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Mud-dominated sediments in Presque Isle Bay are contaminated with metals and hydrocarbons derived from developed watershed and atmospheric sources. Prior to this study, the quantities, rates, and spatial distribution of long-term sedimentation and erosion in the bay were largely unknown. As a result, the fate of contaminated bay-floor sediments and possible rates of natural recovery for this Area of Concern (AOC) could not be determined. To provide baseline data useful to state and federal agencies monitoring recovery of the bay, this paper identifies: (1) the quantities, rates and patterns of 20th Century sedimentation and erosion, (2) the major sediment inputs and outputs for the bay, and (3) the implications of the sedimentary regime on possible future rates of bay recovery. Bathymetric and sedimentological data show that 20th Century net accumulation totaled approximately 3.94 × 106 m3 which is equivalent to a dry sediment loading of 5.92 × 109 kg (5.92 × 106 t), or 6.29 kg/m2/yr (1.28 lb/ft2/yr) when averaged over the accretional 70% of the bay. This external loading represents approximately 50% of total accretion because externally derived sediments are augmented with resuspended sediments from shallow-water parts of the bay. The principal sediment inputs were littoral drift from ephemeral and permanent inlets (∼42%), artificial infilling along the shoreline (∼28%), streams (∼16%), bank/bluff erosion (∼12%), and biological production (∼2%). Dredging was the principal output. Based on long-term average sedimentation rates and patterns, recovery of the AOC through natural sediment capping will take at least several decades if source contaminants are removed.  相似文献   

Population structure and fecundity of freshwater mussels can be difficult to assess due to the benthic habitat and complex life cycles of these organisms. However, rapid and reliable classification of unionids can be accomplished with polymerase chain reaction if species-specific DNA primers are established. In this report we describe the sequence analysis of the ITS1 and ITS2 regions from five mussel species (Amblema plicata, Fusconia flava, Lampsilis siliquoidea, Ligumia nasuta, and Pyganodon grandis) isolated from a refuge in Lake Erie. Sequence comparison revealed strong similarities between A. plicata and F. flava and between L. siliquoidea and L.nasuta. P. grandis contained regions of additional DNA not present within the other species. Our study confirmed the placement of Ligumia nasuta within the Lampsilinae. The analysis also revealed DNA sequences within the ITS1 and ITS2 regions that are species-specific. Thus, the development of species-specific PCR primers can be utilized for analysis of adult populations and for glochidia on host fish.  相似文献   

Tumor rate and population estimates for brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) in Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie were monitored between 1992 and 1999. Fish were collected by electrofishing and trapnet. Skin tumor (grossly observable external lesions) rate decreased from 61% in 1992 to 19% in 1999. Liver tumor rate decreased from 22% in 1992 to 0% in 1999. Length-frequency histograms, collection of young of year in seines, and field observations of reproductively active adults indicate that the population is reproducing. Population estimates from a mark-recapture index resulted in similar estimates for 1992 and 1999. These results suggest an improvement in habitat quality and the general health of the brown bullhead population.  相似文献   

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga mussels (D. bugensis) have received much attention since they were first reported in the Great Lakes. Predation by fishes may be an important factor in regulating dreissenid populations, but the extent to which fish prey on them is not entirely clear. Pumpkinseeds (Lepomis gibbosus) are known to be effective predators of mollusks, but bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus) do not generally prey heavily on mollusks. Analysis of stomach contents of pumpkinseeds and bluegills collected from Presque Isle Bay of Lake Erie (Erie, Pennsylvania) revealed considerable differences in the diets of the two species. Specifically, dreissenids were the most important food item in the diet of pumpkinseeds and composed 63% of the volume of their diet. In contrast, dreissenids were relatively unimportant in the diet of bluegills and composed only 2.3% of the volume of their diet. Although bluegills and pumpkinseeds differed considerably in their consumption of dreissenids and other prey items, no clear differences in PCB concentrations were detected between the two species. Thus bluegills must acquire most of their PCBs from prey other than dreissenids.  相似文献   

