popular solution to this problem, as it is able to deal with several components and models the image using a convenient graph structure. We propose two improvements to the image graph used by the Random Walker method. First, we propose a new way of computing the edge weights. Traditionally, such weights are based on the similarity between two neighbouring pixels, using their greyscale intensities or colours. We substitute a new definition of weights based on the probability distributions of colours. This definition is much more robust than traditional measures, as it allows for textured objects, and objects that are composed of multiple perceptual components. Second, the traditional graph has a vertex set which is the set of pixels and edges between each pair of neighbouring pixels. We substitute a smaller, irregular graph based on Mean Shift oversegmentation. This new graph is typically several orders of magnitude smaller than the original image graph, which can lead to a major savings in computing time. We show results demonstrating the substantial improvement achieved when using the proposed image graph.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new multiphase segmentation method is proposed, in which a binary segmentation method is used in an iterative process. At each time of iteration, the region of pixels with darker mean value of intensity is separated from other regions. This segmentation is done by means of intensity function, eigenvector of Hessian matrix, and Curvelet. Proper extraction of the pixels around and on the ridge in the Gaussian noisy image and simultaneous denoizing and segmentation are the advantages of the present method. Experimental results are provided for showing the efficiency of our method.  相似文献   

图像分割是图像处理中是一个重要问题.在FCM方法的基础上,对其参数m和算法的运行速度进行改进,实验结果表明,该改进在优化算法的速度和分割效果上都有显著的提高.  相似文献   

谱聚类是在给定数据集上用基于图论的方法进行分类,并已广泛地应用于SAR图像分割.自调整谱聚类(self-tuning spectral clustering,简称STSC)方法是一种可以自动确定尺度因子和分类数的方法.本文给出了一种改进的STSC方法,使用熵函数作为自动求分类数的代价函数,使得分类数的计算更加准确和有效,提高了方法的分类精度.实验表明,改进的STSC方法对自然图像、SAR图像的分割精度高于原STSC方法.  相似文献   

为了克服现有肖像唐卡图像头饰分割方法的局限 性和像素级标注全监督语义分割的 高成本,我们提出了一种带有框级标注的弱监督语义分割方法。首先,所提出的方法使用Ca nny算法来获取头饰的粗糙边缘。其次,利用改进的EDLines算法来提取头饰的关键点。最后 ,本文使用Polygons处理,根据头饰的特点生成特征掩码。实验表明,在人像唐卡图像佛 像头饰的分割中,该方法的平均像素联合交集(mean intersection over union, mIoU)指数比语义分割实例方法(semantic segmentation instance,SDI)高7.56%,比弱监督实例分割-包围盒先验方法(weakly-supervised instance segmentation_bounding box prior, WSIS_BBTP)高6.11%,具有有效性。  相似文献   

邢波涛  李锵  关欣 《信号处理》2018,34(8):911-922
针对现有机器学习算法分割脑肿瘤图像精度不高的问题,提出一种基于改进的全卷积神经网络的脑肿瘤图像分割算法。算法首先将FLAIR、T2和T1C三种模态的MR脑肿瘤图像进行灰度归一化,随后利用灰度图像融合技术得到肿瘤信息更加全面的预处理图像;然后采用融合三次脑肿瘤特征信息的改进全卷积神经网络对预处理图像进行粗分割,并且在每个卷积层后加入批量正则化层以加快网络训练的收敛速度,提高训练模型精度;最后融合全连接条件随机场细化粗分割结果中的脑肿瘤边界。实验结果表明,相较于传统的卷积神经网络脑肿瘤图像分割算法,本算法在分割精度和稳定性上有了较大提升,平均Dice可达91.29%,实时性较好,利用训练模型平均1s内可完成单张脑肿瘤图像的分割。   相似文献   

Image segmentation using a texture gradient based watershed transform   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The segmentation of images into meaningful and homogenous regions is a key method for image analysis within applications such as content based retrieval. The watershed transform is a well established tool for the segmentation of images. However, watershed segmentation is often not effective for textured image regions that are perceptually homogeneous. In order to segment such regions properly, the concept of the "texture gradient" is introduced. Texture information and its gradient are extracted using a novel nondecimated form of a complex wavelet transform. A novel marker location algorithm is subsequently used to locate significant homogeneous textured or non textured regions. A marker driven watershed transform is then used to segment the identified regions properly. The combined algorithm produces effective texture and intensity based segmentation for application to content based image retrieval.  相似文献   

