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为了研究产品装调过程中,套孔法和CCD成像法得到的激光发散角偏差较大原因,采用ZEMAX仿真进行了理论分析,并结合相关试验进行了验证。结果表明,在CCD白光观瞄系统中利用CCD成像法测量激光光斑大小时,由于白光与激光间存在光程差,计算激光发散角时,需要消除光程差导致的图像误差的影响。激光光斑大小与距离符合双曲线规律变化。近场条件下不成线性关系,CCD成像法测量得到的激光光斑图像偏大,计算得到的激光发散角远大于套孔法的测量值;远场条件下近似成线性关系,套孔法及CCD成像法测算得到的激光发散角数值基本一致。该研究可以根据产品的设计参量,消除光程差对激光激光束散角的影响,提高测量精度。  相似文献   

Closed-loop control techniques for the restoration of locomotion of paraplegic subjects are expected to improve the quality of functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS). We investigated the use of accelerometers for the assessment of feedback parameters. Previously, the possibility of angle assessment of the lower extremities using accelerometers, but without integration, was demonstrated. The current paper evaluates and assesses this method by an error and sensitivity analysis using healthy subject data. Of three potential error sources, the reference system, the accelerometers, and the model assumptions, the last was found to be the most important. Model calculations based on data obtained by the Elite video motion analysis system showed the rigid-body assumption error to be dominant for high frequencies (greater than 10 Hz), with vibrations in the order of 1 mm resulting in errors of one radial or more. For low frequencies (less than 5 Hz), the imperfect fixation of the accelerometers combined with a nonhinge type knee joint gave an error contribution of +/- 0.03 rad. The walking pattern was assumed to be two-dimensional which was shown to result in an error of +/- 0.04 rad. Accelerations due to rotations of the segments could be neglected. The total error computed for low frequencies (+/- 0.07 rad) was comparable to the experimental difference between the current and the reference system.  相似文献   

Performance analysis of optimised CMOS comparator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Le  H.P. Zayegh  A. Singh  J. 《Electronics letters》2003,39(11):833-835
A high-speed low-power latched CMOS comparator circuit is presented. Demonstrated is a circuit optimisation technique to obtain minimum offset error at 500 MHz sampling speed. Also, a mathematical model representing the noise in the device is developed. After optimisation, the comparator achieved 10-bit resolution on a 1 V differential input at 500 MHz speed and had a noise figure of 4.747 dB at this frequency.  相似文献   

A large-scale spatial angle measurement method is proposed based on inertial reference. Common measurement reference is established in inertial space, and the spatial vector coordinates of each measured axis in inertial space are measured by using autocollimation tracking and inertial measurement technology. According to the spatial coordinates of each test vector axis, the measurement of large-scale spatial angle is easily realized. The pointing error of tracking device based on the two mirrors in the measurement system is studied, and the influence of different installation errors to the pointing error is analyzed. This research can lay a foundation for error allocation, calibration and compensation for the measurement system.  相似文献   

祁蒙  刘毅  张宏飞 《激光与红外》2016,46(6):704-708
红外搜索系统安放在车载桅杆上升高使用,可以提高系统的探测距离。但由于车载桅杆的误差引入,系统的测角精度误差会增大。本文对桅杆型红外搜索系统的测角精度误差来源进行了分类和估算,提出了一种利用双天线差分GPS和姿态测量设备进行全系统测角精度评估的新方法。工程实践表明,该方法不仅可以快速完成测角精度标定,而且标定结果和理论计算结果基本一致。  相似文献   

角度测量广泛应用于工业生产和国防军事领域,介绍了大间距空间角测量技术研究进展并对典型测量设备进行了分析。提出了一种基于机器视觉的动态角测量方法,利用高精度两轴伺服系统识别跟踪远处场景中的十字分划靶标,利用图像处理算法实时计算跟踪偏移量并传递给两轴伺服系统进行高低、方位角度修正。通过构建被测对象、合作目标和角度测量传感器三者之间的角度坐标系传递模型,实现了武器系统调炮精度检测。另外也可用于光电桅杆偏移量及火炮身管晃动量检测,具有精度高、成本低等特点,适合于外场条件下大间距空间角测量。  相似文献   

角度测量技术的发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
角度测量是向何量计量技术的重要组成部分。本文对近年来常用的几种角度测量方法及其发展进行了介绍,主要介绍了其中最具有发展前途的光学测角技术。对圆光栅测角法、激光干涉测角法和环形激光测角法分别进行了详细的介绍,给出了每种方法的测量原理和应用场合,并指出了各种方法的优缺点。  相似文献   

常军  陈娟  张璋  常昶 《电讯技术》2023,(1):56-62
根据弹载俯冲合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)成像原理,提出了目标的SAR测角算法,并仿真分析了弹载SAR成像目标定位和测角误差。前斜角、高度误差和多普勒测量误差对测角影响很大,姿态角误差会影响最终的测角误差。SAR测角精度是影响导弹末制导的关键,需要对系统各项误差项进行约束控制。提出的SAR目标测角算法及测角精度仿真分析结果可为导引头系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

