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Underwater video is increasingly used to study aspects of the Great Lakes benthos including the abundance of round goby and dreissenid mussels. The introduction of these species has resulted in major ecological shifts in the Great Lakes, but the abundance and impacts of these species have heretofore been underassessed due to limitations of monitoring methods. Underwater video (UVID) can “sample” hard bottom sites where grab samplers cannot. Efficient use of UVID data requires affordable and accurate classification and analysis tools. Deep Lake Explorer (DLE) is a web application developed to support crowdsourced classification of UVID collected in the Great Lakes. Volunteers (i.e., the crowd) used DLE to classify 199 videos collected in the Niagara River, Lake Huron, and Lake Ontario for the presence of round gobies, dreissenid mussels, or aquatic vegetation, and for dominant substrate type. We compared DLE classification results to expert classification of the same videos to evaluate accuracy. DLE had the lowest agreement with expert classification for hard substrate (77%), and highest agreement for vegetation presence (90%), with intermediate agreement for round goby and mussel presence (89% and 79%, respectively). Video quality in the application, video processing, abundance of species of interest, volunteer experience, and task complexity may have affected accuracy. We provide recommendations for future crowdsourcing projects like DLE, which can increase timeliness and decrease costs for classification but may come with tradeoffs in accuracy and completeness.  相似文献   

The ability for individuals to adapt to local food sources likely allows for regional persistence of aquatic populations. In the Laurentian Great Lakes, invasive species and changing physical conditions have vastly altered local and regional food webs, leading to the potential for variation in energy flow up to large predators. To assess the potential that prey fish condition varies spatially, we examined patterns in proportion dry weight of prey fishes collected from Lake Michigan nearshore areas (<16 m) in 2010 and 2011. Absolute pairwise differences in dry weight of fishes were as high as 9% between some of our sampling sites, but sites exhibiting relatively high or low values were patchily spread across the lake. The range of proportion dry weight values observed in our study do encompass previously-reported mean values; however, the values reported in our study are slightly lower than those previously reported for Lake Michigan. In contrast to previous studies, our analyses do not suggest that variation in prey fish condition exhibits a consistent spatial pattern around nearshore Lake Michigan, and high within-site variation of prey fish condition prevents strong conclusions about specific sites providing generally more (or less) energy-rich prey to predators.  相似文献   

Understanding factors like fish size and condition can be crucial to fisheries management. In the Great Lakes, long-term observations of these factors are used to describe the effects of ecosystem dynamics on fish ecology. Considering the diversity of available benthic habitat and dynamic environmental conditions in the nearshore zone of Lake Michigan, we sought to understand the variability in length-at-age and condition of yellow perch and round goby, two important members of the nearshore fish community. We measured these metrics from both species captured in gillnets across three locations in Illinois waters of southwest Lake Michigan from June through October 2008–2012 and related the spatiotemporal differences seen to observed variation in temperature, prey abundance, and competitor abundance. Yellow perch length-at-age varied annually for all three age-classes, with differences relating to thermal regime (age-0 and age-2) and alewife abundance (age-1). Yellow perch condition, measured as residual weight, varied spatially and annually, showing a negative relationship with round goby abundance. Round goby length-at-age was greater at the southern location, likely due to warmer temperatures, while condition was greater at the rockier location. In general, model selection analysis revealed several potential relationships between the relative abundances of competitor species and length and condition of yellow perch and round goby, while prey abundance may be related to round goby condition. These results demonstrate the importance of understanding the diversity in nearshore habitats and the influence of this diversity on factors affecting fish production, including size and condition, in southwest Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

使用水下电视系统对哈尔滨市西泉眼水库溢洪道及附属结构进行了检查,查明了表面混凝土受冲蚀磨损和骨料出露情况,为水库溢洪道整体评价和管理提供了可靠的依据。实际应用表明,水下电视是进行库区水下结构损伤检查和安全评价的有效手段。  相似文献   

介绍了“全球定位系统的技术动态RTK配合数字测深仪共同进行水库水下地形图测量“的方法,并对数字化成图及库容计算等进行了较为详细的说明,针对使用中遇到的问题进行了总结.  相似文献   

The Eurasian round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) invaded the freshwater North American Great Lakes in ~ 1990 via accidental introduction from ballast water discharge. Its genotypes in the Great Lakes traced to estuaries in the northern Black Sea, where the round goby flourishes in a variety of salinities to 22 parts per thousand (ppt). To prevent further introductions, U.S. and Canadian Coast Guard regulations now require that vessels exchange ballast water at sea before entering the Great Lakes. Since salinity tolerance of the invasive round goby population is poorly understood, we tested 230 laboratory-acclimated fish in three experimental scenarios: (1) rapid salinity increases (0–40 ppt), simulating ballast water exchange, (2) step-wise salinity increases, as during estuarine tidal fluxes or migration from fresh to saltwater, and (3) long-term survivorship and growth (to 4 months) at acclimated salinities. Almost all gobies survived experiments at 0–20 ppt, whereas none survived ≥ 30 ppt, and at 25 ppt only 15% withstood rapid changes and 30% survived step-wise increases. Ventilation frequencies were lowest at 10–15 ppt in step-wise experiments, in conditions that were near isotonic with fish internal plasma concentrations, reflecting lower energy expenditure for osmoregulation. Growth rates appeared greatest at 5–10 ppt, congruent with the larger sizes reached by gobies in Eurasian brackish waters. Thus, we predict that the Great Lakes round goby would thrive in brackish water estuaries along North American coasts, if introduced. However, oceanic salinities appear fatal to the invasive round goby, which likely cannot withstand complete seawater ballast exchanges or oceanic habitats.  相似文献   

