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Understanding if a digital image is authentic or not, is a key purpose of image forensics. There are several different tampering attacks but, surely, one of the most common and immediate one is copy-move. A recent and effective approach for detecting copy-move forgeries is to use local visual features such as SIFT. In this kind of methods, SIFT matching is often followed by a clustering procedure to group keypoints that are spatially close. Often, this procedure could be unsatisfactory, in particular in those cases in which the copied patch contains pixels that are spatially very distant among them, and when the pasted area is near to the original source. In such cases, a better estimation of the cloned area is necessary in order to obtain an accurate forgery localization. In this paper a novel approach is presented for copy-move forgery detection and localization based on the J-Linkage algorithm, which performs a robust clustering in the space of the geometric transformation. Experimental results, carried out on different datasets, show that the proposed method outperforms other similar state-of-the-art techniques both in terms of copy-move forgery detection reliability and of precision in the manipulated patch localization.  相似文献   

Copy-move forgery (CMF) is a popular image manipulation technique that is simple and effective in creating forged illustrations. The bulk of CMF detection methods concentrate on common geometrical transformation attacks (e.g., rotation and scale) and post-processing attacks (e.g., Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compression and Gaussian noise addition). However, geometrical transformation that involves reflection attacks has not yet been highlighted in the literature. As the threats of reflection attack are inevitable, there is an urgent need to study CMF detection methods that are robust against this type of attack. In this study, we investigated common geometrical transformation attacks and reflection-based attacks. Also, we suggested a robust CMF detection method, called SIFT-Symmetry, that innovatively combines the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)-based CMF detection method with symmetry-based matching. We evaluated the SIFT-Symmetry with three established methods that are based on SIFT, multi-scale analysis, and patch matching using two new datasets that cover simple transformation and reflection-based attacks. The results show that the F-score of the SIFT-Symmetry method surpassed the average 80% value for all geometrical transformation cases, including simple transformation and reflection-based attacks, except for the reflection with rotation case which had an average F-score of 65.3%. The results therefore show that the SIFT-Symmetry method gives better performance compared to the other existing methods.  相似文献   

夏蕾  周冰 《量子电子学报》2016,33(2):153-161
为了解决当前图像伪造定位技术因使用了CFA 插值,易形成颜色插值噪声而降低分辨率,导致其难以检测微小篡改区域,使其伪造检测精度较低等不足,本文提出了像素预测误差耦合似然映射的图像伪造检测算法。首先,分析颜色滤波阵列CFA插值模型,并从图像中提取绿色分量;随后,嵌入权重因子,构造预测误差及其权重方差计算模型;根据预测误差与贝叶斯理论,定义伪造特征统计模型,识别出趋于零的特征值;最后,根据特征统计模型,建立其似然率模型,输出伪造映射,完成检测。仿真结果表明:与当前图像伪造定位机制相比,本文算法拥有更强的鲁棒性,能识别定位出微小伪造像素;且拥有更高的AUC值与理想的ROC曲线。  相似文献   

针对能够用于图像篡改的Seam-Carving技术,提出了一种基于扩展的马尔科夫特征的Seam-Carving篡改识别算法。该算法充分考虑了Seam-Carving操作导致的图像频域特征的变化,将传统的利用马尔科夫转移概率矩阵求取的图像特征和基于扩展的马尔科夫转移概率特征进行融合,而后利用支持向量机进行分类训练,从而达到有效识别基于Seam-Carving的图像篡改。实验结果表明,提出的方案性能优于传统的基于马尔科夫转移矩阵的特征选择方法以及现有的一些该类图像篡改检测方法。  相似文献   

疵点检测是现代纺织工业产品质量控制中的关键环节之一,对保证聚酯纤维纺织品质量具有重要的现实意义。由此本文提出了一种基于Gabor滤波疵点检测方法。该检测方法通过Gabor滤波处理,使特定方向与特定频率的疵点位置初步被过滤呈现出来,之后通过边缘检测算法计算图像中待检测的疵点位置,准确获得疵点在图像中的位置。仿真实验结果表明,该方法在工厂坏境情况下,高效的识别出喷丝板的疵点位置,有效地提高检测准确度,可满足无损检测要求。  相似文献   

