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DNA of plasmid pBR322 irradiated with laser at a wavelength of 193 mm was treated with an extract containing proteins from E.coli K12 AB1157 (wild-type). The enzymes were found to produce single- and double-strand DNA breaks, which was interpreted as a transformation of a portion of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and (6-4) photoproducts into nonrepairable single-strand DNA breaks. The products resulted from ionization of DNA, in particular, single-strand breaks, transform to double-strand breaks. A comparison of these data with the data on survival of plasmid upon transformation of E.coli K12 AB1157 enables one to assess the biological significance of single- and double-strand breaks. The inactivation of the plasmid (in AB1157) is mainly determined by the number of directly formed laser-induced single-strand breaks, whereas the contribution of enzymatically produced single- and double-strand breaks is insignificant.  相似文献   

A 68-year-old woman was admitted to Kinki University Hospital because of progressive renal failure. She had been well until two months before admission. Laboratory data were as follows: serum creatinine 4.1 mg/dl, BUN 69 mg/dl, MPO-ANCA 33 EU, anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies (AGBMA) 118 U. Histological findings showed cellular and fibrocellular crescents in many glomeruli. Therefore, we diagnosed rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) due to MPO-ANCA and anti-GBM associated renal disease. The patient was started on prednisolone and double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) therapy. Subsequently, the values of MPO-ANCA and AGBMA decreased. However, the patient's condition suddenly worsened and she died of interstitial pneumonia. Autopsy examination revealed crescentic glomerulonephritis and alveolar hemorrhage with linear deposition of IgG along the glomerular and alveolar capillary walls by immunofluorescence studies. We considered this to be a rare case of Goodpasture's syndrome associated with not only anti-GBM antibodies, but also MPO-ANCA.  相似文献   

We studied the mechanisms involved in the translocation of human calcitonin (hCT) through excised bovine nasal mucosa (net mucosal-to-serosal permeability approximately 10(-)5 cm s-1). To determine structural requirements for the suggested vesicular internalization two carboxyfluorescein-labeled (fl) hCT fragments, the C-terminal fragment [Nalpha-fl]hCT(9-32) and the N-terminal fragment [Lys(fl)18]hCT(1-24) were synthesized. In presence of the endocytosis inhibitor cytochalasin D mucosal-to-serosal and serosal-to-mucosal hCT permeabilities were equal. Pathway visualization by confocal laser scanning microscopy showed punctated fluorescence indicating vesicular internalization of both hCT and [Nalpha-fl]hCT(9-32). In contrast, the N-terminal fragment lacking the beta-sheet forming C-terminus (25-32) was not internalized. Circular dichroism showed that, when interacting with neutral and negatively charged liposomes, hCT adopts beta-sheet conformation. In a concentrated aqueous solution, beta-sheet formation induces hCT self-assembly and fibrillation. High partitioning of hCT into lipid bilayer membranes was reflected by an apparent partition coefficient log D(pH 7.4) = 2.5 (liposome-buffer equilibrium dialysis). We propose that the high lipid partitioning and beta-sheet formation result in C-terminus-restricted supramolecular self-assembly of hCT and [Nalpha-fl]hCT(9-32) in lipid membranes. Vesicular internalization is suggested to be associated with self-assembly induced perturbation of the lipid bilayer. Condensed hCT self-assemblies may explain the high capacity of net mucosal-to-serosal hCT permeation, which compares favorably with the low transport capacity of receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

With a morbidity of 0.8%, epilepsy in childhood is one of the most frequent chronic diseases of the CNS. Improved diagnostic and therapeutical options of the last two decades made it possible that today 60-70% of the patients are without attacks for a long period and are fully socially integrated. Epilepsy is clinically classified into generalized epilepsies; which are of symptomatic origin in 50% of the cases, and focal epilepsies, which are even more frequent caused by CNS-injuries. The diagnosis of epilepsy results from the synopsis of the clinical picture of the attack and the electro-encephalogram (EEG), in case of doubts from the analysis of the video-EEG. The anti-convulsive drug therapy is undertaken as long-term treatment when free of attacks for 3-5 years and has to be monitored clinically as well as biochemically. The option of epilepsy-surgical procedures in a center of epilepsy should be considered in cases of a resistance to drug therapy. The tight cooperation with the family physician is of great importance for the ambulant epileptic care, others like social service, careers guidance and psychologic service have to be integrated.  相似文献   

