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In this paper, a novel scheme has been suggested for removing random-valued impulsive noise from images. The proposed scheme utilizes a second-order differential impulse detection followed by a recursive median filter on the corrupted pixel locations. Adaptive threshold selection from noisy image characteristics has been emphasized in this paper. A functional link artificial neural network is used for this purpose. Comparative analysis on standard images at different noise conditions shows that the proposed scheme, in general, outperforms the existing schemes.  相似文献   

衷文  罗启强 《红外技术》2023,2017(12):1330-1336
为了在去除红外图像的脉冲噪声的同时,有效保持和恢复图像的边缘细节,提出了基于灰度特征和众数原则的迭代双边中值滤波方法。此方法根据脉冲噪声的灰度特征以及众数原则,将取最小和最大值、而在邻域的灰度分布上孤立的像素识别为噪声。根据基于空间距离和灰度相似的加权系数,对邻域中的无噪像素与已经去噪恢复的像素进行频次加权,用频次加权中值作为噪声像素的估计值。其中,以迭代遍历的方式执行去噪处理,充分利用前次遍历处理的结果,以去除高密度噪声。实验数据证明,此方法去噪所得的PSNR和EPI值以及视觉效果均优于现有方法,具有更好的去噪性能。  相似文献   

An improved recursive and adaptive median filter (RAMF) for the restoration of images corrupted with high density impulse noise is proposed in the present paper. Adaptive operation of the filter is justified with the variation in size of working window which is centered at noisy pixels. Based on the presence of noise-free pixel(s), the size of working window changes. The noisy pixels are filtered through the replacement of their values using both noise-free pixels of the current working window and previously processed noisy pixels of that window. These processed noisy pixels are obtained recursively. The combined effort thus provides an improved platform for filtering high density impulse noise of images. Experimental results with several real-time noisy images show that the proposed RAMF outperforms other state-of-the-art filters quantitatively in terms of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and image enhancement factor (IEF). The superiority of the filter is also justified qualitatively through visual interpretation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for detecting random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) in images. The proposed method is based on similar valued neighbor criterion and the detection of the noisy pixels are realized in maximum four phases. After the corrupted pixels detected in each phase, the median filtering is performed for only these pixels. As such, corrupted pixels are suppressed gradually at the end of the each phase. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated on different test images and compared with ten different comparison filters from the literature. It is shown from simulation results that proposed method provides a significant improvement over comparison filters.  相似文献   

图像脉冲噪声移除是获得高质量图像的关键。本文通过热红外相机成像原理研究,提出了一种基于像素梯度自适应迭代中值滤波器的图像脉冲噪声抑制算法。首先,根据相机的调制传递函数计算获取原始图像的最大像素梯度,继而建立相应的像素梯度集合。然后,计算原始图像与对应像素梯度滤波图像的梯度权重均方根误差集合,并将该集合高斯分布的最大值对应的像素梯度确定为最佳像素梯度。最后,根据图像中脉冲噪声的密度和复杂度,确定所提滤波器的自适应窗口大小和迭代次数。大量实验结果表明,所提滤波器对移除8位、16位的单通道脉冲噪声图像展现出良好的鲁棒性。与其它先进方法相比,该方法可以实时移除真实热红外相机采集图像中低密度的随机值脉冲噪声和SAPN,并实现噪声抑制过程中99.5%以上的原始像素不会遭受破坏。除此之外,针对高密度SAPN抑制,该方法获得了具有竞争力的结果,与运行时间较快的滤波方法相比表现出较好的PSNR和SSIM,与PSNR和SSIM较优秀的去噪方法相比表现出较快的运行时间。对于极限SAPN(99%)破坏的图像,也能够恢复有意义的图像细节。  相似文献   

一种用于抑制椒盐噪声的多窗口中值滤波器   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
该文提出了一种用于抑制椒盐噪声的多窗口中值滤波算法。算法在招待过程中根据具体情况采用不同大小的滤波窗口。仿真结果表明,与标准中值滤波算法相比,该方法不仅可以有效去除图像中的椒盐噪声,特别是在噪声密度非常大的情况下,表现了很好的性。  相似文献   

This paper presents an artificial neural network (ANN) based method to detect random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) in images. The proposed method employs the ANN to decide whether a pixel is corrupted or not with RVIN. The inputs of the ANN are the rank ordered absolute differences (ROAD) and the rank-ordered logarithmic difference (ROLD) values. After the detection process is completed, the corrupted pixels are restored by the edge-preserving regularization (EPR) method which allows edges and noise-free pixels to be preserved. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated on different test images and compared with ten different comparison filters from the literature. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method provides significant improvement over comparison filters especially for high noise densities.  相似文献   