The food habits of young lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) were studied by examining the digestive tracts of 293 young-of-the-year collected in Presque Isle Harbor, Lake Superior. Lake trout in the 25 to 27-mm length range started to eat food organisms before all of their yolk material was absorbed. Organisms consumed by the 25 to 27-mm young-of-the-year included Chironomidae, Copepoda (Harpacticoida, Calanoida, Cyclopoida), and Cladocerea (Daphnia spp., Bosmina sp., Chydorus sp.). Chironomid pupae and chironomid larvae accounted for 74% and 5%, respectively, of the total volume of food eaten by the young lake trout in Presque Isle Harbor. Although copepods, cladocerans, and mysids were present in many stomachs, their contribution to the total volume of food was only 15%. Some lake trout in the 32 to 54-mm length range had consumed fry of sculpin (Cottus spp.) or rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), but the overall contribution of fish fry to the total volume of food was only 4% (frequency of occurrence, 10%). The lake trout in Presque Isle Harbor fed heavily on planktonic organisms, sparingly on benthic organisms, and were opportunistic feeders that appeared to prey on whatever forage organisms were available in the shallow nearshore waters.  相似文献   

Liver pathology of fishes, including neoplastic and preneoplastic lesions, is widely used as an indicator of exposure to anthropogenic contaminants. By definition, the “fish tumor or other deformities” beneficial use impairment (BUI) at Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOC) includes neoplastic and preneoplastic liver lesions in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) or suckers. Unfortunately, adequate guidelines for defining neoplastic and preneoplastic liver lesions or determining rates at unimpacted control sites were not provided and different criteria have been used. In some cases, only neoplastic changes were used to calculate tumor prevalence, in some both neoplastic and preneoplastic changes and in some it is difficult to determine which changes were included. Using standardized criteria, the prevalence of liver neoplasia was compared at eight AOC during 1998–2000. The Cuyahoga River had the highest prevalence (25.0%), while the Maumee River had the lowest (3.9%). The Buffalo (4.8%), Detroit (5.9%), Ashtabula (6.8%), Niagara (7.5%) and Black (8.9%) rivers were intermediate, as was Presque Isle Bay (7.1%). From 2002 to 2007 the prevalence of liver neoplasia at Presque Isle Bay ranged from a low of 2.1% (2002) to a high of 12.0% (2007). Non-AOC sites, as potential reference sites, also were monitored during this time. By combining years and sites, the prevalence of liver neoplasia in bullhead (aged 2 to 12 years) at inland lakes was 0.7%, at bays/harbors was 1.6% and at tributary sites was 4.1%. This is the same trend (inland lakes < bays/harbors < tributaries < Presque Isle Bay) noted for orocutaneous neoplasms.  相似文献   

The “fish tumor or other deformities” beneficial use impairment (BUI) occurs at 9 of the 12 areas of concern (AOC) on Lake Erie. As point sources are mitigated and remediation occurs, AOC are faced with determining delisting criteria. The lack of standardized analyses for this BUI has confounded that process. For orocutaneous tumors, different criteria (presumptive tumors and/or abnormal barbels) and methodology (gross versus microscopic observations) have been used. Hence, this project evaluated tumors at numerous AOC and non-AOC sites and compared methodology. In 1998–2000 the prevalence of presumptive orocutaneous tumors and barbel abnormalities was compared in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) collected at eight AOC. The Black (46.7%), Buffalo (29.3%), Cuyahoga (58.9%), and Detroit (26.5%) rivers and Presque Isle Bay (28.6%) had high prevalences of orocutaneous tumors, while the Niagara (10%), Maumee (3.9%) and Ashtabula (4.4%) rivers were lower. From 2002 to 2007 the prevalence of orocutaneous tumors at Presque Isle Bay was consistently near 30%. A variety of non-AOC sites, as potential reference sites, were also monitored during this time. By combining years and sites the prevalence of orocutaneous tumors in bullhead (age 2–12 years) at inland lakes was 6.3%, at Long Point Inner Bay was 8.7%, at other bays and harbors was 14.6% and at tributary sites was 12.5%. Overall, 93% of the raised lesions identified as presumptive tumors grossly were verified as neoplasms microscopically. The prevalence of orocutaneous tumors increased with age at both Presque Isle Bay and Long Point Inner Bay, the sites with the largest sample sizes.  相似文献   

