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Milk A-esterase levels as influenced by stage of lactation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Twenty-four lactating and 13 nonlactating Alpine goats were used to determine effects of stage of lactation and dietary concentrate level on energy utilization. Diets comprising 60 or 20% concentrate (60%C and 20%C, respectively) were consumed ad libitum by lactating animals and at a level of intake near maintenance by nonlactating animals. Measurement periods were d 25 to 31 (early), 87 to 94 (mid), and 176 to 183 (late) of lactation. Eleven observations were made in early and mid lactation for each diet, and 8 and 7 were made in late lactation for the 60%C and 20%C diets, respectively. Efficiency of metabolizable energy (ME) use for maintenance (66.9, 71.4, and 61.1% for early, mid, and late lactation, respectively) and the maintenance ME requirement (479, 449, and 521 kJ/kg of BW0.75 for early, mid, and late lactation, respectively) determined with nonlactating animals differed among stages of lactation. The efficiency of ME use for maintenance was similar between diets, but the maintenance requirement tended to be greater for the 60%C than for the 20%C diet (504 vs. 463 kJ/kg of BW0.75). The latter difference may have involved greater ME intake for the 60%C diet, resulting in a slightly greater difference between ME intake and total heat energy for the 60%C compared with the 20%C diet (11 vs. −8 kJ/kg of BW0.75). Intake of ME by lactating goats was greater for the 60%C than for the 20%C diet (18.6 vs. 16.3 MJ/d). Recovered energy in lactation from mobilized tissue tended to be greater for the 60%C than for the 20%C diet (8.44 vs. 6.55 MJ/d) and differed among stages of lactation (2.60, 1.59, and 1.13 MJ/d in early, mid, and late lactation, respectively). Recovered energy in tissue gain was similar among stages of lactation and between diets and was not different from 0. Efficiency of use of dietary ME for lactation differed among stages of lactation (59.5, 51.9, and 65.4% for early, mid, and late lactation, respectively) and tended to be greater for the 60%C than for the 20%C diet (64.2 vs. 54.9%). The efficiency of use of dietary ME for maintenance and lactation was similar among stages of lactation and was greater for the 60%C compared with the 20%C diet (64.3 vs. 60.9%). Predicted milk yield from National Research Council requirements was reasonably accurate. In conclusion, using data of nonlactating goats to study energy utilization for maintenance in lactation has limitations. Efficiency of energy use by lactating dairy goats consuming diets high in concentrate appears greater than that by goats consuming diets low in concentrate. Despite differences in nutrient requirement expressions, observations of this study support National Research Council recommendations of energy requirements of lactating dairy goats.  相似文献   

The traditional utilization of donkeys (Equus asinus) as dairy animals has recently attracted substantial scientific interest with regard to human nutrition. Donkey milk is well tolerated by infants with cows' milk allergy, useful in the treatment of human immune-related diseases, in the prevention of atherosclerosis, and in-vitro studies showed an anti-proliferative effect. Active 3-3'-5-triiodothyronine (T3) in colostrum and milk could play different physiological roles, systemic and paracrine, for both the mother and the suckling offspring. The aim was to evaluate whether thyroid hormones (TH) concentrations in milk and blood of lactating donkeys change with the advancing lactation and whether they can be affected by dietary supplementation with several trace elements, some of them directly involved with TH synthesis (I), metabolism (Se) and action (Zn). Sixteen lactating jennies were divided into two groups (CTL and TE). Mixed feed for TE was added with Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, I, Se and Co. Every 2 weeks milk and blood samples were collected at 11·00. Total concentrations of T3 in milk (T3M) and T3 and T4 in plasma (T3P and T4P) were assayed using ELISA kits, validated for the donkey species. T3M was not correlated with TH concentrations in blood, did not change with the stage of lactation, and was significantly higher in TE (4·09 ± 0·07 ng/ml, mean ± SE) than in CTL group (3·89 ± 0·08 ng/ml). T4P (81·8 ± 5·2 ng/ml) and T3P (15·2 ± 1 ng/ml) significantly changed with time, but were not significantly affected by dietary treatment. T3P/T4P ratio was significantly lower in TE group. This study indicates that in donkey milk the concentration of T3, a human-like bioactive compound, can be affected by trace elements intake.  相似文献   

