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This study was conducted over three seasons on irrigated Shiraz grapevines growing in a warm climate. We addressed the question of whether differences in berry size (within a population of berries from minimally pruned, own‐rooted or Ramsey‐grafted vines), would lead to differences in juice composition, wine composition or wine sensory score. Predictably, berry mass was found to increase with seed number, but berries in the smallest mass categories (0.3–0.7 g) still had similar juice soluble solids and pH; and similar concentrations of K+, tartaric acid and malic acid, compared with larger berries (1.4–2.0 g). Only for the very smallest mass category (0.3–0.55 g) was there any indication of better colour density (both for own‐rooted and Ramsey‐grafted vines) or higher anthocyanin concentration (for own‐rooted vines) compared with larger berries (1.4–2.0 g). Concentrations of tartaric acid and K+ in berry skins were highest in the smallest berry mass categories (0.3–0.7 g) and decreased with increasing berry mass (up to 1.4–2.0 g). A strong correlation (R2= 0.85) between skin tartaric acid and K+ concentrations was observed across that range. Small‐scale wine lots based on small berries (0.8–0.9 g) versus large berries (1.2–1.3 g) showed no differences in measures such as soluble solids, total acids or pH of juice; nor any differences in pH, total acids, K+, tartrate, malate, spectral characteristics or sensory score of corresponding wines. Moreover, small berries had a similar skin to fruit ratio, and a similar juice yield, compared to large berries. However, when measured post‐fermentation, the ratio of seed weight to skin weight was higher for small berries. The mass range of berries used here for small‐scale winemaking (i.e. from 0.8–0.9 g up to 1.2–1.3 g), covered the range of Shiraz berry mass typically found in irrigated vineyards (from 0.8 to 1.5 g), and thus confirms the relevance of present outcomes to practical winemaking. Finally, our data for variation in juice and wine composition as a function of berry size, showed consistent trends for all seasons, and thus implies that reported instances of improved wine quality from small berries (often associated with certain pruning treatments or deficit irrigation strategies), are more likely due to treatment effects that lead to small fruit, rather than to intrinsic developmental differences between large and small berries.  相似文献   

Berries were collected regularly from fruit set to berry maturity from irrigated (Shiraz) grapevines in a Barossa valley vineyard. Seeds were removed for detailed study of physical attributes (weight, moisture, colour) and phenolic composition (seed tannins). Three phases of seed growth and development were discerned: (1) a phase of seed growth characterised by a steady increase in both fresh weight and dry weight, biosynthesis and accumulation of flavan‐3‐ols and tannins, and green appearance; (2) a transition phase where seed fresh weight and dry weight reached a maximum, but with continuing enlargement of the basal end. Accumulation of flavan‐3‐ols and seed tannins also reached a maximum during phase 2, and was accompanied by an onset of tannin oxidation, and yellow appearance; and finally, (3) a phase of seed drying and maturation defined by a decrease in fresh weight due to water export, a sustained oxidation of tannins, and overall brown appearance. These phases in seed development correspond to particular stages in berry development. Seeds reached maximum fresh seed weight and full size at the beginning of berry colouring (veraison), while maximum dry seed weight coincided with maximum berry weight. Changes in seed phenolics were linked to berry development and maturation. Changes in seed coat colour were also related to developmental changes in berry anthocyanins and total skin phenolics, indicating that the external appearance and colour of the seed coat may be used as an additional indicator of overall berry ripeness. A graduated colour chart was developed to provide an objective index of seed coat colour and thus developmental status of seeds and berry.  相似文献   

