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Abstract— A novel flat discharge fluorescent lamp used as the light source of backlight modules for LCDs and general lighting systems has been researched and developed. This new type of lamp is a less‐mercury flat fluorescent lamp with two‐dimensional emission and superior to conventional one‐dimensional cold‐cathode fluorescent lamps in terms of optics, energy‐savings, production efficiency, reliability, and chromatic performances. Physical characterization of the optics, temperature, mechanical design, thermal shocking, reliability, and corresponding environments have verified that flat fluorescent lamps will be the next‐generation light sources for backlight modules and general lighting systems.  相似文献   

基于单片机控制的智能化路灯节能装置的设计   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
分析了城市路灯照明耗电大、设备使用寿命短的原因,提出了采用补偿变压器稳压方式和P89C51RD2单片机进行稳压控制的解决方案,研究、设计了智能化路灯节能装置。介绍了补偿变压器方式的交流稳压器的工作原理、硬件电路的设计和软件的功能。智能化路灯节能装置能有效地节约能源、减少照明灯具的损耗  相似文献   

当前照明系统缺乏分布式路灯动态化控制,浪费大量能源,为此,提出了基于ZigBee网络和自适应PSD算法的路灯分布式节能控制方法。通过ZigBee网络通信连接系统传感器、控制中心和照明终端,协调设备通信功能,实现信息快速传输储存。利用神经网络处理信号数据,提高系统信号检测和处理效率。在此基础上,利用自适应PSD算法识别路灯信号动态特征,进行自适应信号检测,调节信号数据偏差,精确检测数据结果,增强系统节能控制稳定程度,实现路灯分布式节能控制。由实验结果可知,研究方法将分布式路灯检测精准度提高到99%,熔池宽度稳定在3.5W/mm,具有良好的检测精准度和控制稳定性,可以对路灯进行节能控制。  相似文献   

研究室内照明亮度调节优化问题,由于室内照明系统中,根据需要亮度各有不同。针对实际照度需求,为了能自动调整亮度,达到提高工作效率和节能的目的,提出建立遗传算法的室内灯具亮度调节精确模型。构建了以最小化照度误差和能量消耗的适应度函数,优化使亮度需求达到照度值。将灯具亮度调节分为场景切换和特定场景下灯具亮度微调两种模式,用不同场景灯具,对特定场景下需求亮度的调节进行了仿真,结果证明改进方法可以按不同照度需求时获得优化亮度。  相似文献   

针对我国目前路灯覆盖面积大,管理手段落后,无法根据实际需要进行远程控制开关灯时间、无法监测各路灯的运行状况等问题,设计一种基于窄带物联网路灯控制系统方案,实现对路灯按需控制、及时了解各路灯的耗能情况,并综合现场的人流量情况,实现精确控制,最终达到节约能源的目的。该终端采用意法半导体STM32芯片为微控制核心、以窄带物联网技术为传输方式、以天翼云平台为支撑的系统总体框架,阐述了系统硬件、软件设计思路,制定了路灯控制器、天翼云平台、后台服务系统之间的通信协议,实现了路灯控制器、云平台、后台服务终端三者之间的信息交互。测试及应用结果表明,该控制器系统稳定可靠,数据通信实时性好,为将来路灯节能控制和管理提供了有利的保障。  相似文献   

王飞 《工矿自动化》2022,48(1):98-102
针对现有矿灯大多只具有照明、定位、环境感知等功能,没有语音对讲功能的问题,设计了一种基于WiFi的具有语音对讲功能的语音矿灯。该语音矿灯以工业以太环网和WiFi网络为传输平台,采用VoIP语音通信技术实现语音播放、音频采集、与调度台对讲功能;通过音频编解码芯片实现语音模拟信号与数字信号的转换,采用UDP协议将信号传输至调度台,完成语音数据的双向传输,实现语音对讲和矿灯照明一体化。详细介绍了语音对讲功能实现的关键技术:音频数据的编码格式和缓存管理、语音数据的可靠传输机制,用于确保语音播放的准确性;WiFi模块与微控制器STM32L151的低功耗休眠技术,用于降低语音矿灯平均电流,延长工作时间。测试结果表明:该语音矿灯能够满足调度台与井下工作人员之间的语音对讲需求,与WiFi基站通信距离可达400 m,与调度台之间的对讲传输时延小于1 s,语音矿灯之间的组播传输时延小于3 s;语音矿灯对讲时平均电流小于70 mA,空闲时平均电流小于5 mA。  相似文献   

目前照明系统存在输出无节制,负载不可调节,浪费电能等缺点。该项目结合了无线控制系统的优点和ZIGBEE无线通信技术,使用目前比较成熟的ZIGBEE技术,通过网状拓扑结构搭建基于CC2530芯片[3,6]的智能节能灯控系统。该系统控制方便,安装简单,智能高效,可有效地解决用电量大,成本高,布线繁琐等传统家用、公用、工业照明方面的问题。  相似文献   

