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The structural and elastic properties of ternary B2 RuAl-based alloys are studied using first-principles calculations. Single-crystal elastic constants, atomic volumes, transfer energies, and electronic densities for RuAl-TM are computed, considering all possible transition-metal solute species TM. Calculated elastic constants are used to compute values of some commonly considered elasticity parameters, such as bulk modulus, shear modulus, Yong's modulus, Pugh ratio, and Cauchy pressure. The present results suggest that the bulk modulus of RuAl-TM increase approximately linearly with increasing electron density. Calculated elastic properties are in favorable accord with available experimental and theoretical data.  相似文献   

The structural, elastic, thermodynamic and electronic properties of L12-ordered intermetallic compounds Ni3X (X = Al, Ga and Ge) under pressure range from 0 to 50 GPa with a step of 10 GPa have been investigated using first-principles method based on density functional theory (DFT). The calculated structural parameters of Ni3X at zero pressure and zero temperature are consistent with the experimental data. The results of bulk modulus B, shear modulus G, Young's modulus E, Poisson's ratio v, anisotropy index AU and Debye temperature ΘD increase with the increase of external pressure. In addition, the Debye temperature of these compounds gradually reduce as the order of Ni3Al > Ni3Ga > Ni3Ge. The ratio of shear modulus to bulk modulus G/B shows that the three binary compounds are ductile materials, and the ductility of Ni3Al and Ni3Ga can be improved with pressure going up, while Ni3Ge is opposite. Finally, the pressure-dependent behavior of density of states, Mulliken charge and bond length are analyzed to explore the physical origin of the pressure effect on the structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Ni3X.  相似文献   

The temperature-dependent structural properties and anisotropic thermal expansion coefficients of α-/β-Nb5Si3 phases have been determined by minimizing the non-equilibrium Gibbs free energy as functions of crystallographic deformations. The results indicate that the crystal anisotropy of α-Nb5Si3 phase is much more temperature dependence than that of β-Nb5Si3 phase. The total/partial density of states of α-/β-Nb5Si3 phases are discussed in detail to analyze their electronic hybridizations. It is demonstrated that the bonding of the two phases is mainly contributed from the hybridization between Nb-4d and Si-3p electronic states. The temperature-dependent mechanical properties of α-/β-Nb5Si3 phases are further investigated via the quasi-harmonic approximation method in coupling with continuum elasticity theory. The calculated single-crystalline and polycrystalline elasticity shows that both phases are mechanically stable and exhibit the intrinsic brittleness. The results also suggest that α-Nb5Si3 phase possesses a superior ability of compression resistance but an inferior ability of high-temperature resistance of mechanical properties than those of β-Nb5Si3 phase. The bonding features of α-/β-Nb5Si3 phases are discussed by means of charge density difference analysis in order to explain the difference of the temperature-dependent mechanical properties between the two phases.  相似文献   

The site-occupation behavior of Re in Mo5SiB2 (T2) was studied both theoretically and experimentally, and the effect of Re on the solid-solution hardening of T2 was investigated by taking into account the off-stoichiometry of the T2 phase. Mo–Si–B quaternary alloys containing 1.4 at.% Re were produced using a conventional Ar arc-melting technique, and the cast samples were homogenized at 1800 °C for 24 h in an Ar atmosphere. High-resolution high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy observations strongly suggest that Re preferentially occupies the Mo sites in the Mo–B layers of the T2 unit cell, which was confirmed by the site-occupation behavior predicted by first-principles calculations. Nanoindentation measurements indicate that the hardness of the T2 phase is affected by both the off-stoichiometry and Re addition.  相似文献   

