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离散事件系统不透明性是指外部观察者无法分辨系统的一系列行为是否为系统所发生的.而离散事件不透明性监督控制则是构建监督器控制系统行为,使系统满足不透明性的一种方法.离散事件系统不透明性与信息安全有着紧密的联系,并得到了广泛的应用.首先对离散事件系统做了简要的概述,然后介绍了不透明性监督控制算法的研究现状,最后进行了总结和展望.  相似文献   

离散事件系统的监控器可以通过禁止可控事件来使系统满足安全性和活性规范。然而,监控器并不对允许发生的可控事件主动进行选择,所以存在同时允许多个可控事件发生的情况。但在实际应用中,如交通调度、机器人路径规划中,要求系统在每个状态下最多只允许一个可控事件的发生。针对上述问题,引入一种最优机制来量化控制成本,并提出一种离散事件系统最优监督控制算法,以确保系统的安全性和活性,并使事件执行累计的成本最小。首先,给定受控系统和行为约束的自动机模型,并基于Ramadge和Wonham的监督控制理论求解出无阻塞和行为最大许可的监控器;其次,通过定义的成本函数为监控器中每个事件的执行赋予相应成本;最后,利用动态规划思想迭代计算求解出最优定向监控器,从而实现每个状态下最多发生一个可控事件和事件执行累计的成本最小的目标。使用单向列车导轨案例和多轨道列车控制案例来验证所提算法的有效性和正确性。对于上述两个案例,所提算法求解的定向监控器到达目标状态所需的事件执行累计的成本分别为26.0和14.0,低于贪心算法的27.5和16.0,以及Q-learning算法的26.5和14.0。  相似文献   

介绍了一种以基于RW框架的离散事件系统监督控制理论为理论基础的计算和仿真平台,并通过实例验证了该平台的仿真效果和所包含的功能。该平台力求以完整的功能列表、友好的用户界面和强大的图形输出,帮助研究人员更好地应用该理论。  相似文献   

模糊离散事件系统监督控制理论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨文 《自动化学报》2008,34(4):460-465
为了将经典离散事件系统 (Discrete event systems, DES) 中的监控理论扩展到模糊离散事件系统 (Fuzzy discrete event systems, FDES) 中, 总结了目前 FDES 建模和监控理论方面的成果, 进一步讨论了 FDES 的能控性, 给出了非阻塞监控的条件. 对 FDES 的能控子语言与优化监控进行了分析, 得到了能控子语言的性质. 以模糊自动机作为监控的一种形式, 给出了监督控制具体的实现方法, 这对于进一步开展 FDES 的研究工作是有益的.  相似文献   

在状态树结构(State tree structures, STS)的基础上提出了离散事件系统的模块化监督控制方法. 该方法中, 系统模型是状态树结构模型, 控制指标以谓词形式给出. 把控制指标分解为几个子控制指标的合取形式, 对每个子控制指标分别设计非阻塞最优监督控制器, 并保证闭环系统行为满足控制指标要求且是非阻塞最优的. 本文研究了模块化监督控制器存在性条件, 给出了模块化监督控制器的综合过程; 当闭环系统阻塞时, 引入协调器来解决闭环系统阻塞问题并且给出了协调器的设计方法.  相似文献   

当离散事件系统(discrete-event systems,DES)由多组结构相同的组件构成时,则称离散事件系统具有对称性.为了化简对称离散事件系统的状态空间,本文提出事件重标记映射,将完成相同任务的事件标记为同一事件,将与控制无关的不可控事件设为不可观测事件,并将其标记为空字符擦除.为了确保事件重标记前后系统对应的最大监督控制器具有相同的控制效果,本文引入重标记观测器(relabeling observer property,ROP)的概念并给出判断被控对象对应的语言关于事件重标记映射是否具有重标记观测器性质的算法;然后运用重标记观测器性质证明事件重标记前后监督控制器控制效果的等价性,从而可用简化后的监督控制器实现与事件重标记操作前相同的控制任务.最后通过实例验证所提理论的正确性.  相似文献   

