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Guangquan Yue Boming Zhang Fuhong Dai Shanyi Du Center for Composite Materials Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin China 《材料科学技术学报》2010,26(5):467-471
Stiffened thermosetting composite panels were fabricated with co-curing processing.In the co-curing processing,the temperature distribution in the composite panels was nonuniform.An investigation into the threedimensional cure simulation of T-shape stiffened thermosetting composite panels was presented.Flexible tools and locating tools were considered in the cure simulation.Temperature distribution in the composites was predicted as a function of the autoclave temperature history.A nonlinear transient heat ... 相似文献
In Industrial applications structural efficiency is primary concern, this brings about the need of strong and lightweight materials. Due to their high specific strength, fibre reinforced polymers find wide application in these areas. Panels made of composite materials are widely used in aerospace structures, automobile, civil, marine and biomedical industries because of their good mechanical properties, impact resistance, excellent damage tolerance and also low fabrication cost. In this Paper, buckling and post-buckling analysis was performed on composite stiffened panel to obtain the critical load and modes of failures, with different parameters like ply-orientation, different composite materials, and stiffeners and by changing the number of stiffeners was derived. To analyze the post buckling behaviour of composite stiffened panels the nonlinear finite element analysis is employed and substantial investigations are undertaken using finite element (FE) model. Effect of critical parameters on buckling behaviour is studied and parametric studies were conducted with analytical tool to understand the structural behaviour in the post buckling range. 相似文献
Strength of Materials - Fiber-reinforced resin-based composite stiffened panels are put in the hygrothermal box at 70°C and 85% RH until moisture absorption reaches balance. Then, the... 相似文献
The present work deals with the numerical prediction of the post buckling progressive and final failure response of stiffened composite panels based on structural nonlinear finite element methods. For this purpose, a progressive failure model (PFM) is developed and applied to predict the behaviour of an experimentally tested blade-stiffened panel found in the literature. Failure initiation and propagation is calculated, owing to the accumulation of the intralaminar failure modes induced in fibre reinforced composite materials. Hashin failure criteria have been employed in order to address the fiber and matrix failure modes in compression and tension. On the other hand, the Tsai-Wu failure criterion has been utilized for addressing shear failure. Failure detection is followed with the introduction of corresponding material degradation rules depending on the individual failure mechanisms. Failure initiation and failure propagation as well as the post buckling ultimate attained load have been numerically evaluated. Final failure behaviour of the simulated stiffened panel is due to sudden global failure, as concluded from comparisons between numerical and experimental results being in good agreement. 相似文献
In this paper, a study on skin delamination growth in stiffened composite panels made of carbon fibres reinforced polymers and subjected to compressive load is presented. A robust (mesh and time step independent) numerical finite elements procedure, based on the Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) and on the fail release approach, is used here to investigate the influence of skin delamination size and position on the damage tolerance of stiffened composite panels. Four stiffened panels configurations with skin delaminations differently sized and positioned are introduced. Bay delaminations and delaminations under the stringer foot are considered. The novel numerical procedure has been used to simulate the delamination growth for all the investigated panel configurations and to evaluate the influence of the delaminations’ geometrical parameters on the growth development. As a confirmation of the applicability and effectiveness of the adopted numerical tool, the numerical results, obtained for all the analysed configurations, in terms of grown delaminated area, displacements and strains measured in various panel locations, have been compared with experimental data available in literature. 相似文献
