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Any enterprise must ensure that its business processes comply with imposed compliance rules. The latter stem, for example, from corporate guidelines, legal regulations, and best practices. In general, a compliance rule may constrain multiple perspectives of a business process, including behavior (i.e. control flow), data, time, resources, and interactions with business partners. As a particular challenge, compliance cannot be completely ensured at design time, but needs to be continuously monitored during process enactment as well, i.e., it has to be dynamically checked whether compliance rules are satisfied or temporarily/permanently violated. This paper presents a comprehensive framework for visually monitoring business process compliance. As opposed to existing approaches, the framework supports the visual monitoring of all relevant process perspectives based on the extended Compliance Rule Graph (eCRG) language. Furthermore, it not only allows for the detection of violations, but additionally highlights their causes. Finally, the framework assists users in both monitoring business process compliance and ensuring the compliant continuation of running business processes. Overall, the framework provides a fundamental contribution towards the real-time monitoring of compliance in process-driven enterprises.  相似文献   

The literature on monitoring of cross-organizational processes, executed within business networks, considers monitoring only in the network formation phase, since network establishment determines what can be monitored during process execution. In particular, the impact of evolution in such networks on monitoring is not considered. When a business network evolves, e.g. contracts are introduced, updated, or dropped, or actors join or leave the network, the monitoring requirements of the network actors change as well. As a result, the monitorability of processes in the network may be disrupted. This paper proposes a framework to solve the problem of preserving the monitorability of processes in an evolving business network. We first propose a formal model of business networks, contracts, and monitoring requirements. Then, we model network evolution and the mechanisms to preserve the monitorability of the processes in the network for different types of evolution. In particular, the preservation of monitorability requires the actors in the network to take appropriate actions in case of dependencies between already established contracts, and update their monitoring infrastructure to satisfy the new monitoring requirements introduced by evolution. We also define a set of metrics that can be used for supporting decisions regarding the potential evolution of a business network. A case study in healthcare and the discussion of a prototype implementation show the applicability of our framework in real-world scenarios.  相似文献   


Being the blockchain and distributed ledger technologies particularly suitable to create trusted environments where participants do not trust each other, business process management represents a proper setting in which these technologies can be adopted. In this direction, current research work primarily focuses on blockchain-oriented business process design, or on execution engines able to enact processes through smart contracts. Conversely, less attention has been paid to study if and how blockchains can be beneficial to business process monitoring. This work aims to fill this gap by (1) providing a reference architecture for enabling the adoption of blockchain technologies in business process monitoring solutions, (2) defining a set of relevant research challenges derived from this adoption, and (3) discussing the current approaches to address the aforementioned challenges.


This paper presents an approach for monitoring the execution progress of business processes. The monitoring focuses on the exceptions that could arise during this execution and, hence, could make the processes fail if not handled properly and timely. The approach relies on three flows known as control, communication, and navigation. The control flow connects tasks together with respect to a certain business logic. The communication flow captures the messages exchanged between persons/machines when they perform tasks of processes. Finally, the navigation flow captures the interactions between specialized networks that offer solutions to exceptions. These networks are built upon relations between tasks, between persons, and between machines. The coordination of control, communication, and navigation flows focuses on both the actions that are taken and the messages that are exchanged when handling exceptions. A system demonstrating flow development and coordination is, also, presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Mass customization is a dominant new trend in modern manufacturing, where by industries are required to produce umpteen variations of products at costs approaching those achievable in mass production. Among the methods to tackle this demand is development of flexible tooling which operates at high throughput rates. A suite of such tools called MPATS (a Modular, Parametric, Assembly Tool Set) is developed for this. The paper introduces MPATS, and also describes a computer-aided planning system to automatically configure MPATS.  相似文献   

Process monitoring phase is one of the service-oriented business process (SOBP) lifecycle phases. Traditional process monitoring approaches have been only achieved at the syntactic level of the process monitoring contexts, which causes the communication problems such as ambiguous understandings and divergent interpretations. To solve the problems, the process monitoring should be achieved at the semantic level as well as at the syntax level of the process monitoring context. In order to support semantic monitoring operations, an ontology-based monitoring framework for the SOBP execution is suggested in this paper. The suggested framework combines a BPEL4WS process model with the semantic monitoring context which is expressed with OWL.  相似文献   

SaaS(software as a service,软件即服务)是一种全球兴起的创新的软件服务模式,它的出现对中小企业的信息化产生了深远影响。目前面向SaaS应用的业务逻辑在线定制方法存在着定制复杂性高、可定制内容有限等缺点。为了解决这些问题,采用了基于领域工程的业务规则模板的方法,提出了适合SaaS应用的业务逻辑定制框架,兼顾了应用的易用性及性能。案例表明了此框架的有效性。  相似文献   

Due to recent market challenges organizational researchers have developed a variety of strategies how organizations can continuously survive in highly dynamic, sometimes even hostile environments. One of the most important strategies aims to enhance the flexibility of enterprises through widespread decentralization, while another well-known approach advocates customer orientation through systematic business process (re-) engineering. This paper addresses organizational flexibility and business process orientation from the perspective of information systems. It starts from a requirements analysis which investigates the challenges of contemporary organizational strategies and then proceeds towards an approach that supports the flexible modeling of business processes by linking decentralized organizational procedures. For this purpose a set of process modeling and process interaction operators is defined. These operators also allow to automatically create and customize configurations of computerized business processes. This progress in cooperative information processing technology contributes significantly to the recently emerged concept of the computerized enterprise. The concepts are presented in the context of a banking application, namely the Credit Advisory Subsystem of our banking application MAMBA.  相似文献   