Thirty-six lactating Alpine does were used to determine effects of stage of lactation and level of feed intake on energy utilization. Twelve does were assigned to measurement periods in early, mid, and late lactation (wk 5, 13, and 27, respectively). For 6 does of each group, after ad libitum consumption of a 60% concentrate diet, feed intake was restricted to near the metabolizable energy (ME) requirement for maintenance (MEm) for 8 d followed by fasting for 4 d. For other does, fasting immediately followed ad libitum consumption. Intake of ME was similar among stages of lactation with ad libitum intake (22.1, 22.1, and 19.8 kJ/d in early, mid, and late lactation, respectively). The efficiency of ME use for maintenance determined with does fed near MEm averaged 81%. Fasting heat energy was greater for ad libitum consumption than for near MEm consumption [368 vs. 326 kJ/kg of body weight (BW)0.75] and was numerically lowest among stages in late lactation with near MEm intake (334, 350, and 295 kJ/kg of BW0.75 in early, mid, and late lactation, respectively) and ad libitum consumption (386, 384, and 333 kJ/kg of BW0.75 in early, mid, and late lactation, respectively). The efficiency of use of dietary ME for lactation was greater for consumption near MEm than for consumption ad libitum (67.9 vs. 58.6%) and with ad libitum consumption tended to decrease with advancing stage of lactation (63.9, 57.3, and 54.5% for early, mid, and late lactation, respectively). Estimated MEm was greater for ad libitum intake than for near MEm intake and was lowest during late lactation (429, 432, and 358 kJ/kg of BW0.75 for near MEm intake and 494, 471, and 399 kJ/kg of BW0.75 for ad libitum intake in early, mid, and late lactation, respectively). However, because of increasing BW as the experiment progressed, MEm (MJ/d) was similar among stages of lactation with both levels of intake. The efficiency of ME use for maintenance and lactation was similar among stages of lactation and greater with near MEm intake than ad libitum intake (77.1 vs. 67.7%). In conclusion, the MEm requirement (kJ/kg of BW0.75) of does in late lactation was less than in early and mid lactation. A marked effect of restricted feed intake subsequent to ad libitum consumption on estimates of efficiency of energy use for maintenance and lactation was observed compared with use of nonlactating animals. Level of feed intake can have substantial effect on estimates of energy utilization by lactating dairy goats.  相似文献   

The effects of isolation techniques and time of sampling on composition of ruminal bacteria were examined in four steers fed two energy levels (2.24 or 2.92 Mcal metabolizable energy/kg DM) at two feeding frequencies. Diets were alfalfa hay and corn silage or ground corn/corn silage and were fed twice or 12 times daily. Whole ruminal contents were collected at four time intervals over a 4-d period. Fluid- and particle-associated bacteria were isolated. Energy level, feeding frequency, and preisolation freezing had little effect on composition of bacteria. Sampling time did not affect composition of bacteria harvested from steers fed frequently but had linear and quadratic effects on concentrations of cell components of bacteria harvested from steers fed twice daily. Differences were observed in the composition of bacteria harvested from the fluid phase compared with particle-associated or mixed populations of ruminal bacteria. These differences translated into different estimates of bacterial N supplied to the small intestine depending on N:purine ratio used. Composition of bacteria may be affected by fraction of contents sample and by time of sampling for animals fed infrequently. Freezing of samples before isolation of mixed bacteria does not appear to affect composition or estimates of bacterial N flows to the small intestine.  相似文献   

