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面向对象知识库系统CAOBS/V1.2的可视化查询子系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
面向对象知识库系统CAOBS/V1.2的用户界面是一个可视化知识查询子系统,它包括一个灵活、直观、方便的可视知识查询语言(VKQL)和一个知识库浏览编辑器。利用该可视化查询语言,用户可以通过构造查询图来表达查询要求,并最终实现查询功能。VKQL吸收了国际上现有的几种可视查询语言的优点,具有较强的查询功能,使用方便。文中介绍了VKQL的设计思想和实现技术,在最后一节将VKQL与同类查询语言进行了对比  相似文献   

智能教学系统NKI-Tutor的知识查询设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐素勤 《计算机工程》2003,29(14):183-185
NKI-Tutor是国家知识基础设施面向应用的智能教学系统,其功能是将NKI丰富的知识传授给用户。知识查询是NKI-Tulor给用户提供的一种查询式学习模式。该文研究如何通过NKI-Tutor的知识查询界面实现用户与智能教学系统的交互而获得所需知识,提出了基于自然语言理解的知识查询方法,用于构造和实现NKI-Tutor中用户查询知识的交互界面。该方法包括3方面内容:(1)分析用户的知识查询形式,采集用户查询句型模板;(2)根据用户查询的知识特征,把知识查询映射到概念.关系模型上;(3)通过智能分词和模糊匹配构造查询结果。  相似文献   

对象查询语言一直是OODBMS中的一个重要研究课题。本文阐述了对象查询语言的基本途径与设计途径。通过Strawman模型,对几种著名的对象查询语言进行了分析与比较,同时,探讨了对象查询语言中存在的问题。最后,针对KOBS知识库系统的要求,提出一种知识对象查询语言的设计框架。  相似文献   

当前的实用知识库系统研究是将知识库查询语言嵌入到一个过程语言中。KBASE-P是一个通用的知识库程序设计语言。KBASE-P以KBASE作为查询语言,以FD-PROLOG(我们开发的一个PROLOG扩充)为过程性的宿主语言执行I/O和DB更新操作(用扩充的内部谓词)。由于良好的设计和实现,查询语言与宿主语言之间的阻抗不匹配问题相对较小。因而,KBASE-P是一个比较实用的知识库程序设计语言。KBA  相似文献   

当前的实用知识库系统研究是将知识库查询语言嵌入到一个过程语言中.KBASE-P是一个通用的知识库程序设计语言.KBASE-P以KBASE作为查询语言,以FD-PROLOG(我们开发的一个PROLOG扩充)为过程性的宿主语言执行1/O和DB更新操作(用扩充的内部谓词).由于良好的设计和实现,查询语言与宿主语言之间的阻抗不匹配问题相对较小.因而,KBASE-P是一个比较实用的知识库程序设计语言.KBASE-P系统支持逻辑程序设计语言(KBASE-P语言)的程序开发,提供了文本编辑、文件管理、谓词管理、事实操作、Datalog查询、SQL查询等功能.本文详细介绍了KBASE-P系统的设计和实现.  相似文献   

知识界面在NKI中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
国家知识基础设施(NKI)构建存放大量的多学科的专业知识的知识服务器,提供知识服务。为了在用户和知识服务器之间建立有效的知识查询通道,需要设计一种知识界面。该文介绍设计和实现一种新颖的基于自然语言的知识界面。这一知识界面的特点是:(1)知识查询不依赖于特定用户、不依赖于特定查询方式和不依赖于特定查询内容;(2)用户与知识服务器的对话可以是上下文相关的,这为用户连续查询知识提供方便。  相似文献   

研究了面向决策的知识管理系统(DOKMS)的概念模型,指出DOKMS包括知识库的构建与知识库的操作两个部分。在知识库构建方面,研究了元知识的标准化问题,提出了一个有冗余的元知识标准化方案;而在知识库操作方面,建立了查询引擎学习模型与用户偏好学习模型,以实现知识库的联想查询与知识推送,在该基础上,设计了知识库的数据结构,并运用面向对象方法设计开发出了DOKMS开发组件。  相似文献   

1知识对象(Knowledge Object) 在 Autnorware 5.0中.新增了知识对象(Knowledge Ob-ject)功能。知识对象就是一个生成向导,根据需要选择合适的向导后,就可以将很多操作化繁为简,化难为易。如果在制作多媒体项目时很好地利用它,将可以大大缩短程序的编写时间,提高程序的编写效率。 以控制数字电影(Movie controll Knowledge Object)播放为例,打开 Windows\Knowledge Object后出现知识对象窗口,拖动滚动条,找到 Movie c…  相似文献   