It is increasingly common to describe organizations as sets of business processes that can be analysed and improved by approaches such as business process modelling. Successful business process modelling relies on an adequate view of the nature of business processes, but there is a surprising divergence of opinion about the nature of these processes. This paper proposes a conceptual framework to organize different views of business processes under four headings. It also aims at providing an integrated discussion of the different streams of thought, their strengths and limitations, within business process modelling. It argues that the multifaceted nature of business processes calls for pluralistic and multidisciplinary modelling approaches.  相似文献   

针对动态环境中业务逻辑的不断变化,通过业务规则和过程流分别描述业务过程中的易变和相对稳定业务逻辑,构建了业务过程模型BPM4DBL(Business Process Model for Dynamic Business Logic)。模型引入了活动、规则和事件元素,定义了分离业务规则和过程流的元组表达,并且给出了业务规则和过程流之间的耦合策略。最后,给出了一个BPM4DBL的具体应用实例。  相似文献   

To ensure proper and efficient modeling of business processes, it is important to support users of process editors adequately. With only minimal modeling support, the productivity of novice business process modelers may be low when starting process modeling. In this article, we present a theoretically sound and empirically validated recommendation-based modeling support system, which covers different aspects of business process modeling. We consider basic functionality, such as an intuitive search interface, as well as advanced concepts like patterns observed in other users' preferences. Additionally, we propose a multitude of interaction possibilities with the recommendation system, e.g., different metrics that can be used in isolation or an overall recommender component that combines several sub metrics into one comprehensive score. We validate a prototype implementation of the recommendation system with exhaustive user experiments based on real-life process models. To our knowledge, this is the only comprehensive recommendation system for business process modeling that is available.  相似文献   


Traditional approaches to managing business processes are often inadequate for large-scale, organisation-wide, dynamic settings. However, since Internet and Intranet technologies have become widespread, an increasing number of business processes exhibit these properties. Therefore, a new approach is needed. To this end, we describe the motivation, conceptualization, design, and implementation of a novel agent-based business process management system. The key advance of our system is that responsibility for enacting various components of the business process is delegated to a number of autonomous problem-solving agents. To enact their role, these agents typically interact and negotiate with other agents in order to coordinate their actions and to buy in the services they require. This approach leads to a system that is significantly more agile and robust than its traditional counterparts. To help demonstrate these benefits, a companion paper describes the application of our systemto a real-world problem faced by British Telecom.  相似文献   

Business process transformation defines a new level of business optimization that manifests as a range of industry-specific initiatives that bring processes, people, and information together to optimize efficiency. This new optimization level is possible because the Web has assumed the role of a common infrastructure. To examine how BPT can optimize an organization's processes, we describe a corporate initiative that was developed within IBM's supply chain organization to transform the import compliance process that supports the company's global logistics. The initiative sought to give IBM greater awareness of regulatory compliance exceptions - information critical to the corporation and its importing partners.  相似文献   

针对动态环境中业务应用的不断变化,将易变的业务逻辑从过程控制结构中分离,并且通过业务规则的声明性表达式描述,由此构建了业务过程模型BPM4DBL(Business Process Model for Dynamic Business Logic)。在建立规则元素的模型定义后,给出了业务规则的定义、分类和可执行语言描述,最后给出一个BPM4DBL的具体应用实例。  相似文献   

The current business environment changes rapidly, dictated by user requirements and market opportunities. Organisations are therefore driven to continuously adapt their business processes to new conditions. Thus, management of business process schema evolution, particularly process version control, is in great demand to capture the dynamics of business process schema changes. This paper aims to facilitate version control for business process schema evolution, with an emphasis on version compatibility, co-existence of multiple versions and dynamic version shifts. A multi-level versioning approach is established to specify dependency between business process schema evolutions, and a novel version preserving graph model is proposed to record business process schema evolutions. A set of business process schema updating operations is devised to support the entire set of process change patterns. By maintaining sufficient and necessary schema and version information, our approach provides comprehensive support for navigating process instance executions of different and changing versions, and deriving the process schema of a certain version. A prototype is also implemented for the proof-of-concept purpose.  相似文献   

Knowledge and Information Systems - A business process model may be used as both a communication artefact for gathering and sharing knowledge of a business practice among stakeholders and as a...  相似文献   

Operational support assists users while process instances are being executed, by making predictions about the instance completion, or recommending suitable actions, resources or routing decisions, on the basis of the already completed instances, stored as execution traces in the event log.In this paper, we propose a case-based retrieval approach to business process management operational support, where log traces are exploited as cases. Once past traces have been retrieved, classical statistical techniques can be applied to them, to support prediction and recommendation. The framework enables the user to submit queries able to express complex patterns exhibited by the current process instance. Such queries can be composed by several simple patterns (i.e., single actions, or direct sequences of actions), separated by delays (i.e., actions we do not care about). Delays can also be imprecise (i.e., the number of actions can be given as a range). The tool also relies on a tree structure, adopted as an index for a quick retrieval from the available event log.Our approach is highly innovative with respect to the existing literature panorama, since it is the first work that exploits case-based retrieval techniques in the operational support context; moreover, the possibility of retrieving traces by querying complex patterns and the indexing strategy are major departures also with respect to other existing trace retrieval tools proposed in the case based reasoning area.Thanks to its characteristics and methodological solutions, the tool implements operational support tasks in a flexible and efficient way, as demonstrated by our experimental results.  相似文献   

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