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混合回收渠道下的闭环供应链市场结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了一个制造商领导市场、一个零售商和一个第三方回收商共同负责回收且跟随决策的再制造闭环供应链系统。对制造商领导博弈时的四种不同市场结构下(M→R+T、M→R→T、M→T→R和M→C)的闭环供应链的各方决策变量值以及利润值进行计算及分析,最后采用重复博弈方法对避免劣市场结构(M→C)成立的条件进行了讨论。研究表明,基于以上条件,M→C市场结构下的回收价最低,在M→R+T市场结构下最高;M→C市场结构下,制造商的利润与供应链利润最低;M→R+T市场结构下的制造商利润最高且供应链利润也最高。M→R→T和M→T→R市场结构的供应链总利润结果完全相同。集团C中的利润分配参数α具有不稳定性,使效率最低的M→C市场结构无法长期存在。  相似文献   

研究制造商委托第三方进行产品回收模式,考虑制造商与零售商之间具有互惠偏好特征,以及这种互惠偏好特征对闭环供应链成员的利润及效用的影响,并利用Stackelberg 博弈模型对成员决策进行分析。最后使用数值仿真进行证明。研究表明,制造商与零售商之间的互惠偏好行为对闭环供应链系统利润是有利的,而零售商产品销售价格与制造商对零售商的互惠偏好行为呈负相关,第三方产品的回收率与制造商对零售商的互惠偏好行为呈正相关,零售商对制造商的互惠偏好行为对整个系统的影响效果不明显。  相似文献   

陈梦泽  公彦德 《控制工程》2021,28(4):708-716
在制造商主导下,研究了单渠道销售且销售商独立回收,双渠道销售且销售商与第三方共同回收下的企业决策及供应链稳定性.分析发现,相较于单一销售和回收渠道,当闭环供应链系统内存在混合渠道时,销售商回收价格增加而回收量减少,闭环供应链系统的回收量与回收价差敏感系数密切相关.制造商与销售商的最优销售策略均为共同销售,正向供应链长期...  相似文献   

宋敏  黄敏  王兴伟 《控制与决策》2013,28(8):1247-1252
研究当零售商之间存在价格竞争时,两条竞争闭环供应链的渠道结构选择问题。结果表明:从供应链系统总利润角度出发,当两条链之间竞争强度较小时,中心化渠道结构占优;反之,分散化渠道结构占优。从消费者与环境的角度出发,无论两链之间竞争强度为何值,两条链同时选择中心化渠道结构时最有利。  相似文献   

针对由网络直销渠道和电子零售渠道组成的双渠道供应链进行研究。基于制造商和零售商之间的谈判能力对比, 通过博弈建模分析了三种零售价定价模式下供应链成员的价格决策和物流服务水平决策。研究表明, 在制造商谈判能力较弱的情况下, 制造商统一定价模式是最优模式; 在制造商谈判能力较强的情况下, 以直销价格为协商基础的分别定价模式是最优模式; 在最优模式下, 制造商和供应链的利润都显著占优, 电子零售商提供的物流服务水平也相应最高, 但电子零售商的利润受定价模式的影响不显著, 最优模式也是双方接受的均衡策略。  相似文献   

为刻画闭环供应链系统运作的动态性和复杂性特点,文章运用动态演化博弈理论探讨不同制造商之间的演化博弈关系;并针对不同回收策略下的演化路径和均衡点性质进行研究。在演化博弈的基础上进一步分析闭环供应链总成本最小的动态最优控制策略,利用庞特亚里金最小值原理探讨最优控制条件下不同回收补贴对回收方式选择策略的影响;最后结合数值模拟验证了固定回收补贴下最优控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

李芳 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(4):1128-1132,1144
针对废旧品回收管理问题,为了实现闭环供应链各主体决策最优、收益最大化的目标,研究构建了回收不确定情况下,政府规制作用下基于第三方回收的新产品和再制品差别定价的闭环供应链决策模型,比较分析了集中和分散两种决策情况下系统决策变量的变化,并通过设计收益共享—费用共担契约机制对分散决策下的供应链进行协调,以达到集中决策的最优目标。通过算例仿真分析对模型进行分析,进一步验证了模型的正确性和有效性,研究表明:回收的不确定性越大,造成成员利润损失的可能性越大,而占据主导地位的成员有优先选取协调因子的权利,为自身谋取更多的利润分成。  相似文献   