Modern cities are currently facing rapid urban growth and struggle to maintain a sustainable development. In this context, “eco-neighbourhoods” became the perfect place for testing new innovative ideas that would reduce congestion and optimize traffic flow. The main motivation of this work is a true and stated need of the Department of Transport in Nancy, France, to improve the traffic flow in a central eco-neighbourhood currently under reconfiguration, reduce travel times and test various traffic control scenarios for a better interconnectivity between urban intersections. Therefore, this paper addresses a multi-objective simulation-based signal control problem through the case study of “Nancy Grand Cœur” (NGC) eco-neighbourhood with the purpose of finding the optimal traffic control plan to reduce congestion during peak hours. Firstly, we build the 3D mesoscopic simulation model of the most circulated intersection (C129) based on specifications from the traffic management centre. The simulation outputs from various scenario testing will be then used as inputs for the optimisation and comparative analysis modules. Secondly, we propose a multi-objective optimization method by using evolutionary algorithms and find the optimal traffic control plan to be used in C129 during morning and evening rush hours. Lastly, we take a more global view and extend the 3D simulation model to three other interconnected intersections, in order to analyse the impact of local optimisation on the surrounding traffic conditions in the eco-neighbourhood. The current proposed simulation-optimisation framework aims at supporting the traffic engineering decision-making process and the smart city dynamic by favouring a sustainable mobility.  相似文献   

提出严禁矿用一般型照明灯具、通信、自动化装置和仪器仪表等小功率非防爆设备用于煤矿井下;照明灯具应采用LED等冷光源,优选本质安全型或本质安全型与浇封型或隔爆型等其他防爆型式的复合型;用于煤矿井下的监控、通信、监视、控制设备和仪器仪表应优选本质安全型,设备之间传输的信号必须是本质安全型信号;大功率电气设备应优选隔爆型电气设备,隔爆型电气设备应将接线腔与主腔分腔布置。提出矿用通信与信号电缆和光缆可以盘圈。提出与隔爆型电气设备连接的矿用电缆必须耐爆;严禁矿用通信与信号电缆和光缆直接与单一隔爆型电气设备连接;与隔爆兼本质安全型电气设备连接的矿用通信与信号电缆和光缆必须耐爆。提出煤矿井下严禁使用铝芯电缆。提出用于局部通风机的欠压保护和失压保护应有延时措施;除掘进、开拓和临时施工场所外,尽量减少局部通风机的使用;严禁在形成全风压通风的回采工作面使用局部通风机稀释上隅角瓦斯等。提出矿灯应采用LED等冷光源,应采用本质安全型或本质安全型与浇封型等其他防爆类型的复合型;光源及灯绳(电池与头灯分离时)中传输的电能必须是本质安全型;严禁白炽灯等特殊型矿灯用于煤矿井下。  相似文献   

针对普通隧道照明能源浪费严重、有线调光布线复杂等问题,设计了一种智能照明控制系统。该系统的主控制器中建立了模糊算法计算出当前隧道内需要的亮度值,系统通过ZigBee无线通信实现灯具0~10 V智能调光、电源开关控制和灯具故障自动检测与定位的功能。基于节能和智能化的设计目标,给出了由主控制器到协调器再到无线节点(包括路由器和终端控制器)的总体设计方案;详细阐述了基于CC2530芯片的协调器和无线节点的软硬件设计及无线组网技术,重点制定了主控制器与协调器之间的通信协议。湖南5条隧道的实际运行效果表明,该系统能够满足隧道照明要求并保证行车安全,与传统隧道照明相比,节能率达到55%。  相似文献   

针对路灯系统不方便管理的问题,提出一种基于NB-IoT的城市智慧路灯监控系统方案,实现对城市路灯的控制精准化、监控智能化、故障检修便捷化.给出了系统由数据采集层、信息汇聚层、无线通信层和应用服务层组成的总体框架,阐述了路灯控制终端的硬件、软件设计思路,重点阐述了路灯控制终端与IoT云平台的接口协议.测试结果表明,系统可稳定运行且数据传输稳定性高,降低了传统路灯控制终端的成本和能耗,实现了客户端远程对城市路灯的监控与管理,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

随着物联网科技的不断发展,智慧路灯成为了智慧城市发展过程中不可或缺的重要组成部分。传统的城市照明路灯仅仅只能满足简单的照明需求,并且在控制局部照明上无法实现实时以及自由控制,只能按照季度的日出日落时间来固定设置路灯的开关灯,不仅浪费了人力物力,而且对于能源也是极大的浪费。设计了基于STM32的路灯集中控制器,该集中控制器通过GPRS与后台通信服务器连接,实现实时数据的回传、在线命令和策略的下发,最后对系统进行测试与分析;实验结果表明,该方案不仅解决了路灯的智能化控制,而且具有高度的可扩展性,极大的方便了城市照明,更实现了高并发通信,从而使得更安全可靠的达到对城市照明的目的。  相似文献   