The effects of lactation stage, negative energy balance (NEB), and milk fat depression (MFD) were estimated on detailed milk fat composition in primiparous Holstein-Friesian cows. One morning milk sample was collected from each of 1,933 cows from 398 commercial Dutch herds in winter 2005. Milk fat composition was measured using gas chromatography, and fat and protein percentage were measured using infrared spectrometry. Each fatty acid changed 0.5 to 1 phenotypic standard deviation over lactation, except odd-chain C5:0 to C15:0, branched-chain fatty acids, and trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The greatest change was an increase from 31.2 to 33.3% (wt/wt) for C16:0 from d 80 to 150 of lactation. Energy status was estimated for each cow as the deviation from each average lactation fat-to-protein ratio (FPdev). A high FPdev (>0.12) indicated NEB. Negative energy balance was associated with an increase in C16:0 (0.696 ± 0.178) and C18:0 (0.467 ± 0.093), which suggested mobilization of body fat reserves. Furthermore, NEB was associated with a decrease in odd-chain C5:0 to C15:0 (−0.084 ± 0.020), which might reflect a reduced allocation of C3 components to milk fat synthesis. A low FPdev indicated MFD (<−0.12) and was associated with a decrease in C16:0 (−0.681 ± 0.255) and C18:0 (−0.128 ± 0.135) and an increase in total unsaturated fatty acids (0.523 ± 0.227). The study showed that both lactation stage and energy balance significantly contribute to variation in milk fat composition and alter the activity of different fatty acid pathways.  相似文献   

Quarter milk samples were collected during lactation and analyzed for immunoglobulins from 32 first and 16 third lactation Holstein cows that were equally distributed progeny of sires selected for yield or merit. Variance component estimates indicated large variation for cow, quarter within cow, and stage of lactation. All immunoglobulin isotype concentrations were lowest at wk 21. Significant differences between first and third lactation cows were observed for milk immunoglobulin A (.012 and .018 mg/ml) and immunoglobulin M (.074 and .101 mg/ml). Quarters with cell counts above 1 X 10(6) cells/ml had higher concentrations of immunoglobulin G1, (.619 vs. .394 mg/ml) immunoglobulin G2 (.103 vs. .063 mg/ml), immunoglobulin A (.028 vs. .014 mg/ml), and immunoglobulin M (.117 vs. .087 mg/ml). There were no significant differences in immunoglobulin isotype concentrations due to genetic group (yield or merit), suggesting that selection for milk production has no significant effect on immunoglobulin concentration in milk. Degree of parity, however, must be considered when comparing immunoglobulin A and immunoglobulin M concentrations in milk.  相似文献   

Changes in physical, chemical and anti-nutritional characteristics of two vegetable soybean varieties (‘Asmara’ and ‘Mooncake’) during seed development were investigated. Pods were sampled weekly for 6 weeks starting from developmental stage 5 (R5) to 8 (R8). Changes over time in measured attributes were similar but the rate of change differed among the two varieties. In both varieties seed moisture content and intensity of green color decreased as seed developed with the most significant decline observed in the last 2 weeks of sampling. Seed weight peaked at R6 then gradually decreased thereafter, while seed hardness increased throughout the sampling period with ‘Asmara’ recording significantly higher seed hardness at R8. For both varieties, protein accumulation occurred mostly in the later stages, while significant lipid accumulation was observed in the early stages of development. Among the sugars, fructose content decreased with seed development, sucrose content increased to R6 before decreasing, and there was rapid accumulation of raffinose and stachyose in the last 2 weeks of sampling. Total phenolic content decreased between R5 and R6 but increased with further seed development. Tannin and phytate content in seed increased throughout the sampling period. Changes in trypsin inhibitory activity varied with variety reaching a maximum at R6 for ‘Asmara, and closer to maturation for “Mooncake’. Our data provide physical, chemical and anti-nutritional basis for harvesting vegetable soybean at R6 namely: peak seed weight and sucrose content, lower oligosaccharide and anti-nutrients values and intense green color.  相似文献   