This study determined the occurrence of two molecular markers of apoptosis, chromosomal DNA strand breaks and oolemma phosphatidylserine redistribution, in >200 uninseminated and unfertilized human oocytes, and >800 newly ovulated and cultured mouse oocytes. DNA breaks were analysed by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUDP nick-end labelling (TUNEL) and phosphatidylserine by annexin V staining, with imaging by conventional epifluorescence and scanning laser confocal fluorescence microscopy. More than 300 intact and 500 fragmented mouse oocytes were examined at 24 h intervals during 6 days of culture in three different types of medium. For the human, 205 oocytes were examined at retrieval or at 24 h intervals during 7.5 days of culture in two types of medium. The perifollicular vascularity and the dissolved oxygen content of follicular fluid were determined for most of the follicles from which human oocytes were derived. The results demonstrate that TUNEL fluorescence of metaphase II (MII) chromosomes and annexin V staining of the oolemma in newly ovulated and cultured mouse and human oocytes are rare, and, when detected, are not spatially or temporally related. This finding also applied to mouse oocytes that fragmented during culture and exhibited morphological features that grossly resembled apoptotic body formation. In contrast, TUNEL but not annexin V staining occurred in the first polar body of a relatively high proportion of newly ovulated mouse oocytes, but was rarely detected in newly aspirated human oocytes. For the human, the occurrence of MII chromosomal TUNEL fluorescence was patient-specific and unrelated to perifollicular vascularity or dissolved oxygen content of the corresponding follicular fluid. The pattern of chromosomal TUNEL fluorescence observed in the first polar body and in the MII chromosomes of a very small number of mouse and human oocytes, especially after many days of culture, suggests that DNA strand breaks may not arise by apoptosis-associated endonuclease digestion. The results with these two markers suggest that it is premature to conclude that apoptosis occurs in ovulated oocytes or that such a mechanism is involved in the elimination or prevention of fertilization of oocytes with cytoplasmic or chromosomal defects.  相似文献   

The CD53 antigen is a member of the tetraspan family of proteins with unknown function. Stimulation of rat IR938F B-cell lymphoma cells with monoclonal antibody MRC OX44 (anti-rat CD53) triggered a homotypic adhesion reaction which reached a maximum effect at 24 hr. This effect occurred at 37 degrees C but not at 4 degrees C. Adhesion was prevented by removal of divalent cations, Ca2+ and Mg2+, with EGTA and EDTA as chelating agents. The adhesion induced by MRC OX44 was inhibited by cycloheximide and actinomycin D, suggesting that de novo protein synthesis was required for this effect. The addition of mAb WT1 against rat LFA-1 (CD11a) antigen had no effect on adhesion, suggesting that the cell-cell interaction is not mediated by the expression of LFA-1 antigen. The intracellular signals required to induce adhesion were inhibited by two tyrosine kinase inhibitors, genistein and piceatannol. Wortmannin, a selective inhibitor of phosphoinositide 3-kinase activity, completely blocked adhesion. Two protein kinase C inhibitors, H7 and bisindolylmaleimide, inhibited the adhesion, suggesting that part of the signal is mediated by PKC. Electron microscopy of aggregated cells showed that the interaction is localized to short membrane regions, where contact areas of higher density in opposing zones from both cells were detected. We postulate that there is a common adhesion mechanism that is modulated by several tetraspan family members and associated proteins. This adhesion structure might represent a novel form of cell communication among lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

To elucidate the kinetics of the induction of DNA strand breaks by low-energy Auger electron emitters, we compared the yields of DNA breaks in supercoiled pUC19 DNA after the decay of 125I (1) in proximity to DNA after minor-groove binding (125I-iodoHoechst 33342, 125IH) and (2) at a distance from DNA (125I-iodoantipyrine, 125IAP). Iodine-125 bound to the minor groove in DNA or free in solution is equally effective per decay in producing single-strand breaks (SSBs), while 125I bound to the minor groove is 6.7-fold more efficient than 125I free in solution in producing double-strand breaks (DSBs) (1.08 +/- 0.13 compared to 0.16 +/- 0.01 DSB/decay). Consequently, SSB to DSB ratios for 125IAP and gamma radiation (20.7 +/- 2.9 and 43.8 +/- 1.5, respectively) are greater than that for 125IH (2.9 +/- 0.4). Finally, the decay of 125IH leads to fragmentation of plasmid DNA beyond SSBs and DSBs.  相似文献   

