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城市河流作为城市环境要素的一部分,在城市发展中发挥着不可替代的作用,但由于过去粗放式的发展模式,引发了一系列生态环境问题,导致河流生态环境受损,河流部分功能丧失,影响了城市的未来发展。本文通过对当前城市河流普遍存在的问题进行分析总结,梳理了城市河流生态修复的发展历程。在此基础上,展望了未来的研究重点,可为我国的城市河流治理提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

从水质管理方案的生物降解和人类健康两个方面对城市河流的有效恢复问题进行了讨论。分别对2003~2008年和2008年的生化需氧量BOD5和粪便污染指示菌(FIB)进行了逐月监测,并对监测结果进行了评价,以探讨污染物浓度的时空变化。根据取水口和排放口水质浓度的季节性特征和彼此浓度之间的相关性,提出增加环境流量和湿地,以减少BOD5和FIB的浓度。该方案通过QUAL2E模型和假设(已纳入计划)的人工湿地分别进行了检验。结果显示,控制取水口水质可确保韩国光州川(Gwangju River)BOD5浓度下降,在排放口建造湿地可提高FIB的去除率。研究表明,两种方法结合不仅可以支撑可持续的城市水资源管理,而且可以提高城市河流恢复的质量。  相似文献   

许经纶 《上海水务》2006,22(4):60-62
本研究提出了饮用水臭氧化过程中作为副产物之一的醛类生成的台架试验结果。研究目的是调查臭氧化对醛类产生的影响。试验结果认为醛类是通过直接途径所形成。用臭氧化法处理时,高的pH值和/或加添过氧化氢可降低醛类生成量。  相似文献   

吴欢  马念 《水利科技与经济》2010,16(10):1102-1104
通过国内外城市河流保护和治理案例的比较研究,分析在治理理念、管理机制和技术方法3个方面的差异,提出国内河流保护应有合理的目标,实行立法优先,多部门和多学科合作以及统一管理的机制,同时重视河流保护与土地利用的关系,倡导公众参与,以期实现人、城市、河流三者的和谐与可持续发展。  相似文献   

为降低微藻培养成本,实现城市生活废水的资源化利用,研究了补加不同质量浓度的Na NO3、K2HPO4·3H2O、Mg SO4·7H2O、Fe Cl3·6H2O、Na2CO3营养盐情形下,斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquas)的生长和油脂积累特性。结果表明:城市生活废水中自身含有的磷、碳基本满足微藻正常的生长和油脂代谢,同时在低氮和高铁环境下更有利于微藻油脂的积累。此外,在补加Na NO3质量浓度2.25 g/L、K2HPO4·3H2O质量浓度40 mg/L、Mg SO4·7H2O质量浓度56.25 mg/L、Fe Cl3·6H2O质量浓度9 mg/L、Na2CO3质量浓度15 mg/L的条件下,斜生栅藻生长状况良好,生物量可达3.04 g/L,是废水原液条件下的2.8倍。利用城市生活废水来培养富油的微藻,可以实现废水的资源化利用与微藻的低成本培养,对工业化生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

胡丽香  任鹏  翟苹 《人民黄河》2023,(5):103-107+114
传统的城市河流景观构建容易与水利工程脱节,往往作为水利工程的补充而存在。通过科学研究和实践创新相结合的方式,探讨了关于如何高效、精准进行城市河流生态景观构建的系列技术问题,创建了一套具有广泛适应性并经实践检验的“山-水-林-游-管”城市河流生态景观构建技术体系,研发了三维动态地形塑造技术、雨水多维高效管理技术、生态节约型植物智能配置技术、四位一体景观布局技术、水利园林融合的智能管理构建技术,极大地提高了城市河流生态景观构建的效率和品质。  相似文献   

城市河流的治理与研究展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市河流是城市的灵气所在,在城市环境、生态、景观、文化等方面具有不可替代的作用。本文重点阐述了城市河流的基本功能、在城市发展中的地位、治理目标、关键技术问题以及需要开展的研究课题,是一篇综述性论文,对于我国城市河流的治理和研究有参考价值。  相似文献   

