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陈荣圻 《印染》2008,34(4):49-50
5 实施REACH法规的负面影响 2003年,欧盟委员会在其对化学品生产商和进口商的测试和注册费进行评估后的报告中称,估计在11年内(2008年至2018年),由测试和注册产生的直接成本总计约23亿欧元.如果有1%~2%的物质停止生产,面临高额替代时,下游用户将增加成本5~13亿欧元.这是针对欧盟范围内的化工企业和下游用户而言的.  相似文献   

枫叶 《中国食品》2008,(7):56-57
贝先国,现年31岁,从厨近20年,湖南测阳人,先后在长沙、郑州、北京等地工作,高级烹调技师,他曾在郑州市烹饪比赛获得金奖,现任丽湖蒸菜厨师长.丽湖蒸菜于2005年12月5号开业,其中三好旗舰店坐落于沈阳的IT中心三好街,营业面积600平方米,食物以湘菜为主,并根据东北的口味进行了改良,从色香味上看都属精品.店面布置得很优雅,大厅明亮,半隔断的小包房也很温馨.  相似文献   

本刊讯 "5.12"四川汶川8.0级特大地震,给地处都江堰市,紧邻地震中心汶川映秀镇的四川工商职业技术学院造成了巨大损失.地震袭来.建筑物左右摇晃,天花板和墙壁装饰纷纷脱落,电脑、文件柜等办公设备纷纷倒塌,学生7号宿舍、素质拓展馆和活动中心的半面墙壁轰然塌下.  相似文献   

中国第一座酱文化博物馆开馆祭祖庆典暨2007中国首届酱文化(绍兴)国际高峰论坛于12月15日在浙江绍兴隆重举行.15日上午,在绍兴县平水镇的绍兴至味食品有限公司厂区内的中国酱文化博物馆门前,举行了盛大的开馆庆典及祭祀酱园鼻祖蔡邕仪式.开馆仪式结束后,有来自中、美、意、日、韩、新、泰七国和港台两地区的300多名专家、学者和企业家,又参加了于12月15日下午至17日,在浙江省绍兴隆重举行的"2007中国首届酱文化(绍兴)国际高峰论坛".  相似文献   

小米的化学成分及物理性质的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
系统地介绍了国内外对小米中各种化学成分及其营养保健功能的研究进展,包括碳水化合物、蛋白质和氨基酸、脂肪及脂肪酸、维生素、矿物质和微量元素、色素、肌醇、黄酮、多酚等的含量及营养保健功能.同时,对小米物理性质方面的研究进展也做了介绍.  相似文献   

中国(广东)国际印刷技术展览会作为北京国际印刷技术展览会的姊妹展,4月10日上午一开幕,立刻博得了满堂彩.为确保来参加展览的车辆及观众顺利进入现场,主办方得到了当地政府交管部门的支持,对展览馆附近一些道路进行了疏导,不相干的车辆及行人被有效疏散到别的地方.尽管首日上午阴雨绵绵,但丝毫没有影响到馆内汹涌的人流.  相似文献   

中国黄酒的科研现状及发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡普信 《中国酿造》2008,(2):4-6,13
论述了中国黄酒近年的发展与行业整体科技水平的提升。酿造企业在设备上已,一泛实现了机械化与半机械化;工艺技术上在传统工艺的基础上应用了新工艺与新技术,提高了产品的质量安全水平;产品包装上出现了精美高雅的各式包装:产品品种上以新风格口感为导向,开发改变了单一的风格特征;在功能性研究上,除发现了γ-氨基丁酸外,还对黄酒中的功能性物质进行了深入的研究。  相似文献   

张良晓 《今日印刷》2007,(11):72-73
近年来,"中国制造"已经势不可挡地崛起并成为助推全球经济发展的强大动力.上海光华同北人、中景、大族冠华等一批优秀的单张胶印机制造商一道,在"中国制造"的世界潮流中,或争相推出高性价比的替代进口产品,或积极参与国际贸易把单张胶印机导入海外市场.目前,我国已经拥有几十家胶印机制造商,拥有年产销万余台胶印机的能力,能够满足国内10万家印刷企业90%以上的胶印机市场数量型需求,能够把胶印机销售到全球几十个国家.在这样的背景下,提出培育中国胶印机名牌的课题,从时机和条件方面看,都具备了相当的基础.  相似文献   

全球标签市场现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘真 《今日印刷》2007,(11):63-63
到2011年,全球标签产量将达到500亿平方米,年增长率为7%总产值将达1000亿美元,年增长率为9%左右.受全球包装市场扩张的影响,特别是特殊饮料、个人护理产品和医药产品的异军突起,全球标签市场的发展前景也将更加广阔.此外,随着世界的不断发展,先进的物流和数据处理系统在发展中国家的普及、尖端技术的开发和渗透以及增值标签功能的日益完善也将为标签业的发展起到重要的推动作用.  相似文献   

