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<正>近期,土耳其SO?建筑事务为伊斯坦布尔的贝利克度兹(Beylikduzu)民政局完成了20000平方米的公共文化中心翻新项目,其中包括建筑及结构的改造,并重新设计了室内空间与立面。该建筑涵盖了种类丰富的文化设施,其中包括图书馆、儿童图书馆、多功能大厅、工作室、电影院、娱乐室等空间,为当地居民提供了一处绝佳的学习及休闲场所。  相似文献   

Parameters for designing jointless concrete bridges with curved geometry in plan The curved geometry in plan shall be advantageously combined with the jointless construction method. Constraints due to temperature and shrinkage can be considerably reduced by horizontal “relaxation” (movement) of the superstructure. In this way complicated concrete technology and constructive measures on site can be avoided to decrease cracking and reduce costs. Additionally it offers an improved aesthetic. The following contribution shows, that few parameters are sufficient for designing curved concrete bridges without bearings and joints.  相似文献   

Die Wohnungseigentumstauglichkeit von Wohnungen, sonstigen selbst?ndigen R?umlichkeiten oder Abstellpl?tzen ist durch § 2 Abs 2 WEG zwingend geregelt. Nutzwertfestsetzungen und Grundbuchseintragungen, die gegen diese zwingenden Grunds?tze versto?en, sind nichtig (hier: "Wohnungseigentum" an einem ca 3 m2 gro?en Lagerraum, verbunden mit WE-Zubeh?r an 1.124 m2 Gartenfl?che).  相似文献   

In order to investigate natural groundwater quality in Baden-Württemberg, 250 water samples from wells and springs of catchments with only little anthropogenic influence were chemically analysed. The study focused on the quantitative analysis of trace elements from natural sources. To assess the influence of atmospheric deposition on groundwater quality over a period of one year, monthly precipitation samples obtained from five meteorologic stations were also analysed. The groundwater hydrochemical data were obtained from 15 different hydrogeochemical units. The analytical data from the precipitation samples provide valuable information regarding the concentration of several elements in the atmospheric deposition in Baden-Württemberg. For near-surface groundwater with only limited anthropogenic influence, concentration ranges for more than 50 hydrochemical parameters are now available. The results provide a reliable database of the natural variation of trace elements. Potential anthropogenic influences can thus be evaluated by comparing future data against this natural background. For illustration, the results from the trace elements cobalt and uranium are presented in more detail.  相似文献   

Digital twins for medium span bridges – pilot project bridge Schwindegg – part 2: Asset Administration Shell The term ′digital twin′ is becoming increasingly popular in German-speaking countries for the digital management and condition monitoring of bridges. Although standardised developments for the use of digital twins have already been initiated in industry and medicine, the first prototypes are currently being implemented in the construction industry. The digital images are typically operated in online environments that are proprietary to the project and have limited reusability. The article investigates the integration of scaling into Building Information Modelling models, which is reaching its limits due to the real-time capability. It places existing definitions of the digital twin of the industry in the context of the construction industry. The implementation of the Isenbridge in Schwindegg as an Industry 4.0 Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is presented, building on Part 1 of this contribution. We show that an industrial, data-driven digital twin can also be implemented technically and semantically for engineering structures. The article also presents the future challenges for evaluation and control mechanisms still to be developed for the structure. We also show a possible visualisation. The goal is to develop a syntax for the AAS’ communication.  相似文献   

Das Kriterium der "bodensparenden Bebauung" (§ 113 Abs 2 lit c tir ROG 2001) kann nicht derart ausgelegt werden, dass daraus eine Verpflichtung zur bodensparenden Bauplatzausformung durch eine Grundteilung abgeleitet wird. Auch die Grundstückseigentümer, die nicht Bauwerber sind, haben eine eingeschr?nkte Parteistellung im Baubewilligungsverfahren. Die Nichtzustimmung der Grundstückseigentümer zur Bauführung muss sp?testens in der Berufung geltend gemacht werden.  相似文献   

