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Urinary testosterone and epitestosterone were assayed in 60 men: 7 normals and 53 patients with chronic prostatitis (of these 8 patients had prostatis free of complications, 45 had prostatitis with disturbances of generative and copulative functions). In 73.1% of patients considerable reduction of testosterone excretion was revealed. Reduction of testicular endocrine function is in direct correlative dependence on severity of clinical symptoms, duration of disease and form of chronic prostatis. Disturbances of genital hormone metabolism are of considerable importance in case of chronic prostatitis and its complications.  相似文献   

Procedures for the preparation of UDP-N-[1-14C]acetyl-D-glucosamine and UDP-N-[1-14C]acetyl-D-galactosamine with very high specific activities are described. The overall yield based on the amount of [1-14C]acetate used is greater than 80%. The N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-alpha-1-phosphate used in this synthesis is prepared by phosphorylation of tetraacetyl-D-N-acetylglucosamine with crystalline phosphoric acid. N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-alpha-1-phosphate is then deacetylated in anhydrous hydrazine with hydrazine sulfate as a catalyst. D-glucosamine-alpha-1-phosphate is N-acetylated with [14C]acetate using N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline as the coupling agent. The acetylated product is coverted to the UDP derivative with yeast UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine pyrophosphorylase. UDP-N-[1-14C]acetylgalactosamine is prepared by acetylation of UDP-galactosamine using [1-14C]acetate and N-ethoxy-carbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline. UDP-galactosamine is prepared enzymatically using galactokinase and galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase. The labeled products, isolated and characterized by ion-exchange and paper chromatography, were active as substrates in glycosyl transferase systems.  相似文献   

Adult rats of both sexes were given a single oral dose of [14C] patulin and were sacrificed at various time intervals from 4 hr to 7 days following administration of the mycotoxin. Two groups of rats were employed; the treated group had been exposed to daily oral doses of unlabeled patulin (dissolved in pH 5.0 citrate buffer) in utero and for 41-66 wk after weaning, while the controls were given the buffer only throughout gestation and for 38-81 wk after weaning. Approximately 49% of the administered 14C radioactivity was recovered from feces and 36% from urine within 7 days after dosing. Most of the excretion of labeled material occurred within the first 24 hr. All of the 14C activity detected in the urine samples was either metabolites and/or conjugates of the original [14C]patulin. About 1-2% of the total radioactivity was recovered as 14CO2 from expired air. Carbon-14 radioactivity in various tissues and organs was determined throughout the 7 day period; the most significant retention site was the red blood cells.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli isolates of different adherence phenotypes produced different amounts of D-lactate. Alterations of culture conditions did not influence the amount of D-lactate produced. The observed pH decreases in tissue culture medium corresponded with increases in D-lactate concentration. Very little [14C]succinic acid was incorporated into cells during the in vitro incubation of adherent and nonadherent E. coli with HeLa cells, but the amounts of tracer removed from the culture medium by adherent and nonadherent strains differed. The results are further evidence of a difference in the metabolic behavior of adherent and nonadherent E. coli.  相似文献   

In vitro studies using thyroid slices from human non-toxic goitres and from thyrotoxic glands show retarded incorporation of [14C]mannose into the 19S protein of thyrotoxic glands. This was not found using [14C]galactose with thyrotoxic glands or using either labelled sugar with slices from non-toxic goitres. Experiments with thyroid tissue from rats on a variety of treatment regimes such as iodine supplements, carbimazole alone or with iodine supplements did not show this differential delay of [14C]mannose incorporation. This suggests that there may be some abnormality of carbohydrate incorporation into thyroglobulin in thyrotoxicosis.  相似文献   

Metabolic compartmentation of amino acid metabolism in brain is exemplified by the differential synthesis of glutamate and glutamine from the identical precursor and by the localization of the enzyme glutamine synthetase in glial cells. In the current study, we determined if the oxidative metabolism of glutamate and glutamine was also compartmentalized. The relative oxidation rates of glutamate and glutamine in the hippocampus of free-moving rats was determined by using microdialysis both to infuse the radioactive substrate and to collect 14CO2 generated during their oxidation. At the end of the oxidation experiment, the radioactive substrate was replaced by artificial CSF, 2 min-fractions were collected, and the specific activities of glutamate and glutamine were determined. Extrapolation of the specific activity back to the time that artificial CSF replaced 14C-amino acids in the microdialysis probe yielded an approximation of the interstitial specific activity during the oxidation. The extrapolated interstitial specific activities for [14C]glutamate and [14C]glutamine were 59 +/- 18 and 2.1 +/- 0.5 dpm/pmol, respectively. The initial infused specific activities for [U-14C]glutamate and [U-14C]glutamine were 408 +/- 8 and 387 +/- 1 dpm/pmol, respectively. The dilution of glutamine was greater than that of glutamate, consistent with the difference in concentrations of these amino acids in the interstitial space. Based on the extrapolated interstitial specific activities, the rate of glutamine oxidation exceeds that of glutamate oxidation by a factor of 5.3. These data indicate compartmentation of either uptake and/or oxidative metabolism of these two amino acids. The presence of [14C]glutamine in the interstitial space when [14C]glutamate was perfused into the brain provided further evidence for the glutamate/glutamine cycle in brain.  相似文献   