Guangming Zhou Ruqin Pan Chao Li Deng’an Cai Xiaopei Wang 《Applied Composite Materials》2017,24(4):771-785
The structural behavior and damage propagation of 3D woven composite stiffened panels with different woven patterns under axial-compression are here investigated. The panel is 2.5D interlock woven composites (2.5DIWC), while the straight-stiffeners are 3D woven orthogonal composites (3DWOC). They are coupled together with the Z-fibers from the stiffener passing straight thought the thickness of the panel. A “T-shape” model, in which the fiber bundle structure and resin matrix are drawn out to simulate the real situation of the connection area, is established to predict elastic constants and strength of the connection region. Based on Hashin failure criterion, a progressive damage model is carried out to simulate the compressive behavior of the stiffened panel. The 3D woven composite stiffened panels are manufactured using RTM process and then tested. A good agreement between experimental results and numerical predicted values for the compressive failure load is obtained. From initial damage to final collapse, the panel and stiffeners will not separate each other in the connection region. The main failure mode of 3D woven composite stiffened panels is compressive failure of fiber near the loading end corner. 相似文献
铺层角度偏差对曲面复合材料结构固化变形的影响分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文阐述了铺层角度偏差对某变厚度曲面结构复合材料固化变形的影响。对铺层角度偏差的来源进行了归纳,采用考虑热膨胀和固化收缩的固化变形计算模型,对该变厚度的复合材料曲面层合板结构的固化变形进行了计算,计算结果与试验结果较为吻合,表明了计算模型的准确性。采用均匀试验设计方法,得到了该曲面结构铺层角度偏差在5°以内变化时的实验方案,对实验设计的计算结果进行了回归分析,结果显示,对于该曲面复合材料结构,总体上铺层角度偏差对固化变形的影响不大,相对的,-45°的铺层偏差对固化变形的影响较大,90°的铺层偏差对固化变形的影响较小。 相似文献
Correas A. Chao Crespo A. Casares Ghasemnejad H. Roshan G. 《Applied Composite Materials》2021,28(4):1237-1254
Applied Composite Materials - This paper aims to develop an analytical method to predict the low-velocity impact response of simply supported stringer stiffened panels. Since the combination of... 相似文献
含脱粘损伤的复合材料加筋板压缩破坏渐进损伤数值分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文提出了基于连续损伤力学的复合材料层合加筋壁板渐进损伤分析模型。该模型采用界面单元模拟筋条和壁板之间的连接界面,连接界面和复合材料层板分别采用Quads准则和Hashin准则作为失效判据,基于内嵌连续损伤状态变量的材料刚度退化方案,采用非线性有限元方法,研究了复合材料加筋壁板在压缩载荷下的破坏过程,分析了结构相应失效模式的细观失效机理。数值分析结果与实验数据吻合较好,证明该方法的合理性和有效性,并详细探讨了界面单元关键参数和层板铺设角度对加筋壁板结构力学响应的影响规律,得到了一些富有价值的结论。 相似文献
A. Riccio F. Di Caprio F. Camerlingo F. Scaramuzzino B. Gambino 《Applied Composite Materials》2013,20(1):73-86
A numerical/experimental study on the monitoring of the skin buckling phenomenon in stiffened composite panels by embedding optical fibres is presented in this paper. A numerical procedure has been introduced able to provide the most efficient embedded optical fibre path (with minimum length) fulfilling the grating sensors locations and directions requirements whilst satisfying specific embedding/integrity constraints for the optical fibre. The developed numerical procedure has been applied to a stiffened composite panel under compression load. The best location and direction of the grating sensors and the optimal optical fibre path for the monitoring of the skin buckling phenomenon have been found by performing respectively non-linear FEM analyses and optimization analyses. The procedure has been validated by means of an experimental testing activity on a stiffened panel instrumented with embedded optical fibres and back-to-back strain gauges which have been positioned according to the numerically estimated grating sensors locations and directions. 相似文献
As the demand for precision composite parts increases, understanding the effects of processing parameters on composite precision is needed. This study is devoted to observing the warping tendency of angles and investigating the effects of the part thickness, tool material, and stacking orientation on the precision of angled composite parts. Composite parts with both concave and convex angles were fabricated with various thickness, tool material, and stacking orientation. It was found that composite angled parts always warped inward. As the part angle decreased, the warp angle decreased. The resin volume fraction gradient induced a further inward warping tendency at convex angles. Rigidity improvement achieved by increasing the thickness overcame this resin gradient effect. The precision at convex angles was, thus, improved. However, the precision at concave angles worsened with increasing part