This study provides species-specific catch and baseline mortality estimates of non-target species (by-catch) for the Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron commercial trap net fishery. By-catch can represent a significant mortality source that is often unknown. By-catch and by-catch mortality rates in the Saginaw Bay commercial trap net fishery, which primarily targets lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), yellow perch (Perca flavescens), and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), are currently unknown. From May through August 2010, we observed onboard commercial trap net vessels and took species-specific counts of by-catch and estimated initial by-catch mortality (i.e., morbid or floating fish). The high levels of walleye (Sander vitreus) catch and mortality observed within inner Saginaw Bay have not been previously documented in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Walleye by-catch averaged 127.3 individuals per trap net lift and 42% of those caught were morbid. The levels of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) catch observed were within the range observed in previous studies, but mortality (percent) was higher than has been previously observed. Lake trout by-catch averaged 39.4 individuals per lift and 39.2% of those were morbid. Through the use of generalized linear models, this analysis also indicated factors that most influenced catch of non-target species including time of year and soak time (i.e., time interval between trap net lifts). Surface water temperature and trap net depth most influenced mortality. These results may inform fishers and fisheries managers and highlight the need for comprehensive by-catch monitoring throughout the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Six years (2009–2015) of temperature and dissolved oxygen profile data show hypoxic conditions are common in the bottom waters of southern Green Bay, Lake Michigan during the summer. Depleted oxygen concentrations (<5?mg?L?1) affect nearly 70% of the 38 stations sampled representing an area of ~500–600?km2. Stratification typically lasts 2+?months, from late June to early September, and some stations exhibit bottom water hypoxia (<2?mg?L?1) at a frequency of nearly 25% when sampled during this period. A monitoring program initiated in 1986 by the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District has provided a 23?year, recreational season record (May–September) of continuous (15?min interval) in situ bottom water oxygen and temperature measurements at the Entrance Light station of the Green Bay navigational channel. The duration of the hypoxic season ranges from 2?weeks to over 3?months at this shallow 7?m offshore site. This variability likely results from a combination of thermal stratification, oxygen consumption in deeper waters of the bay, and physical forcing mechanisms that drive cool, oxygen depleted, bottom waters on a southerly trajectory across this sensor. These data suggest the duration of hypoxic conditions may have increased during the stratified season in recent years. Hypoxia in the bay would also appear to be sensitive to relatively small changes in these forces, particularly changes in organic carbon loading and the duration of stratification.  相似文献   

Embayments on large lakes may be affected by water exchange with the lake that, in turn, impact water quality in the embayment. In this study we examine the influence of hydrodynamic factors that may play a role in controlling water quality in Sodus Bay, the largest enclosed embayment on the U.S. shoreline of Lake Ontario. The motivation for this study was the occurrence of a blue-green algal (cyanobacterial) bloom in 2010, and the need to understand the factors that influence this and other water quality issues. A hydrodynamic model with high spatial and temporal resolution was applied and calibrated to field data collected in a detailed sampling program in 2013. The model, along with field data collected over several additional years, was then used to develop a comprehensive understanding of the hydrodynamic impacts on physical conditions in the bay. A primary result of this process is a determination of the importance of flow exchange between Lake Ontario and Sodus Bay, particularly during lake upwelling periods that cause colder water to enter the bay as an underflow. Hydrodynamic features identified to have played a potential role in the bloom formation of 2010 include a lake upwelling event, strong stratification, and relatively warm conditions throughout much of the summer. Lack of continuous monitoring in 2010 precludes a specific comparison of the model and data when the bloom formed, but the model clearly shows conditions that would have led to a bloom, assuming other preconditions were in place. The customized hydrodynamic model provides opportunities for future ecological modeling, hypothesis development, and what-if scenario testing. This study reinforces the importance of hydrodynamic interactions between lakes and embayments, and their impacts on water quality.  相似文献   