To improve the performance of a thermoelectric material CuGaTe2, element Ag is doped to replace element Ga and we investigate the electronic structure, phase stability, elastic and thermoelectric properties of CuGa1−xAgxTe2 (x = 0, 0.25 and 0.5) via first-principles method. The phase stability of CuGa1−xAgxTe2 is discussed by analyzing the formation energy, cohesive energy and elastic constants. The calculated sound velocities decrease with the increase of Ag content, which is favorable for reducing the lattice thermal conductivity. The analysis of band structures shows that the replacement of Ga by Ag makes CuGaTe2 undergo a direct-indirect semiconductor transition. The Ag doping induces steep density of states in valence band edge, which is beneficial for increasing the carrier concentration and improving thermoelectric performance of CuGaTe2.  相似文献   

We employ density functional theory (DFT) to calculate pressure dependences of selected thermodynamic, structural and elastic properties as well as electronic structure characteristics of equiatomic B2 FeTi. We predict ground-state single-crystalline Young's modulus and its two-dimensional counterpart, the area modulus, together with homogenized polycrystalline elastic parameters. Regarding the electronic structure of FeTi, we analyze the band structure and electronic density of states. Employing (i) an analytical dynamical matrix parametrized in terms of elastic constants and lattice parameters in combination with (ii) the quasiharmonic approximation we then obtained free energies, the thermal expansion coefficient, heat capacities at constant pressure and volume, as well as isothermal bulk moduli at finite temperatures. Experimental measurements of thermal expansion coefficient complement our theoretical investigation and confirm our theoretical predictions. It is worth mentioning that, as often detected in other intermetallics, some materials properties of FeTi strongly differ from the average of the corresponding values found in elemental Fe and Ti. These findings can have important implications for future materials design of new intermetallic materials.  相似文献   

The structural, electronic, elastic, mechanical and thermal properties of the isostructural and isoelectronic nonmagnetic RESn3 (RE = Y, La and Ce) compounds, which crystallize in AuCu3-type structure, are studied using first principles density functional theory based on full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. The calculations are carried out within PBE-GGA, WC-GGA and PBE-sol GGA for the exchange correlation potential. Our calculated ground state properties such as lattice constant (a0), bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B′) are in good agreement with the experimental and other available theoretical results. We first time predict the elastic constants for these compounds using different approximations of GGA. All these RESn3 compounds are found to be ductile in nature in accordance with Pugh's criteria. The computed electronic band structures and density of states show metallic character of these compounds. The elastic properties including Poisson's ratio (σ), Young's modulus (E), shear modulus (GH) and anisotropy factor (A) are also determined using the Voigt–Reuss–Hill (VRH) averaging scheme. The average sound velocities (vm), density (ρ) and Debye temperature (θD) of these RESn3 compounds are also estimated from the elastic constants. We first time report the variation of elastic constants, elastic moduli, Cauchy's pressure, sound velocities and Debye temperatures of these compounds as a function of pressure.  相似文献   

Effects of Ni vacancy, Ni antisite in Al sublattice, Cr in Al sublattice, Pt in Ni sublattice on the second-order elastic constants (SOECs) and third-order elastic constants (TOECs) of the B2 NiAl have been investigated using the first-principles methods. Lattice constant and the SOECs of NiAl are in good agreement with the previous results. The brittle/ductile transition map based on Pugh ratio G/B and Cauchy pressure Pc shows that Ni antisite, Cr, Pt and pressure can improve the ductility of NiAl, respectively. Ni vacancy and lower pressure can enhance the Vickers hardness Hv of NiAl. The density of states (DOS) and the charge density difference are also used to analysis the effects of vacancy, Ni antisite, Cr and Pt on the mechanical properties of NiAl, and the results are in consistent with the transition map.  相似文献   