The observation that 3-aminobenzamide, which inhibits a variety of ADP-ribose transferases, prolongs the gamma-irradiation-induced increase in intracellular p53 concentration suggested that one or more of such enzymes may determine the duration of the p53 response during G1 arrest. The role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), an abundant nuclear enzyme activated by DNA strand breaks, in the p53 response to y-irradiation was investigated in Burkitt's lymphoma AG876 cells stably transfected with an inducible PARP antisense construct. Immunoblot analysis revealed that the cellular content of PARP was reduced to virtually undetectable levels after incubation of transfected cells for 72 h with the inducer dexamethasone. In noninduced antisense cells, the p53 concentration reached a maximum 2 h after exposure to 6.3 Gy of gamma-radiation and returned to control values by 4 h. In contrast, the p53 response in PARP-depleted antisense cells peaked at 4 h, with the levels of p53 remaining elevated for up to 12 h after y-irradiation. The maximal increase in p53 concentration was similar in both induced and noninduced cells. These results thus indicate that PARP activity, in part, determines the duration, but not the magnitude, of the p53 response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Similar populations of male and female office workers in San Francisco, which has little air pollution, and in Los Angeles, which experiences frequent photochemical smog episodes, were surveyed in an attempt to document excess respiratory symptoms and dysfunction in Los Angeles relatable to air pollution. Most results of forced expiratory tests, single-breath N2 tests, and questionnaire interviews did not differ significantly between cities. Los Angeles women reported nonpersistent cough and phlegm more often than did San Francisco women. Smokers in both cities showed increased functional abnormalities. These results suggested that Los Angeles oxidant exposure is far less significant than smoking as a risk factor in development of chronic respiratory disease in sedentary indoor workers in good general health. Oxidant exposure has not been ruled out as a significant risk to more heavily exposed on more highly susceptible persons.  相似文献   

Apoptosis induced in different cell lines can be detected and quantified in one step. Direct labeling of apoptotic cells (DLAC) was performed by incorporation of fluorescein-dUTP (F-dUTP) in DNA strand breaks by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT). Nick-end-labeling using F-dUTP obviates the need for second-step revelation reagents without reducing the specificity of detection. Cells were analyzed by microscopy or flow cytometry for objective quantification of apoptotic cells in controlled dilution samples. Furthermore, we demonstrate that DLAC is compatible with surface labeling by monoclonal antibodies, allowing dual-color analysis. The data presented here illustrate the simplicity and potential of this method, which allows the preservation of fragile cells and the possibility of combining apoptosis detection with immunostaining.  相似文献   

The induction of DNA-strand breaks and repair synthesis has been examined in cultured Yoshida sarcoma cell lines sensitive (YS) and resistant (YR) to methylene dimethanesulphonate (MDMS). Using an alkaline DNA unwinding-hydroxylapatite technique, we were able to detect breaks in DNA immediately after MDMS treatment and at similar levels in both YS and YR cells. MDMS treatment and post-treatment incubation in the presence of 1-beta-D-arabino-furanosylcytosine (araC) lead to a large increase in the numbers of breaks when compared with MDMS treatment alone which indicated that many of the DNA-strand breaks seen after MDMS treatment were intermediates in excision repair. The magnitude of break incidence with the araC treatment was again equal in YS and YR cells indicating that these 2 lines made enzymic incisions next to MDMS-induced lesions with equal capacities. During incubation following MDMS treatment, the levels of DNA-strand breaks in YR cells were found to decrease more rapidly than in YS cells. Parallel DNA-repair synthesis estimations, using BND-cellulose chromatography, revealed that the increased rate of decline in breaks in YR cells was accompanied by an increase in repair-synthesis activity compared to YS cells. This was interpreted as indicating that an intermediate step in an excision-repair pathway for MDMS-induced lesions was relatively deficient in YS compared to YR cells. A similar difference in the rates of decline of DNA-strand breaks between YS and YR cells was also observed following treatment with UV light to which MDMS-resistant YR cells also display cross-resistance. However, no such difference was detected following treatment with the monofunctional alkylating agent, methyl methanesulphonate, to which YS and YR cells are equally sensitive. These results suggest that resistance to MDMS in the YR cell line is achieved by an increased efficiency in the gap-sealing component of the excision-repair process.  相似文献   

