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《Chemical engineering science》2002,57(22-23):4667-4690
Today chemical engineering has to answer to the changing needs of the chemical and related process industries and to meet the market demands. Being a key to survival in globalization of trade and competition, the evolution of chemical engineering is thus necessary. Its ability to cope with the scientific and technological problems encountered will be appraised in this paper. To satisfy both the markets requirements for specific end-use properties of products and the social and environmental constraints of the industrial-scale processes, it is shown that a necessary progress is coming via a multidisciplinary and a time and length multiscale approach. This will be obtained due to breakthroughs in molecular modelling, scientific instrumentation and related signal processing and powerful computational tools. For the future of chemical engineering four main objectives are concerned: (a) to increase productivity and selectivity through intelligent operations via intensification and multiscale control of processes; (b) to design novel equipment based on scientific principles and new methods of production: process intensification; (c) to extend chemical engineering methodology to product focussed engineering, i.e. manufacturing and synthesizing end-use properties required by the customer, which needs a triplet “molecular processes–product–process” engineering; (d) to implement multiscale application of computational chemical engineering modelling and simulation to real-life situations, from the molecular scale to the overall complex production scale.  相似文献   

Chemical Engineering taught as a subject across three Energy Engineering-based degree streams was evaluated considering two cohorts in two consecutive years after the implementation of the Bologna Process in Spain. A regular continuous assessment methodology yielded negative results during the first year. Student insight on course development, own expectations and results, and the evaluation system were then explored via a 33-item survey with participation levels between 41% and 82%. Direct answers were evaluated including rank correlations between all items. The 465 correlation coefficients obtained showed stimulating and unanticipated results. For example, it was shown that a severe grading process (external blame-assignment) was only identified as an explanation for a low mark by those students who performed most poorly in the subject and, therefore, had a poorer understanding of the materials.Besides, the feedback received from students was used to implement several changes in both the teaching practice and the assessment method during the second year, such as incorporating exam-like problems in daily classes and setting two midterm exams instead of the final one. The results registered after the second year pointed to substantial progress in student learning. Pass rates also rose from a 30% in the first academic year to 49% and 58% in the two following ones.  相似文献   

Magnetic nanoparticles [MNPs] made from iron oxides have many applications in biomedicine. Full understanding of the interactions between MNPs and mammalian cells is a critical issue for their applications. In this study, MNPs were coated with poly(ethylenimine) [MNP-PEI] and poly(ethylene glycol) [MNP-PEI-PEG] to provide a subtle difference in their surface charge and their cytotoxicity which were analysed by three standard cell viability assays: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium [MTS], CellTiter-Blue and CellTiter-Glo (Promega, Southampton, UK) in SH-SY5Y and RAW 264.7 cells The data were validated by traditional trypan blue exclusion. In comparison to trypan blue manual counting, the MTS and Titer-Blue assays appeared to have consistently overestimated the viability. The Titer-Glo also experienced a small overestimation. We hypothesise that interactions were occurring between the assay systems and the nanoparticles, resulting in incorrect cell viability evaluation. To further understand the cytotoxic effect of the nanoparticles on these cells, reactive oxygen species production, lipid peroxidation and cell membrane integrity were investigated. After pegylation, the MNP-PEI-PEG possessed a lower positive surface charge and exhibited much improved biocompatibility compared to MNP-PEI, as demonstrated not only by a higher cell viability, but also by a markedly reduced oxidative stress and cell membrane damage. These findings highlight the importance of assay selection and of dissection of different cellular responses in in-vitro characterisation of nanostructures.  相似文献   

In the technology of a number of ceramic and refractory materials, prepared on the basis of highly concentrated ceramic binder suspensions (HCBS), elements of effective nanotechnology were realized even before the present “nanoboom.” The concept has been formulated of an advance in materials technology based on HCBS both in traditional fields of their application, and in the field of structural materials science, within which for industrial introduction of existing developments it is necessary to create contemporary equipment formulation for production processes.  相似文献   

Although initially lagging behind the USA, the amount and quality of research and development carried out in the UK can be compared favourably with that from other major world countries. The industrial research association, although a well‐conceived concept to increase research and development efforts that gave significant results, was disappointing for several reasons. A major problem has been the dissemination, exploitation and commercialisation of research results. The activities of research organisations need to be reviewed regularly, as they may have a relatively short lifespan. The intermediate research and technology sector, given adequate support, may be the vehicle for better utilisation of research and development results.  相似文献   

This paper provides information about a hybrid multilingual (English, Portuguese, French, and Italian) game developed as an alternative learning method to the traditional problem-solving exercises model. The game comprises a physical board and a free-of-charge application for undergraduate students to review and reinforce concepts related to stereochemistry by answering questions, from a bank of 400 questions, in a ludic, competitive, and collaborative environment. Brazilian, French, and Italian undergraduate students played the game face-to-face before the disruption caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic and remotely during that. They also evaluated the game, and the quite positive results obtained from students’ self-assessment revealed that they felt the game contributed to their learning while playing.  相似文献   