基于能量梯度场映射关系的红外图像分割方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张宝华  刘鹤 《激光技术》2015,39(1):76-81
为了解决红外图像在图像配准中对比度低、背景复杂、红外目标受噪声干扰严重、传统分割方法易产生过分割或欠分割的问题,提出了一种基于改进的脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)和形态学方法的红外图像分割算法。首先根据图像能量分布情况提取纹理图像,将纹理图像通过PCNN进行分割,PCNN的链接强度根据区域能量在梯度场的变化自适应设定;由于PCNN的点火位置集中于红外目标部分,通过点火映射图可以得到连贯清晰的红外目标轮廓;再通过形态学方法滤除背景干扰。结果表明,该方法能够精确分割红外图像,分割结果优于传统方法。  相似文献   

图像分割是图像识别过程中的关键一步,分割结果的好坏会直接影响到星体的细分定位和模式识别。星体在星图中属于小目标,多目标.其分割与普通图像的分割有较大的不同。文中在分析星图特点的基础上,提出了基于星体面积的分割方法,并通过仿真与其他分割方法进行比较,验证了其有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

高旭辉  祁蒙 《激光与红外》2012,42(5):561-566
一幅复杂背景的高光谱图像可以看成是由不同纹理组合而成,纹理的统计特性可以近似用高斯分布来描述。采用纹理分割实现复杂背景的分解,从而突破异常大小和形状的限制。采用三维高斯马尔科夫场来描述高光谱图像背景的分布特性,利用最大似然估计得出模型参数,以此参数为特征进行纹理分割,在各纹理上计算像素的统计特性,进行异常检测。  相似文献   

一种改进的Laplacian SVM的SAR图像分割算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当有标识的样本数量有限时,Laplacian SVM算法需要加入尽量多的无标识样本,以提高分类精度.但同时当无标识样本数很大时,算法的时间和空间复杂度将难以接受.为了将Laplacian SVM应用于SAR图像分割这样的大规模分类问题中,提出了一种改进的Laplacian支持向量机算法(Improved Laplaci...  相似文献   

为了提高最大2维熵分割的性能,提出了基于改进麻雀算法的最大2维熵分割方法,可减小运算量并且缩短计算时间.首先,融合反向学习策略和自适应t分布变异,引入精英粒子,以扩大算法搜索范围,增加算法后期局部搜索能力;其次,使用萤火虫机制,对最优解进行扰动变异,进一步增加种群多样性;最后,采用提出的改进麻雀算法寻找图像最大2维熵,...  相似文献   

将基于像素MRF分割方法拓展到基于地物目标几何约束的区域MRF分割,提出了一种基于区域和统计的纹理影像分割方法,其基本思想是利用Voronoi划分技术将影像域划分为若干子区域。在此基础上,采用二值高斯马尔科夫随机场(BGMRF, bivariate gaussian markov random field)模型,静态随机场模型和Potts模型从邻域、区域及全局层次描述影像的纹理结构,并将该纹理结构模型纳入贝叶斯框架;依据贝叶斯定理构建纹理影像分割模型;利用metropolis-hastings (M-H)算法进行模型参数估计,并依据最大后验概率(MAP, maximum a posterior)准则进行优化,从而完成纹理影像分割。为了验证所提出方法的正确性,分别对合成纹理影像,真实纹理影像及遥感影像进行了分割实验,定性和定量的测试结果验证了提出方法的有效性、可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   

Image segmentation partitions an image into nonoverlapping regions, which ideally should be meaningful for a certain purpose. Automatic segmentation of images is a very challenging fundamental task in computer vision and one of the most crucial steps toward image understanding. In recent years, many image segmentation algorithms have been developed, but they are often very complex and some undesired results occur frequently. In this paper, we present an effective color image segmentation approach based on pixel classification with least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM). Firstly, the pixel-level color feature, Homogeneity, is extracted in consideration of local human visual sensitivity for color pattern variation in HSV color space. Secondly, the image pixel’s texture features, Maximum local energy, Maximum gradient, and Maximum second moment matrix, are represented via Gabor filter. Then, both the pixel-level color feature and texture feature are used as input of LS-SVM model (classifier), and the LS-SVM model (classifier) is trained by selecting the training samples with Arimoto entropy thresholding. Finally, the color image is segmented with the trained LS-SVM model (classifier). This image segmentation not only can fully take advantage of the local information of color image, but also the ability of LS-SVM classifier. Experimental evidence shows that the proposed method has very effective segmentation results and computational behavior, and decreases the time and increases the quality of color image segmentation in comparison with the state-of-the-art segmentation methods recently proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

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