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Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are found throughout Lake Superior, Lake Nipigon, and their tributaries. Lacustrine and adfluvial life history variants were historically popular with anglers and were called coasters; coaster brook trout populations are now severely reduced and are of conservation concern. Coasters were known to grow larger and mature later than their stream resident counterparts. This study compared movement patterns, age, size, condition, and relative weight of wild coaster and resident brook trout from the Hurricane River, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan. Wild brook trout ≥ 100 mm from the Hurricane River downstream from Hurricane Falls were tagged with passive integrated transponder tags and monitored for stream-lake movement behavior from May 2003 to November 2007. During 2006 and 2007, brook trout were scale sampled and aged to construct a regression that was then used to calculate the age of all brook trout tagged from 2003 to 2007. Most brook trout movement took place in the fall with October the peak month of emigration with a secondary peak in late spring/early summer and some activity nearly year round. There were no differences found in age structure, size or condition between coasters and residents while in the stream. Our data suggest that a priori growth differences are not determining the expression of coaster outmigration and that stream-lake movements made by coasters, likely driven by habitat requirements, may be highly flexible and facultative.  相似文献   

Managers have long embraced the need to maintain diversity as a requisite condition for population and community sustainability. In the case of Great Lakes lake trout, diversity has been severely compromised. The identification of new gamete sources may be beneficial to lake trout reintroduction efforts, particularly in situations where native stocks have been completely extirpated such as in Lake Michigan. Lake trout from Elk Lake, Michigan, are genetically distinct from domestic hatchery strains and historical forms of lake trout from Lake Michigan. Importantly, Elk Lake fish were genetically distinct from Marquette strain lake trout which were previously stocked into Elk Lake. Elk Lake fish were most similar to Lake Michigan basin-derived Lewis Lake (LLW) and Green Lake (GLW) hatchery strains and to historical Lake Michigan populations from the Charlevoix, Michigan area. While all individuals exhibited characteristics of lean form lake trout, the body shape of lake trout from Elk Lake, stocked lean fish from Lake Michigan and Lake Superior wild lean strains from near Isle Royale differed. Elk Lake fish were more fusiform, elongate, and streamlined with a narrower caudal peduncle compared to hatchery lean strains and wild lean forms from the Isle Royale region of Lake Superior. The lake trout population in Elk Lake is a remnant of a now extirpated native Lake Michigan population that was established either by natural colonization or stocking from historical Lake Michigan populations. Elk Lake lake trout is as genetically diverse as other strains used in Great Lakes reintroduction efforts and likely represent a viable gamete source representing genetic diversity lost from Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

The rehabilitation of extirpated lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain has been hindered by various biological and physiological impediments. Efforts to restore a lake trout fishery to Lake Champlain include hatchery stocking and sea lamprey control. Despite these management actions, there is little evidence of recruitment of naturally-produced fish in annual fall assessments. Spawning occurs at multiple sites lake-wide in Lake Champlain, with extremely high egg and fry densities, yet sampling for juvenile lake trout has only yielded fin-clipped fish. To investigate this recruitment bottleneck, we assessed predation pressure by epi-benthic fish on emergent fry on two spawning reefs and the subsequent survival and dispersal of fry in potential nursery areas. Epi-benthic predators were sampled with 2-h gillnet sets at two small, shallow sites in Lake Champlain throughout the 24-h cycle, with an emphasis on dusk and dawn hours. In total, we documented seven different species that had consumed fry, with consumption rates from 1 to 17 fry per stomach. Rock bass and yellow perch dominated the near-shore fish community and were the most common fry predators. Predator presence and consumption of fry was highest between 19:00 and 07:00. Predators only consumed fry when fry relative abundance was above a threshold of 1 fry trap− 1 day− 1. We used an otter trawl to sample for post-emergent fry adjacent to the reef, but did not capture any age-0 lake trout. Due to the observed predation pressure by multiple littoral, species on shallow spawning reefs, lake trout restoration may be more successful at deep, offshore sites.  相似文献   