In the development of productive coal and oil beds, certain geochemical conditions facilitate the formation of elementary associations that include indicator elements and accompanying elements. The determination of those associations permits the identification of the features of mineral formation in the beds and the processes that affect the variability of the mineral composition in the intervening rock.  相似文献   

Burns can be caused by various factors and have an increased risk of infection that can seriously delay the wound healing process. Chronic wounds caused by burns represent a major health problem. Wound healing is a complex process, orchestrated by cytokines, growth factors, prostaglandins, free radicals, clotting factors, and nitric oxide. Growth factors released during this process are involved in cell growth, proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Reactive oxygen species are released in acute and chronic burn injuries and play key roles in healing and regeneration. The main aim of this review is to present the roles of growth factors, reactive oxygen species, and metformin in the healing process of burn injuries.  相似文献   

In this pen conference, we have invited authorities and experts concerned to further elaborate the connotations and significance of the principle of "Science and technology is the No. 1 productive force" , discuss the problems encountered in implementing the principle in chemical industry and measures consequently taken against them and exchange experience gained in executing the policy of "Boosting chemical industry by science and technology" , The purpose is to accelerate the modernization process of China's chemical industry and realize the strategic target set by the government.  相似文献   

Oxidation with O3/H2O2 and Fe2+/H2O2 are optional for the degradation of herbicides and pesticides in water. The choice of which process will be applied depends upon the degree of degradation of organic micropollutants and the process conditions related to the formation of oxidation by-products, and also on the total costs and the safety and reliability of the process. Under real conditions, atrazine and some phenylureaherbicides were oxidized with O3/H2O2. Comparable experiments under conditions of different pH, iron and DOC content were performed with Fe2+/H2O2, in order to gain information on the influence of these parameters. The oxidation results of both processes as well as the formation of bromate as one of the oxidation by-products are described. It was found that 80% of atrazine and >99% of some phenylureaherbicides could be degraded with O3/H2O2 at pH 7.8 (H2O2/O3 ratio 3.7 g/g). Under these conditions, bromate was formed up to 5 μg/1. Comparable results were obtained with Fe2+/H2O2 at a pH value of 5.5, whereas the formation of bromate was kept below 0.2 μg/L.  相似文献   

Despite the recognized importance of the process, estimates of the amount of nitrogen fixed by biological symbiosis in tropical dry forests are almost nonexistent. We estimated the nitrogen fixed annually by the leaves of trees and shrubs at sites regenerating for 16 and 38?years and in an old-growth dry forest using 15N abundance methodology. The total leaf biomass (1,824?C3,036?kg?ha?1) and nitrogen contents (62?C90?kg?ha?1) did not differ among the areas. In all of the areas, most of the leaf biomass belonged to legume plants, but the proportion of the N2-fixing legumes decreased with increasing regeneration time. In the 16-year regenerating area, almost all of the N was in the leaves of the N-fixing Mimosa tenuiflora plants, but fixation was absent or very low as it was in the N-fixing species present in the 38-year regenerating area. In the old-growth Caatinga, all of the N-fixing species (M. tenuiflora, Piptadenia stipulacea and Anadenanthera colubrina) had large proportions (47?C62?%) of their N derived from atmospheric N2, but the amount of fixed N (6?kg?ha?1) was a small proportion of the total leaf N because these plant species were a small part of the vegetation. The total input of biologically fixed N to the old-growth forest was similar in magnitude to an estimate made for a humid tropical forest in Amazonia.  相似文献   


This paper reports the results of an exploratory inorganic chemical characterization of PM2 . 5. The particle samples exemplify the personal exposure of nine healthy, nonsmoking individuals living and working in the metropolitan area of Birmingham, Alabama, in comparison with stationary outdoor and indoor sampling at their homes. The samples were taken by filtration in two seasons, summer and winter of 1997?1998. The chemical analyses were performed on water soluble extracts for sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, chloride, and potassium and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for elements of atomic number > 13. The results indicate that a sulfate mixture, calculated to be either ammonium sulfate or letovicite, dominated the mass concentration of all samples. Small contributions also derived from nitrate as ammonium nitrate, chloride, aluminum silicates, and metals such as iron, copper, and zinc. Potentially toxic elements such as chromium, nickel, arsenic, and selenium were present only at the ng/m3 level or less. Most of the unaccounted for mass fraction is hypothesized to be carbonaceous material. Correlation was found between sulfate concentration data from outdoor, indoor, and personal samples. Sulfate concentrations also correlated with outdoor PM2 . 5 gravimetric mass concentrations. However, minor or trace contaminant concentrations were not correlated with outdoor mass concentrations. Indoor sulfate levels can be explained by infiltration of outdoor particles into the buildings, while evidence was found for sources of PM2 . 5 particles indoors in four of eight residences in summer and two of eight in winter.  相似文献   

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