传统多机器人系统的运动控制主要依赖于机器人的动力学方程或运动学方程,通过求解微分方程组来获得机器人的输入控制信号.随着系统中机器人数量的增加和运行环境的复杂化,动力学方程很难描述多机器人系统的运动行为,且无法很好地解决诸如死锁等逻辑故障.本文简略综述了国内外的研究现状,重点介绍笔者所在研究组开展的关于离散事件系统方法在多机器人运动控制方面的应用性研究工作.其动机在于:1)基于离散事件系统方法的运动控制能够有效地解决系统运行过程中产生的诸如死锁等逻辑故障.首先,利用离散事件系统模型对多机器人系统的运动进行建模,从而降低计算复杂性;其次,基于所得离散事件系统模型,设计分布式安全运动控制算法,使各个机器人可以自主地、无碰撞地、无死锁地运动;设计分布式鲁棒运动控制算法,使得失效的机器人对系统的影响最小.2)基于离散事件系统方法的运动控制策略可以结合传统的基于运动学方程的运动控制方法,从而使系统不但能够避免顶层的逻辑故障,而且能够确定机器人执行器的输入信号.  相似文献   

我们把一个待控离散事件系统中各离散事件赋予满足一定限制条件的控制值并由此得到一个Mealy型自动机。再利用Mealy型自动机到Moore型自动机的标准转换算法便得到一个状态赋(控制)值监督器。删除该监督器中所有不可达状态(及对应的子事件串)便获得一个不含多余状态的最大监督器。  相似文献   

基于规则的模糊离散事件系统建模与控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张颖  邵世煌 《控制与决策》2006,21(11):1257-1263
用模糊离散事件系统(FDES)从离散事件的角度描述一类包含“具有确定性的不确定/模糊”问题以及与人的主观观察/判断密切相关的复杂系统。提出了基于规则的FDES描述方法及自寻优监督控制策略,为FDES的实际应用提供了一种方法,提高了FDES在具体应用中的可操作性,并介绍了其在纺织染整控制过程中的具体应用.  相似文献   

Recently, we studied communication delay in distributed control of untimed discrete-event systems based on supervisor localisation. We proposed a property called delay-robustness: the overall system behaviour controlled by distributed controllers with communication delay is logically equivalent to its delay-free counterpart. In this paper, we extend our previous work to timed discrete-event systems, in which communication delays are counted by a special clock event tick. First, we propose a timed channel model and define timed delay-robustness; for the latter, a verification procedure is presented. Next, if the delay-robust property does not hold, we introduce bounded delay-robustness, and present an algorithm to compute the maximal delay bound (measured by number of ticks) for transmitting a channelled event. Finally, we demonstrate delay-robustness on the example of an under-load tap-changing transformer.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of supervisory control of discrete-event systems (DES) with output is presented and discussed at length. In such systems, causal output maps are employed to assign to each sequence of input events a corresponding sequence of output events. When the specification of desired behaviour is given by a formal language over the output alphabet, necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of non-blocking input as well as non-blocking output supervisory control. After making minor adjustments the theory is applied to non-deterministic discrete-event abstractions of hybrid systems, giving rise to the development of a theory for non-blocking supervisory control of hybrid systems. Our results enable one to apply classical supervisory control theory to design supervisors for DES approximations of hybrid systems, and to import many interesting concepts from classical theory such as modular and hierarchical control.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the concept of relative coobservability in decentralised supervisory control of discrete-event systems under partial observation. This extends our previous work on relative observability from a centralised setup to a decentralised one. A fundamental concept in decentralised supervisory control is coobservability (and its several variations); this property is not, however, closed under set union, and hence there generally does not exist the supremal element. Our proposed relative coobservability, although stronger than coobservability, is algebraically well behaved, and the supremal relatively coobservable sublanguage of a given language exists. We present a language-based algorithm to compute this supremal sublanguage; the algorithm allows straightforward implementation using off-the-shelf algorithms. Moreover, relative coobservability is weaker than conormality, which is also closed under set union; unlike conormality, relative coobservability imposes no constraint on disabling unobservable controllable events.  相似文献   