Zoobenthos and sediments from the littoral zones in western Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay were sampled. Littoral zones were inhabited mostly by infaunal species of Tubificidae and Chironomidae. Particle size and organic content of sediments were highly and significantly correlated with abundance and mean size of zoobenthic groups; weight and mean size of zoobenthos were greatest in organically rich silts and clays, and least in organically poor sands. Relative abundance and mean size of zoobenthos in sands were greatly influenced by the proximity of fine-grained sediments. Sandy sediments next to muddy sediments had zoobenthic groups with weights and mean size similar to those in adjacent muddy sediments. Low to moderate densities of submerged macrophytes on muddy sediments had a small, non-significant (p>.05) impact on zoobenthic abundance and composition compared to similar sediments without macrophytes. In well-mixed littoral zones, with sediments of diameters less than 1.5 mm, particle size and organic matter in sediment may serve as a reliable index to standing stocks of zoobenthos.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) are a growing problem in freshwater systems worldwide. CyanoHABs are well documented in Green Bay, Lake Michigan but little is known about cyanoHAB toxicity. This study characterized the diversity and spatial distribution of toxic or otherwise bioactive cyanobacterial peptides (TBPs) in Green Bay. Samples were collected in 2014 and 2015 during three cruises at sites spanning the mouth of the Fox River north to Chambers Island. Nineteen TBPs were analyzed including 11?microcystin (MC) variants, nodularin, three anabaenopeptins, three cyanopeptolins and microginin-690. Of the 19 TBPs, 12 were detected in at least one sample, and 94% of samples had detectable TBPs. The most prevalent TBPs were MCRR and MCLR, present in 94% and 65% of samples. The mean concentration of all TBPs was highest in the Fox River and lower bay, however, the maximum concentration of all TBPs occurred in the same sample north of the lower bay. MCs were positively correlated with chlorophyll and negatively correlated with distance to the Fox River in all cruises along a well-established south-to-north trophic gradient in Green Bay. The mean concentration of MC in the lower bay across all cruises was 3.0?±?2.3?μg/L. Cyanopeptolins and anabaenopeptins did not trend with the south-north trophic gradient or varied by cruise suggesting their occurrence is driven by different environmental factors. Results from this study provide evidence that trends in TBP concentration differ by congener type over a trophic gradient.  相似文献   

Breeding birds and anurans (frogs and toads) in coastal wetlands of Green Bay, Lake Michigan vary dynamically with changing water levels, habitat type, and geography. We describe species assemblages over a seven-year period (2011–2017) beginning with historic low water levels followed by an increase in average lake level of 0.85?m. In general, species richness and abundance of marsh-obligate species responded positively to increasing water levels, although several species of shallow wetlands (sandhill crane, sedge wren, swamp sparrow, and American toad) showed the opposite trend. Anuran assemblages were more diverse in the middle and upper bay, coinciding with a well-established nutrient gradient from the hypereutrophic lower bay to more oligotrophic waters of the upper bay. Three marsh-obligate bird species (black tern, sandhill crane, and sedge wren) were significantly more abundant in the middle or upper bay while sora, American coot, and common gallinule were more abundant in the eutrophic lower bay. Our findings have several important implications for conservation. Inland wetlands near the coast (including diked wetlands) might play a key ecological role by providing refugia for some species during low water years. However, the importance of shallow coastal wetlands and nearshore gradients of wetland habitat might be overlooked during low water years; when high water returns, these areas can become extremely productive and species-rich.  相似文献   

Organic pollution in lower Green Bay, Lake Michigan over the past century was accompanied by the local extirpation of Hexagenia (primarily H. limbata) mayflies. Recoveries were made in other systems where population crashes had occurred (e.g., western Lake Erie); however, an active recovery does not appear to be taking place in Green Bay. Excessive primary production has caused substantial benthic organic matter accumulation resulting in a fluidized “sludge-like” substrate as the majority of the sub-littoral habitat. Fluidized substrate potentially hinders Hexagenia nymphs' abilities to construct and maintain burrows critical to their life cycles. In this study, Hexagenia bilineata nymphs were collected from an Upper Mississippi River backwater where their presence at high densities in relatively fluid sediment had been observed, and reared in oxygenated aquaria containing lower Green Bay or Upper Mississippi River sediment. Their survival, growth, secondary production, and biomass turnover were calculated for a 166 day period. Seventy-five percent of nymphs survived or metamorphosed into winged sub-imagos in lower Green Bay substrates compared to 40.6% in Upper Mississippi River substrates. Nymph dry weight more than tripled in Green Bay substrates and more than doubled on Upper Mississippi River substrates. Production was notably higher in lower Green Bay substrates. Differences in survival and production between the two treatments were statistically significant (P < 0.05), while differences in growth and biomass turnover were not (P > 0.05). Based on these results, the high fluidity of lower Green Bay substrates did not appear to hinder burrow construction or maintenance.  相似文献   