Multiparous Alpine does (42) were used to determine how stage of lactation and dietary forage level affect body composition. The feeding and body composition portion of the study had a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. Eighteen does were fed a 40% forage diet (40F) and 18 received a diet with 60% forage (60F) for approximately 2, 4, or 6 mo of lactation (59 ± 1.3, 116 ± 1.0, and 184 ± 1.4 d, respectively), followed by determination of body composition (6 does per diet at each time of slaughter). Does were assigned sequentially to treatments as kidding occurred. The 60F diet had 20% more dehydrated alfalfa pellets than the 40F diet, with higher levels of corn and soybean meal and inclusion of supplemental fat in the 40F diet. Initial body composition measures were made with 6 other does a few days after kidding (0 mo; 4 ± 0.6 d). Before parturition, does were fed a 50% concentrate diet free choice. Intake of dry matter was greater for 60F than for 40F, average daily gain tended to be affected by an interaction between diet and month (0, 24, 121, −61, 46, and 73 g), and 4% fat-corrected milk was less in mo 5 to 6 than earlier. Internal fat mass was greatest among times at 6 mo and greater for 40F than for 60F. Mass of the gastrointestinal tract was less for 40F than for 60F and decreased with increasing time in lactation. Concentrations of fat in the carcass (13.8, 13.1, 16.5, 11.2, 11.5, and 14.4%), noncarcass tissues (18.6, 24.2, 33.3, 14.3, 16.5, and 24.5%), and empty body (16.5, 18.7, 25.2, 12.9, 14.1, and 19.5% for 40F at 2 mo, 40F at 4 mo, 40F at 6 mo, 60F at 2 mo, 60F at 4 mo, and 60F at 6 mo, respectively) were affected by stage of lactation and diet. Based on daily change in tissue mass and energy, energy concentration in tissue mobilized or accreted was 16, 20, and 32 MJ/kg in 1 to 2, 3 to 4, and 5 to 6 mo of lactation, respectively. In conclusion, based on tissue mass, more energy was expended by the gastrointestinal tract with 60F than with 40F. Considerable internal fat appeared to be mobilized in early lactation, particularly with the diet moderate to high in forage, with more rapid and a greater magnitude of repletion by does consuming the diet lower in forage. The concentration of energy in tissue mobilized or accreted varied with stage of lactation, being considerably greater at 5 to 6 mo of lactation than earlier.  相似文献   

Eighteen Holstein heifers were placed into groups of 3 according to projected calving date, prepartum BW, and prepartum condition score. Following parturition, animals within each group were assigned randomly to one of three diets and remained on the experiment for 45 d. Diets consisted of forage:concentrate ratios of 72:28, 53:47, or 73:27 (isocaloric to the 53:47 ratio by addition of 8% soybean oil). Diets were fed twice daily as total mixed rations. Blood, rumen fluid, and adipose tissue were sampled at -7, 5, 20, and 45 d of lactation. Performance means were, respectively: DM intake (kg/d) 13.9, 14.9, and 12.4; milk (kg/d) 24.5, 25.8, and 18.6; milk fat (%) 3.77, 3.59, and 3.62; milk protein (%) 3.03, 2.99, and 3.11; body condition score (0 = thin, 5 = fat) 1.53, 1.87, and 1.99; and BW (kg) 514, 523, and 505. Cows fed soybean oil had higher ruminal isoacids than those fed the other diets and higher acetate than cows on the 53:47 diet. Diets had no effect on blood metabolites or activity of adipose glycerol-P dehydrogenase (EC The soybean oil diet reduced short-chain fatty acids and increased long-chain fatty acids in milk. Feed intake and milk production were highest for cows receiving the 53:47 diet. As expected, animals on the 72:28 diet did not consume adequate energy to maintain high production which concurrently resulted in lower body condition scores.  相似文献   

