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Factor VIII (AHG) activity was assayed in the plasma specimens from 1016 regular and controlled blood donors. Age and ABO blood groups had highly significant effects on factor VIII concentrations, whereas the effect of sex was not significant. The median in the donors of blood group O rose from 87% at the age of 20 to 119% at the age of 60 years, and the median in blood groups A and B+AB of corresponding ages rose from 108 to 147%. An interaction effect of age and blood groups was present only at the 5% level of significance. The present data and the previous findings of others suggest the existence of an association between high factor VIII levels and thrombotic states.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the circadian variation in the signal averaged electrocardiogram (saECG) and heart rate variability and investigate their relations in healthy subjects. METHODS: 24 hour ECGs were obtained with a three channel recorder using bipolar X, Y, and Z leads in 20 healthy subjects. The following variables were determined hourly: heart rate, filtered QRS (f-QRS) duration, low and high frequency components of heart rate variability (LF and HF), and the LF/HF ratio. RESULTS: Heart rate, f-QRS duration, HF, and the LF/HF ratio showed significant circadian rhythms, as determined by the single cosinor method. Heart rate and the LF/HF ratio increased during daytime, and f-QRS duration and HF increased at night. f-QRS duration was negatively correlated with heart rate (r = 0.95, p < 0.001) and the LF/HF ratio (r = 0.94, p < 0.001) and positively with HF (r = 0.93, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: f-QRS duration has a significant circadian rhythm in healthy subjects and is closely related to the circadian rhythm of autonomic tone.  相似文献   

Besides the thrombolytic therapy several adjuvant therapeutic measures were identified which significantly improve the prognosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). These measures include the treatment by means of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors. Early administration of ASA and beta-blockers are indicated in all patients with AMI who have no contraindications for this therapy. They are especially the patients with manifest heart failure or asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction who benefit from ACE inhibitors. The effectivity of routine administration of other medicaments such as anticoagulants, nitrates, calcium channel blockers and magnesium, have not been convincingly proved. However, some selected patients with AMI can benefit from these medicaments. Intravenous administration of heparin is unambiguously justified only in thrombolysis with t-PA. Thrombolyses with streptokinase, urokinase, and anistreplase are justified only at high risk of thromboembolic complications. Their prevention and therapy include also the necessity to restrict the administration of pelentan. The use of nitrates is indicated in patients with AMI in case of sustaining stenocardia, arterial hypertension and manifest heart left ventricular failure. Until the definitive standpoint is gained regarding the effect of magnesium in patients with AIM, its administration remains especially indicated in cases of arterial hypertension, tachycardiac disturbances of the heart rhythm and states of assumed or proved hypomagnesiemia. In AMI cases when magnesium is used in order to protect the patient from reperfusion lesion, it must be administered prior to the reperfusion therapy. An intensive research in the field of therapeutical measures in patients with AMI still continues. It is certain that it will soon bring further knowledge which will in turn improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients with AMI. (Tab. 4, Ref. 133.)  相似文献   

Balloon angioplasty as the treatment of first choice in the setting of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is gaining widespread acceptance because of favourable results from specialised centres concerning high patency rates and low mortality. This study reports the results of angioplasty for AMI at large community hospitals during 1992-1995. 4625 procedures were performed at 68 centres of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Leitender Kardiologischer Krankenhaus?rzte (ALKK). The age of the patients was 60.8 +/- 11.3 years, with 75.1% men. The infarct related artery was the left anterior descendent in 43%, the right coronary artery in 37%, the circumflex artery in 16%, a bypass graft in 2.3% and the left main stem in 1.4% of patients. The success rate (residual stenosis < 50%) of the intervention was 86%. There was a wide range of procedures per centre, with a median of 40 AMI angioplasties per year and centre. The amount of angioplasties for AMI in relation to all angioplasties performed during this period rose from 5.2% in 1992 to 5.9% in 1995 (p = 0.01). Local complications at the puncture site occurred in 3.2%, with the need for a surgical intervention in 1.1% of patients. In 273 (5.9%) of the patients a second angioplasty was performed during the hospital stay. Aortocoronary bypass surgery was performed in 3% of the patients. Hospital mortality was 9.5% (438/4625 patients). The mortality rate remained constant during the years investigated (1992: 10.6%; 1993: 8.6%; 1994: 9.7%; 1995: 9.8%; p = ns). Higher mortality was observed in older patients, patients with multiple vessel disease, the left anterior descending artery or a bypass graft as infarct related artery as well as in patients with failed reperfusion (residual stenoses > 50%). Hospitals with a case load of more than 40 angioplasties for AMI per year showed a lower mortality as compared to the others. In clinical practice at large community hospitals results of angioplasty for AMI concerning mortality, complications and technical success rate are comparable to those of highly specialised centres. The absolute numbers of angioplasties for AMI increased constantly over the years.  相似文献   