改进自适应中值滤波的图像去噪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖蕾  何坤  周激流  吴笛 《激光杂志》2009,30(2):44-46
传统自适应中值滤波的最大最小窗口尺寸固定,并且其最大最小窗口相差较大时,运算时间较长,去噪效果并小一定最佳。本文针对传统自适应中值滤波算法的不足,提出了改进自适应中值滤波算法,首先根据椒盐噪声的分布特点,从单幅含椒盐噪声图像中估算出椒盐噪声的浓度,并分析噪声浓度与自适应中值滤波窗口尺寸之间的关系,建立它们之间的函数关系一其次根据噪声浓度确定自适应中值滤波的最大最小窗口尺寸,最后对图像进行自适应中值滤波:实验结果表明本文算法运算时间随着噪声浓度的变化而变化,而且从PSNR角度来看本文去噪效果比传统自适应中值滤波效果较好。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new two-stage filter for the removal of random-valued impulse noise. The new filter identifies noise candidates by analyzing the amount of similar pixels in intensity value, and then reconstructs them by the total variation inpainting method. The experimental results are reported which show the efficiency of our method in removing random-valued impulse noise. Further, our filter can be used for image restoration from images damaged by the superimposed artifacts.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method is proposed for removing and restoring random-valued impulse noise in images. This approach is based on a similar neighbor criterion, in which any pixel to be considered as an original pixel it should have sufficient numbers of similar neighboring pixels in a set of filtering windows. Compared with other well known methods in the literature, this technique achieves superior performance in restoring heavily corrupted noisy images. Furthermore, it has low computational complexity, and equally effective in restoring corrupted color and gray-level images.  相似文献   

由于在图像信息的获取和传输过程中,图像常常受到不同程度的脉冲噪声污染。为了有效地去除高浓度脉冲噪声,提出了一种基于中-均值滤波器的噪声去除算法。该方法根据脉冲噪声特点,设定一个简单的噪声检测算子,根据噪声检测结果设定自适应滤波窗口,同时根据噪声密度选择中值和均值滤波器。为了更加有效地保留图像的原有信息,对非噪声点不做滤波处理。仿真结果表明,所提出的中-均值滤波方法不仅能有效地去除高浓度的脉冲噪声,而且能很好地保留图像的原有信息,并具有较短的滤波处理时间。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a novel two-stage denoising method for the removal of random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) in images. The first stage of our algorithm applies an impulse-noise detection routine that is a refinement of the HEIND algorithm and is very accurate in identifying the location of the noisy pixels. The second stage is an image inpainting routine that is designed to restore the missing information at those pixels that have been identified during the first stage. One of the novelties of our approach is that our inpainting routine takes advantage of the shearlet representation to efficiently recover the geometry of the original image. This method is particularly effective to eliminate jagged edges and other visual artifacts that frequently affect many RVIN denoising algorithms, especially at higher noise levels. We present extensive numerical demonstrations to show that our approach is very effective to remove random-valued impulse noise without any significant loss of fine-scale detail. Our algorithm compares very favourably against state-of-the-art methods in terms of both visual quality and quantitative measurements.  相似文献   

A novel impulsive noise detection method based on the principle that the difference between the noisy pixel and the nearest good pixel will be different from the difference between two nearby good pixels. This is achieved by constructing a second-order differential image. Three new noise removal methods are presented. Simulated results show that the proposed filter gives far better results than many existing filters and is comparable to the results obtained by JM filter based on Jarque-Bera test. Our noise detection method is computationally simpler.  相似文献   

This work proposes a faster and an efficient way to remove salt-and-pepper impulse noise and edge-preserving regularization of the henceforth obtained image. In this paper, we propose a two phase mechanism where the noisy pixels are identified and removed in the first phase. The detected noisy pixels in the first phase are involved in cardinal spline edge regularization process in the second phase. Promising results were found even for Noise levels as high as 95% with the proposed algorithm. The results were found to be much better than the previously proposed nonlinear filters or regularization methods both in terms of noise removal as well as edge regularization.  相似文献   

In this paper, a switching degenerate diffusion partial differential equation filter (SDDPDE) is developed by introducing the switching operators for reducing all kinds of impulse noise, and especially for images having a mixture of salt-and-pepper impulse noise and random-valued impulse noise which is a shortage for most of the existing filtering models. Our SDDPDE consists of the coarse and fine filtering stages. In the coarse filtering stages, the switching operator depends on a simple noise detector. In the fine filtering stages, we introduce the notion of impulselike probability, and the switching operator depends on both a simple noise detector and impulselike probability. Our SDDPDE will denoise noise pixels detected by the coarse detector while further modify the so-called noise-free pixels according to impulselike probability. The main advantages of our SDDPDE over published approaches are its simplicity and universality. In addition, we demonstrate the performance of our SDDPDE via application to three standard test images, corrupted by salt-and-pepper impulse noise, random-valued impulse noise and mixed impulse noise with high-noise levels, and the comparison with the other well-known filters. Experimental results show that our SDDPDE achieves high peak signal-to-noise ratio and better visual effect.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高开关型矢量中值滤波器滤除脉冲噪声尤其是细微噪声的能力,提出了一种基于颜色分量单独噪声检测的开关型标量和矢量混合中值滤波器(SVHMF)。与其它经典矢量滤波器相比,SVHMF最大的不同在于它是根据对像素点各个颜色单独进行噪声检测的结果,采用与之相适应的标量和矢量混和滤波方法。新滤波器可以最大限度地保护彩色图像图像像素中未被噪声干扰的颜色分量数据,从而可以进一步提高滤波效果。实验数据表明:SVHMF的滤波效果明显优于其它各类在彩色图像降噪中得到广泛应用的矢量中值滤波器。  相似文献   

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