研究具有企业社会责任的闭环供应链回收渠道选择及定价决策问题.在3种不同回收渠道结构下,探讨主导制造商的企业社会责任行为对新产品定价及废旧产品回收的影响.研究表明,无论在何种回收渠道结构下,制造商的企业社会责任行为均有利于扩大新产品市场需求、提高废旧产品回收率.制造商的企业社会责任行为虽然会导致自身纯利润的减少,但有利于增加其他成员企业及系统整体的利润,实现社会福利最大化.当制造商承担较少企业社会责任时,其利润较之其他成员总是最大的;反之,零售商的利润可能会超过制造商.从扩大新产品市场需求及提高废旧产品回收率的角度,制造商在零售商负责回收时实施企业社会责任的效果最好.  相似文献   

针对由一个制造商和一个零售商构成的闭环供应链,运用Stackelberg动态博弈理论,构建不同担保模式下考虑零售商公平关切的决策博弈模型,探讨产品担保模式及零售商公平关切对闭环供应链定价及担保期决策、经济效益和环境效益的影响,分析不同担保模式的担保效率.研究结果表明:当消费者对新产品和再制造品差异化担保期较为敏感时,制...  相似文献   

考虑碳排放约束且由制造商负责回收的低碳闭环供应链系统。构建了零售商不参与减排、零售商向制造商提供减排所增利润分享和减排成本分担3种不同模式的Stackelberg博弈模型,得到相应的最优利润分享和成本分担比例、最优减排水平和最优回收水平,以及成员最优利润值,并分析闭环供应链回收价格和碳排放约束等因素对减排水平和回收水平的影响。结果表明:减排成本分担合作减排的减排水平、回收水平和零售商利润最大,其次是减排所增利润分享合作减排,最后是零售商不参与减排;减排成本分担合作减排和减排所增利润分享合作减排下的制造商利润大小关系要依据零售商单位销售收益和制造商回收活动的投入成本来确定。闭环供应链回收价格等因素的变化对两种分成比例产生相反的影响。  相似文献   

基于回收质量不确定的现实考虑,运用Stackelberg博弈论方法研究政府补贴和碳税双参与的再制造闭环供应链的定价问题,采用数值仿真的方法量化分析补贴额度和碳税率对再制造闭环供应链定价策略、供应链各成员利润、供应链碳排放量的影响,以及回收质量对再制造闭环供应链的影响。研究发现:政府补贴和碳税的双参与改善了由政府征收碳税而引起的市场不活跃现象,促进了闭环供应链的回收再制造,比单纯补贴或碳税更有效地引导了再制造闭环供应链;无论哪种手段参与,提高废旧产品的回收质量都有助于提高废旧产品的回收量、制造商的利润、第三方回收商的利润以及供应链的总利润,也有助于降低供应链的碳排放。  相似文献   

针对不确定环境下的闭环供应链网络优化问题,在需求不确定及设施中断风险的条件下,基于鲁棒对等优化方法建立了一种以闭环供应链网络总成本最小为目标的鲁棒优化模型,以解决供应链网络中的不确定性问题,并提出了Prim-DMGA。首先基于Prim算法得到高质量的初始种群,其次让路径规划方案和设施选址方案在两层自适应GA的不断反馈中达到最优。实验结果表明,Prim-DMGA得到的目标函数值优于单层Prim-MGA与传统GA,且在求解大规模算例时,求解结果优于CPLEX软件。研究结论表明,Prim-DMGA能以较少的计算时间获得质量更优的解,鲁棒优化模型可以有效减少不确定因素带来的不利影响,提高闭环供应链网络的鲁棒性能。  相似文献   

As cost pressures continue to mount in this era of economic slowdowns, a growing number of firms have begun to explore the possibility of managing product returns in a more cost-efficient and timely manner. However, few studies have addressed the problem of determining the number and location of initial collection points in a multiple time horizon, while determining the desirable holding time for consolidation of returned products into a large shipment. To fill the void in such a line of research, this paper proposes a mixed-integer, nonlinear programming model and a genetic algorithm that can solve the reverse logistics problem involving both spatial and temporal consolidation of returned products. The robustness of the proposed model and algorithm was tested by its application to an illustrative example dealing with products returned from online and retail sales.  相似文献   

考虑到消费者对新产品和再制造产品支付意愿的差异, 分别建立了分散决策和集中决策下多周期再制造闭环供应链的决策模型, 得出了各供应链成员的最优决策, 通过shapley值法来确定利益协调机制, 并利用数值仿真对模型进行求解和分析。研究结果表明, 分散决策存在效益缺失, 中间商的减少可有效提高供应链系统的效益; 可通过shapley值对再制造闭环供应链的利益进行合理有效的分配。  相似文献   

