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针对铣削加工中心主轴刚度检测系统实时性的要求,重点阐述了DSP FPGA的数字硬件系统和流水线结构的CORDIC算法在FPGA中的实现,并通过仿真和实验对CORDIC算法的理论值和计算数值进行对比分析,结果表明,计算数值非常接近理论值.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了美国国家流体动力工程中心的基本情况、研究方向和教学计划.在此基础上对我国流体动力传动与控制的科研单位和企业的发展提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

绝对值编码器能够准确地保持坐标位置,因此在需要定位或定向时常选用这种编码器.但某些时候由于改造的机械或者资金情况的限制只能使用增量式编码器,文中旨在讨论在这种情况下如何实现旋转轴的定向和定位.  相似文献   

当前,信息化已经渗透到世界船舶工业的设计、生产、管理、服务等方方面面,其应用的深度与广度决定了行业综合水平的高低,成为大至一个国家的船舶工业、小至一个船舶企业能否在市场中生存和发展的关键.当造船业已经普遍意识到,以"信息化推动造船现代化"是中国造船工业追赶国际先进水平的最后机遇时,造船业的生存发展与IT厂商的策略几乎在同一时间不谋而合,在造船业竞争的搏奕中厂商的相助少不了.  相似文献   

匈牙利一向是一个重农国家,它位于欧洲中部的喀尔巴阡山盆地.全国地势低洼,北部为丘陵、南部为平原,气候适宜,耕地平坦.平原约占国土面积的60%,低丘陵地和山地约占40%.农业用地586万公顷,其中可耕地450万公顷,约占国土面积的48%.匈牙利种植的农作物主要有小麦、玉米和马铃薯等,主要出口以肉类和谷类为主的农产品.  相似文献   

此次航空航天信息化的大型选题报道让记者有幸来到地处关中平原,沃野千里,依山傍水,是与罗马并称为世界古都的"西安"进行一线采访.经过一夜的风雨洗礼,让西安这座古城尤显清新爽朗,仿佛这场风雨是特意为迎接我们而将这座城市冲刷地如此洁净,街道两旁郁郁葱葱的热带植物让你犹如置身南方小城一般.而我们此行的第一站便是位于西安市南郊航天城的中国航天时代电子公司第十六研究所、七一七一厂(以下简称7171厂).  相似文献   

7月25日上午,江苏省农机具开发应用中心陈新华副主任、农业部南京农机化研究所陈永生主任等5人,来到江苏涟水县与农机局有关人员一起进行沼气清渣车清渣试验.研制成功的清渣车在小李集办事处胡楼村吴国成家中现场进行沼气池清渣,一池沼气废液废渣清理完毕,仅用5分钟,省时,省工,安全,效果很好.  相似文献   

东营市位于黄河入海口,是黄河三角洲的中心城市,是在石油矿区基础上建设起来的新兴工业城市.近年来,除石油工业外,石油化工、盐化工、造纸、机电、轻纺、建材及生物医药等制造业门类得到较快发展,涌现出一批实力较强的企业集团,制造业逐步在东营市经济发展中占据了重要地位.  相似文献   

1.中央和地方省市主要领导频繁视察机床行业企业,国家为数控机床产业发展创造了空前良好的发展环境 胡锦涛、吴邦国、温家宝、贾庆林、李长春等党和国家领导人以及辽宁、黑龙江、山东、江苏、云南、湖北、广东、陕西、浙江、天津、重庆等省市主要领导相继视察了机床工具厂和数控系统厂.各级领导频繁视察,为数控机床产业的发展创造了空前良好的发展环境.  相似文献   

针对现阶段滚圈的强度分析主要依据简化模型下的有限元分析,导致不能真实反应滚圈的应力情况,且误差较大的问题.提出了通过用电测法来实测滚圈的真实应力,并了解滚圈的应力分布特性,这对于指导设计部门改进滚圈的设计,正确预测滚圈的寿命,具有重要的工程意义.  相似文献   