The course of the psychopathology and social functioning in an experimental day-treatment group referred for inpatient psychiatric treatment is compared with that of a control group receiving standard inpatient care. During a follow-up period of 2 years subjects were interviewed three times. The interview comprised information about psychiatric symptoms, psychological functions, psychiatric diagnosis and social-role functioning. Apart from these discrete assessments an effort was made to map episodes of illness throughout the follow-up period. Upon entry the groups did not differ in terms of psychopathology or social functioning. At follow-up both groups had improved significantly with respect to symptomatology, psychological and social functioning. The extent to which the groups improved did not differ significantly regarding pathology, but self-care improved more in the experimental group. The average duration of episodes of illness was similar for the experimental and control group. During the 2-year follow-up patients suffered from a well-defined disorder during an average of 11 months. The fact that approximately 40% of them were still a psychiatric case after 2 years further underscores the severity of their pathology.  相似文献   

In a population of close to 2.5 million infants born from 1983 to 1993 registered in the California Birth Defects Monitoring Program, we compared the prevalence of structural birth defects among 2,894 infants with Down syndrome (DS) with that of infants without DS. Among 61 defects uniformly ascertained in affected and unaffected infants, 45 were significantly more common in DS, with atrioventricular canal (risk ratio = 1,009), duodenal atresia (risk ratio = 265), and annular pancreas (risk ratio = 430) being the most common. Most defects of blastogenesis and most midline defects were either nonsignificantly associated or not observed in infants with DS. Theories on the pathogenesis of defects in trisomies must account for the lack of and for the presence of specific defects.  相似文献   

A review of the literature suggests that direct PTCA for acute myocardial infarction is indicated and feasible in 90-95% of unselected, consecutive patients; direct PTCA is reported to be successful in > 90% of procedures. This results in a hospital mortality of 3-7% for unselected patients and a 4% re-infarction rate. A recent meta-analysis of direct PTCA vs i.v. thrombolysis in patients with acute infarction demonstrates a lower mortality after PTCA (4.4% vs 6.5%, p = 0.02) as well as lower mortality/re-infarction rate (7.2% vs 11.9%, p < 0.001). Mortality in the 1st year after discharge is < 5% with about half of the fatalities being due to cardiac causes. Patients presenting with or developing cardiogenic shock in the acute infarct phase experience a 20-50% acute mortality. Mortality rests at < 10% in these patients in the first year after discharge. In conclusion, (1) direct PTCA is feasible without additional risks in patients with acute myocardial infarction, (2) angiographic and clinical success rates of direct PTCA are favorable and superior to i.v. thrombolysis in the hands of expert operators, and (3) referral to an institution providing the option of immediate, direct PTCA must be considered in the patient with acute infarction but contraindication(s) to i.v. thrombolysis.  相似文献   

Max Br?del (1870-1941), from Leipzig, Germany, is often referred to in the USA as the father of modern medical illustration and mentioned in the same breath as Leonardo da Vinci or Andreas Vesal. After a classical formal art education in Leipzig he worked in Carl Ludwig's laboratory of physiology and anatomy, where he came in contact with American physicians. In 1894, the anatomist F.P. Mall convinced him to work for the recently inaugurated Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, where he collaborated with world-famous surgeons such as H.A. Kelly, W.S. Halsted, and H. Cushing. His illustrations were characterized by meticulous observation, both realistic and explanatory intention, technical superiority, and artistic merit. In 1911 he established the first "Department of Art as applied to Medicine". Here, he proved to be an innovative artist, a creative scientist, and an inspiring and skillful instructor. By the time of Br?del's retirement in 1939, 160 students had graduated as medical illustrators. His pupils spread his principles and style throughout the USA and Canada, and several similar academic programs for medical illustration have been founded in these countries.  相似文献   