KW-2189 has been selected as a lead compound for clinical trial among duocarmycin derivatives with structural similarity to CC-1065, a cyclopropylpyrroloindole. The purpose of this study was to examine the DNA-binding potency and the mechanisms of cytotoxicity of KW-2189. In order to analyze DNA-binding activity of KW-2189, plasmid pBR322 was treated with KW-2189 with or without pretreatment with carboxyl esterase, which we demonstrated to be an activating enzyme, and the products were examined by agarose gel electrophoresis and restriction enzyme analysis. Cytotoxic activity was examined by exposing a human small cell lung cancer cell line, NCI-H69 to KW-2189 with or without carboxyl esterase. Alkaline elution was performed to examine whether KW-2189 induces DNA strand breaks. DNA treated with KW-2189 and carboxyl esterase migrated faster than KW-2189-treated DNA, which migrated at the same rate as untreated DNA. In addition DNA treated with esterase-activated KW-2189 was protected from digestion by some restriction enzymes. KW-2189 showed concentration- and time-dependent growth inhibitory effect with IC50 values (drug concentration required for 50% growth inhibition) of 58 nM (96 h) to 1900 nM (1 h) in H69 cells. The IC50 values of 4-h exposure of H69 to KW-2189 with 0, 26, 130, 650 mU/ml carboxyl esterase were 460, 120, 30, and 7 nM, respectively. Time-dependent enhancement of cytotoxicity by carboxyl esterase was also observed. KW-2189 induced DNA strand breaks in H69 cells in a concentration-dependent manner around the IC50 value. We conclude that 1) KW-2189 is activated by carboxyl esterase to its active form(s), 2) activated KW-2189 has a stronger DNA-binding activity and cytotoxicity than KW-2189, 3) DNA cleavage is one of the major mechanisms of KW-2189-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells are hypersensitive to very low doses of X-rays (< 0.2 Gy), a response which is followed by increased radioresistance up to 1 Gy. Increased radioresistance is postulated to be a response to DNA damage, possibly single-strand breaks, and it appears to be a characteristic of low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation. Here we demonstrate a correspondence between the extent of the increased radioresistance and linear energy transfer of 250 kVp X-rays and plateau and Bragg peak negative pi-mesons. The results support our hypothesis since the size of the increased radioresistant response appears to correspond to the number of radiation induced single-strand breaks. Furthermore, since survival prior to the increased radioresistant response (< 0.2 Gy) was LET-independent, these data support the notion that the increased radioresistant response may dictate the overall survival response to higher doses. However, while these data provide further circumstantial evidence for the involvement of DNA strand breaks in the triggering of increased radioresistance, more direct conclusions cannot be made. The data are not accurate enough to detect structure in the single-strand break profiles, the production of single-strand breaks being apparently linear with dose.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the potential associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and histopathologic evidence of damage to the lungs in humans. DESIGN: Lung tissue samples were collected during necropsies of individuals who died due to violent causes, selected on the basis of their exposure background. PATIENTS: The exposed group was composed of individuals who lived in Guarulhos, an area with high mean levels of inhalable particles. The control group was composed of individuals who lived in two cities with economies based on agricultural activities: Ribeir?o Preto and Ourinhos. Interventions: Information about cigarette smoking and occupational exposure was obtained from family members. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Morphometric evaluation of the main bronchus was conducted to determine the volume ratio of submucosal glands. Histopathologic alterations of the bronchioli were evaluated by scoring the presence of inflammatory reaction, wall thickening, and secretory hyperplasia. The number of spots of carbon deposition was counted along the regions of lymphatic drainage (visceral pleura and axial connective tissue around bronchi and blood vessels). Statistical analysis was done by means of regression models controlled for age, smoking, and occupational exposure. Lungs collected from the high pollution area presented evidence of more histopathologic damage in comparison to those from the clean environments. These effects were observed even after controlling for individual differences in age, sex, and cigarette smoking levels. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that long-term exposure to air pollution may contribute to the pathogenesis of airway disease, and that urban levels of air pollution have adverse effects on the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that bcl-2 overexpression can inhibit apoptosis induced by DNA-damaging agents widely used in cancer chemotherapy, including X-irradiation, alkylating agents (hydroperoxycyclophosphamide, etc.), and topoisomerase II inhibitors (etoposide, etc.). However, little is known about the mechanism by which bcl-2 overexpression inhibits apoptosis triggered by these agents. In this study, we examined whether bcl-2 overexpression could have effects on etoposide-induced DNA damage and its repair. For these experiments, we developed CH31 clones (mouse B-cells) stably transfected with human bcl-2 sense plasmids and compared these clones with a parental CH31 clone or CH31 clones with antisense plasmids. Overexpression of bcl-2 protein inhibited etoposide-induced apoptosis and cytotoxicity. However, there was no or little difference in the production and repair of DNA-protein cross-links, DNA single-strand breaks, and double-strand beaks among a parental CH31 clone and CH31 clones with human bcl-2 sense or antisense plasmids. These findings indicate that (a) apoptosis or cytotoxicity induced by etoposide can be separated into early events (formation of double-strand breaks, DNA single-strand breaks, and double-strand breaks) and later events (secondary DNA fragmentation or cell death) and (b) bcl-2 inhibits apoptosis and cytotoxicity induced by etoposide at some steps between these events.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the role of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) in the rejoining of ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (dsb). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study employed previously described in vitro assays that utilize nuclei or 'naked' DNA prepared from agarose-embedded cells as a substrate and S-HeLa cell extracts as a source of enzymes. Rejoining of dsb in these assays is absolutely dependent on cell extract and it proceeds, under optimal reaction conditions, to an extent similar to that observed in intact cells. Results were confirmed in a plasmid-based assay for in vitro rejoining of dsb. RESULTS: It is shown that concentrations of wortmannin completely inhibiting DNA-PK activity profoundly affect the rejoining of dsb in vivo, but have no effect on dsb rejoining in vitro. Furthermore, fractionation of cell extracts using ammonium sulphate precipitation, generates protein fractions that are able to support dsb rejoining, despite the fact that they do not contain detectable amounts of either DNA-PKcs or Ku80. Efficient rejoining of dsb in vitro is also observed with extracts of MO59J cells that lack DNA-PK activity. Finally, rejoining of dsb remains unaffected by wortmannin in a plasmid-based assay, and is also detectable with extracts of MO59J cells. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are in contrast with genetic studies demonstrating a requirement for DNA-PK activity for efficient rejoining of dsb in vivo. The difference between in vitro and in vivo results may not be attributed to chromatin structure since wortmannin was without an effect when using nuclei as a substrate. It is speculated that the differences between in vivo and in vitro results can be explained either by assuming the operation of multiple pathways in dsb rejoining, some of which do not require DNA-PK, or by postulating a purely regulatory/damage-sensing role for DNA-PK in intact cells but no direct involvement in dsb rejoining.  相似文献   

