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中建材国际装备有限公司在伊拉克承建了一条3 300 t/d水泥熟料生产线,2014年3月30日进行调试生产,原设计旁路放风量为10%,投产后发现设计时业主提供的重油和石灰石等原燃料质量与实际差别很大,投产初期生产的抗硫酸盐水泥熟料中SO3含量在2.5%左右。因熟料中SO3含量高,无法满足伊拉克水泥标准和合同要求的欧洲ENV197-X抗硫酸盐水泥(简称SRC,下同)标准中SO3含量指标小于2.5%的要求,同时根据现场化验室小磨试验结果,当熟料中SO3含量大于1.8%,水泥配料中石膏掺加量小于1.5%,将严重影响水泥强度且水泥初凝时间无法保证。 相似文献
介绍了水泥窑因使用高硫燃料而产生的硫酸盐对尖晶石的影响,比较了水泥窑采用只烧煤和采用石油焦-煤混烧时过渡带中尖晶石砖的损毁状况。其中采用石油焦-煤混烧时的砖组织劣化和发生龟裂位置距工作面较深,并产生CaSO4的浸透。为此,在大气气氛下和还原气氛下,对尖晶石砖A、B进行了含有CaSO4的混合碱金属侵蚀比较试验,其结果表明尖晶石砖B抗含有CaSO4的混合碱金属的侵蚀性强。 相似文献
讨论了525号抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥的抗蚀系数、水化热及力学性能,提出了用小型回转窑生产符合英国、美国及我国标准的熟料矿物的组成及率值设计。 相似文献
为适应GB748—2005《抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥》新标准,满足用户需求,我们进行了抗硫酸盐水泥的研制。1新老标准质量控制指标的对比情况新标准增加了对材料的要求;水泥标号改为强度等级;取消了水泥抗硫酸盐侵蚀试验方法;增加抗硫酸盐性指标;改用新的ISO水泥强度检验方法。其中新增的 相似文献
我公司地处乌鲁木齐市,附近郊区、县有煤矿废弃的煤矸石,铜矿废弃的铜矿渣,钢铁厂的下脚料焦炭末碎屑。为综合利用工业废渣,减少环境污染,降低生产成本,我们利用煤矸石代页岩,铜渣代替铁粉,焦炭末碎屑作燃料生产低碱抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥。1原燃材料的成分所用原燃材料化学成分见表1。焦炭末灰分低,发热量高,价格低,约95元/t,其工业分析见表2。表1原燃材料化学成分%名称LossSiO2Al2O3Fe2O3CaOMgOΣR2O石灰石39.336.000.890.6351.611.3499.800.26煤矸石6.6162.26… 相似文献
最近,美国发明了利用高硫燃料烧制水泥技术,此技术的应用,可以减少有害气体排放量,有效防止沉积结皮,磨制水泥可以不再用石膏,实现了高硫燃料的有效利用。 相似文献
四川芙蓉煤矿水泥厂利用高硫煤矸石代替粘土和铁粉,与煤、石灰石及黄沙配料煅烧水泥熟料,并且在水泥制成过程中,不掺调凝剂石膏,生产出425R普通硅酸盐水泥。 1 原燃材料、生料、熟料和出厂水泥 相似文献
C Twomey C Birkinshaw S Breen 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》2004,79(5):486-490
Cement clinker produced using a high sulfur petroleum coke fuel has been analysed to determine the identity of the sulfate‐containing phases. Quantitative X‐ray diffraction methods were used in conjunction with extraction procedures to concentrate or extract the sulfate phases. The minerals of interest were anhydrite (CaSO4), aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4), arcanite (K2SO4), calcium langbeinite (K2SO4·2CaSO4) and thenardite (Na2SO4). Overall sulfur content of the clinker increased in proportion with the amount of sulfur in the fuel. The clinker produced using the high sulfur fuel was found to contain a significantly increased concentration of aphthitalite but a reduced amount of thenardite. Comparison of the experimental results with theoretical predictions based on the Bogue formulae shows differences in respect of calcium langbeinite, which is not detected in the clinker, and thenardite, which is detected. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Oxidative desulphurization (ODS) of heavy fuel oil (HFO) has some challenges such as gum formation and a high level of waste hydrocarbons. Simple calculations show that, assuming dibenzothiophene (DBT) as a representative component of sulphur-containing components in the cut, about 20% of hydrocarbons are lost within the extraction process. An experimental investigation has been conducted in a three-neck glass flask with a mechanical stirrer to obtain more insight about the gum formation during ODS of HFO. The gum formation process was investigated in diluted forms of fuel oil. It was observed that the fuel oil converted to the gum increases by decreasing the hydrogen/carbon (H/C) content of the diluting solvents. The main reason for gum formation during ODS is some polymer formation reactions induced by peroxide radicals. At an oxidant to sulphur ratio (O/S) ratio of 0.25, no gum was formed, while at O/S = 5.0, all of the fuel oil was converted to gum. Finally, a simple and efficient extractive desulphurization procedure has been proposed as an alternative method. At the best condition, about 84% desulphurization was obtained with dimethylformamide (DMF) solvent extraction of HFO. It can be assumed as a potential method to use mild mixing conditions with low contact time for extractive desulphurization of HFO on an industrial scale. 相似文献
采用动态库仑分析法对重油中硫进行测定。介绍测硫基本原理,仪器及试剂,实验方法。结果表明:该方法与标准方法〔GB/T38790《深色石油产品硫含量测定法(管式炉法)》〕测定值的绝对差值<0.15%。该方法的相对标准偏差(RSD)<3%,具有准确、快速、简便的特点。 相似文献
采用力学性能测试、X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜分析、X射线能谱分析、X射线荧光分析等现代材料分析测试方法,探索铝酸盐水泥石在高温及CO2气氛下的强度性能、物相组成、微观形貌等。结果表明:矿渣和铝酸盐水泥相互作用,影响水化过程,提高铝酸盐水泥的后期强度。铝酸盐水泥在高温及CO2气体气氛环境下养护后,强度在400 ℃以下养护不断发展,在400 ℃到达最大值,最大强度为36.39 MPa,其水泥石外层含有C2AS、C12A7等耐高温且结构致密的晶体,并且不被CO2气体腐蚀。相比于硅酸盐加砂水泥浆,铝酸盐加高温稳定剂水泥浆体更耐高温和CO2气体腐蚀。 相似文献
A residual fuel oil, neat and with four different additives, was tested using three experimental devices: a very fast pyrolyser of fuel droplets which produced cenospheres; a thermogravimetric analyser which gave information on the reactivity of the cenospheres; and a 1.16 MW boiler. The additives did not modify cenosphere production in the pyrolyser, but changed their reactivity. This reactivity change was in accordance with particulate reduction in the boiler and with the retention of the metal additive in the cenospheres. The retention of the metal depended on the nature of the organic part of the additive. 相似文献
利用自主研发的泡沫剂GFPJ,通过引入不同类型的高温泡沫稳定剂,得到能够满足稠油蒸汽驱要求的高温泡沫剂体系。对不同高温泡沫剂体系的发泡性能、耐高温性能以及高温封堵性能进行了研究。通过对不同高温泡沫剂体系老化前后有效含量的变化测定,表明了高温泡沫稳定剂的主要作用是能够降低泡沫剂的降解速率,从而提高泡沫剂体系的耐高温性能。 相似文献
概述了近年来抗高温油井水泥缓凝剂的研究现状,主要分为有机膦酸盐、改性羟基羧酸盐、AMPS共聚物、改性木质素、其他新型聚合物以及复配体系六大类,并对国内外相关研究的具体实例进行了对比,总结了两者之间存在的差距,展望了今后该研究领域的研究重点和发展方向。 相似文献