At present, the treatment for acute myocardial infarction is revascularization during the critical initial period of six hours after the beginning of coronary occlusion. Despite the fact that surgery performed within this time period presents a hospital of mortality around 2%, and with excellent results in the long term, it is seldom used due to logistic limitations and capabilities of hospital infrastructures, high costs and the possibility of the surgical team initiating surgery inside the useful time period. Surgery is thus limited to the patients with suitable anatomy, who are not candidates or had failure of thrombolytic/angioplasty therapy and are in the six-hour period after initiation of symptoms. Surgery performed at a later stage has good results if performed in a non emergency situation, specially after the first 72 hours. Surgery continues to be the only treatment for the mechanical complications of infarction, and good results have recently been shown in ventricular septal ruptures, with hospital mortality of 14%, due to the use of an endoventricular patch in patients operated early, before the consequences of low cardiac output develop at systemic level. In the surgical treatment of mitral regurgitation, the tendency has been to use repair techniques whenever possible, but still with hospital mortality up to 15%. The recent advances of the techniques and tactics of myocardial preservation during surgery have made a very significant contribution to the better results we see today.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: This paper compares the performance of an experimental nasal positive airway pressure device that automatically adjusts the level of applied pressure (APAP) with the performance of a conventional continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in a sleep laboratory study. DESIGN: In a randomized sequence, conventional CPAP therapy was applied for 1 night (CPAP night) and APAP therapy the following night (APAP night). SETTING: The study was conducted in an accredited sleep disorders center. PATIENTS OR PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-six men and 5 women between the ages of 35 to 73 (51 +/- 9.6) years with body mass index 35.82 +/- 8.35 (kg/m2) who were diagnosed (using standard nocturnal polysomnography [NPSG] methods) as having OSA syndrome were studied. The subjects were treated with conventional CPAP for approximately 8 (7.79 +/- 3.16) weeks at home prior to their participation in this study. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: All standard polysomnography data and nasal mask pressures were recorded using a computer-based data acquisition system. Sleep and respiratory data were scored by a registered polysomnographer. The mean apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) for subjects for the NPSG night was 55.2 +/- 33.7. It dropped to 4.2 +/- 3.8 for the CPAP night and to 5.4 +/- 5.4 for the APAP night. There was no significant (p = 0.05) difference between mean AHI indices, sleep stages, sleep stage shifts, and snore arousals for CPAP night and APAP night. However, all the measures showed significant (p = 0.05) improvement over NPSG night. The mean of APAP applied pressure (8.4 +/- 3.3 cm H2O) was significantly (p = 0.05) lower than the prescribed pressure (11.5 +/- 3.1 cm H2O), but there was no significant (p = 0.05) difference between the maximum APAP applied pressure (12.8 +/- 4.3 cm H2O) and the prescribed pressure (11.5 +/- 3.1 cm H2O). All mean comparison tests were carried out using two-tailed statistics. CONCLUSIONS: APAP appears to be as effective as CPAP in treating OSA patients. APAP delivers the same level of therapy as CPAP, but it reduces the average airway pressure while providing needed peak pressures.  相似文献   

Between May 1991 and February 1992, 31 consecutive patients were included in a prospective study, the aims of which were to determine the criteria of early coronary revascularisation after intravenous thrombolysis in the acute phase of myocardial infarction. The rise in serum myoglobin, the ST segment elevation, accelerated idioventricular rhythm and the evolution of chest pain were analysed. All patients underwent coronary angiography. Twenty-six were revascularized and 5 remained with coronary occlusion. Two types of serum myoglobin curves were demonstrated. Those with a sudden , decrease and a well defined peak in the first 4 hours were specific for revascularisation and easily identified (Group A: 16 patients). The graphs with a progressively rising slope to a peak after the 4th hour were observed in patients with coronary occlusion, but also in 10 patients with recanalized arteries (Group B). No significant difference was demonstrated with regards to the clinical and coronary angiographic parameters between patients in Group A and Group B. On the other hand, the time between the onset of chest pain and peak myoglobin was shorter in Group A (298 +/- 81 min) than in recanalised patients in Group B (380 +/- 54 min) (p < 0.05). The difference in the profile of the serum myoglobin could therefore reflect restoration of arterial flow in myocardial cells which had not suffered the same period of ischemia. ST segment elevation may increase, decrease of remain stable at 120 minutes in patients revascularised and those remaining occluded. In 9 patients, the ST elevation increased compared with the initial electrocardiogram .(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Myocardial rupture is the second most common reason for in-hospital mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction, accounting for 8-17% of deaths. The clinical presentation varies due to the possibility of rupture in three main locations: free left ventricular wall (85%), interventricular septum (10%), and papillary muscle (5%). Hypotension, long persisting or repeated chest pain, syncopes, new heart murmurs or weak action should draw attention to the possibility of myocardial rupture, apart from the classical sign of upper inflow congestion. In about 48% of cases immediate surgical intervention can save life. We present two unusual cases of myocardial rupture. Case 1 shows left ventricular free wall rupture with additional rupture of an accessory posterior papillary muscle but without changes in hemodynamic parameters; case 2 involves a rupture of the free left ventricular wall which the patient survived without surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Non-invasive stratification of patients after AIM represents the basic procedure in identification of patients at high risk of the origin of complications after AIM. It enables to tip a group of patients at the highest risk of the development of reinfarction, sudden cardiac death (SCD) or general cardiac mortality, i.e. the patients who can benefit the most from the early therapy. The presented review describes pathophysiological and clinical aspects of stratification of patients after acute myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