通过对山西省太原市第一热电厂循环冷却水中藻类植物的分布调查,研究了冷却水系统中主要藻种的生长规律,同时进行了3种除藻剂即高效杀菌灭藻剂(DCDMHMS)、复合型HTK101杀菌灭藻剂以及优氯净(二氯异氰脲酸钠SDIC )对单细胞藻类及丝状藻类的去除效果试验。试验结果表明,DCDM HMS的长期作用效果优于优氯净,48 h的EC50为0.87 mg/L ,优氯净的EC50为0.96 mg/L。复合型HTK101杀菌灭藻剂液体除藻剂为0.58 mL/L。通过协同作用比较,两种固体除藻剂的作用具协同效应,太原市第一热电厂冷却水系统中的浮游藻类比丝状藻类对除藻剂敏感。  相似文献   

微污染水源水预氧化除藻试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以微污染水库水为原水 ,采用臭氧、过氧化氢、高锰酸钾、紫外线及其不同组合作为预氧化剂 ,进行了预氧化除藻的中试研究。试验结果表明 ,预氧化能够明显提高水中藻类的去除率 ,这些预氧化方法都可达到 90 %以上的除藻率。其中以紫外线对藻类的去除率最高 ,可达 97.8% ,但紫外线在生产上的应用受到限制 ;而单独使用臭氧时除藻效果相对较差。实际应用中预氧化除藻可采用臭氧 过氧化氢联合方案 ,或者在接触氧化时间允许情况下选用高锰酸钾方案  相似文献   

文章根据城市河流治理及城市生态水利规划的发展趋势,分析存在问题,并提出解决措施。  相似文献   

海绵城市建设中河湖水系的保护与生态修复措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析海绵城市建设中维持河湖水系健康的重要性,探讨河湖水系的保护与生态修复措施,认为要有效保护现有河湖水域海绵体,大力修复受损河湖水域海绵体,适度拓建河湖水域新海绵体,科学调度管理河湖水系海绵体,从而构建"蓄泄兼筹、丰枯调剂、引排自如、多源互补、生态健康、环境优美"的海绵城市。  相似文献   

河流生态修复技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对河流生态系统退化的现状,综合国内外对于城市河流生态修复技术的研究进展,指出我国目前在此领域存在的不足,并展望了未来城市河流生态修复技术的发展方向,为城市河流生态修复技术的发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Prediction of changes to in‐stream ecology are highly desirable if decisions on river management, such as those relating to water abstractions, effluent discharges or modifications to the river channel, are to be justified to stakeholders. The physical habitat simulation (PHABSIM) system is a well‐established hydro‐ecological model that provides a suite of tools for the numerical modelling of hydraulic habitat suitability for fish and invertebrate species. In the UK, the most high‐profile PHABSIM studies have focused on rural, groundwater‐dominated rivers and have related to low flow issues. Conversely, there have been few studies of urban rivers. This paper focuses on the application of PHABSIM to urban rivers and demonstrates how sensitivity analyses can be used to assess uncertainty in PHABSIM applications. Results show that physical habitat predictions are sensitive to changes in habitat suitability indices, hydraulic model calibration and the temporal resolution of flow time‐series. Results show that there is greater suitable physical habitat over a wider range of flows in a less engineered river channel when compared to a more engineered channel. The work emphasizes the need for accurate information relating to the response of fish and other organisms to high velocities. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The serial discontinuity concept (SDC; Ward and Stanford, in Ecology of River Systems, 1983) predicts that recovery of large regulated rivers over distance downstream from a dam is limited by relative tributary size; however, channel geomorphology may also influence the recovery process. We examined the spatial variation in water quality, benthic composition and ash-free dry standing biomass (AFDM) among the bedrock-defined geomorphological reaches in three turbidity segments of the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Diamond Creek, Arizona, including most of the Grand Canyon. This 387-km long study area supported virtually no Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera or Trichoptera, probably because cold, stenothermic, hypolimnetic releases limited maximum aestival warming to 17·1°C. The benthos displayed abrupt, physically related decreases in AFDM over distance from the dam and in the varial zone. The 26-km long clear water segment between the dam and the Paria River supported a depauperate Cladophora glomerata/epiphyte/chironomid/Gammarus lacustris/lumbricine/Physella sp. assemblage, and ooze-dwelling oligochaetes. This segment contained 6·9% of the aquatic habitat below the 140 m3/s (normal minimum) discharge stage of the Colorado River study area, but supported 63·5% of the benthic primary producer AFDM and 87% of the benthic consumer AFDM in the entire study area. Turbidity increased and light penetration decreased immediately downstream from the confluence of the small, turbid Paria River, and further downstream from the Little Colorado River confluence. The benthos downstream from the Paria River was abruptly replaced by an Oscillatoria/Simuliium assemblage with a mean AFDM of <0·12 g C/m2. Dam-related effects on water clarity, varial flow and water temperature overrode geomorphological influences on habitat availability. These results generally support the SDC, in that recovery of the benthos did not take place over distance in this large river ecosystem; however, geomorphological differences in substratum availability between reaches mediated dam and tributary effects on water clarity and benthic AFDM. Interactions between flow regulation and geomorphology produce a pattern of circuitous recovery of some physical river ecosystem characteristics over distance from the dam, but not of the benthos. Improving discharge management for endangered native fish populations requires detailed understanding of existing and potential benthic development, and trophic interactions, throughout the geomorphological reaches and turbidity segments in this river. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文通过嫩江堤防工程的施工实例,详细介绍了机织模袋从设计到施工的整个过程及特点,以期机织模依的推广应用。  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of alluvial floodplain rivers is a function of flow and sediment regimes interacting with the physiographic features and vegetation cover of the landscape. During seasonal inundation, the flood pulse forms a ‘moving littoral’ that traverses the plain, increasing productivity and enhancing connectivity. The range of spatio-temporal connectivity between different biotopes, coupled with variable levels of natural disturbance, determine successional patterns and habitat heterogeneity that are responsible for maintaining the ecological integrity of floodplain river systems. Flow regulation by dams, often compounded by other modifications such as levee construction, normally results in reduced connectivity and altered successional trajectories in downstream reaches. Flood peaks are typically reduced by river regulation, which reduces the frequency and extent of floodplain inundation. A reduction in channel-forming flows reduces channel migration, an important phenomenon in maintaining high levels of habitat diversity across floodplains. The seasonal timing of floods may be shifted by flow regulation, with major ramifications for aquatic and terrestrial biota. Truncation of sediment transport may result in channel degradation for many kilometres downstream from a dam. Deepening of the channel lowers the water-table, which affects riparian vegetation dynamics and reduces the effective base level of tributaries, which results in rejuvenation and erosion. Ecological integrity in floodplain rivers is based in part on a diversity of water bodies with differing degrees of connectivity with the main river channel. Collectively, these water bodies occupy a wide range of successional stages, thereby forming a mosaic of habitat patches across the floodplain, This diversity is maintained by a balance between the trend toward terrestrialization and flow disturbances that renew connectivity and reset successional sequences. To counter the influence of river regulation, restoration efforts should focus on reestablishing dynamic connectivity between the channel and floodplain water bodies.  相似文献   