In nearly every instance in which the environment has been sampled on a higher resolution in time or space, fundamental processes have come to light that were previously undetected or unobserved. In this study, an autonomous dissolved phosphate sensor was deployed at the Entrance Light station in lower Green Bay, Lake Michigan in 2012 and 2013. Hourly phosphate sensor measurements were compared with other real time sensor data to gain insights into the processes occurring at this site. Results showed that the water column at this location undergoes repeated stratification and turnover during the course of the summer. Often, the stratification results from intrusions of cold hypolimnetic bottom water from the north, while turnover is associated with significant northerly and/or easterly wind events. It was observed that, during calm periods, dissolved phosphate concentrations increased at a rate that was stoichiometrically consistent with the consumption of dissolved oxygen during the remineralization of organic matter; specifically, areal oxygen consumption rates ranged from 3.2 to 43?mmol?m?2?d?1 and oxygen to phosphate ratios ranged from 120 to 210. At other times, the inverse relationship between dissolved oxygen and dissolved phosphate was not stoichiometrically linked; during these times, areal oxygen depletion rates ranged from 51 to 240?mmol?m?2?d?1 and oxygen to phosphate ratios ranged from 260 to 2300. Future strategic deployment of multiple in situ dissolved phosphate and other nutrient sensors will enhance the understanding of nutrient cycling in this important aquatic system.  相似文献   

Larval fish were sampled in Long Point Bay each summer in 1971–78 by towing ½– and 1-m diameter plankton nets at about 1 m/s. We report on the analysis of 2,576 tows, giving detailed consideration to sampling problems and statistical methods. The most common larvae were rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), caught in about 50% of the tows, and yellow perch (perca flavescens), clupeids, and cyprinids, caught in about 10 to 20% of the tows. Most of the data contained too high proportions of zero catches to be transformed to approximately normal distribution, and were therefore analyzed using the log-linear model rather than by analysis of variance. Except for cyprinids, larval fish seemed to be scarce in surface waters during the day. Small (4 to 10 mm long) smelt and perch larvae were caught more frequently in 526– than in 782–μm mesh nets. Very few perch and cyprinid larvae longer than 10 mm were ever caught. This, and a more rapid decline of daytime than nighttime catches of larval smelt through the mid-summer, suggests that the nets were avoided by at least the larger larvae. If avoidance of sampling gear is substantial, larval fish abundances may be overestimated in years of slow growth when the larvae remain catchable longer. We saw no evidence that the recent industrial development at Nanticoke, Ontario, has affected larval fish abundances so far. As the annual mean densities of larval fish varied 15-fold or more, it would require several years of observation to detect any but drastic future change from the current levels of abundance.  相似文献   

为研究太湖流域上游长荡湖、滆湖、竺山湾三大典型浅水湖泊藻类功能群结构组成与环境因子的关系,基于2019年2月至2020年10月水文、水质及浮游植物数据,采用Q指数、香农-维纳多样性指数、TLI综合富营养化指数分析了3个湖泊的水质状况,采用非度量多维尺度变换(NMDS)分析了浮游植物群落结构组成特征,采用冗余分析探讨了浮游植物功能群与环境因子的关系。结果表明:长荡湖和滆湖水质整体属于轻度富营养化,竺山湾除冬季外,均属于中度富营养化;长荡湖、滆湖、竺山湾分别有浮游植物7门61属96种、8门75属129种和6门53属124种,分别划分为9、10和11个优势功能群;3个湖泊藻类功能群变化的共同环境因子是水温、高锰酸盐指数和总磷,而总氮和氮磷比对3个湖泊功能群结构变化的作用并不明显。  相似文献   