正我对二战轮式车辆一直比较喜爱,而自己一直没有做过二战德军的卡车系列,在看了很多高手的卡车作品后自己也想开工一辆,我最终选择了制作一辆经典的欧宝3吨4×2卡车。欧宝卡车作为二战德军重要的轮式车辆,不仅产量很大而且根据不同的用途又衍生出了很多不同的型号,货厢版是最基本的欧宝3吨卡车,也是群众基础最好的一个版本,但正是因为做的人太多,对于我这种追求"个性"的人来说,做一个普通的货厢版无疑是缺乏吸引力的。为了让自己的欧宝卡车能别具一格,我查阅了一些欧  相似文献   

Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) are important perfluorochemicals (PFCs) in various applications. Recently, it has been shown that these compounds are widespread in the environment, wildlife, and humans. The giant panda and the red panda belong to the order Carnivora, but are highly specialized as bamboo feeders. Both species are considered rare and endangered. In this study, we report for the first time on levels of PFOS and PFOA in serum of the giant panda and the red panda captured in zoos and animal parks from six provinces in China. PFOS was the predominant compound in all panda samples measured (ranging from 0.80 to 73.80 microg/L for red panda and from 0.76 to 19.00 microg/L for giant panda). The PFOA level ranged from 0.33 to 8.20 microg/L for red panda, and from 0.32 to 1.56 microg/L for giant panda. There was a positive significant correlation between concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in the serum obtained from pandas. No age- or sex- related differences were observed in concentrations of the fluorochemicals in panda sera. Greater concentrations of the fluorochemicals were found for those individuals collected from zoos near urbanized or industrialized areas than for other areas. These data combined with other reported data suggest that there are large differences in distribution of perfluorinated compounds in terrestrial animals.  相似文献   

介绍了超细纤维高仿真皮革(简称超纤)生产工艺原理,对生产过程中各个工序中容易出现的问题进行了分析,并介绍了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

仿绵羊毛面料以其似绵羊毛的外观和良好的保暖性广泛地应用于仿真玩具和服装衬里等方面,文章简述了用涤纶丝生产仿绵羊毛面料的工艺流程和生产过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

以熊猫脸图案为例,详细介绍了艺术造型糖果的生产技术。该系列产品图案清晰、生动和逼真, 自投放市场以来深受消费者喜爱。  相似文献   

The electrochemical degradation of methylparathion has been investigated by using Ti/Pt as anode, Stainless Steel 304 as cathode, and sodium chloride as electrolyte. The pesticide is rapidly degraded, but full mineralization is not observed. Degradation products have been monitored through gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, and the overall degradation process has been monitored through dissolved and particulate organic carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus measurements. Several intermediates have been identified, and oxalic, formic, and acetic acids as well as tetraphosphorus trisulfide have been recognized as final products of the degradation process. A proposed mechanism of the process is presented.  相似文献   

Involving consumers in the process of modification and creation of new food products has been recently identified as a vital factor for new product development. However, little attention has been devoted to consumer-generated product solutions, and instead, researchers continue to view new product development process as a firm-centred activity. This study uses projective and creative research techniques to involve consumers in the process of modification and creation of new aquaculture product ideas. We provide guidelines for the use of these techniques in the new product development process, as well as managerial and practical implications for the future development of new aquaculture products.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic processing of fermented milk products has created much interest in current research on dairy products. This has been employed in cultured milk products to enhance the emulsification of milk fat and to intensify the fermentation process. Benefits including remarkable product stability, reduced processing time and enhanced quality are being recorded. Ultrasound (US) altered the colour and flavour profile of milk; however, the effect of US-induced fermentation on the synthesis of flavour compounds in milk has not been reported in the literature. This review paper presents a comprehensive scenario on the impact of power US on the fermentation profile and quality of ultrasonically processed dairy products. A theoretical background on US and details of its effect on the metabolic performance of lactic acid bacteria are presented. Finally, it describes how the quality attributes of fermented milk gels are modified due to the intensification of the fermentation process with US.  相似文献   

介绍了国外市场上被认作具有特殊性能的棕色绵糖,并叙述了棕色绵糖的生产方法和应用范围,旨在为制糖企业开发新品种及提高附加值提供技术基础。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白在肉制品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
谭属琼  王庭 《肉类研究》2010,(10):67-69
大豆蛋白越来越多的被应用于肉制品加工中,其独特的功能特性不仅能使原有产品的营养得到了很大的提升,而且也很大程度上改善了产品的感官特性。本文主要介绍了其制取方法、功能特性以及在肉制品中的使用方法。  相似文献   

A general overview, focusing on new trends in the different techniques used in restructured seafood product processing has been described in this work. Heat-induced gelation has been more widely studied in scientific literature than cold gelation technology. This latter technology includes the use of hydrocolloids (alginates and glucomannan) or enzymes (microbial transglutaminase) for making both raw and cooked restructured products. In restructuration processes, fortification processing with some functional ingredients is studied, giving as a result extra value to the products as well as increasing the variety of new seafood products. The process of alleviating heavy metals and organic pollutants from the raw material used has also been reviewed in the present paper.  相似文献   

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