Objectives were to examine the effects of feeding to alter body condition at calving on subsequent full lactation production performance and feed intake, on BW and periparturient blood traits, and on complete energy and N balances and ration digestibility during wk 6, 10, and 14 postpartum. Thirty pluriparous Holstein cows were assigned randomly to two energy intakes from wk 33 of previous lactation through the dry period to create either normal (7.2) or thin (5.8) mean body condition scores at calving (9 = fat, 1 = thin). The thin group was fed 0 kg hominy feed daily; the normal group was fed 2.7 kg daily to supplement forage DM available ad libitum during this period. When compared with the normal group, cows in the thin condition group exhibited less negative body fat balance (-206 vs. -507 g/d); similar milk yield, DM intake, N partitions, and nutrient digestibilities; and lower fat test (3.2 vs. 4.1%) during the balance measurements. Whole blood and serum traits were within normal physiological ranges. Full lactation measurements were similar between treatments except that milk fat percentage was lower and DM intake (as percentage of BW), was higher in the thin condition group. Although mean BW at calving was more (651 vs. 599 kg) for normal condition cows, condition scores and BW were not significantly different at 14 wk postpartum; BW curves indicated similar rates of recovery of weight thereafter. Cows considered underconditioned at parturition mobilized less body fat after calving, resulting in reduced milk fat concentration without significant effects on milk yield, protein, SNF, DM intake, or nutrient utilization.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of plane of energy intake prepartum on postpartum performance. Primiparous (n = 24) and multiparous (n = 23) Holsteins were randomly assigned by expected date of parturition to 1 of 3 prepartum energy intakes. A moderate energy diet [1.63 Mcal of net energy for lactation (NEL)/kg; 15% crude protein (CP)] was fed for either ad libitum intake (OVR) or restricted intake (RES) to supply 150 or 80% of National Research Council (2001) energy requirement, respectively, for dry cows in late gestation. To limit energy intake to 100% of NRC requirement at ad libitum dry matter intake (DMI), chopped wheat straw was included as 31.8% of dry matter (DM) in a control diet (CON; 1.21 Mcal of NEL/kg of DM; 14% CP). Multiparous and primiparous cows assigned to OVR gained body condition during the dry period [initial body condition score (BCS) = 3.3], but were not overconditioned by parturition (BCS = 3.5). Multiparous cows in the OVR group lost more BCS postpartum than multiparous RES or CON cows. Primiparous cows lost similar amounts of BCS among dietary treatment groups postpartum. Addition of chopped wheat straw to CON diets prevented a large decrease in DMI prepartum in both primiparous and multiparous cows. During the first 3 wk postpartum, DMI as a percentage of BW was lower for multiparous OVR cows than for multiparous RES cows. Prepartum diet effects did not carry over through the entire 8-wk lactation period. Because of greater mobilization of body stores, OVR cows had greater milk fat percentage and greater 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield during the first 3 wk postpartum. Multiparous cows assigned to OVR experienced a 55% decrease in energy balance and primiparous cows a 40% decrease in energy balance during the last 3 wk before parturition, compared with CON or RES cows that had little change. Multiparous cows fed OVR had a greater contribution of energy from body energy reserves to milk energy output than either CON or RES cows. Overfeeding energy prepartum resulted in large changes in periparturient energy balance. Even in the absence of overconditioning, a large change in DMI and energy balance prepartum influenced postpartum DMI and BCS loss, especially for multiparous cows. Chopped wheat straw was effective at controlling energy intake prepartum, although primiparous cows did not achieve predicted DMI. Even so, controlling or restricting energy intake in primiparous cows was not detrimental to lactational performance over the first 8 wk of lactation.  相似文献   

Adaptations in adipose tissue lipolysis responsiveness to doses of epinephrine were determined in first lactation Holstein cows. Subcutaneous adipose tissue was biopsied at -30, -15, 30, 60, 120, 180, and 240 d about first calving. Glycerol and fatty acid release from tissue triglycerides were determined in vitro in the presence of 10(-8) to 10(-4) M epinephrine. Basal lipolysis increased postpartum and remained elevated through 240 d of lactation. Glycerol release in response to graded doses of epinephrine increased from 30 d prepartum to 30 d postpartum and remained elevated through 240 d. The highest net response was reached at 120 d and was maintained to 240 d. Increases during lactation were noted in actual glycerol release, net response (stimulated minus basal activity), and maximum net response (calculated from reciprocal plots). Maximal and submaximal response of fatty acid release to epinephrine increased post partum with maximal adaptation occurring by 30 d and remaining elevated through 240 d. Maximum net response of glycerol release at 30 d was related positively (r = .73) to milk energy secretion and negatively to energy intake (r = -.57) and energy balance (r = -.79). Net maximum free fatty acid response at 120 d related positively (r = .89) to milk energy secretion and negatively (r = -.81) to energy balance. The epinephrine responsiveness of adipose tissue increases during lactation in a manner consistent with whole body energy inputs and outputs.  相似文献   