面向对象知识库系统CAOBS/V1.2的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中介绍了一个面向对象知识库系统CAOBS/V1.2。该系统是在一个面向对象数据库管理系统基础上进行开发的。我们重点研究了面向对象的知识表示、可视查询、问题的推理求解与知识的获取机制。在CAOBS/V1.2系统中,问题推理求解采用基于事例的推理,辅之以基于规则的推理模式。我们还开发了一种新型的可视知识查询语言-VKQL,其查询的直观性和方便性均要强于传统的文本查询语言。文中论述了CAOBS/V1.  相似文献   

一种新的DSS模型描述方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
模型管理系统是(群体)决策支持系统的重要研究领域,文中认为决策中使用的数学模型由属性数据,操作和知识组成,并由此给出了种嵌入知识的面向对象模型描述方法OOMDEK。文中探讨了知识在模型管理系统中的作用;从模型组合的角度,提取出3种模型类的继承关系,做了相应的讨论,并给出了基于OOMDEK的模型管理系统的实现方法。  相似文献   

When a database increases in size, retrieving the data becomes a major problem. An approach based on data visualization and visual reasoning is described. The main idea is to transform the data objects and present sample data objects in a visual space. The user can use a visual language to incrementally formulate the information retrieval request in the visual space. A prototype system is described with the following features: (1) it is built on top of the SIL-ICON visual language compiler and therefore can be customized for different application domains; (2) it supports a fuzzy icon grammar to define reasonable visual sentences; (3) it incorporates a semantic model of the database for fuzzy visual query translation; and (4) it incorporates a VisualNet which stores the knowledge learned by the system in its interaction with the user so that the VisualReasoner can adapt its behavior  相似文献   

This paper presents a visual query language called VQL for interacting with an object-oriented schema-intensive data model. VQL allows convenient access to the various types of knowledge captured by the semantic model. It consists of a set of “graphical primitives” along with a combination grammar for creating graphical queries. The visual language is internally supported by a prolog-like predicate based query language. The formal grammar underlying the predicate based language is also presented. Apart from being able to create simple queries that can be specified in SQL or QBE, VQL can be used for making queries on any object-oriented data model including the generalization of the E-R model. VQL also handles complicated, indirect queries, specially those that require a reasoning system for query interpretation and response generation. Further, recursive queries on graph structures such as finding transitive closures of graphs may be easily specified. Perhaps the most powerful feature of VQL is its ability to provide high semantic expressibility (in being able to specify highly complex queries) while maintaining simplicity in the user's query formulation process. VQL is embedded in an object-oriented graphical database interaction environment that supports schema creation and manipulation in addition to database querying and updation. The prototype has been implemented in Smalltalk-80 running on a Sun 3/60 workstation. All the illustrations of visual interaction presented are taken from actual interaction sessions  相似文献   

文章论述了一种面向对象的数据库管理系统的直观对象查询语言。这种基于图形的查询语言可支持图表式查询语言的定义和说明,因此这种语言既有基于文本的结构查询语言的表达能力,也具有基于图形查询语言的直观性。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the issues involved in designing a query language for the Semantic Web and presents the OWL query language (OWL-QL) as a candidate standard language and protocol for query–answering dialogues among Semantic Web computational agents using knowledge represented in the W3Cs ontology web language (OWL). OWL-QL is a formal language and precisely specifies the semantic relationships among a query, a query answer, and the knowledge base(s) used to produce the answer. Unlike standard database and Web query languages, OWL-QL supports query–answering dialogues in which the answering agent may use automated reasoning methods to derive answers to queries, as well as dialogues in which the knowledge to be used in answering a query may be in multiple knowledge bases on the Semantic Web, and/or where those knowledge bases are not specified by the querying agent. In this setting, the set of answers to a query may be of unpredictable size and may require an unpredictable amount of time to compute.  相似文献   

《Information Fusion》2007,8(1):70-83
Previous approaches in query processing do not consider queries to automatically combine results obtained from different information sources, i.e. they do not support information fusion. In this work, an approach for information fusion using a progressive query language and an interactive reasoner is for this reason introduced. The system basically consists of a query processor with fusion capability and a reasoner with learning capability. This query processor first executes a query to produce some initial results. If the initial results are uninformative, then the reasoner guided by the user creates a more elaborate query by means of some rule and returns the query to the query processor to produce a more informative answer. What is novel in our approach is that application-dependent information fusion rules can be initially specified by the user and subsequently learned by the reasoner. Examples of progressive queries are drawn from multi-sensor information fusion applications.  相似文献   

数据库汉语查询系统中隐含知识查询的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文讨论了目前现有数据库汉语查询系统中的存在问题,根据关系数据库中数据表示与自然语言(汉语)查询句的语义模型不同,提出了数据库汉语查询时隐含知识的查询,对数据库中的隐含知识以概念图来表示,从而建立了自然语言和数据库查询命令SQL语言的直接联系。实现了这种数据库隐含知识查询的实验系统,从一定程度上提高了数据库汉语查询的智能性。  相似文献   

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