在拦截超低空目标时,海面多路径效应会严重影响被动制导型舰空导弹的测角精度。首先阐述海面多路径效应产生机理,然后结合旋转式相位干涉仪的测角原理,通过建立海面多路径镜面反射几何模型,给出了双天线直达信号和镜面反射信号表达式。在此基础上,选取典型超低空弹道,根据仿真结果代入多路径计算模型,分析超低空弹道多路径效应对测角精度的影响。仿真结果表明,海面多路径效应对被动微波体制导引头测角影响显著,为下一步研究抑制多路径影响措施提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

采用迟滞比较器的自激振荡功率放大器行为特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用迟滞比较器的自激振荡功率放大器,在音频功放、DSL线路驱动器及数据转换器等方面得到了较好的应用。但由于其强非线性的特性,分析其行为特性较为困难。本文从时域出发分析了1阶和2阶系统的振荡频率,以线性化的比较器增益为基础分析了系统增益,给出了3次谐波失真的经验公式,不仅简洁、直观,而且具有较高的精度。这些结果经Matlab仿真验证,可以给电路设计者较好的指导作用。  相似文献   

张亮  徐振海  吴迪军  王雪松 《电波科学学报》2012,(4):685-690,845,846
在考虑极化影响的情况下,建立了相位干涉仪导引头跟踪相干两点源的数学模型,分析了雷达信号、诱饵信号及导引头接收天线的极化方式对被动雷达导引头测角性能的影响,推导了导引头跟踪辐射源时极化应满足的条件,并采用庞加莱(Poincare)极化球描述了极化与导引头指向角度的关系。指出利用极化信息可以改善导引头对雷达和相干源诱饵的分辨,为极化信息在被动导引头中的应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

姿态角测试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究飞行体姿态角测试技术,提出了一种姿态角测试方法,给出了可行的实现方案和实测曲线,用卡尔丹角结合测试曲线对被测体姿态进行了分析。通过实际测试,证明了该测试方法原理可行。  相似文献   

研究飞行体姿态角测试技术,提出了一种姿态角测试方法,给出了可行的实现方案和实测曲线,用卡尔丹角结合测试曲线对被测体姿态进行了分析.通过实际测试,证明了该测试方法原理可行.  相似文献   

Alsuwailem  A.M. 《Electronics letters》1990,26(17):1336-1338
The design and implementation of a simple load angle measurement instrument built around a Z80 microprocessor is described. The task of the microprocessor is to measure the load angle of a synchronous generator which is equal to the phase angle between the internal excitation voltage and the generator output. The load angle is displayed on an on line screen. It is also converted to an analogue value and recorded by an online plotter for transient analysis a feature that makes such an instrument suitable for either digital or analogue controllers. The tests carried out showed that the instrument has a very fast response. It is accurate, reliable and inexpensive. The resolution in the load angle measurements can be increased by a simple procedure.<>  相似文献   

介绍了应用光学干涉原理测量棱镜光学平行差的方法.棱镜可等效展开为玻璃平板,其入射面与出射面的光程差恒定,通过波长调谐方法,改变等效玻璃平板之间的位相差,从而用移相干涉术测量了光学棱镜的光学平行差.介绍了一种立方体玻璃90°偏差测量的新方法,斐索干涉仪的测试光束以45°入射到立方体玻璃内,入射波面经立方体90°二面角自准直反射,与干涉仪参考波面相干形成干涉图.分析了干涉波面与立方体玻璃二面角误差之间的关系,并通过移相式干涉仪给出了实测结果.  相似文献   

李丹妮  呼丹  王劲松  张继明  安志勇 《红外与激光工程》2016,45(3):317003-0317003(5)
提出了一种用于火炮炮膛轴线偏离射面的角度测量的数字化测试系统,该系统基于激光跟踪仪空间点坐标测量原理,通过对火炮身管指定点三维坐标的测量,结算出调炮前后空间直线方程,从而计算出火炮偏离角,并针对目前GJB方法对火炮炮膛轴线偏离射面的偏离角度测量方法中存在的精度不高、效率低、工作人员多、结构分散等问题进行了分析。与现行GJB方法进行测量实验比较,实验数据表明使用该方法对火炮偏离角进行测量,效率和精度都有明显提高。  相似文献   

Mercier  J.J. 《Electronics letters》1976,12(19):489-490
A key element in the mechanisation of fault-tolerant system or error-detection system is a logic device call a `comparator?.The device detects computer failures by data comparison. The letter describes a `self-testing comparator?. We show that, in the circuit, described, only the output wire must be considered hard core. All the gates and connections of this circuit are tested during the working phases.  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》1969,5(18):428-429
A new method of measuring transient load angle of a synchronous machine system is described which self-compensates for the variation of base frequency of the system. The measurement system was designed for use with an ultraviolet recorder.  相似文献   

Millar  C.A. 《Electronics letters》1984,20(13):528-530
A modified method of fibre end-cleave angle measurement is described and compared with alternative techniques. The device has no precision parts and has a resolution of better than 0.25 degrees of end angle.  相似文献   

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