物联网等通信技术将越来越多的控制元件集成起来,导致系统规模快速增长,逻辑控制规范也日益复杂,任何逻辑错误都可能造成重大事故和人身灾难,再加上"维数灾"问题,安全可靠的逻辑控制程序的设计和调试面临巨大的计算复杂性难题.而离散事件系统监控理论旨在研究复杂控制规范的设计和实现问题,将连锁、互斥、字符串语言等复杂控制逻辑描述为自动机或Petri网,然后转换为可编程逻辑控制器或现场可编程门阵列上执行的程序代码.本文综述了现有的逻辑控制器的形式化设计方法,主要涉及如何利用监控理论(自动机或Petri网)来缩短程序开发周期、提高程序可重用性和确保程序可靠性和安全性等问题.  相似文献   

Modular supervisory control of discrete-event systems   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A modular approach to the supervisory control of a class of discrete-event systems is formulated, and illustrated with an example. Discrete-event systems are modeled by automata together with a mechanism for enabling and disabling a subset of state transitions. The basic problem of interest is to ensure by appropriate supervision that the closed loop behavior of the system lies within a given legal behavior. Assuming this behavior can be decomposed into an intersection of component restrictions, we determine conditions under which it is possible to synthesize the appropriate control in a modular fashion. The work of this author was supported by NSERC (Canada) under Grant No. A-7399. The work of this author was supported by the National Science Foundation through Grant No. ECS-8504584.  相似文献   

Hierarchical control of timed discrete-event systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An abstract hierarchical control theory is developed for a class of timed discrete-event systems (TDES) within the discrete-event control architectural framework proposed earlier by the authors. For this development, a control theory for TDES is introduced in the spirit of a prior theory of Brandin. A notion of time control structures is introduced, and on its basis a general property of hierarchical consistency is achieved by establishing control consistency — namely preservation of time control structures through the aggregation mapping in a two-level hierarchy.  相似文献   

We propose a framework to study communication among decentralised supervisors for a (distributed) discrete-event system (DES), where system specifications lack co-observability. Using agent-wise labeling maps (ALMs), the framework explores the observation and control structures of an already designed centralised supervisor in a distributed manner, and represent them as polynomial equations over a finite field. Communication is naturally required to re-evaluate the equations, which depend on distributed information, correctly, and is formalised and implemented using communication events. The framework generalises the authors’ previous work on extended finite-state machines (EFSMs) by formalising system representation and communication events, proving the correctness of proposed communication policies, and algorithmic simplification of polynomial equations. This provides a systematic procedure for the synthesis of decentralised supervisors and formalisation, computation and implementation of the communication.  相似文献   

This article aims at bridging the gap between traditional designs to discrete-event control problems and supervisory control theory of Ramadge and Wonham. We propose to implement supervisory control by extending the plant's finite state machine with Boolean variables, guard formulas and updating functions. Boolean variables are used to encode the supervisor's states, event observation is captured by a set of Boolean functions that update the value of variables, and control is introduced by guarding events with Boolean formulas. The framework developed in this work is fundamental in our ongoing research on communication between supervisors in a distributed discrete-event system.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study nonblocking decentralized supervisory control of discrete event systems. We introduce a modified normality condition defined in terms of a modified natural projection map. The modified normality condition is weaker than the original one and stronger than the co-observability condition. Moreover, it is preserved under union. Given a marked language specification, there exists a nonblocking decentralized supervisor for the supremal sublanguage which satisfies Lm(G)-closure, controllability, and modified normality. Such a decentralized supervisor is more permissive than the one which achieves the supremal Lm(G)-closed, controllable, and normal sublanguage.  相似文献   

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