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大破口失水事故的DRM分析方法介绍   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从大破口失水事故分析方法的发展过程,阐述了法国大破口失水事故分析方法DRM。该分析方法是核电厂安全评价的有效工具,可以为核电厂的燃料管理优化及提高经济效益发挥重要的作用。该方法已在大亚湾核电站18个月换料项目的提高堆芯功率因子的分析论证中应用。  相似文献   

田湾核电站拟采用长周期换料策略,堆芯设计的改变需对设计基准事故进行重新分析。本文对反应堆入口主管道大破口失水事故进行了计算分析,在保守的初始输入及计算假设的基础上,通过对轴向功率分布及应急堆芯冷却系统的保守性分析,得出基于燃料包壳温度的最保守的计算工况,并进行了计算。计算结果表明,实施长周期策略后,大破口失水事故仍可满足验收准则的要求,堆芯设计具有足够的安全裕量。  相似文献   

分析了西安脉冲堆大破口失水事故的特点,建立了适用的数学模型,编制了计算程序。结果表明:在大破口失水事故下,部分燃料芯体最高温度将超过设计限值,但不会发生燃料元件熔毁事故。  相似文献   

压水堆核电站安全分析报告是核安全监管部门对其进行安全审查的重要文件,大破口失水事故是核电站运行的设计基准事故,是安全分析报告中的重要内容。本文使用RELAP5/MOD3.2进行压水堆冷管段大破口失水事故的计算,对比发现一回路冷管段发生双端断裂大破口时燃料元件包壳温度峰值(PCT)最高,且长时间维持在较高温度,此条件下反应堆最危险。计算结果表明,事故发生后,一回路压力迅速下降,堆芯冷却剂的流动性变差,导致堆芯裸露,燃料包壳温度又重新回升。通过安注系统和辅助给水系统等一系列动作,能保证燃料元件包壳温度不超过1204 ℃的限值。  相似文献   

先进压水堆采用非能动安全壳冷却系统作为事故后安全壳排热手段,事故后以钢安全壳为换热面将释放到安全壳的能量传递到环境中。失水事故后非能动安全壳冷却系统带热能力的好坏关系到整个反应堆的安全,事故进程中反应堆冷却剂系统的非能动特性与安全壳的非能动特性相互耦合,需要将非能动安全壳冷却系统和反应堆冷却剂系统进行耦合分析,了解事故后反应堆冷却剂系统与安全壳的耦合特性。本文通过开展大破口失水事故下反应堆冷却剂系统和安全壳的耦合分析,了解各非能动系统在大破口失水事故工况下的耦合特性。分析结果显示:大破口失水事故下,耦合分析中非能动余热排出系统、非能动堆芯冷却系统、自动卸压系统和非能动安全壳冷却系统的特性尤其是非能动余热排除系统排热功率、内置换料水箱注入时机和流量、自动卸压阀流量、安全壳压力温度等均与单独计算有较大差异,大破口失水事故下耦合分析得到的事故前期安全壳压力、温度峰值小于单独计算,事故后期安全壳压力在地坑水蒸发的作用下会逐步高于单独计算结果。  相似文献   

本文以严重事故分析程序MELCOR为计算工具,建立了某型船用堆的计算模型,研究了某型船用堆发生冷段双端断裂大破口失水事故的源项行为及放射性后果。分析了惰性气体Xe与挥发性气体CsI的释放、迁移和舱室分布规律,并对通风系统投入时机进行研究。结果表明:为保证堆舱临舱的剂量辐射在剂量限值内,应于事故发生后10min内投入全船通风。否则,应于全身剂量和甲状腺剂量达到剂量限值前及时采取防护措施。  相似文献   

与传统Zr包壳相比,SiC复合包壳具有更好的辐照稳定性、高温机械性能和抗氧化能力,可有效缓解事故进程,增加事故应对时间。在大破口失水事故工况下,SiC复合包壳会与低压高温水蒸气发生惰性氧化反应而持续损耗。SiC材料的惰性氧化反应分为两个过程:SiC抛物线型氧化过程和SiC表面氧化产生的SiO2的线性挥发过程。本文应用修正的Deal-Grove模型和传热/传质类比法研究SiC的抛物线型氧化速率和SiO2的线性挥发速率,并基于纯水蒸气环境下SiC氧化实验数据和SiO2线性挥发实验数据,获得了SiC抛物线型氧化速率常数模型和SiO2线性挥发速率常数模型。理论模型分析结果显示,在大破口失水事故后低压高温纯水蒸气氧化条件下,SiC材料的氧化速率常数较Zr合金低约2~3个数量级,导致SiC材料的损耗速率远低于传统Zr包壳的损耗速率。  相似文献   

大亚湾核电站18个月换料大破口失水事故的计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大亚湾核电站18个月换料的设计中,堆芯焓升因子和功率峰值因子有了较大的提高,通过采用DRM分析方法和CATHARE程序对LBLOCA事故进行了较为全面的计算、分析和论证,得出了在18个月换料运行方式下,堆芯的包壳温度等参数仍然满足验收准则的结论。在此基础上重新建立了LOCA包络限制线。  相似文献   

上空腔小破口失水事故模拟实验   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
文中给出了位于上空腔的中小尺寸接管破裂或安全阀意外开启引起的小破口失水事故的模拟实验研究情况。在实验中研究了系统压力,温度、空泡份额的变化和总失水量。总失水量约为初始装水量的20%。  相似文献   