Lake trout spawn primarily in lakes, and the few river-spawning populations that were known in Lake Superior were believed to be extirpated. We confirmed spawning by lake trout in the Dog River, Ontario, during 2013–2016 by the collection of and genetic identification of eggs, and we describe spawning meso- and microhabitat use by spawning fish. Between 2013 and 2016, a total of 277 lake trout eggs were collected from 39 of 137 sampling locations in the river. The majority of eggs (220) were collected at the transition between the estuary and the river channel crossing the beach. Lake trout eggs were most often located near the downstream end of pools in areas characterized by rapid changes in depth or slope, coarse substrates, and increased water velocities, where interstitial flows may occur. Depths in wadeable areas where eggs were found averaged 0.9?m (range: 0.4 to 1.3?m) and substrate sizes consisted of large gravel, cobble, and boulder; comparable to spawning characteristics noted in lakes. Water velocities averaged 0.66?m·s?1 (range: 0.33 to 1.7?m3·s?1) at mid-depth. This information on spawning habitat could be used to help locate other remnant river-spawning populations and to restore river-spawning lake trout and their habitat in rivers that previously supported lake trout in Lake Superior. The Dog River population offers a unique opportunity to understand the ecology of a river spawning lake trout population.  相似文献   

The Lake Michigan brown trout (Salmo trutta) fishery is sustained by the stocking of five hatchery strains by four state natural resource agencies. In the absence of exhaustive marking programs, strain-specific measures of stocking success are lacking for brown trout in Lake Michigan. We used microsatellite-based genetic assignment testing and genetic stock identification (GSI) to determine the strain of 122 angler-caught brown trout from four northeastern Lake Michigan ports. We compared strain composition estimates for sportfishing harvest to expected proportions of each brown trout strain in Lake Michigan at the time of harvest using stocking records corrected for age-specific mortality rates. Reassignment rates of individuals from baseline strains averaged 92.1% (range: 84.1–98.0%). Assignment testing and GSI analyses consistently found Wild Rose strain brown trout represented approximately 89% of the northeastern Lake Michigan sportfishing harvest, while only comprising 43.8% of the expected stock. Of the Michigan angler harvest of Wild Rose strain brown trout, approximately half were estimated to have originated from Wisconsin hatcheries, demonstrating a propensity for lake-wide movements. Continued assessments will improve understanding of strain relative contributions to angler harvests that can direct future stocking efforts.  相似文献   

Identification of lake trout spawning sites has focused on cobble substrates associated with bathymetric relief (e.g., ‘contour’ or ‘slope’ along reefs), but this ‘model’ may be narrow in scope. Previous telemetry work conducted near Drummond Island, USA, Lake Huron, identified egg presence in substrates at the base of large boulders (>1 m diameter); however, the extent of this phenomenon was unknown. Telemetry data paired with multi-beam bathymetry identified a 0.63 km2 area used by lake trout characterized by low bathymetric relief and numerous (~269) large boulders (>1 m diameter) with small-diameter substrates at their bases. Diver surveys revealed egg presence at all 40 boulders surveyed, exclusively associated with clean gravel-cobble (0.6–42 cm) substrates in undercut areas beneath overhanging edges of boulders and in narrow spaces between adjacent boulders. Egg presence was not associated with boulder or substrate physical characteristics which highlighted the possible importance of interstitial currents. Successful incubation in these habitats was inferred by capture of free embryos and post-embryos the following spring using traps and an electrofishing ROV although at lower densities than at popular spawning habitats nearby (1–3 km away). Free embryos and post-embryos were also caught where eggs were not observed the previous fall including unexpectedly on top of boulders which suggested that post-hatch stages may move more than previously thought. Extensive use of boulder-associated habitats for spawning, egg incubation, and early growth suggested this undescribed habitat type may provide an unanticipated contribution to total available lake trout spawning habitat and recruitment in the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) within the waters of Green Bay, Lake Michigan have recently shown a substantial increase in abundance. Furthermore, after over 100 years of extirpation, adult lake whitefish are found spawning within major Wisconsin tributaries to Green Bay. Many knowledge gaps still exist with respect to the chronology of adult river migrations, including the physical characteristics of upstream habitats selected for reproduction and the extent of larval production by these riverine ecotypes. Here, we use hydroacoustic imaging along with egg and larval surveys to evaluate this novel riverine spawning in 2017 and 2018. Highest abundance of adults was observed in the month of November as temperatures declined below 8 °C. Spawning areas consisted of cobble substrates, and site-specific fish densities were primarily correlated with river flows between 0.3 and 1.0 m/s, with specific values varying by tributary and year. Locations of egg deposition mirrored areas of high observed fish densities. Larval production was documented on each tributary using active trawl ichthyoplankton sampling, and larvae were observed outmigrating to open water environments. We estimated tributaries produced 452,000 larvae in 2017 and 721,000 larvae in 2018. To our knowledge, this represents the first documentation of successful lake whitefish larval production from Green Bay tributaries and suggests tributary spawning populations contribute to the greater abundance of lake whitefish observed in recent years.  相似文献   