Forty cows and twenty heifers were used to study the effects of dietary energy density during late gestation and early lactation on lactation performance and ruminal parameters. A 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used. During prepartum (-28 d to calving), animals were fed a low energy density diet [DL; 1.58 Mcal of net energy for lactation (NE(L))/kg, 40% neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 38% nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC)] or a high energy diet (DH; 1.70 Mcal NE(L)/kg, 32% NDF and 44% NFC). After calving, half of the cows from each prepartum treatment group were assigned to a low energy density diet (L; 1.57 Mcal NE(L)/kg, 30% NDF and 41% NFC) or a high energy density diet (H; 1.63 Mcal NE(L)/kg, 25% NDF and 47% NFC) until d 20 postpartum. After d 20, all cows were fed H until d 70. Animals fed DH had 19.8% greater dry matter intake (DMI; % of body weight) and 21.5% greater energy intake than animals fed DL prepartum and the response was greater for cows compared to heifers. Animals fed DH had lower ruminal pH compared to animals fed DL, but no major changes in volatile fatty acid concentrations were observed. Effects of dietary energy density during prepartum on postpartum production responses were dependent on parity. Primiparous cows fed DL had higher 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield and milk fat production and percentage during the first 10 wk of lactation than those fed DH. Prepartum diet did not affect lactation performance of multiparous cows. Cows fed H had higher DMI and energy intake for the first 20 d of lactation compared to cows fed L. Diets did not affect DMI after the third wk of lactation. Milk production increased faster for cows fed H compared to cows fed L. Animals fed DL-L sequence of treatments tended to have the lowest energy intake during the first 10 wk of lactation. Prepartum treatments did not affect ruminal fermentation characteristics postpartum. Cows fed H had lower ruminal pH and higher propionate concentrations than cows fed L. No prepartum x postpartum interactions were observed for ruminal fermentation parameters. The effects of DH on prepartum DMI did not carry over to the postpartum period or influence early postpartum production. Increasing concentrate content of the diet immediately postpartum instead of delaying the increase until d 21 postpartum is associated with a higher rate of increase.in milk production and higher DMI.  相似文献   

The effects of the level of energy intake (high E and low E) offered before and after calving on body condition score at calving, production performance, and energy status in the first 250 d of lactation were evaluated in a 2 × 2 factorial design experiment involving 80 Holstein-Friesian dairy animals (40 primiparous and 40 multiparous). From d 80 until d 21 precalving, primiparous animals were offered either high or low pasture allowances. Thereafter, these animals were housed and had ad libitum access to a high energy density diet (high E) or restricted access [6 kg of dry matter (DM) per d] to a low energy density diet (low E), respectively, until calving. From d 100 until d 42 precalving, multiparous animals were offered either ad libitum or restricted (10 kg of DM/d) access to a late lactation diet, and thereafter, had ad libitum access to a high E diet or restricted access (7 kg of DM complete diet/d) to a low E diet, respectively, until calving. The forage to concentrate (F:C) ratios (DM basis) of these high E and low E diets [d 42 (d 21 in primiparous animals) until calving] were 64:36 and 83:17, respectively. Cows offered high E and low E precalving diets were allocated to either a high E or low E postcalving diet [F:C ratio (DM basis) of 30:70 and 70:30, respectively] and remained on these diets until d 250 of lactation. Multiparous animals offered a high E diet precalving had a significantly higher body condition score at calving than those offered the low E diet precalving. This effect was not evident in primiparous animals. Precalving diet had no significant effect on plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations during the last 3 wk precalving in primi- or multiparous animals. Primiparous animals offered a high E diet precalving had significantly higher postcalving plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acid, suggesting greater mobilization of body reserves. Primi- and multiparous animals offered a high E diet postcalving had a significantly higher dry matter intake, milk yield, and energy status postcalving compared with animals offered a low E diet postcalving. Milk yields of primiparous animals offered high E and low E diets postcalving were 29.7 and 24.8 kg/d, respectively, and milk yield of multiparous animals offered high E and low E diets postcalving were 33.5 and 28.2 kg/d, respectively. It is concluded that altering body condition score during the dry period is difficult but that specific dietary regimens applied precalving can have a significant influence on postcalving production and energy-related parameters.  相似文献   