大破口失水事故时冷热段同时安注反应堆堆芯会更安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大破口失水事故时,安注系统由冷段注入的大量冷却剂从压力壳和吊兰之间的环形通道经破口流入安全壳,只有少量的冷却剂流入堆芯。如果把安注系统同时安装在冷段和热段同时进行安注,从热段注入的冷却剂带走了上腔室和堆芯内的较多热量而降低了上腔室内的压力,使冷段注入的冷却剂较容易流入堆芯。同时,从热段注入的部分冷却剂在上腔室内撞击在导向管上后,沿着导向管流入堆芯,堆芯得到的冷却剂比单一冷段安注时得到的冷却剂要多,堆芯会更安全  相似文献   

文章给出了压水堆核电厂主蒸汽管道破裂事故(MSLB)的概述、分析模型及主要假设,讨论了秦山核电厂影响MSLB的参数特点,并给出了极限工况的分析结果及敏感性分析得到的结论。  相似文献   

研究建立了蒸汽发生器二次侧非能动应急堆芯余热排出系统热工水力特性的物理与数学模型,并编制了计算机程序。以中国秦山核电站的数据为依据,计算和分析了在失去厂外电源事故典型工况下,该系统投入运行时对瞬态热工水力特性的影响。  相似文献   

文章简述了TRAC-PF1与大破口LOCA分析有关的功能和特点。针对大破口LOCA分析做出了秦山核电厂核蒸汽系统的适用于TRAC-PF1的模型。给出了对系统的稳态模拟结果和大破口LOCA分析的基本假设、事故过程及瞬态曲线。最后对结果进行了分析,指出为实际得到秦山核电厂大破口LOCA分析结果,在此基础上尚需获得并核实的关键数据。本文的意义在于介绍了一种应用TRAC-PF1进行大破口LOCA分析的方法。  相似文献   

文章利用RETRAN-02对清华大学在建5MW低温核供热实验堆断电事故(ATWS)进行了分析,比较了两种注硼模型,给出了事故过程描述、计算方案及计算结果。  相似文献   

本文借助于核电站假想事故条件下的放射性释放量,按不同的核素组,分组计算了其经各种照射途径对周围居民造成的剂量;并考虑了气象资料的统计数据,使得因天气条件两低估剂量的可能不超过5%;从而得到了与事故过程(涉及释放的核素谱)和天气条件无关的释放量和照射剂量间的关系。文中还讨论了释放时间、风速、释放高度和停留时间等对上述关系的影响;以及各核素组、各种照射途径对照射剂量的相对贡献。  相似文献   

The modeling of complex transients in nuclear power plants (NPP) remains a challenging topic for best estimate three-dimensional coupled code computational tools. This technique is, nowadays, extensively used since it allows decreasing conservatism in the calculation models and performs more realistic simulation and more precise consideration of multidimensional effects under complex transients in NPPs. Therefore, large international activities are in progress aiming to assess the capabilities of coupled codes and the new frontiers for the nuclear technology that could be opened by this technique. In the current paper, a contribution to the assessment and validation of coupled code technique through the Kozloduy VVER100 pump trip test is performed. For this purpose, the coupled RELAP5/3.3-PARCS/2.6 code is used. The code results were assessed against experimental data. Deviations between code predictions and measurements are mainly due to the used models for evaluating and modeling of the Doppler feedback effect. Further investigations through the use of two “antagonist” uncertainty GRS and the CIAU methods, were considered in order to evaluate and quantify the origin of the observed discrepancies. It was revealed on one hand that relative error quantification discrepancies exist between the two approaches, and further enhancements for both methods are needed.  相似文献   

This paper presents some of the main technical features and insights of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant (NPP) units 5 and 6 probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) level 1. Probabilistic analyses and their applications in Bulgaria were given further impetus in recent years. More than 17 years after the first PSA study in Bulgaria in 1992 today probabilistic analyses receive increasing attention and application than ever before. The Bulgarian regulatory body (BNRA) is also interested in expanding their capability of reviewing and using PSA in plant safety assessments. In November 2008 within the framework of the program financed by European Union (PHARE), a project for assisting the BNRA in establishing the regulatory requirements on the base of PSA was completed. One of the objectives of this project was performance of the independent review of Kozloduy NPP units 5 and 6 PSA. This review was a new impulse for the authors to present in more details of Kozloduy NPP probabilistic assessment studies in the present paper.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of thermal-hydraulic calculations of a large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA) analysis for a VVER-1000/V446 unit at Bushehr nuclear power plant (BNPP). LBLOCA is analysis in two different beyond design basis accident (BDBA) scenarios using the RELAP5/MOD3.2 best estimate code. The scenarios are LBLOCA with station blackout (SBO) and LBLOCA with pump re-circulation blockage which have been evaluated in the final safety analysis report (FSAR) of BNPP. A model of VVER-1000 reactor based on Unit 1 of BNPP has been developed for the RELAP5/MOD3.2 thermal-hydraulics code consists of 4-loop primary and secondary systems with all their relevant sub-systems important to safety analysis. The analysis is performed without regard for operator's actions on accident management. The safety analysis is carried out and the results are checked against the acceptance criteria which are the possibility of using water inventory in the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) accumulators and the KWU tanks for core cooling and the available time to operators before the maximum design limit of fuel rod cladding damage is reached. These kinds of analyses are performed to provide the response of monitored plant parameters to identify symptoms available to the operators, timing of the loss of critical safety functions and timing of operator actions to avoid the loss of critical safety functions of core damage. The results of performed analyses show that the operators have 2.9 and 3.1 h for LBLOCA with SBO and LBLOCA with pump re-circulation blockage scenarios, respectively, before the fuel rod cladding rupture. The results are also compared with the BNPP FSAR data.  相似文献   

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