First principles calculations were carried out for α-Al2O3(0001) surface and γ-TiAl(111)/α-Al2O3(0001) interface to study the adhesion properties of the interface and to clarify the mechanisms that govern the adhesion of TiAl and its oxidation product Al2O3. Two type interface models, the TiAl(111) with Al- and O-terminated α-Al2O3(0001) surfaces denoted as T(A1)-type and T(OT)-type interface, respectively, were considered. The Universal Binding Energy Relation (UBER) was used to determine the separation between TiAl and Al2O3 and the work of adhesion of the γ-TiAl(111)/α-Al2O3(0001) interface. Optimization was then performed for all interfaces considered here using the separation obtained with UBER. The lowest work of adhesion is −1.05 J/m2 for the T(A1)-type interface and is −4.04 J/m2 for the T(OT)-type interface. There exists competition between O–Ti and O–Al (on the TiAl side) interactions; however O–Al bond is stronger than O–Ti bond because the main body of the Al valences is involved in the hybriding with O p electrons, while only part of the Ti d valence is involved in the O–Ti bonding. Thus the O–Al interaction dominates the adhesion between TiAl(111) and Al2O3(0001) surfaces, and it can be inferred that an Al-rich TiAl surface will favor the adhesion between TiAl/Al2O3.  相似文献   

Co–Al–W-based alloys are promising new materials for high-temperature applications. They owe their high-temperature strength to hardening by ternary L12-Co3(Al1−xWx) precipitates, which may form even though binary Co3Al is not stable. In the current work, density functional theory calculations are performed to study the solubility and ordering of the transition metals W, Mo, Ti, and Ta at the Al sublattice in L12-Co3Al. The sublattice disorder is modelled with a newly parametrised cluster expansion and compared to results using special quasi-random structures. Our results for W and Mo show that the mixing energy exhibits a minimum at approximately x = 0.7. However, the computed small values of the mixing energies indicate that W and Mo atoms are fully disordered with the Al atoms already at low temperatures. For Ti and Ta we find no sizeable driving force for ordering with the Al atoms. The computed solubilities on the Al sublattice obtained are in the range of 40–80 meV/atom for W and Mo and less than 25 meV/atom for Ti and Ta.  相似文献   

In this work, first principles calculation of structural, electronic magnetic and elastic properties of the half-metallic ferromagnetic Heusler compound Co2MnSi are presented. We have applied the full-potential linearized augmented plane waves plus local orbitals (FP-L/APW+lo) method based on the density functional theory (DFT). For the exchange and correlation potential generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) is used. The computed equilibrium lattice parameters agree well with the available theoretical and experimental data. Elastic constants and their pressure dependence are also calculated. The calculated total magnetization of 5 μB is in excellent agreement with recent experiments. We also presented the thermal effects using the quasi-harmonic Debye model, in which the lattice vibrations are taken into account. Temperature and pressure effects on the structural parameters, heat capacities, entropy, thermal expansion coefficient, and Debye temperatures are determined from the non-equilibrium Gibbs functions.  相似文献   

Three competing structures (C11b, C16 and E93) of intermetallic Zr2Cu have been systematically investigated by first-principles calculations and quasi-harmonic Debye model. Both the calculated equation of states (EOS) and pressure–enthalpy results indicate a structural phase transition from C11b to C16 phase at around 11–14 GPa. The calculated equilibrium crystal parameters and elastic constants are in consistence with available experimental or theoretical data. All three phases are mechanically stable according to the elastic stability criteria, and ductile according to Pugh's ratio, while the ambient-stable C11b phase shows a higher elastic anisotropy. Furthermore, differences in the nature of bonding between three competing structures are uncovered by electron density topological analysis. C11b Zr2Cu possesses an intriguing pseudo BaFe2As2-type structure with the charge density maxima at Zr tetrahedral interstices serving as Fe-position pseudoatoms; C16 Zr2Cu contains Zr-pair configurations bonded through bifurcated Zr–Zr bonding paths; while the E93 phase has only conventional straight bonding. Additionally, through quasi-harmonic Debye model, the pressure and temperature dependences of the bulk modulus, specific heat, Debye temperature, Grüneisen parameter and thermal expansion coefficient for three phases are obtained and discussed.  相似文献   