图像拼接是最常用的图像篡改操作之一,针对篡改图像噪声水平不一致性的现象,本文提出了一种基于统计噪声水平分析的图像拼接检测方法。首先,将检测图像分割成大小相同的非重叠图像块,然后,利用一种非参数估计算法来估计每个图像块的噪声值,并且采取聚类法对图像块的噪声值进行聚类,聚类结果分为可疑部分和非可疑部分两大类。最后,通过一个由粗到细的两阶段策略对篡改区域进行定位。哥伦比亚未压缩图像拼接检测评估图像库的实验结果表明,本文方法能够准确地估计图像块的噪声和定位出拼接区域,性能优于现有方法。  相似文献   

Zhuzhu WANG 《通信学报》2019,40(4):171-178
Aiming at the defects of traditional image tampering detection algorithm relying on single image attribute,low applicability and current high time-complexity detection algorithm based on deep learning,an U-shaped detection network image forgery detection algorithm was proposed.Firstly,the multi-stage feature information in the image by using the continuous convolution layers and the max-pooling layers was extracted by U-shaped detection network,and then the obtained feature information to the resolution of the input image through the upsampling operation was restored.At the same time,in order to ensure higher detection accuracy while extracting high-level semantic information of the image,the output features of each stage in U-shaped detection network would be merged with the corresponding output features through the upsampling layer.Further the hidden feature information between tampered and un-tampered regions in the image upon the characteristics of the general network was explored by U-shaped detection network,which could be realized quickly by using its end-to-end network structure and extracting the attributes of strong correlation information among image contexts that could ensure high-precision detection results.Finally,the conditional random field was used to optimize the output of the U-shaped detection network to obtain a more exact detection results.The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms those traditional forgery detection algorithms based on single image attribute and the current deep learning-based detection algorithm,and has good robustness.  相似文献   

Sobel算子对图像进行边缘检测时,只对垂直与水平方向敏感,使得一些边缘检测不到,从而限制了Sobel算子的检测性能.针对此问题,文中提出了一种基于Gabor滤波器的边缘检测算法,先对图像进行Gabor变换,找出不同方向上人眼敏感程度低的系数,再用Sobel算子对变换过的图像进行边缘检测,最后把此图像与直接用Sobel算子检测的图像相加.实验表明,该算法改善了Sobel算子检测方向单一的不足,包含较多的边缘信息.  相似文献   

夏涛  黄俊  徐太秀 《电讯技术》2023,63(8):1228-1236
针对目前的图像篡改数据集中缺少同时包含多种篡改操作的单张图像的问题,构建了包含多种图像篡改手段的综合数据集(MTO Dataset),每张图片包含复制移动、拼接和移除中的2种或3种篡改操作。针对多篡改检测,提出了一种基于改进CenterNet的图像多篡改检测模型,将RGB图像和经过隐写分析得到的噪声特征图作为特征提取网络的输入,在特征提取网络ResNet-50的每一层卷积前加入门控通道注意力转换单元以促进特征通道间关系。为得到更具辨别性的特征,通过改进后的注意力机制自适应学习并调节特征权重,最后使用改进的损失函数优化边框预测的准确度。实验结果证明,与当前先进模型DETR、EfficientDet和VarifocalNet相比,该模型的F1分数提升0.4%~7.4%,检测速率提高1.32~3.06倍。  相似文献   

Resampling detection is a helpful tool in multimedia forensics; however, it is a challenge task in cases with compression and noisy. In this paper, by modeling the recovery of edited images using an inverse filtering process, we propose a novel resampling detection framework based on blind deconvolution. Different interpolation types in the resampling process can be distinguished by our algorithm, which is significant for practical forensics scenarios. Furthermore, in contrast to traditional resampling detection algorithms, our method can effectively avoid interference caused by JPEG block artifacts. As the experimental results show, our method is more robust than other state-of-the-art approaches in the case of strong JPEG compression and substantial Gaussian noise.  相似文献   