张岩 《建筑技艺》2012,(2):118-123
在哥本哈根Frederiksberg的Bülowsvej一所学校的扩建项目中,CEBRA设计了一栋新的独立建筑,作为1~3年级孩子的单独校舍。多重连接这个项目需要35个同样的50m2大小的房间作为教学和工作间,设计给出了一个很直接的答案。我们取消了传统的学校走廊,将3m×4m×5m的方形房间紧密排列在一个长方形的盒子中,并使房间之间在水平和竖向出现多种连接。所有房间都通过开口、门或内部的窗户与周围的房间连接起来。开口大小不  相似文献   

王梦雪 《建筑创作》2022,(4):72-125
<正>主题:场地的历史Küppersmühle Küppersmühle博物馆原址,是1860年由杜伊斯堡内港创立人之一、实业家维穆·韦德(Wihelm Vedder)建造的一个谷物磨坊。1900年,这个最早使用先进技术运作的内港磨坊,成为“鲁尔区的面包篮”,并在1908年将早期的建筑改为三段结构,也包括现在的博物馆。1912年,维尔纳&尼古拉工厂(Werner&Nicola works)接手了磨坊业务,加建了一间带烟囱的锅炉房。1930年,毗邻的钢筒仓建设完成。1969年,该工厂与霍姆伯格的库普勒斯工厂(Küppers works of Homberg)合并,随即将磨坊和博物馆更名。磨坊于1972年关闭。  相似文献   

The Arch Bridges of the A 17, design and erection – three examples of arch bridges with piered bridge deck. In the course of the newly built highway A 17 were built three concrete arch bridges with piered bridge deck. The characteristics of the bridges and the type of construction are reported on. The bridge across the Seidewitz Valley has an overall length of 568 m and a span of the arch of 154 m. The bridge is the classic case of an arch bridge built using the suspended cantilever method. The Bridge Wölkau has a total length of 57 m and an arch span of 47 m. The bridge is an example for the crossing of a highway with special regard to aesthetics. The bridge across the Lockwitz Valley has an overall length of 723 m and crosses a long valley in a max. heigth of 64 m. The two main spans are each 125 m. In four of the spans are situated arches, which together with the composite superstructure and the piers form an integral frame system. The construction shows a new way for deploying the aesthetic value of arch systems in the crossing of valleys up to now thought as not suitable for this.  相似文献   

正本案坐落在西班牙桑坦德东部小镇Güemes,该项目旨在将先前的旧马厩改造并扩建为一幢季节性住宅。在住宅结构上,既有建筑的石墙支撑着铺有瓦片的木制结构三角形屋顶,完整地反映了当地简单含蓄的建造体系。这种建筑干预的本质是对既有建筑的绝对尊重,不论是对传统材料的使用还是室内空间类型的打造。同时,这也决定了包括旧马厩在内的大型中央空间会被开发成一个独立的单元。  相似文献   

正来自德国汉堡的室内设计师Holger Berg为一家新开张的时尚服饰精品店设计了一个灵活且非比寻常的空间,该店拥有60多个不同的时尚品牌,占地面积约220平方米。新店的开设在未来会定期举行时装秀、艺术展览和聚会等活动,成为汉堡市名人的聚集地。该店的设计概念融合了周边港口区的氛围,打造了混凝土原材料的墙面和开放的电  相似文献   


openLAB – A research bridge for developing a digital twin of bridges Within the IDA-KI project, a research bridge (openLAB) is being built and loaded up to the level of severe damage. This will be accompanied by extensive measurements and investigations, thus creating a unique database for the validation of damage detection and evaluation methods under real environmental conditions using a large-scale model. This article presents the project idea, the research bridge currently under construction, and the monitoring system installed at the bridge. The methods implemented for automated data analysis and fault detection in the monitoring data are presented and validated through load tests in the openLAB. First measurements recorded during the production process of the precast girders of the research bridge underline the potential of distributed fiber optic sensors for a monitoring from day one. The information gained from the construction and operation of the bridge is provided in a digital model. The conceptualization of the so-called “as maintained“ model and the data management will be presented.  相似文献   


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