Repair kinetics observable at the level of exchange-type chromosomal aberrations (dicentric chromosomes), using fractionation and delayed-plating techniques, have been compared with repair kinetics of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks, measured with PFGE, and with repair kinetics of all strand breaks, measured with the alkali-unwinding technique. Only data from quiescent or proliferating CHO K1 cells obtained in the same laboratory were used. We determined repair kinetics in terms of the time constant tau (equal to half-time/log(e)2). The repair kinetics (tau approximately 11-14 min) observed in the split-dose formation of dicentric chromosomes agrees with fast repair kinetics of double-strand breaks (tau approximately 11-13 min), thus permitting us to identify the latter as the 'primary lesions' whose pairwise interaction leads to the beta D2 yield term of the aberrations. The repair kinetics observed for dicentric chromosomes formed under delayed-plating conditions (tau approximately 75 min), which mainly affects the alpha D yield term, is attributed to an intermediate interchromosomal product temporarily existing in the course of aberration formation; it is suggested that this product is mechanistically correlated with the slow repair kinetics of 'clustered damage' to DNA seen with the applied molecular methods (tau approximately 90 min).  相似文献   

We have established a practical method of complete high-resolution typing for all HLA-A alleles using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) technique combined with allele group- and sequence-specific amplification. The second and third exons of the HLA-A gene, in which most allelic variations are observed, were separately amplified by PCRs with 3 and 4 group-specific primer pairs, respectively. Each PCR-amplified product was digested by allele-specific restriction endonucleases and then subjected to electrophoresis on a 10% polyacrylamide gel. In this way, 62 out of 79 HLA-A alleles could be discriminated by the RFLP patterns derived from the genetic polymorphism in the exon 2 and 3 domains. The remaining 17 alleles could be defined unequivocally by either PCR-RFLP analysis after exon 4 amplification or PCR analysis with sequence-specific primers (SSP). By this method, complete HELA-A genotyping for all homozygous and heterozygous combinations can be accomplished, establishing technically simple, economical and practical routine typing of the HLA-A gene, especially for small samples.  相似文献   

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