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在对某城市燃气输配系统运行现状调研的基础上,分析了基本信息情况和燃气输配系统的气源管线、管网结构和用户构成等进行调研和分析,根据燃气用户用气特点和2012年至2018年用气数据,完成对天然气市场中长期负荷预测,建立城区在役燃气管网水力计算模型,完成城区燃气管网的适应性和水力可靠性分析,根据后期燃气管网规划资料,完成燃气管网中长期适应性分析。  相似文献   

近年来,城镇燃气发展迅速,不仅促进了国民经济水平的提高,而且改善了人们的生活条件。随着燃气输配管网在城市内部的大面积敷设,受自然因素和人为因素影响,管网人工挖掘、老化和腐化现象比较严重,导致管网泄漏事故屡见不鲜,引发较多的安全问题,给城市燃气管网的安全性造成较大的侵袭和挑战。因此,加大对城镇燃气管网泄漏进行诊断具有必要性。  相似文献   

随着国家加快提升天然气为主体能源,在新型城镇化建设等推进下,城市燃气将迎来很大发展,推动了城市燃气管网的扩大及复杂化;在安全和城市治理体系创新等的要求下,城市燃气管网生产管理将向信息化、自动化、智能化迈进。根据安全性、开放兼容性、先进性、经济性等原则构建了城市燃气智慧管网所需实现的软件应用功能及其软硬件设计;重点布置了监测点,开发出智能优化分析、泄漏监测、紧急维抢修、车辆人员调动等功能全面的系统。  相似文献   

城市化的建设进程加速,燃气资源的需求量日益增大,同时对燃气输送的安全质量提出了更高要求.而燃气管道安装作为燃气系统供应建设的重中之重,燃气管道安装过程复杂繁琐,加强对安装技术的把控显得尤为重要.本文主要对城市燃气管道安装关键技术及施工管理要点进行阐述,希望对燃气工程建设水平的不断提升起到积极参照作用.  相似文献   

陈铭 《化工中间体》2024,(1):191-193
随着城市化进程不断加快,城市燃气管道的安装工程变得越来越重要,本研究旨在探讨燃气管道安装的特征和面临的挑战,并提出了防腐、吹扫处理等关键技术,还指明施工时要注意控制进度、科学管理现场安全工作等。研究结果表明,科学应用关键技术和有效施工管理将确保管道安装工程的顺利进行和质量可控,能全面保障城市居民的供气安全和城市发展的顺利推进。  相似文献   

本文在研究中以城市燃气管道安装为核心,列举工程案例,分析城市燃气管道安装关键技术,提出施工管理要点,保证城市燃气管理安装工程的综合质量,进而为相关研究人员提供一定的借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

众所周知随着社会的发展,环保意识的增强,天然气在城市能源中所占的比重越来越大,城市燃气化已成为改善城市环境的重要标志之一,对提高人民生活水平质量、完善城市环境起到了重要作用。但随着用户的增多,燃气管网的不断延伸,管网水堵事故也不断发生,它不但会造成一定范围停气,影响用户正常用气,还有可能酿成重大的安全事故。由此,我们对日常工作中所发生过的水堵事故进行原因分析,并提出较为可行解决办法。  相似文献   

本文通过对城市燃气管网风险评估的目的和指标进行讨论,得出选择其评估方法的一般思路。之后重点讲述几种常见的风险评估方法,并对这些方法进行分析和比较。  相似文献   

目前,天燃气是城镇居民生活中必不可少的重要能源,随着我国社会的不断进步和城市化步伐的加快,城镇的燃气管网建设也不断取得发展,结构也不断优化。将通过分析城镇燃气管网优化设计中的制约因素和施工建设中材料选择和具体注意事项,不断达到燃气建设的优化和能源的节约合理利用,给居民的生活带来便捷。  相似文献   

城镇燃气管网的建设关系到我国的社会发展和人民生活质量的提高,在国家实施城镇化建设的进程中具有重要的作用。本文主要研究的是在城镇燃气管网设计当中的优化设计,提出城镇燃气管网优化设计的发展趋势。  相似文献   

As the gas industry has developed, gas pipeline networks have evolved over decades into very complex systems. A typical network today might consist of thousands of pipes, dozens of stations, and many other devices, such as valves and regulators. Inside each station, there can be several groups of compressor units of various vintages that were installed as the capacity of the system expanded. The compressor stations typically consume about 3–5% of the transported gas. It is estimated that the global optimization of operations can save considerably the fuel consumed by the stations. Hence, the problem of minimizing fuel cost is of great importance. Consequently, the objective is to operate a given compressor station or a set of compressor stations so that the total fuel consumption is reduced while maintaining the desired throughput in the line. Two case studies illustrate the proposed methodology. Case 1 was chosen for its simple and small‐size design, developed for the sake of illustration. The implementation of the methodology is thoroughly presented and typical results are analyzed. Case 2 was submitted by the French Company Gaz de France. It is a more complex network containing several loops, supply nodes, and delivery points, referred as a multisupply multidelivery transmission network. The key points of implementation of an optimization framework are presented. The treatment of both case studies provides some guidelines for optimization of the operating performances of pipeline networks, according to the complexity of the involved problems. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