Adfluvial brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis populations in the Lake Superior basin have suffered declines over the last century due to habitat degradation and exploitation. Natural resources agencies throughout the basin have restored habitat and implemented restrictive angling regulations as tools to protect remnant coaster brook trout populations, but the success of these practices is unknown in some locations. We used electrofishing and passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag movement data from 2008 to 2020 to describe population characteristics, temporal trends, and adfluvial life history of coaster brook trout in Washington Harbor, Isle Royale National Park, Lake Superior after implementation of catch-and-release regulations in 2004. Our results document the presence of an adfluvial coaster brook trout population in Washington Harbor, Isle Royale. Temporal trends indicate that brook trout abundance and distribution in Washington Harbor increased since earlier observations in the late 1990s and early 2000s likely due to enactment of protective regulations, and increased stream flows and water levels observed in recent years in both Washington Creek and Lake Superior, respectively. Annual tag detection of Washington Harbor brook trout in Washington Creek at the antenna arrays varied from 25% in 2009 to 100% in 2011 and 2013, and averaged 60.7% throughout the study. Peak in adfluvial brook trout use of Washington Creek was from August – October with few detections occurring outside of the presumed spawning period. This study provides valuable insight into the population characteristics, movement patterns, and temporal increase in abundance of an adfluvial brook trout population in Lake Superior.  相似文献   

Natural reproduction of salmonids occurs in many Lake Michigan tributaries, yet little is known about abundance and the potential contribution of wild fish hatching in Wisconsin tributaries. The objectives of our study were to determine if: 1) abundance of wild juvenile salmonids (primarily adfluvial rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, referred to as steelhead) varied among selected Wisconsin streams based on available spawning and age-0 habitat; 2) stream temperature regimes could limit survival of juvenile salmonids, and 3) wild juvenile salmonids outmigrate from Wisconsin tributaries into Lake Michigan or larger tributaries. In 2016 and 2017, juvenile salmonid abundance was estimated in six Wisconsin tributaries to Lake Michigan by multiple-pass depletion sampling using backpack electrofishing. Habitat assessments included steelhead redd surveys, age-0 habitat surveys, and stream temperatures were monitored using in-stream loggers. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagging and PIT antennas were used to detect outmigration from three streams (Willow, Stony and Hibbard creeks). Population estimates for individual streams ranged from 75 to 2276 for juvenile steelhead and from 0 to 243 for juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. No correlation was detected between juvenile steelhead abundance and quality age-0 habitat. Stream temperatures rarely exceeded the thermal limit for steelhead (27 °C). Outmigration rates for three streams ranged from 0.6% to 3.1%, but these estimates were considered minimum values. Low abundance of wild juvenile steelhead and coho salmon alone suggest that the contributions of these tributaries to Lake Michigan fisheries are likely small. Furthermore, relying on returns of wild steelhead produced in these streams is probably insufficient to maintain stream fisheries.  相似文献   