Health service researchers believe that significant practice variations occur, in part, because there is no strong consensus on best practices for managing a specific condition. The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research supports the development of science-based clinical guidelines, performance measures, and standards of quality. Since 1992, it has published 6 clinical guidelines and is supporting development of more than 20 others. Each has a consumer version, in English and Spanish, to educate patients and describe care options. Widespread use of these guidelines will improve the quality of health care by assisting providers in making more informed decisions, thereby reducing unnecessary health care practices; will reduce some costs; and will provide feedback on knowledge gaps that merit the attention and support of researchers and policymakers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It is recognised that there is a comparative lack of evidence on the long-term outcome of cognitive behavioural therapy for patients seen in ordinary clinical settings, as opposed to research trials. This paper presents some data on the outcome of 36 adult patients followed up an average of nearly two years after the end of therapy in a National Health Service CBT clinic. Whilst the vagaries of data collection in clinical practice mean that the generalisability of these results is still tentative, they suggest that the outcome at the end of treatment was generally well-maintained over the follow-up period, with most patients maintaining fairly stable scores on the measures used, and the rest roughly equally divided between those who deteriorated and those who improved further. A high proportion of patients at follow-up reported that they were still using various CBT strategies which they had learnt during therapy.  相似文献   

Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs have been evaluated for the treatment of arrhythmias and for the prevention of sudden cardia death, particularly in post-myocardial infarction patients. Betablockers have been demonstrated to reduce mortality, reinfarction, ventricular fibrillation and cardiac rupture in acute infarction. Therefore, in patients with suspected myocardial infarction and without contraindications, treatment with betablockers should be initiated early and continued for at least 2 years. Side-effects are mild and occur in approximately 10% of patients. Patients who have contraindications for betablockers use early in myocardial infarction should be reevaluated before discharge from the hospital and considered for such therapy. Because betablockers prevent some of the adverse arrhythmogenic mechanisms seen in chronic heart failure, it may be reasonable to expect that these drugs could have a role in preventing sudden cardiac death in these patients. Analysis of some of the betablocker post-infarction trials indicate that betablockers reduced the risk of sudden death in patients with heart failure at baseline. Some studies demonstrated also the symptomatic improvement following therapy with betablockers in patients with heart failure. But the currently available data are too limited to provide conclusive information.  相似文献   

BASIC PROBLEM AND OBJECTIVE: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is being increasingly considered as an alternative to thrombolytic treatment of acute myocardial infarction. Studies performed so far, some on selected groups of patients, have produced high initial results of success. This prospective study was undertaken to determined primary success, complications and recurrence after primary PTCA in acute myocardial infarction (AMI). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Primary treatment in the form of immediate PTCA of the infarct vessel was undertaken in 111 patients (84 men, 27 women; mean age 58.6 +/- 10.3 years) with AMI. PTCA was judged successful if the infarct vessel had been reopened to perfusion grade 3 and restenosis was < 50%. No thrombolytic treatment was given, but heparin infusions were given during and for 24-48 hours after the procedure. 13 patients (11.7%) were in cardiogenic shock or required cardiopulmonary resuscitation for infarct-related arrhythmias. RESULTS: The primary success rate of PTCA for the whole group was 91% (101 of 111 patients), but only 77% (ten of 13) among patients in cardiogenic shock and (or) after resuscitation. Acute re-occlusion (0-6 days after PTCA) occurred in seven patients. Eight patients (7.2%) died during the hospital phase (0-4 weeks), seven of whom had been in shock or required resuscitation (death rate 54%). The overall complication rate of the intervention was 6.3%. No emergency aortocoronary bypass was necessary. Repeat coronary angiography was performed in 71 of the 101 successfully treated patients 6 or 12 weeks after the PTCA. Re-occlusion was demonstrated in four (5.6%), a restenosis of more than 50% in 25% of patients. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction, obtained by planimetry from the levocardiogram was 58.6 +/- 9.3%. CONCLUSION: PTCA, performed immediately after acute myocardial infarction is an effective therapeutic measure with a high primary success rate.  相似文献   

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