Colonization of the Laurentian Great Lakes by the invasive mussel Dreissena polymorpha was a significant ecological disturbance. The invasion reached Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, in 1991 and initially cleared the waters and lowered algal biomass. However, an unexpected result occurred 3 years after the initial invasion with the return of nuisance summer blooms of cyanobacteria, a problem that had been successfully addressed with the implementation of phosphorus controls in the late 1970s. A multi-class phytoplankton model was developed and tested against field observations and then used to explore the causes of these temporal changes. Model scenarios suggest that changes in the phytoplankton community can be linked to three zebra mussel-mediated effects: (1) removal of particles resulting in clearer water, (2) increased recycle of available phosphorus throughout the summer, and (3) selective rejection of certain Microcystis strains. Light inhibition of certain phytoplankton assemblages and the subsequent alteration of competitive dynamics is a novel result of this model. These results enhance our understanding of the significant role of zebra mussels in altering lower trophic level dynamics of Saginaw Bay and suggest that their physical re-engineering of the aquatic environment was the major force driving changes in the phytoplankton community composition.  相似文献   

During an 11-day period in August 2008, we visited 102 sites along the nearshore (~ 60 km) of Long Point Bay. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the effects of wave exposure and hydrologic connectivity on zooplankton distributions. Long Point is located within the UNESCO Long Point Biosphere Reserve (26,250 ha) and encompasses the largest wetland complex in the Great Lakes system. We sampled for zooplankton, aquatic vegetation, temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, dissolved organic carbon, water clarity, total nitrogen and depth. We evaluated the impacts of exposure using wind and fetch data to calculate a Relative Exposure Index (REI). Ordination techniques revealed a large variation in physical disturbance, water clarity, nutrient concentrations, water chemistry and aquatic vegetation that explained the distribution pattern of zooplankton at the 102 sites. Gradients of REI are strongly positively correlated with environmental variables, such as pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature and highly negatively correlated with conductivity and dissolved organic carbon. Visual inspection of the ordination site scores revealed the 102 sites clustering into six main groups based on spatial location and degree of surface-water connectivity to Long Point Bay. Sheltered sites (low REI) have much higher abundance of zooplankton whereas sites that have high REI scores are characterized by relatively low zooplankton abundance with a high prevalence of Polyarthra sp. This is the largest study on the distribution pattern of zooplankton in Long Point Bay, and it highlights the importance of wave exposure and hydrologic connectivity in structuring the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

Changes in abundance, taxonomic composition, and the seasonal succession of phytoplankton have been evaluated at seven stations in the vicinity of Nanticoke, east of Long Point Bay, Lake Erie from 1969 to 1978. Quantitative measurements of phytoplankton were recorded as Areal Standard Units per millilitre (A.S. U. per mL). The 10-year mean value was 374 A.S. U. per mL. Annual means over the 10-year period varied from a low of 224 A.S. U. per mL in 1969 to a high of 606 A.S.U. per mL in 1978.Seasonal succession patterns and biomass levels showed fluctuation expressing unimodal, bimodal, and even trimodal peaks from station to station and year to year. 1969 and 1974 had abnormally low levels of phytoplankton biomass while 1970 and 1978 showed mean biomass values that were exceptionally higher than the 10-year mean. A total of 240 taxa were recorded during the 10 years of study, 35 of which were present during all years.Temperature data collected at the same stations suggested that 1970 and 1973 were years in which the water was slightly warmer but followed very closely a normal seasonal curve ranging from 5°C in April to a maximum of 22°C in August. A comparison of seasonal succession of phytoplankton to temperature did not show any direct or inverse relationship to years in which one or the other parameter deviated from the normal pattern.Due to the similarity of the algal community in its year-to-year seasonal development and taxonomic composition, the ten years of data presented in this study should provide a sound data base for future comparisons of nearshore phytoplankton in Lake Erie.  相似文献   

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