Avitriptan is a new 5-HT1-like agonist with abortive antimigraine properties. The study was conducted to characterize the pharmacokinetics, absolute bioavailability, and disposition of avitriptan after intravenous (iv) and oral administrations of [14C]avitriptan in rats and oral administration of [14C]avitriptan in humans. The doses used were 20 mg/kg iv and oral in the rat, 10 mg iv in humans, and 50 mg oral in humans. The drug was rapidly absorbed after oral administration, with peak plasma concentrations occurring at 0.5 hr postdose. Absolute bioavailability was 19.3% in rats and 17.2% in humans. Renal excretion was a minor route of elimination in both species, with the majority of the dose being excreted in the feces. After a single oral dose, urinary excretion accounted for 10% of the administered dose in rats and 18% of the administered dose in humans, with the remainder excreted in the feces. Extensive biliary excretion was observed in rats. Avitriptan was extensively metabolized after oral administration, with the unchanged drug accounting for 32% and 22% of the total radioactivity in plasma in rats and humans, respectively. Plasma terminal elimination half-life was approximately 1 hr in rats and approximately 5 hr in humans. The drug was extensively distributed in rat tissues, with a tendency to accumulate in the pigmented tissues of the eye.  相似文献   

Three Methocel methylcellulose ethers of 1.9 degree of substitution with [14C]methyl labels were shown to be biodegradable using batch-type activated sludge tests. The maximum rate for conversion to 14CO2, attained after 1 week, was only 0.62 mg of methylcellulose/g of mixed liquor volatile solids per day. In 20 days, 55 to 73% of the radioactivity had been removed from solution as 14CO2, and the suspended solids contained 12 to 15% of the original radioactivity. Only 4% of the original methylcellulose appeared to be polymeric after the 20-day period. Thin-layer chromatography of supernatant liquid indicated at least two degradation products.  相似文献   

Agaritine [(beta-N-[gamma-L(+)glutamyl]-4-hydroxymethylphenylhydrazine] is present in the common cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus and several agaritine derivatives have been shown to produce tumours in experimental animals. In this investigation the metabolism of [ring-U-14C]agaritine has been studied in precision-cut rat, mouse and human liver slices and in precision-cut rat and mouse lung slices. To confirm the functional viability of the tissue slice preparations, the metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin was also studied. Liver and lung slices from all species metabolized 50 microM 7-ethoxycoumarin to 7-hydroxycoumarin, which was conjugated with D-glucuronic acid and sulfate. Incubation of rat, mouse and human liver slices, and rat and mouse lung slices with 25 microM [14C]agaritine resulted in a time-dependent formation of metabolite(s), which bound covalently to tissue slice proteins. Agaritine metabolite covalent binding was greater in mouse liver than in rat and human liver slices and was greater in mouse lung than in rat lung slices. No correlation was observed between agaritine metabolite covalent binding and tissue slice gamma-glutamyltransferase activity. Additional studies with mouse liver slices showed that [14C]agaritine was also metabolized to a number of unknown polar metabolites. These results demonstrate that agaritine can be metabolized by enzymes present in mammalian liver and lung.  相似文献   

The response of the astroglial population of the dentate gyrus molecular layer to removal of that region's primary afferent was investigated using Cajal's gold sublimate method. Deafferentation caused the astrocytes to hypertrophy, an effect which was detectable at 24 hr and maximal at 72-96 hr post-lesion. Following this, the astroglia entered a lengthy period of gradual atrophy. Counts of the astrocytes in the various sublayers of the molecular layer led to the conclusion that these cells migrate into denervated dendritic areas from neighboring, nondeafferented zones.  相似文献   