现代城市亮化中,户外灯具以其简洁、新颖的造型,在提供照明的同时与现代城市构成一幅和谐的画面,给人们带来一种美的享受。本文从现代照明的发展趋势与灯具市场现状角度出发,结合个人的实践,对未来灯具的发展与设计提出自己的观点。  相似文献   

为实现助航灯具的自动清洗,本文提出一种基于单目视觉的助航灯具及其发光口的定位和识别方法。通过提取摄像机画面中的灯具轮廓,采用最小二乘法拟合灯具不发光状态下的椭圆模型,得出灯具中心的像素坐标,采用质心法计算发光状态下光源中心的像素坐标。通过对摄像机的标定,建立地面约束坐标系,实现灯具像素坐标到世界坐标的转换,得到摄像机与灯具的相对位置。  相似文献   

灯具不仅是室内不可缺少的照明设备,更是美化居室气氛的重要工具。装饰风格的多元化,让灯具设计更彰显个性色彩,以此来满足不同消费者的情感需求。近年来,自然环保理念的流行,让自然形态设计的灯具在市场上颇受欢迎;本文以"自然形态"作为研究方向,分析其在灯具形态设计上的运用,研究出这种源于自然美感灯饰的独特韵味。  相似文献   

智能家居是指通过物联网技术将各种设备连接到一起,物联网技术的迅速发展促进了智能家居的发展。设计了一种基于Android的可组网的LED照明灯,该LED照明灯以基于Android的智能电子设备为控制终端,通过socket通信的方法实现与LED照明灯之间的通信,达到对照明灯的开关以及亮度调节的目的。LED照明灯采用STM32F030F4P6微处理器作为控制芯片,选用高效率、高性能的TPS92515作为大功率LED的驱动,并采用USR-WIFI232-B2作为WIFI通信模块。LED照明灯的亮度通过微处理器输出的PWM信号进行调节,不仅可以实现亮度从0%-100%的线性调节,而且解决了普通照明灯在开灯和关灯时,瞬间点亮和瞬间熄灭,对人眼的冲击问题。采用该方法设计的照明灯实用性强,具有较好的推广价值。  相似文献   

This paper describes the process for design, development and fabrication of a lamp prototype that worked as an experiment in “digital bridges” between different software, using Mathematica as the main source for design geometry that is passed dynamically to platforms for documentation, lighting analysis and rendering, as well as CNC machining for final fabrication. The process will be used as key for discussing the dynamic relationship between variation, design option and analysis, in relation to the richness of our design culture.  相似文献   

In this paper two energy dispatch controllers for use in a grid-independent photovoltaic (PV) system are presented. The first, an optimal energy dispatch controller, is based on a class of Adaptive Critic Designs (ACDs) called Action Dependent Heuristic Dynamic Programming (ADHDP). This class of ACDs uses two neural networks to evolve an optimal control strategy over time. The first neural network or “Action” network dispenses the actual control signals while the second network or “Critic” network uses these control signals along with the system states to provide feedback to the action network, measuring performance using a utility function. This feedback loop allows the action network to improve behavior over time. The optimal energy dispatcher places emphasis on always meeting the critical load, followed by keeping the charge of the battery as high as possible so as to be able to power the critical load in cases of extended low output from the PV array, and lastly to power the non-critical load in so far as to not interfere with the first two objectives. The second energy dispatch controller is a smart energy dispatch controller and is built using knowledge from an expert, codified into a series of static rules. This smart energy dispatch controller is called the “PV-priority 2” controller. These energy dispatchers are compared with a static scheme called the “PV-priority 1”. The PV-priority 1 controller represents the standard control strategy. Results show that the ADHDP-based optimal energy dispatcher (or controller) outperforms the standard PV-priority 1 energy dispatcher in meeting the stated objectives, but trails the PV-priority 2 energy dispatcher. However, the major advantage of the ADHDP controller is that no expert is required for designing the controller, whereas for a rule-based controller such as the PV-priority 2 controller, an expert is always required.  相似文献   

目前,我国城市道路照明节能监控主要采用集中控制为主,由此引起一系列问题。数字化道路照明节能监控系统采用单灯稳压降流节能技术,克服集中控制所带来的问题。文章主要介绍该系统的子系统——本地控制系统的设计。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to regulate the amount of illumination in a room at a constant level, irrespective of the disturbances from outside such as weather conditions or the use of blinds to avoid the glare risk. In order to produce a model of the lighting system in our project, the supply voltage to the lamp dimmer circuits was varied stepwise and the resulting response – measured by the light sensors – was captured with a data-acquisition board. A nonlinear static characteristic in series with a linear 3rd order dynamic system was obtained from this experiment. The model was then used to implement and to validate a lighting system simulator, which was then further used to design, tune, test and evaluate efficient lighting controllers. The control design was rather challenging because the system is highly nonlinear and because undesired interaction occurs between multiple illumination zones in a big office room. The main benefits are a higher level of comfort and a continuous saving of energy.  相似文献   

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