thickness. The tool material was found to significantly affect the part precision at both concave and convex angles. Angled parts fabricated in molds made of advanced composite tools yielded much better angle precision than that fabricated in mold made of aluminum tools. As far as the stacking orientation was concerned, the best precision at a 135° convex angle was achieved with a stacking orientation of [0/90/0/90/0/90/90/0], whereas at a 90° concave angle the best precision was achieved with [90/0]4Tfor a laminate of 8 plies. A stacking sequence with a [0/90] orientation was found to cause upward warping. This could be used to counterbalance other inherent warping tendencies. 相似文献
针对树脂基复合材料构件固化过程中的固化翘曲变形这一关键技术问题,通过引入剪切系数的方法来代替固化过程中模具与复合材料之间的相互作用,建立了预报树脂基复合材料构件固化变形的数值计算模型。通过少量实验数据来确定模具与复合材料之间的剪切系数,进而预测复合材料构件的固化变形。通过与文献中实验结果的比较证明了所建立的模型具有较高的可靠性。实验与计算结果表明,该模型能够在不考虑复杂的材料参数变化的情况下对不同结构尺寸及不同工艺参数下的复合材料构件的固化变形进行较为准确地预测。 相似文献
设计了两种新型光纤传感器,一种是通过测量光纤末端近场模斑谱反映光纤埋置 脂折射率的变化,另一种行微弯衰减方法测量复合材料固化中铺层被压缩的进程。利用这两种传感器进行了复合材料固化监测实验,结果表明,发现光纤模斑传感器的信号可以反映树脂基体的粘度的变化历程,光纤微弯传感器的信号可以反映铺层被压缩的过程,监测这两个关键的参数变量不但有利于操作工艺的优化,而且为建立复合材料因化过程的智能化在线监控系统奠 相似文献
Stiffened composite panels are used within many applications, from aerospace to marine applications. Stiffened panels are utilized for their high strength to weight ratio and flexibility of layups while counteracting the low stiffness exhibited by composites. Complications arise when attempting to utilize the full variability of layups in conjunction with reliability constraints creating a complex design problem when constrained by both buckling and material strength. To aid the process of optimizing the design of composite structures and layups, while ensuring a low mass, this paper presents a bi-level optimization scheme for minimization of the weight oftophat stiffened composite panels with probabilistic deflection constraints. To improve the computational efficiency, an energy based grillage method is formulated and applied for the investigation of buckling problems under bi-directional in-plane loads The method is validated by comparing the results obtained from FE model calculations. The variables that have a large impact on the structural safety have been identified by both safety index and COV based reliability analysis. A parametric study of plate dimensions and loading ratios is conducted to investigate the coupling effects on critical buckling load. The method presented in this paper, makes it possible for engineers to improve their designs, at an early stage, with an integrated consideration between product performance and design parameters. 相似文献
J. F. Caseiro R. A. F. Valente A. Andrade-Campos J. W. Yoon 《International Journal of Material Forming》2010,3(1):49-52
Aircraft fuselage panels are conventionally differential reinforced structures, with aluminum skin and stringers being conventionally joined by riveting operations. As a consequence, these structures can present a number of distinct components, making assembly operations time consuming and expensive. Recently, developments in aluminum extrusion have opened up possibilities for new design procedures for aircraft applications. Particularly, complex-section panels known as Integrally Stiffened Panels (ISP), which are reinforced structures integrally obtained from extrusion, are a good example. In structural terms, ISP may be considered as thin-walled structures in which the stability for compressive loads is strongly dependent on the buckling strength of the cross section itself. Besides the difficulties in the project for buckling deformation modes within the elasto-plastic range, in aeronautical design it is mandatory to find the best compromise between weight and structural performance.In this sense, the present work presents an optimization algorithm based on a Hybrid Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization (HDEPSO) formulations, applied in finding the optimal cross section shape and dimensions for general ISP structures, under compressive buckling loads and accounting for elasto-plastic behaviors. The results and design guidelines are obtained by a set of parameterized nonlinear finite element simulations in ABAQUS, accounting for buckling carrying load levels as the principal design criteria. 相似文献
利用不同占空比的脉冲电流电沉积法制备了Ni-SiCp复合镀层,结果表明,随着占空比的增大,镍基晶粒尺寸和嵌入SiC沉积含量也随之增加,当占空比为50%时复合镀层达到最大显微硬度值.采用基于电化学阻抗谱结果建立的等效电路模型模拟了不同占空比下电沉积过程的电荷传递电流.模拟结果发现,随着占空比的增大,电荷传递峰电流减小,同时模拟了复合镀层中嵌入SiC颗粒的体积分数.模拟计算结果与试验结果相似. 相似文献