The flavan-3-ol and proanthocyanidin composition of both seeds and skin of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz grapes was determined by reversed-phase HPLC after acetone extraction and acid-catalysis in the presence of excess phloroglucinol. Samples were taken at weekly intervals from fruit-set until commercial harvest. The main period of proanthocyanidin accumulation in grape seeds occurred immediately after fruit-set with maximum levels observed around veraison. Over two seasons there was variation in both the timing and content of proanthocyanidins in seeds. In skin, proanthocyanidin accumulation occurred from fruit set until 1–2 weeks after veraison. Proanthocyanidin subunit composition was different in seeds and skin and changed during berry development but the mean degree of polymerisation of the tannin polymers in skins was higher than in the seeds at all stages of berry development. Proanthocyanidin levels in both seeds and skin decreased between veraison and harvest. Additional proanthocyanidin subunits were released when the residues remaining after acetone extraction were subjected to direct acid-catalysis in the presence of phloroglucinol. In the seeds, these accounted for much of the post-veraison decrease, but not in grape skin. At harvest, 75% of extractable berry proanthocyanidin was in the seeds. Accumulation of proanthocyanidins in the seeds appears to be independent of that in the skins, but in both tissues synthesis occurs early in berry development and maximum levels are reached around veraison.  相似文献   

Opaque boxes were applied to bunches of Shiraz grapes prior to flowering to determine the effect of sunlight on berry development and accumulation of flavonoids. The boxes were designed to maintain airflow while excluding light and thus to minimise changes in temperature and humidity. There was no significant effect of shading on sugar accumulation and in two of the three seasons studied there was no effect on berry weight. Chlorophyll concentration was much lower in the shaded fruit, which appeared pale yellow until veraison. The fruit coloured normally in the shaded bunches and in two of the three seasons there was no significant change in anthocyanin content. Expression of the gene encoding UDP-glucose flavonoid-3-O-glucosyl transferase (UFGT), a key gene in anthocyanin synthesis, increased after veraison and was similar in both shaded and exposed fruit. Anthocyanin composition was altered in the shaded fruit, which had a greater proportion of the dioxygenated anthocyanins, the glucosides of cyanidin and peonidin. Shading had no significant effect on the levels of condensed tannins in the skin or seeds of ripe fruit. Shading significantly reduced the levels of flavonols in the grape skin. In the exposed fruit, flavonol concentration was highest around flowering then declined as the berries grew, but there was an increase in flavonols per berry during ripening. When the boxes were applied before flowering, shaded fruit had much lower levels of flavonols throughout berry development and at harvest the level of flavonols were less than 10% of that in exposed fruit. A gene encoding flavonol synthase (FLS) was expressed at flowering and during ripening in exposed grapes but its expression was greatly reduced in shaded fruit. The results indicate that shading had little effect on berry development and ripening, including accumulation of anthocyanins and tannins, but significantly decreased flavonol synthesis.  相似文献   

Small Chardonnay and Shiraz vines were grown under controlled environment conditions at 25/20°C and 400 μE/(m2.s) radiant energy. These conditions were interrupted for some plants for one week, at two periods near flowering, by imposing reduced temperatures (17°/14°C or 12°/9°C) and shading (8, 40 or 72% light reduction), in factorial combinations. Fruit-set was reduced by exposure to the lower temperature regime in both cultivars (confirming the results of a previous experiment) and tended also to decrease with increasing intensity of shading. Seed characteristics were examined only in Chardonnay where total number of seeds per berry was not affected by any of the treatments. However, pre-flowering exposure to 12°/9°C resulted in fewer berries with one or two sinker seeds and more berries with floater seeds and, overall, in a greater proportions of seeds being floaters. Shading had little effect on seed development. Berries on vines exposed to 12°/9°C, at both stages of development, had lower pericarp and seed weights compared with those treated with 17°/14°C or 25°/20°C. At harvest, pericarp weight and seed weight per berry were positively correlated; the linear regression for berries exposed to the higher temperature regimes had a significantly steeper slope than that for berries exposed to the lowest temperature regime. It is concluded that differences in pericarp weight were due to differing cell numbers. These differences may have developed firstly in the ovary due to a direct effect of exposure to varying temperature regimes, and secondly in the developing berry after fruit-set because of variation in the stimulatory activity of the seeds, caused by residual effects of pre-flowering temperature conditions on ovule and seed development.  相似文献   

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