A total of 120 milk samples were collected from Comisana ewes throughout lactation. The ewes were ranked into two somatic cell count (SCC) categories: normal milk (N Milk) with SCC lower than 5.00x 10(5)/ml and high somatic cell milk (HSC Milk) with SCC higher than 1.00 x 10(6)/ml. Milk samples were analysed in triplicate for pH, fat and protein contents, renneting parameters, and plasmin and plasminogen activities. The peptide profile due to total proteolytic activity (endogenous and exogenous enzymes) on alpha- and beta-CNs were determined using urea-PAGE on sodium caseinate (pH 8.0 and pH 5.0) incubated at 37 degrees C for 4 d after sampling. The peptide profile due to non-plasmin enzyme activities at pH 5.0 was also determined using urea-PAGE. Plasmin activity was higher in the HSC milk than in the N milk throughout the study period. A decrease in plasmin activity was observed in the N milk during mid-lactation, which was probably related to decrease in pH, and in the HSC milk during late lactation, which may be ascribed to an enhanced influx of plasmin inhibitors from the blood stream. Proteolytic patterns in Comisana ewe milk were mainly affected by plasmin activity that increased with the SCC in milk. Also non-plasmin proteolytic activity was strongly enhanced by elevated SCC and resulted in a higher degradation of alpha-casein than of beta-casein. In general, plasmin activity did not increase with the advancement of lactation and exhibited a different trend in HSC and N milk, suggesting that physiological factors did not play a key role in regulating the plasminogen-plasmin system in ewes' milk. Plasmin activity, detected with the colorimetric assay was consistent with proteolytic activity on sodium caseinate shown in urea-PAGE electrophoregram.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary protein and gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism on growth and meat quality of lambs was assessed using 60 animals. The lambs were randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups (n = 20): group A, which served as control, group B that was regularly treated with albendazole and group C, which was given supplementary feeding with dietary protein. The three groups of lambs grazed into a pasture (Lolium perenne), which was contaminated with L3 larvae of GI nematodes. Lamb growth and condition score were assessed at 21-day intervals. After 126 days grazing all lambs were slaughtered and their carcasses were assessed for conformation and fatness and their ultimate pH was measured. Four carcasses from each group were randomly selected for meat quality measurements including physical analysis as well as colour, moisture, total fat, protein content and fatty acid composition. Parasitic challenge was assessed by means of faecal egg counts of lambs, pasture larvae and numbers of adult nematodes in the GI tract of lambs at slaughter. Growth rate of group B was higher (P < 0.01) than that of group A and resulted in significantly (P < 0.01) heavier carcasses. The produced carcasses had similar fatness, but differed significantly (P < 0.05), in their conformation; carcasses of group C scored higher than either those of group B or group A, respectively. There was a significant difference in the colour attributes (L*) with group A being significantly lighter (P < 0.05) and in pH (P < 0.01); Group B had the highest values. Carcasses of group C had the highest (P < 0.05) amounts of intermuscular fat compared to those of group B and A, respectively. The proportion of C16:1n-7 and C18:2n-6 was higher (P < 0.05) in subcutaneous fat tissue whereas the proportion of C18:0 was higher (P < 0.05) in muscle tissue. In conclusion, the present results showed that the increased protein content in the diet of growing lambs, grazing on a pasture infected with GI nematode larvae, resulted in the production of acceptable carcasses.  相似文献   