以叶切面最大厚度的数值计算方法为基础,探讨叶切面最大厚度计算的计算机实现,介绍叶切面厚度数值计算法的应用实例.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, the Ritz method with simple algebraic polynomials as trial functions was used to obtain an eigenvalue equation for the free vibration of a class of homogeneous solids with cavities. The method presented is here extended to the study of a class of non-homogeneous solids, in which each solid is composed of a number of isotropic layers with different material properties. The Cartesian coordinate system is used to describe the geometry of the solid which is modelled by means of a segment bounded by the yz, zx and xy orthogonal coordinate planes and by two curved surfaces which are defined by fairly general polynomial expressions in the coordinates x, y and z. The surface representing the interface between two material layers in the solid is also described by a polynomial expression in the coordinates x, y and z. In order to demonstrate the accuracy of the approach, natural frequencies are given for both a two- and three-layered spherical shell and for a homogeneous hollow cylinder, as computed using the present approach, and are compared with those obtained using an exact solution. Results are then given for a number of two- and three-layered cylinders and, to demonstrate the versatility of the approach, natural frequencies are given for a five-layered cantilevered beam with a central circular hole as well as for a number of composite solids of more general shape.  相似文献   

介绍了双丝杠驱动机构工作原理,论述了双丝杠运动产生不同步的原因以及如何判定与解决同步问题。  相似文献   

通过分析膨胀套在实际使用产生滑移受阻现象、卡死现象原因的实质,并在分析产生问题原因的基础上提出了改进措施即:增加导向机构。  相似文献   

The article presents a brief review of the wear models based on the kinetic thermofluctuation approach. The materials were developed using SamGTU sclerometric programming software and a set of instruments developed at Samara Engineering University for assessing the parameters of kinetic thermoactivation for surface fracture deformed by friction. The first obtained results of assessments and the estimated prediction of wear resistance exemplified by tribocouple of the aircraft chassis are presented.  相似文献   

Modern methods of implementation of the rule of positive gradient of mechanical properties are considered; this rule was formulated by I.V. Kragelskii and its application serves to minimize the friction and wear of solids. The given methods include the application of coatings with the method of finishing antifricton abrasion-free treatment; application of new metal-cladding lubricating materials; and creation of a nanostructural state of the surface iron nitride layer by nitriding steel with a positive gradient of hardness normal to the surface.  相似文献   

轮胎单个横沟泵吸噪声计算方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以205/50R16子午线轮胎为对象,建立具有横向花纹沟槽的有限元法分析模型,利用Abaqus/Explicit进行瞬态滚动分析,得到滚动轮胎单个横沟的体积变化。将其导入Fluent中,利用计算流体力学方法对单个横沟泵吸效益流场进行分析,并结合Lighthill声学类比理论预测横向沟槽的噪声,同时基于涡声理论验证流场与噪声之间的关系。结果表明,单个横沟泵吸噪声第一峰值集中在0.8~2.0 kHz附近,仿真数据与试验结果在趋势上具有一致性;且噪声的声压峰值出现在泵吸状态发生转变的时间段;在时域中的3个噪声峰值出现涡量变化较大的时间段,已确定噪声的变化可由涡量来反映。  相似文献   

An analysis of the correctness of calculations during the modeling of oscillations of vehicles is carried out. A substantial difference between the calculation and experimental data in octave-frequency bands has been found and a low efficiency of suspensions of sprung seats has been emphasized. A comparative analysis of models of friction and dynamic characteristics used during the modeling of suspensions of vehicles is carried out. It has been shown that models of Coulomb and viscous friction do not ensure the required precision of the modeling process. A new model of friction in the form of totalities of models of elastic and viscous friction, as well as the implementation of this model using computer simulation, which ensures a calculation error of 5–15%, have been proposed.  相似文献   

针对目前市场对工业设计人才的需求,本文论述了我校在工业设计教育方面的改革措施,着重介绍了我校工业设计教育在软件和硬件方面所进行的一系列的改革。  相似文献   

Similarity criteria describing physical the processes of boiling and condensation of a heat carrier were determined with a model and natural experiments based on the analysis of dimensions of parameters in the heat exchange problem during cooling of a crystallizer by heat pipes. Relationships of the geometrical sizes of heat pipes (diameter, length) were estimated. The novelty of the results is confirmed by patents of invention of catalyst cooling by heat pipes.  相似文献   

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