The structural, electronic and elastic properties of four RuX (X = Sc, Ti, V and Zr) intermetallic compounds have been investigated by using density functional theory within full potential linearized augmented plane wave method and using generalized gradient approximations in the scheme of Perdew, Burke and Ernzrhof (PBE), Wu and Cohen (WC) and Perdew et al. (PBEsol) for the exchange correlation potential. The relative phase stability in terms of volume-energy and enthalpy-pressure for these compounds is presented for the first time in three different (B1, B2 and B3) structures. The total energy is computed as a function of volume and fitted to Birch equation of states to find the ground state properties such as lattice constant (a0), bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B′). It is found that the lattice parameters in B2-phase agree well with the existing experimental and previous theoretical results. The second order elastic constants (SOECs) are also predicted for the above compounds. All the four compounds show ductile behavior. The ductility of these compounds has been analyzed using Pugh's rule. From the plots of electronic density of states (DOS), it can be concluded that these intermetallic compounds are metallic in nature.  相似文献   

The structural, half-metallic and elastic properties of the half-Heusler compounds NiMnM (M = Sb, As and Si) and IrMnAs were investigated using first-principles calculations within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) based on density function theory (DFT). The most stable lattice configurations about site occupancy are (Ni)4a(Mn)4c(Sb)4d, (Ni)4a(Mn)4c(As)4d, (Ni)4a(Mn)4c(Si)4d and (Ir)4a(Mn)4c(As)4d, respectively, and the exchange of elements in Wyckoff position 4c and 4d results in an identical (symmetry-related) phase. The half-Heusler compounds show half-metallic ferromagnetism with a half-metallic gap of 0.168 eV, 0.298 eV, 0.302 eV and 0.109 eV, respectively, and the total magnetic moments (Mtot) are 4.00 μB, 4.00 μB, 3.00 μB and 3.00 μB per formula unit, respectively, which agree well with the Slater–Pauling rule based on the relationship of valence electrons. The compound (Ir)4a(Mn)4c(As)4d with half-metallic ferromagnetic character was reported for the first time. The individual elastic constants, shear modulus, Young's moduli, ratio B/G and Poisson's ratio were also calculated. The compounds are ductile based on the ratio B/G. The Debye temperatures derived from the average sound velocity (νm) are 327 K, 332 K, 434 K and 255 K, respectively. The predicted Debye temperature for NiMnSb agrees well with the available experimental value, and the Debye temperatures for the rest three compounds were reported for the first time.  相似文献   

The phase stability and the elastic properties of Al–La binary system intermetallic compounds were thoroughly investigated using first-principles calculations. Firstly, the 0 K phase diagram for this system was calculated using the formation enthalpy convex hull construction, which indicates three metastable phases, namely Al4La (I4/mmm), Al4La (Imm2), and AlLa3 (Pm-3m). Then, the stability of Al11La3 was examined at temperatures lower than 1000 K compared with the two Al4La allotropes and the Al + Al2La two-phase equilibrium. The results demonstrate that the needlelike phase in Mg–Al–La based alloys should be indexed as Al11La3, which is thermodynamically stable, with no decomposition under aging. Thirdly, AlLa3 (Pm-3m) is more stable than AlLa3 (P63/mmc) at temperatures higher than approximately 590 K, which well agrees with the experimental results. Finally, the elastic properties and vibrational properties for the stable Al–La intermetallic phases were calculated in this work.  相似文献   

The title compound with structure derived from cubic laves was fabricated by the high pressure high temperature (HPHT) method. A new structure single crystal Er60Ni132 was discovered in the experiment. The single crystal X-ray diffraction result showed that the symmetry of Er60Ni132 was F-43m with a 2a*2a*2a unit cell. Its structure was derived from the original cubic laves ErNi2 whose symmetry was Fd-3m. In comparison to the Fd-3m structure, the doubling of the unit cell occurred due to the ordering of Ni atoms substituting the Er atoms in 4b sites. The formation energies of ErNi2 and Er60Ni132 were computed and investigated. With the cubic Laves structure, the title compound also showed good hydrogen storage properties.  相似文献   

