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In (k, n) secret image sharing (SIS), a scheme encrypts a secret image into n shadow images. Any k or more shadow images can be collaborated together to reveal the secret image. Most of the previous SIS schemes don’t distinguish the importance of shadows. However, in some application environments, some participants are accorded special privileges due to their status or importance. Thus, some shadows may be more important than others. In this paper, we consider the (t, s, k, n) essential SIS (ESIS) scheme. All n shadows are classified into s essential shadows and (ns) non-essential shadows. When reconstructing the secret image, the (t, s, k, n)-ESIS scheme needs k shadows, which should include at least t essential shadows.  相似文献   

Visual Cryptography Scheme (VCS) is a cryptographic technique for protecting secret images. The advantage of using VCS is that decoding can be done without use of any computations. Nevertheless, the reconstructed image has poor visual quality. Therefore, Two in One Image Secret Sharing Scheme (TiOISSS) was proposed which takes the advantage of VCS and provides good quality decoded images. However, the existing TiOISSS has security limitations as it is implemented only for noisy shadows. Hence, in this paper, modified TiOISSS is proposed and implemented for meaningful shadows. To enhance the security of the shares and prevent fake shares that may be introduced by hackers, an authentication image is shared along with the secret image. The quality of the reconstructed image is improved by using adaptive halftoning technique. Experimental results demonstrate the improved security and quality by the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Visual secret sharing (VSS) schemes providing secret communication services are classified into two categories depending on the method of encoding the secret: visual cryptography (VC)-based and random grid (RG)-based schemes. A friendly progressive version of the VC-based VSS scheme was presented in 2008; however, it is marred by pixel expansion, which is the innate deficiency of conventional VC-based VSS schemes. This paper proposes a suitable user-friendly RG-based VSS scheme with progressive secret reconstruction and without pixel expansion. The experimental results of the developed scheme validated its feasibility, and a theoretical analysis demonstrated its visual quality and security.  相似文献   

Random grid (RG) is an approach to implement visual secret sharing (VSS) without pixel expansion. However, visual quality of the recovered secret image in RG-based VSS is not satisfactory. In this paper, two methodologies are introduced for improving image quality. Firstly, a random noise balanced error diffusion (RNBED) algorithm is proposed for generating RGs whose black pixels are distributed homogeneously. By combining the proposed RNBED algorithm and existing RG-based VSS schemes, two approaches for enhancing the recovered image quality are presented. Experimental results are provided, illustrating that competitive visual quality is achieved.  相似文献   

This paper presents a two-layered structure for optimally sharing a secret image among s essential and n  s non-essential shared shadows using the (t, s, k, n) essential thresholds, that t essential shared shadows and totally k shared shadows are needed to recover the secret image. The presented two-layered structure includes one user-defined parameter m to determine different kinds of optimal results. m = 1 leads to minimum size of total shared shadows (ST) and size of an essential shared shadow is close to size of a non-essential shared shadow. On the other hand, m = t leads to size of an essential shared shadow being twice of size of a non-essential shared shadow to signify the importance of an essential shared shadow. Moreover, the proposed structure overcomes the threshold fulfillment problem in Chen’s scheme (Chen, 2016). Theoretical analyses and experimental results show that the proposed scheme exhibits secure with optimal sharing ratios among related works.  相似文献   

Conventional secret image sharing schemes, which are constructed based on Shamir’s method, often suffer from random-liked shares, lossy reconstruction and high computation complexity. In addition, their generated shares are generally in original image format which may lead to more storage and suspicion from invaders. In this paper, we propose a user-friendly secret image sharing scheme based on block truncation coding (BTC) and error diffusion, where meaningful shares can be directly generated without any extra process. The meaningful shares by the proposed scheme are in BTC-compressed format which can reduce the capacity of transfer and storage. In the reconstructing phase, the secret image can be losslessly reconstructed by performing XOR operations on bit planes of sufficient BTC-compressed shares. Further, the proposed scheme provides extra verification ability to identify cheaters and check false shares. Theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Visual secret sharing, or the so-called visual cryptography, is a well-known scheme that encrypts a secret image into several meaningless share images, usually printed on transparencies, and decrypts as stacking some or all share images by the human visual system. More and more researches about visual secret sharing and its applications have been recently proposed. Unfortunately, the cheating attack in which malicious participants cheat the honest one(s) by forging a fake share image has existed. Since 2006, some cheating prevention schemes have been proposed but suffered from one or more disadvantages as follows: (1) maintaining extra share images used to verify the integrity of a share image prior to stacking, (2) introducing extra pixel expansion, (3) raising heavy computation cost, and (4) giving ambiguous cheating detection. In this paper, a multi-factor cheating–preventing scheme, aiming at exploiting the hybrid codebook to hide the additional verification images into the share images, has been proposed without suffering the above-mentioned deficiencies. Two-factor cheating–detection exploits the design of verification to both share images and stacked results to deter attackers’ cheating. The experimental results demonstrate the proposed scheme is feasible.  相似文献   

Verifiable secret sharing (VSS) has been extensively used as a cryptographic tool in many applications of information security in recent years. A VSS enables a dealer to divide a secret s into n shares and allows shareholders to verify whether their shares are generated by the dealer consistently without revealing the secrecy of both shares and the secret. More specifically, shareholders can verify that (i) the secret can be recovered by any t or more than t shares and (ii) the secret cannot be obtained by fewer than t shares. Many VSSs are based on polynomial, and only a few of them are based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). Recently, Harn et al. proposed a CRT‐based VSS in which multiple verification secrets are used during the phase of verification. In this paper, we propose a VSS based on Asmuth‐Bloom's (t, n) SS scheme, which depends on the CRT. Our proposed VSS is simpler and more efficient than the scheme of Harn et al. Our proposed VSS is unconditionally secure. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Yang and Ciou recently proposed a two-in-one image secret sharing scheme (TiOISSS), which can easily preview a vague image by human eyes, but also provide a perfect reconstruction of the original image by computation. However, their scheme cannot recover the lossless image by computation as they claimed. In this paper, we resolve the problem of lossless reconstruction. In addition, we improve the visual quality of the previewed image. Also, we introduce a new definition of contrast to evaluate the visual quality of the previewed image. Compared with Yang and Ciou’s TiOISSS, our scheme can gain the lossless secret image and meantime enhance the contrast of previewed image.  相似文献   

A creepy hotoelectric endoscopy system with good performance is studied,and an expansion and correction algorithm for a compressed photoelectric image with serious geometric distortion is presented.The algorithm can not only correct the geometric geometric distortion,but also restore the gray-level distribution by means of ternary convolution algorithm.The details and the outline in the image are very clear.It is proved to be of high performance in practice.  相似文献   

基于区域互信息的特征级多光谱图像配准   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种基于点特征的多光谱图像配准方法.利用SUSAN算法提取角点特征,采用域互信息(RMI)作为相似性测度获取初始匹配特征点集;在精匹配阶段,首先计算初始匹配征点对的匹配强度和明确度,进行松弛迭代,得到匹配强度和明确度都较大的一一对应关系的特征点对,然后利用马氏距离的仿射不变性筛选出正确的点对,将不正确的点对从初始匹配特征点集中删除,重新进行松弛迭代,重复上面的步骤,直到筛选不出新的正确点对为止;获取了足够多的同名控制点后,用最小二乘法估计初始仿射变换参数并迭代修正.实验结果表明,算法可以达到亚像素级的配准精度.  相似文献   

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