高含硫天然气管道经长期的内外腐蚀,经常发生泄漏事故.为了减少和降低天然气管道泄漏事故对人的危害,对甲烷及硫化氢的扩散规律进行研究日趋重要.利用计算流体力学的方法,采用仿真软件对高含硫天然气架空及埋地管道穿孔泄漏后的甲烷、硫化氢气体的扩散进行了数值模拟.架空管道泄漏初期为体积分数等值线呈对称分布的射流,泄漏至60s后无爆...  相似文献   

The increasing penetration of unconventional gas and liquefied natural gas poses an operational challenge on existing regional gas networks for gas quality problems. A new dynamic model for natural gas pipeline network with multiple supplies is presented with a special emphasis on gas interchangeability control. Wobbe index serves as gas interchangeability indicator and is calculated by equations derived from rigorous composition-based partial differential equations. Disjunctive formulation is applied to represent different modes of gas blending due to gas reversal, and the disjunctive model is then reformulated as a nonsmooth model with min/max and absolute value functions, which is solved by a gradient-based nonlinear program solver after smooth approximation. Moreover, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to tune the penalty parameters in order to focus on different penalty terms while keeping the model well-conditioned. The developed model and strategy are first tested with a small pipeline network model and then extended to a large model. The results show that the model can effectively manage gas interchangeability issues in pipeline networks within reasonable CPU time.  相似文献   

王浩天 《云南化工》2020,(1):176-177
如今工业发展迅速,油气储运与人们的生活密切相连,在工业发展中也起到了重要作用。油气储运中的管道设备是储运中的一个重要部分,所以管道的安全十分重要。在运送过程中有很多隐患,受外界因素和油气本身的因素,容易使油气挥发,引发火灾,使管道腐蚀加重。针对这个问题,对于如何解决管道腐蚀和提高油气的运输效率的问题提出了合理解决措施。  相似文献   

研究表明:油气管道运行过程中存在的风险问题较多,这也是难以制定有效预防措施的难点所在。管道的风险主要集中在腐蚀和老化、人为损坏以及地质灾害三个方面,这三种风险出现的原因不同,但是都会对管道的运行造成较为严重的后果;管道运营管理公司应从完善相关制度、加强管道监督、控制盗油问题以及做好防范措施四方面入手,采取多项有效措施,防止管道出现风险事故,保障管道安全运行。  相似文献   

随着城市建设的发展,天然气管网越来越复杂。由于管道劣化和老化,天然气管道安全隐患问题愈加突出,天然气的泄露成为人们重点关注的问题。以某陆地天然气输送管线泄漏为例子,详细的探讨其泄露的原因,并针对性的提出相关措施。  相似文献   

文章针对燃气安全,主要就燃气管道安全方面进行了探讨,在燃气管道的管材质量、管道防腐、第三方损坏等方面发表了见解,提出了严把质量关、采用新材料、阳极保护和周密规划等手段减少和防止管线被破坏。文章还涉及到了燃气管道泄漏检测手段与方法,安全教育和宣传等内容。  相似文献   

The quantification of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories and its associated uncertainty is a relevant activity often requested by authorities. Accurate methods to calculate both inventories and the involved uncertainty are convenient for close monitoring purposes. Using Monte Carlo simulations, correlations of high accuracy between emission factors (EFs), lower heating value (LHV), and density were built for refinery fuel gas, natural gas and fuel/residual oil. In all cases, the data generated by the simulations also served the purpose of building correlations for upper and lower bounds of the EF that can be readily used to estimate the EF estimation uncertainty. The correlations were tested against actual refinery data and the results show that more accurate estimations were obtained compared with EF obtained from laboratory composition methods and from methods that estimate EF as proportional to LHV only. In the case of fuel and residual oils, the correlations developed are a function of LHV only but were improved by using a cubic polynomial. The calculation of upper and lower bounds for EF offer a convenient method to estimate EF uncertainties that are required in official GHG emissions inventory calculations. In conclusion, in addition to LHV, the use of one additional readily available fuel property, namely fuel density is sufficient to reduce uncertainty of estimation of GHG (in this case CO2) from combustion to acceptable levels. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

One of the major concerns in shale gas production is water management. Millions of gallons of water are injected to fracture each well and a significant amount returns to the surface as flowback. Operators are increasingly reusing flowback to reduce freshwater consumption and impaired water disposal. Because of this, networks of water pipelines in U.S. shales are growing fast. This work is aimed at addressing the optimal planning of shale gas operations in multiple wellpads together with the design of water distribution networks (WDN). We propose a multiperiod mixed-integer linear programming model to solve the challenging stay-or-mobilize trade-off. The proposed model permits to schedule operations at a detailed level, accounting for the WDN required to maximize the reuse of impaired water. We present illustrative examples involving up to 20 pads, 4 frac-crews, and 100 wells developed over 1 year, showing that the design of the WDN can be effectively optimized.  相似文献   

Estimation of gas pipeline blowdown time requires the determination of the pressure-time history for the unsteady discharge of gas through a blowdown stack open to the atmosphere. Computational procedures entail various assumptions whose validity and contributions to the accuracy are often not assessed. This paper discusses the computational models and solution methods and further assesses the significance of the various assumptions involved. Volume and pipe models, numerical and analytical methods of solution, effects of stack entrance and friction losses and discharge coefficient are evaluated. The accuracy of a particular model or method of solution is greatly dependent on the fL/D ratio of the pipe section under blowdown. Comparison with field measurements of a straight pipe section and a complicated compressor station yard piping enabled evaluation of the above models.  相似文献   

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