Restoration of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush stocks in Lake Huron is a fish community objective developed to promote sustainable fish communities in the lake. Between 1985 and 2004, 12.65 million lake trout were stocked into Lake Huron representing eight different genetic strains. Collections of bona fide wild fish in USGS surveys have increased in recent years and this study examined the ancestry and diet of fish collected between 2004 and 2006 to explore the ecological role they occupy in Lake Huron. Analysis of microsatellite DNA revealed that both pure strain and inter-strain hybrids were observed, and the majority of fish were classified as Seneca Lake strain or Seneca Lake hybrids. Diets of 50 wild age-0 lake trout were examined. Mysis, chironomids, and zooplankton were common prey items of wild age-0 lake trout. These results indicate that stocked fish are successfully reproducing in Lake Huron indicating a level of restoration success. However, continued changes to the benthic macroinvertebrate community, particularly declines of Mysis, may limit growth and survival of wild fish and hinder restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Lake trout Salvelinus namaycush fry treated with heated water to create thermal marks in their otoliths were stocked at Sve's Reef in Minnesota waters of Lake Superior in 1994, 1995, and 1996. These fish began to reach maturity in 2000, and were vulnerable to annual assessment gill nets set at several locations along the Minnesota shoreline. Captured fish also included fin-clipped lake trout stocked as yearlings, and naturally reproduced (wild) lake trout. Otoliths from 3106 unclipped lake trout were aged and examined for thermal marks from 2000 to 2007, of which 1152 were from the target year classes (1994–1996). Thermal marks were found in otoliths from 64 fish, or 5.6% of those in the target year classes, demonstrating that stocked fry contributed to the adult lake trout population in Minnesota waters. Although numbers of recaptured fish were too low to demonstrate statistically significant differences, higher recapture rates of marked fish at Sve's Reef in fall and spawning assessments suggest that these fish may have imprinted at the stocking location and homed back to this area to spawn. Wild lake trout populations in Lake Superior may be approaching fully rehabilitated levels, but recovery in the lower Great Lakes has progressed more slowly, and evidence of success with fry stocking could benefit those populations.  相似文献   

Recent observations of spawning lake trout Salvelinus namaycush near Drummond Island in northern Lake Huron indicate that lake trout use drumlins, landforms created in subglacial environments by the action of ice sheets, as a primary spawning habitat. From these observations, we generated a hypothesis that may in part explain locations chosen by lake trout for spawning. Most salmonines spawn in streams where they rely on streamflows to sort and clean sediments to create good spawning habitat. Flows sufficient to sort larger sediment sizes are generally lacking in lakes, but some glacial bedforms contain large pockets of sorted sediments that can provide the interstitial spaces necessary for lake trout egg incubation, particularly if these bedforms are situated such that lake currents can penetrate these sediments. We hypothesize that sediment inclusions from glacial scavenging and sediment sorting that occurred during the creation of bedforms such as drumlins, end moraines, and eskers create suitable conditions for lake trout egg incubation, particularly where these bedforms interact with lake currents to remove fine sediments. Further, these bedforms may provide high-quality lake trout spawning habitat at many locations in the Great Lakes and may be especially important along the southern edge of the range of the species. A better understanding of the role of glacially-derived bedforms in the creation of lake trout spawning habitat may help develop powerful predictors of lake trout spawning locations, provide insight into the evolution of unique spawning behaviors by lake trout, and aid in lake trout restoration in the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Most lake whitefish populations within Lake Michigan are experiencing widespread population declines due to low levels of recruitment. However, the stock within Green Bay is flourishing, and various assessment tools suggest consistent recruitment to the juvenile stage each year. The distribution of offshore and drifting lake whitefish larvae were last described in the 1970s, prior to the resurgence of the southern Green Bay stock and prior to increasing knowledge of adult spawning behavior. We conducted a Green Bay wide survey of lake whitefish larvae over three years to provide an update of larval abundance and distribution and to discern influential biotic and abiotic factors that correlate to larval densities. In contrast with historical studies, our sampling illustrated high densities of larvae in both offshore and nearshore environments. Offshore expansion may be a factor in the population increase, but long term survival effects are still unknown. This study also provides the first documentation of larvae within the southern end of the bay below Chambers Island, WI and near re-colonized rivers. Average overall densities were relatively consistent each year, ranging between 29.5 and 49.6 per 1000 m3. Lake whitefish larvae were patchy in distribution and were associated with warmer and more productive waters at small spatial scales. Larval lake whitefish appear to be distributed widely throughout the entirety of Green Bay during the drift life stage, and we discuss our results in light of re-established river spawning and the overall increase in abundance.  相似文献   