Spinach chloroplasts, isolated by techniques yielding preparations with high O2- evolving activity, showed rates of light-dependent acetate incorporation into lipids 3-4 fold higher than any previously reported. Incorporation rates as high as 500 nmol of acetate/h per mg of chlorophyll were measured in buffered sorbitol solutions containing only NaHCO3 and [1-14C]acetate, and as high as 800 nmol/h per mg of chlorophyll when 0.13 mM-Triton X-100 was also included in the reaction media. The fatty acids synthesized were predominantly oleic (70-80% of the total fatty acid radioactivity) and palmitic (20-25%) with only minor amounts (1-5%) of linoleic acid. Linolenic acid synthesis was not detected in the system in vitro. Free fatty acids accounted for 70-90% of the radioactivity incorporated and the remainder was shared fairly evenly between 1,2-diacylglycerols and polar lipids. Oleic acid constituted 80-90% of the free fatty acids synthesized, but the diacylglycerols and polar lipids contained slightly more palmitic acid than oleic acid. Triton X-100 stimulated the synthesis of diacylglycerols 3-6 fold, but stimulated free fatty acid synthesis only 1-1.5-fold. Added glycerol 1-phosphate stimulated both the synthesis of diacylglycerols and palmitic acid relative to oleic acid, but did not increase acetate incorporation into total chloroplast lipids. CoA and ATP, when added separately, stimulated acetate incorporation into chloroplast lipids to variable extents and had no effect on the types of lipid synthesized, but when added together resulted in 34% of the incorporated acetate appearing in long-chain acyl-CoA. Pyruvate was a much less effective precursor of chloroplast fatty acids than was acetate.  相似文献   

An oxygen jet method ventilating patients during laryngoscopy has been applied to fiberoptic bronchoscopy. A 3.5 mm plastic tube 24.5 cm long was inserted into the trachea through the mouth. An intermittent jet of oxygen at 3.5 atm (50 psi) was applied to this tube using a 1.5 mm ID plastic catheter to ventilate the patient. Anesthesia was accomplished with intravenous thiamylal and Innovar. The patients were paralyzed with continuous succinylcholine. The technique has subsequently been used without complications in more than 1,000 patients. A fluidic ventilator was developed for delivering and controlling the oxygen jet. The airway pressure can be monitored continuously and, by the use of fluidic devices, the jet can be set to cut off automatically if the airway pressure is too high. The above techique for laryngoscopy with the fluidic ventilator was used in 28 patients undergoing fiberoptic bronchoscopy (Olympus 5.7 mm diameter). The airway pressure was continuously monitored with a line attached to the suction port of the bronchoscope. Arterial PCO2 ranged from 23 to 42 mmHg and PO2 from 105 to 325 mmHg. The high PO2 levels were maintained even during suctioning. General anesthesia for fiberoptic bronchoscopy can be performed using an endotracheal tube not smaller than 8 mm internal diameter (ID). The advantages of the oxygen jet technique are that it can be used in smaller patients and that the upper airway can be examined.  相似文献   

Brain areas involved in the expression of incubation behaviour were identified in male ring dove at the onset of incubation using quantitative [14C]2-deoxyglucose (2DG) autoradiography. The uptake of 2DG in twenty-eight areas found in the hypothalamus and thalamus, and six areas in the forebrain were compared in control non-breeding and incubating birds. Although 2DG utilisation varied significantly between brain areas, significant differences between non-breeding males and incubating males were observed only in 4 of them. These were the nucleus tuberis, nucleus preopticus medialis, nucleus ovoidalis and paleostriatum primitivum. The uptake of 2DG was increased at the onset of incubation in the nucleus tuberis, nucleus preopticus medialis and nucleus ovoidalis and decrease in the paleostriatum primitivum. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that these brain areas play a role in the initiation of incubation behaviour.  相似文献   

In twelve patients with culture-proven bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, the ability of a newly-developed one-gram d-[14C]xylose breath test to detect bacterial overgrowth was compared to that of the [14C]bile acid breath test. All patients manifested excessive production of breath 14CO2 after the administration of one gram [14C]xylose, with 83% of the patients being abnormal within the first hour of testing. In contrast, during the [14C]bile acid breath test, four of the twelve patients had no period of excessive 14CO2 production (above the 95% confidence range of controls). Nutrient malabsorption (fat, cobalamin, xylose) was seen with both true-positive and false-negative bile acid breath tests. The one gram [14C]xylose breath test, utilizing a substrate with more predominant absorption in the proximal small intestine and which can be catabolized by Gram-negative aerobic bacteria, appears to have a greater degree of sensitivity and specificity than the bile acid breath test in detecting the presence of small-intestine bacterial overgrowth.  相似文献   

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