The present work describes the structural and mechanical behaviour of three phases namely B2, D019 and O phases of Ti2AlZr intermetallic using first principles density functional theory (DFT) within generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The equilibrium lattice constant values of B2, D019 and O phases are in good agreement with the experimental and theoretical data, respectively. Formation energy of O phase is minimum followed by D019 and B2. Bonding characteristics of these phases have been explained based on electronic density of states and charge density. All the three phases satisfy the Born stability criteria in terms of elastic constants and are associated with ductile behaviour based on G/B ratios. The B2 phase exhibits very high anisotropy in comparison to those of the D019 and O.  相似文献   

The influence of structural, elastic properties, thermodynamics and electronic properties Al-Y alloy were investigated by using first-principles. The equilibrium lattice constant, elastic constants, and elastic modulus as calculated here agree with results of previous studies. Calculated results of bulk modulus B, shear modulus G, Young’s modulus E, Poisson’s ratio v and Debye temperature all increase as pressure increase, but the opposite is true for heat capacity cp. In addition, the Debye temperature for the phases reduces gradually as follows: Al2Y > Al3Y> AlY. Additionally, the G/B ratio indicates that AlY and Al3Y are ductile materials, while Al2Y is a brittle material, and that the ductility of AlY and Al3Y can be improved with increased pressure, while the brittleness of Al2Y does not improve with increased pressure. Finally, the paper presents and discusses calculations of density of states and charge populations as they are affected by pressure.  相似文献   

The structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of FeB, Fe2B, orthorhombic and tetrahedral Fe3B, FeB2 and FeB4 iron borides are investigated by first-principle calculations. The elastic constants and polycrystalline elastic moduli of Fe–B compounds are usually large especially for FeB2 and FeB4, whose maximum elastic constant exceeds 700 GPa. All of the six compounds are mechanically stable. The Vickers hardness of FeB2 is estimated to be 31.4 GPa. Fe2B and FeB2 are almost isotropic, while the other four compounds have certain degree of anisotropy. Thermodynamic properties of Fe–B compounds can be accurately predicted through quasi-harmonic approximation by taking the vibrational and electronic contributions into account. Orthorhombic Fe3B is more stable than tetrahedral one and the phase transition pressure is estimated to be 8.3 GPa.  相似文献   

The effects of applied pressures on the structural, mechanical and electronic properties of TiB compound were studied using the first-principles method based on the density functional theory. The results showed the pressures have the significant effects on the mechanical properties and electronic properties of TiB phase. The calculated structural and mechanical parameters (i.e., bulk modulus, shear modulus, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and Debye temperature) were in good agreement both with the previously reported experimental and theoretical results at zero pressure. Additionally, all these parameters presented the linearly increasing dependences on the external pressure. The B/G ratios signified the TiB crystals should exhibit the brittle deformation behavior at 0–100 GPa. The universal anisotropic index indicated the TiB compound was elastically isotropic under zero pressure, and may become anisotropic at higher pressures. Further, the density of states and Mulliken charge of TiB were discussed. The bonding nature in TiB was a combination of metallic, ionic and covalent at zero pressure. The metallic component was derived from free-electron transfer from the Ti4s to Ti3d and Ti3p states. The ionic component was originated from the charge transfer from Ti to B atoms. The covalent component had two sources. One was from the B2s–B2p hybridization in the B atomic chains. The other one was from B2p–Ti3d bonding hybridization. Under higher pressures, the ionic and covalent bonds were both improved with the rising of pressures. This should be the fundamental reason for the enhanced mechanical properties in the TiB compound. At the same time, the metallic bond kept leveled to ensure the electric conductivity.  相似文献   

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