Diporeia hoyi and Mysis relicta are the most important prey items of slimy sculpins (Cottus cognatus) in the Great Lakes. Slimy sculpins were collected from dreissenid-infested bottoms off seven Lake Michigan ports at depths of 27–73 m in fall 2003 to study their lake-wide diets. Relatively large dreissenid biomass occurred at depths of 37- and 46-m. Quagga mussels (Dreissena bugnesis) composed at least 50% of dreissenid biomass at Manistique, Saugatuck, and Sturgeon Bay. Mysis accounted for 82% of the sculpin diet by dry weight at eastern Lake Michigan while Diporeia composed 54–69% of the diet at western Lake Michigan and dominated the diets of slimy sculpins at all sites deeper than 46 m. In northern Lake Michigan, this diet study in new sites showed that slimy sculpin consumed more prey with low energy contents, especially chironomids, than Mysis and Diporeia in shallow sites (depth <55 m). We recommend diet studies on sedentary benthic fishes to be conducted along perimeters of the Great Lakes to observe changes in their diets that may be impacted by changing benthic macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation among brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) of different life history forms and populations can result from reproductive isolation imposed by natural or anthropogenically derived barriers to gene flow, behavioral incompatibilities, or differential exposure to environmental cues. We used multi-locus microsatellite genotypes and likelihood and Bayesian-based analyses to characterize the degree of genetic differentiation and evidence of introgression among stream resident brook trout above a natural barrier, and putative stream residents and adfluvial (coaster) brook trout from below the barrier in the Salmon Trout River (STR); the sole tributary along the southern shore of Lake Superior known to be inhabited by a viable remnant population of coaster brook trout. Two genetically differentiated populations were identified, generally associated with individuals inhabiting sections of the STR above and below the falls. No evidence of differentiation was found between a priori classified resident and coaster brook trout from below the falls. Gene flow from individuals above the falls was detected based on evidence of interbreeding between upper river individuals and coasters below the falls. We collected only a relatively small number of individuals that we a priori classified as being stream residents below the falls, and these individuals had a high probability of having ancestry originating from the population above the barrier, which suggests that the stream-resident life history may be exceptionally rare or absent in the lower Salmon Trout River.  相似文献   

Native lake trout were extirpated from Lake Erie around 1965 and committed restoration efforts began in 1982. In 2021 and 2022, a total of six lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the free embryo or post-embryo life stage were captured in lake trout embryo traps in Lake Erie offshore of Shorehaven Reef, NY. This represents the first conclusive evidence of successful natural reproduction since extirpation. Trapping locations were identified using the results of a fine-scale positioning acoustic telemetry array, visual observations of adult lake trout exhibiting spawning behavior, and underwater cameras to visually identify possible spawning locations. Lake trout utilized a very specific spawning habitat type—the eastern side of shallow offshore humps in 5–8 m of water. These sites were comprised of habitat typically associated with lake trout spawning with slopes of 5–14° and clean rubble-cobble sized rock with visible interstitial spaces. Genetic barcoding was used to identify the post-embryo stage salmonids to species, and microsatellite genotypes assigned strongly to the Seneca strain which comprises the majority of the adult population. These findings represent a significant milestone for lake trout rehabilitation efforts in Lake Erie, confirming that successful reproduction to the post-embryo stage is possible and supporting continued rehabilitation efforts by Lake Erie management agencies.  相似文献   

The impacts of large-scale, episodic sediment resuspension on the cycling of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners (PCBs) were examined using a spatially coordinated air and water sampling strategy conducted in southern Lake Michigan in the late winters of 1998, 1999, and 2000. We found no significant temporal changes in gas phase, dissolved phase, or suspended sediment PCB concentrations despite large-scale seasonal storms occurring before and after sampling campaigns. Only gas phase and suspended sediment PCBs varied spatially. Higher total suspended material (TSM) concentrations and fraction organic carbon (foc) were measured at sampling stations located in the near-shore region of southern Lake Michigan than at open-water sampling stations. Gas phase concentrations (ΣPCBg) were higher in the west (0.436 ± 0.200 ng/m3, n = 11) and south (0.408 ± 0.286 ng/m3, n = 5) than the east (0.214 ± 0.082 ng/m3, n = 10) and central (0.253 ± 0.145 ng/m3, n = 8) regions of southern Lake Michigan. Dissolved phase concentrations (ΣPCBd) averaged 0.18 ± 0.024 ng/L (n = 52); suspended sediment concentrations (ΣPCBs) accounted for between 4% and 72% (23 ± 4%, n = 52) of the total ΣPCB concentrations (ΣPCBT = ΣPCBd + ΣPCBs). Despite no consistent temporal variations in both dissolved phase or suspended sediment ΣPCB concentrations, there were temporal and spatial variations in the distribution shift between phases that can be linked to sediment resuspension, not a state of equilibrium. Specifically, our analysis suggests sediment resuspension results in preferential sorption of heavier, more chlorinated PCB congeners.  相似文献   