Green peas (Pisum sativum L) were harvested at three different time points—3 days apart—and subsequently sorted into four fractions according to seed size (diameter > 10.2 mm; 10.2–8.75 mm; 8.75–8.2 mm and 8.2–6.0 mm). Three varieties from two years were investigated. The study comprised a total of 31 green pea samples. The average protein content of the samples was 276 g kg?1 DM with relatively low variation (SE = 5.7). Protein content was highest in the smallest seeds. The average energy content was 18.6 MJ kg?1DM. Dietary fibre content was 226 g kg?1 DM, the major part (77%) as insoluble fibre. Seeds of early harvest and seeds with the smallest diameter had the lowest fibre (IDF and TDF) content and at the same time the highest energy digestibility. The average energy digestibility was 83.2%. Protein digestibility was relatively high (average 92.1%), while biological value (BV) and net protein utilisation (NPU) were moderate to low (60.6% and 55.8% respectively) due to low contents of the essential amino acids (g per 16 g N), especially tryptophan, methionine + cystine and lysine. Contents of lysine, tryptophan and methionine + cystine were more than 20% higher in the smallest seeds compared to the larger seeds. Similar differences were observed in seeds of late harvest as compared with seeds of early harvest. Correlation coefficients revealed a strong positive correlation between lysine, tryptophan and methionine + cystine content and the biological value of green pea protein. The three varieties investigated showed no differences in the chemical parameters although small differences in BV and NPU were observed.  相似文献   

Omitting the dry period (DP) generally reduces milk production in the subsequent lactation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of dietary energy source—glucogenic (G) or lipogenic (L)—and energy level—standard (std) or low—on milk production; energy balance (EB); lactogenic hormones insulin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and growth hormone (GH); and lactation curve characteristics between wk 1 and 44 postpartum in cows after a 0-d or 30-d DP. Cows (n = 110) were assigned randomly to 3 transition treatments: a 30-d DP with a standard energy level required for expected milk yield [30-d DP(std)], a 0-d DP with the same energy level as cows with a 30-d DP [0-d DP(std)], and a 0-d DP with a low energy level [0-d DP(low)]. In wk 1 to 7, cows were fed the same basal ration but the level of concentrate increased to 6.7 kg/d for cows fed the low energy level and to 8.5 kg/d for cows fed the standard energy level in wk 4. From wk 8 postpartum onward, cows received a G ration (mainly consisting of corn silage and grass silage) or an L ration (mainly consisting of grass silage and sugar beet pulp) with the same energy level contrast (low or std) as in early lactation. Cows fed the G ration had greater milk, lactose, and protein yields, lower milk fat percentage, greater dry matter and energy intakes, and greater plasma IGF-1 concentration compared with cows fed the L ration. Dietary energy source did not affect EB or lactation curve characteristics. In cows with a 0-d DP, the reduced energy level decreased energy intake, EB, and weekly body weight gain, but did not affect milk production or lactation curve characteristics. A 30-d DP resulted in a greater total predicted lactation yield, initial milk yield after calving, peak milk yield, energy intake, energy output in milk, days to conception [only when compared with 0-d DP(low)], plasma GH concentration [only when compared with 0-d DP(std)], and decreased weekly body weight gain compared with a 0-d DP. A 30-d DP decreased both the increasing and the declining slope parameters of the lactation curve and the relative rate of decline in milk yield (indicating greater lactation persistency) compared with a 0-d DP, and decreased plasma insulin and IGF-1 concentration, and EB. In conclusion, feeding a G ration after wk 7 in milk improved energy intake and milk production, but did not affect EB compared with an L ration. For cows without a DP, a reduced dietary energy level did not affect milk production and lactation curve characteristics, but did decrease EB and weekly body weight gain. A 30-d DP increased milk yield and lactation persistency, but decreased milk fat and protein content, EB, and plasma insulin and IGF-1, compared with a 0-d DP.  相似文献   

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