我国城市河流堤岸景观规划模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以城市中特殊的地段——堤岸的景观作为对象,在回顾我国城市河流堤岸景观发展历程基础上,通过搜集整理资料,分析了国内大量城市河流堤岸景观的现状,总结出城市河流堤岸景观的规划模式,是我国快速城市化阶段十分值得关注的课题。  相似文献   

本文从天气、降雨、水情、旱情等几方面对 2000年汛期特点进行了分析,并与历史资料进行了对比,指出该年汛期除图们江流域外的松辽流域大部地区属高温少雨干旱年份,其中嫩江、东、西辽河、辽河干流出现了大范围持续旱情,东、西辽河和辽干上游出现了阶段性断流。  相似文献   

Understanding temporal trophic interactions in riverine food webs is essential for predicting river ecosystem function and improving management of these ecosystems. Temporal changes in energy flows through riverine food webs are readily assumed but are rarely tested. Temporal variability in food webs from two reaches of a lowland river (Ovens River, south‐eastern Australia) with differing levels of floodplain connectivity were examined over 12 months. We investigated how seasonal changes, flow variability and floodplain connectivity influence (i) stable isotope signatures of basal organic carbon sources (terrestrial sources: trees and grasses; aquatic sources: seston, biofilm and filamentous algae) and consumers (macroinvertebrates and fish) and (ii) the relative proportions of organic carbon sources contributing to consumer biomass using mixing models. We hypothesized (i) that during high flows, increased floodplain connectivity would increase the lateral exchange of terrestrial carbon subsidies to main channel consumers and (ii) that during low flow periods, main channel consumers would derive the majority of their carbon from aquatic benthic sources. Results indicated that isotope signatures for basal sources and for most of the consumers varied temporally and spatially. Mixing models indicated that increased floodplain connectivity did not increase terrestrial subsidies to consumers during high flows. Seston was the primary source during high flows whilst terrestrial vegetation increased in importance during low flows. Filamentous algae was also important during low flows for some consumers. These findings indicate that it is essential to include temporal variability in order to understand energy flows in lowland rivers, thus allowing for the dynamic nature of these ecosystems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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