Sparse representation (SR) has been widely used in image fusion in recent years. However, source image, segmented into vectors, reduces correlation and structural information of texture with conventional SR methods, and extracting texture with the sliding window technology is more likely to cause spatial inconsistency in flat regions of multi-modality medical fusion image. To solve these problems, a novel fusion method that combines separable dictionary optimization with Gabor filter in non-subsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) domain is proposed. Firstly, source images are decomposed into high frequency (HF) and low frequency (LF) components by NSCT. Then the HF components are reconstructed sparsely by separable dictionaries with iterative updating sparse coding and dictionary training. In the process, sparse coefficients and separable dictionaries are updated by orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) and manifold-based conjugate gradient method, respectively. Meanwhile, the Gabor energy as weighting factor is utilized to guide the LF components fusion, and this further improves the fusion degree of low-significant feature in the flat regions. Finally, the fusion components are transformed to obtain fusion image by inverse NSCT. Experimental results demonstrate the more competitive results of the proposal, leading to the state-of-art performance on both visual quality and objective assessment.  相似文献   

As a popular image manipulation technique, object removal can be achieved by image-inpainting without any noticeable traces, which poses huge challenges to passive image forensics. The existing detection approach utilizes full search for block matching, resulting in high computational complexity. This paper presents an efficient forgery detection algorithm for object removal by exemplar-based inpainting, which integrates central pixel mapping (CPM), greatest zero-connectivity component labeling (GZCL) and fragment splicing detection (FSD). CPM speeds up suspicious block search by efficiently matching those blocks with similar hash values and then finding the suspicious pairs. To improve the detection precision, GZCL is used to mark the tampered pixels in suspected block pairs. FSD is adopted to distinguish and locate tampered regions from its best-match regions. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce up to 90% of the processing time and maintain a detection precision above 85% under different kinds of object-removed images.  相似文献   

吴岳洲 《光电子.激光》2009,(12):1626-1630
针对视频分析中难以完全将前景(FG)和运动阴影正确分离,提出一种基于阴影HSV颜色空间特性与Gabor筛选器的阴影分割方法。首先,采用一种基于复杂背景(BG)的运动目标检测方法提取出运动目标;其次,采用基于HSV颜色空间阴影特性初步判定阴影区域;最后,设计基于感兴趣区域(ROI,region of interest)的Gabor筛选器对初步判定后的阴影区域进行筛选,从而检测出阴影。对不同光照和环境条件下的视频序列进行测试结果表明,方法效果好,阴影检测率高,可应用于智能视频监控的目标检测。  相似文献   

针对图像中特征提取不均匀、单尺度超像素划分对伪造定位结果影响较大的问题,提出一种基于深度特征提取和图神经网络(graph neural network,GNN) 匹配的图像复制粘贴篡改检测(cope-move forgery detection,CMFD) 算法。首先将图像进行多尺度超像素分割并提取深度特征,为保证特征点数目充足,以超像素为单位计算特征点分布的均匀度,自适应降低特征提取阈值;随后引入新的基于注意力机制的GNN特征匹配器,进行超像素间的迭代匹配,且用随机采样一致性(random sample consensus,RANSAC) 算法消除误匹配;最后将多尺度匹配结果进行融合,精确定位篡改区域。实验表明,所提算法具有良好的性能,也证明了GNN在图像篡改检测领域的可用性。  相似文献   