Non-native rusty crayfish are abundant egg predators on spawning reef habitats for lake trout and coregonines in northern Lake Michigan. To better understand rusty crayfish life-history on these unique habitats, we conducted monitoring in 2012 and 2013 at four locations previously identified as spawning areas for native fish. With the aid of a graphical causal model, we conducted an exploratory statistical analysis using a Bayesian multilevel modeling approach with model selection based on information criteria to identify important environmental variables for predicting rusty crayfish distribution and abundance on spawning reefs. We also compared seasonal trends in relative abundance, inferred from catch-per-unit-effort calculations from trapping, to previously reported accounts from a smaller inland lake. The results from our modeling provide evidence of size-class segregation across subtle changes in habitat characteristics of spawning reefs. Specifically, we found evidence that the distribution of >30 mm rusty crayfish was only weakly related to rock density (#/m2) relative to juveniles and smaller size classes. We also observed highest relative abundances from minnow trap monitoring in mid-October when water temperatures averaged 13.9 °C, which is later in the year and at cooler temperatures than similar monitoring from smaller inland lakes has reported. We hypothesize that unique environmental conditions elicit novel life-history responses from rusty crayfish on Lake Michigan spawning reefs and discuss our findings in the context of native fish restoration in the Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Long-term fishery independent surveys provide metrics of relative abundance and contribute biological information critical to effective fisheries management. Improvements in technology and manufacturing processes have had profound effects on gear efficiency. In Lake Michigan, a standardized multi-agency fish community survey was adopted in 1998 which used multifilament nets to survey nearshore fish communities. Contemporary commercial gill netting operations largely utilize monofilament nets because they’re less expensive, more durable and thought to be less visible and therefore more efficient. As such, interest in converting long-term agency surveys to monofilament nets has grown. To compare catch rates and the size of fish collected, we set similarly configured nets of both mesh materials on the same day at standard survey locations. The most common species captured in the survey were lake trout (52%), yellow perch (19%), lake whitefish (15%), longnose sucker (8%), white sucker (4%) and burbot (1%). Monofilament nets were more efficient in capturing lake whitefish and longnose sucker and equally efficient in capturing other species. On average, nearly three times (2.85) as many lake whitefish were captured in monofilaments nets, and two times as many longnose suckers (2.13). Larger lake whitefish and yellow perch were captured in monofilament nets, whereas lake trout were slightly smaller. For other fish species, similar sizes were captured in each net material. This evaluation incorporated broad replication (298 paired nets) and representation from diverse locations and depth strata in Lake Michigan to inform gear conversion efforts and allow for adjustments as needed in gear conversion efforts.  相似文献   

Restoration of a wild-produced lake trout Salvelinus namaycush population in Lake Ontario has not been successful despite the adult population often meeting or exceeding restoration targets. Lack of high-quality spawning habitat in Lake Ontario is suggested as one impediment to recruitment of wild lake trout, although the quantity and location of spawning habitat is poorly understood. If high-quality spawning habitat is limited in Lake Ontario, lake trout may be using uncommon spawning locations such as rivers. Anecdotal angler accounts point to the Niagara River as a lake trout spawning location. To better understand the potential of the Niagara River as a spawning location, egg and juvenile fish collections were conducted 12–14 river kilometers from the mouth of the Niagara River from 2010 to 2012; and mature female lake trout with surgically implanted acoustic tags were monitored from 2015 to 2019. Genetic analyses confirmed 60% of collected eggs and 93% of collected post-hatch juvenile fish in the Niagara River were lake trout. Tagged female lake trout returned to the Niagara River over consecutive years during the spawning season. The short duration of lake trout presence in the river (mean = 56 days/year) suggests female lake trout use the Niagara River primarily for spawning. Diversity in spawning locations may provide lake trout population’s resilience against environmental variability through a portfolio effect. Improved identification of riverine spawning locations, including their overall contribution to wild recruitment, may be a useful tool for managers to restore a wild-produced population of lake trout in Lake Ontario.  相似文献   

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