Reverse logistics consists of all operations related to the reuse of products. External suppliers are one of the important members of reverse logistics and closed loop supply chain (CLSC) networks. However in CLSC network configuration models, suppliers are assessed based on purchasing cost and other factors such as on-time delivery are ignored. In this research, a general closed loop supply chain network is examined that includes manufacturer, disassembly, refurbishing, and disposal sites. Meanwhile, it is managed by the manufacturer. We propose an integrated model which has two phases. In the first phase, a framework for supplier selection criteria in RL is proposed. Besides, a fuzzy method is designed to evaluate suppliers based on qualitative criteria. The output of this stage is the weight of each supplier according to each part. In the second phase, we propose a multi objective mixed-integer linear programming model to determine which suppliers and refurbishing sites should be selected (strategic decisions), and find out the optimal number of parts and products in CLSC network (tactical decisions). The objective functions maximize profit and weights of suppliers, and one of them minimizes defect rates. To our knowledge, this model is the first effort to consider supplier selection, order allocation, and CLSC network configuration, simultaneously. The mathematical programming model is validated through numerical analysis.  相似文献   

The paper considers a closed-loop serial supply chain consisting of a raw material supplier, a manufacturer, a retailer and a collector who collects the used product from consumers. The retailer's demand is met up by both manufacturing and remanufacturing. The manufacturing process is assumed to be imperfect as it can produce some defectives which are reworked in the same cycle itself. The remanufacturing of used items solely depends on the quality level of collected items. Two mathematical models are developed. The first model considers a single manufacturing–remanufacturing cycle, while the second model considers multiple manufacturing and remanufacturing cycles. Both the models are solved using algorithms developed for sequential and global optimizations. Numerical studies show that (i) the acceptance quality level of returned items and the length of the replenishment cycle for the retailer are lower in case of sequential optimization than those in global optimization, (ii) integration among supply chain members results in less number of shipments from the manufacturer to the retailer, and (iii) the joint total profit is higher when the integrated approach is adopted. The percentage increase in joint total profit with the integrated policy is 1.24% in the first model while it is 0.544% in the second model.  相似文献   

基于CVaR的闭环供应链优化与协调决策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高文军 《控制与决策》2011,26(4):489-494
利用条件风险值理论研究具有风险规避特性的闭环供应链的优化与协调问题.首先,建立了随机市场需求下由单个风险规避零售商与单个风险规避制造商组成的两阶闭环供应链的条件风险值模型,以及基于条件风险值的收益共享费用共担契约下的最优订购量和最优批发价格决策模型;然后在对模型进行分析的基础上,揭示了制造商和零售商的风险规避水平对最优订购量、批发价格、条件风险值及闭环供应链协调的影响;最后通过一个算例验证了所得的结论.  相似文献   

In a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) network, there are both forward and reverse supply chains. In this research, a tire remanufacturing CLSC network is designed and optimized based on tire recovery options. The objective of the optimization model is to maximize the total profit. The optimization model includes multiple products, suppliers, plants, retailers, demand markets, and drop-off depots. The application of the model is discussed based on a realistic network in Toronto, Canada using map. In addition, a new decision tree-based methodology is provided to calculate the net present value of the problem in multiple periods under different sources of uncertainty such as demand and returns. Furthermore, the discount cash flow is considered in the methodology as a novel innovative approach. This methodology can be applied in comparing the profitability of different design options for CLSCs.  相似文献   

为了实现敏捷供应链知识服务体系,针对知识服务组合中的服务选择问题,提出一种结合敏捷供应链特点和整数规划方法的知识服务选择模型。该模型考虑知识用户需求的QoS全局约束,采用线性加权方法将知识用户多目标转化为单目标。应用Matlab优化工具中的bintprog求解器进行模型实例求解,结果表明模型最终求解能满足用户的实际需求,对敏捷供应链知识服务选择方法和服务组合研究有一定的借鉴性。  相似文献   

This paper studies the competition between two closed-loop supply chains including manufacturers, retailers and recyclers in an uncertain environment. The competition factors are the retail prices of new products and incentives paid to consumers for taking back the used products. Market demands are price sensitive and also the amount of returned products is sensitive to incentives. The primary goal of this paper is to investigate the impact of simultaneous and Stackelberg competitions between two closed-loop supply chains on their profits, demands and returns. A game theoretic approach which is empowered by possibility theory is applied to obtain the optimal solutions under uncertain condition. Finally the theoretical results are analyzed using sample data inspired by a real industrial case.  相似文献   

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