We propose a passive multi-purpose scheme for photographic image (PIM) detection and a device class identification method. The motivation for the scheme is the periodicity phenomenon caused by color filter arrays (CFAs) and the demosaicing process. The phenomenon only occurs in the Fourier spectrum in PIMs. The proposed scheme exploits prediction error statistics, local peak detection, and a PIM classifier to analyze the phenomenon for PIM detection. We also develop a hierarchical classifier for device class identification based on the analysis of local peaks in the Fourier spectrum.To evaluate the scheme’s performance, we compile a test dataset of PIMs and PRCG (photorealistic computer graphics) images, and analyze the impact of leak peak detection, JPEG lossy compression, and cropping operations on PIM detection. The accuracy rate of the scheme on 5805 test images is 95.56%, which is higher than that of the methods proposed in Sutthiwan et al. (2009) [1] and Gallagher and Chen (2008) [2]. In addition, for device class identification, the precision rate of the proposed method is at least 93% on Canon, Sony, and Nikon images. The experiment results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed multi-purpose scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper, an algorithm based on fractional time-frequency spectrum feature is proposed to improve the accuracy of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) target detection. By extending fractional Gabor transform (FrGT) into two dimensions, the fractional time-frequency spectrum feature of an image can be obtained. In the achievement process, we search for the optimal order and design the optimal window function to accomplish the two-dimensional optimal FrGT. Finally, the energy attenuation gradient (EAG) feature of the optimal time-frequency spectrum is extracted for high-frequency detection. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has a good performance in SAR target detection and lays the foundation for recognition.  相似文献   

基于四阶累积量的波段子集高光谱图像异常检测   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
针对由于高光谱图像光谱和空间分布的复杂性导致核RX算法检测性能不高这一问题,提出了基于四阶累积量的波段子集非线性异常检测算法。首先先依据各相邻波段间的相关系数,将原始图像数据划分为多组波段子集;然后,利用主成分分析(PCA)构造的正交子空间对各波段子集进行背景抑制,得到图像误差数据;在此基础上,再次利用PCA提取各波段子集的特征信息,使异常目标信息集中于前面几个波段;最后,提取各子集主成分中含有最大四阶累积量值的波段,构成最优波段子集,并与核RX算法结合进行异常检测。利用真实的AVIRIS高光谱图像对算法进行仿真,结果表明,本文算法检测精度高,虚警率低,性能明显优于核RX算法。  相似文献   

针对合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像特有的乘性噪声和非恒虚警统计特性很难正确提取目标边缘的问题,提出了在指数加权均值比(ROEWA)算子基础上寻找自适应的最佳局域Gabor滤波器进行目标边缘提取的方法。利用Gabor滤波器具有的多方向特性确定边缘方向,然后用最大似然估计纠正错误边缘方向,重新结合视觉细胞倍频程计算出Gabor函数的最佳局域滤波参数,提取出SAR图像的正确边缘。实验表明,该方法取得很好边缘提取效果,并且后期分割出的目标更符合实际目标形态,具有较强的通用性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于分形维数和FCM聚类的SAR图像无监督变化检测的算法。首先用非下采样Contourlet变换(NSCT),对两时相图像进行分解,然后求出其分形维数图,构造差异图,再由FCM聚类得到变化区域和非变化区域。并对计算分形维的滑动窗口大小的选择进行了研究。与现有的基于分形维数的图像变化检测算法进行对比,实验证实,本文算法不仅对斑点噪声不敏感,并且提高了变化检测的精确度。  相似文献   

In Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR), the user provides the query image in which only a selective portion of the image carries the foremost vital information known as the object region of the image. However, the human visual system also focuses on a particular salient region of an image to instinctively understand its semantic meaning. Therefore, the human visual attention technique can be well imposed in the CBIR scheme. Inspired by these facts, we initially utilized the signature saliency map-based approach to decompose the image into its respective main object region (ObR) and non-object region (NObR). ObR possesses most of the vital image information, so block-level normalized singular value decomposition (SVD) has been used to extract salient features of the ObR. In most natural images, NObR plays a significant role in understanding the actual semantic meaning of the image. Accordingly, multi-directional texture features have been extracted from NObR using Gabor filter on different wavelengths. Since the importance of ObR and NObR features are not equal, a new homogeneity-based similarity matching approach has been devised to enhance retrieval accuracy. Finally, we have demonstrated retrieval performances using both the combined and distinct ObR and NObR features on seven standard coral, texture, object, and heterogeneous datasets. The experimental outcomes show that the proposed CBIR system has a promising retrieval efficiency and outperforms various existing systems substantially.  相似文献   

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