水下抛石护岸施工工艺和质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了多年来长江抛石护岸工程的施工经验,归纳了水下抛石护岸施工工艺流程和质量控制要点.工程应用表明,通过准确定位、掌握落距、划分网格、合理挂档、定量抛投的方法,可以实现抛石厚度的均匀性,满足设计和规范要求.  相似文献   

以水利普查数据审核相关技术规定为依据,通过Visual Basic直接调用水利普查成果的Excel文件进行数据审核与处理,研发了水利普查数据汇总审核和水量汇总平衡预审核系统,统一了各级水利普查机构数据汇总审核标准,提高了审核效率、加快审核进度和确保成果质量。为便于各级水利普查审核人员操作,从数据导出、参数设置、资料录入、数据审核及结果分析等方面对该系统的使用方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

冯永祥  来记桃 《人民长江》2017,48(14):82-85
水工建筑物的现场检查是保障电站运行安全的重要手段,受检查手段的限制,高水头水电站压力管道的检查长期无法正常开展。结合二滩水电站工程实际,开展了压力管道水下检查方法研究,在压力管道充水状态下,采用遥控式水下机器人(ROV)进行水下摄像检查,首次实现了遥控式水下机器人检查技术在高水头多弯段项目检查中的应用,检查结果达到预期要求。相关技术可供类似工程的后期运行维护人员借鉴。  相似文献   

A type of distributed pump-jet propulsion system (DPJP) is developed with two or four specially designed pump-jet pods located around the axisymmetric underwater vehicle body symmetrically. The flow field is numerically simulated by solving the RANS equations with the finite volume method. The computational method is validated by comparing the calculated hull resistances of the SUBOFF AFF-3 model and the open water performance of a ducted propeller with experimental data. The hydrodynamic performances of the DPJP with different axial or radial positions and numbers of pump-jet pods are obtained to analyze the interactions between the hull and the pump-jet pods. It is shown in the calculated results that the decrease of the distance between the pods and the hull leads to an increase both in the efficiency of the pods and the thrust deduction factor due to the effect of the stern wake. And, a negative thrust deduction factor can be obtained by locating the DPJP at the parallel middle body near the aftbody of the vehicle to improve the hydrodynamic performance of the DPJP. Besides, the increase of the number of pods will cause a remarkable decrease of the total propulsive efficiency of the DPJP with the pods mounted on the stern planes, while a small decline of the total propulsive efficiency of the DPJP is observed with the pods mounted on the parallel middle body.  相似文献   

水工建筑物的安全防护关系着国防和民生安全,目前还缺少有效的指标评估水下爆炸冲击波对大坝等结构的作用。水下爆炸冲击波通常以球状向四周传波,本文推导了球面波作用下结构的总能量,由此建立了水下爆炸冲击因子衡量结构的振动与变形响应。针对正面挡水、背面临空的平板结构,分别开展了数值模拟及离心水下爆炸试验研究,通过数值模拟,验证了在相同冲击因子条件下,爆距的变化几乎不影响平板产生的应变能和动能。随后采用本文所得的冲击因子对离心水下爆炸试验结果进行整理,并与传统的比例距离、平面波冲击因子等指标的分析结果进行对比。本文所得的冲击因子可以统一描述近场和远场水下爆炸作用。  相似文献   

水下航行体艏部低噪声线型的声学设计方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文按照Lauchle提出的过渡区湍流猝发的单极子声辐射理论,在确定航行体线型和计算势流分布的基础上,通过计算边界层厚度和转捩点位置、确定湍流斑猝发的统计特性,再由适当近似计算过渡区的声辐射,从而建立水下航行体艏部低噪声线型的声学设计方法。数值计算表明优化的艏部线型与国外资料中的艏部优化线型十分接近,艏部声纳部位自噪声的计算结果与模型试验结果相比,在3kHz以上频段偏差小于3dB。  相似文献   

Native diadromous fishes have been extirpated from much of the Susquehanna River system for nearly a century. Recent restoration efforts have focused on removal of dams, but there are hundreds of dams and presently there is no biologically based system to assist in prioritizing their removal. We present a new method that uses existing habitat suitability index models (HSI) for American shad Alosa sapidissima, alewife A. pseudoharengus, blueback herring A. aestivalis, and American eel Anguilla rostrata to prioritize the removal of non‐hydropower dams within the Susquehanna River system. We ranked HSI scores for each of the four species, association between a landscape‐scale factor and HSIs, length of river opened by removing a dam, and distance from the mouth at Chesapeake Bay for each dam and then calculated a mean rank prioritization for dam removal by averaging the ranks for the seven criteria. This prioritization method is resistant to outliers, is not strongly affected by somewhat arbitrary decisions on metrics included in the analysis, and provides a biologically based prioritization for dam removal that can be easily amended to include other metrics or adapted to other river systems and that complements other social and economic considerations that must be included in decisions to remove dams. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

结合某水电工程施工的实践,介绍了水电施工现场无线视频监控系统的总体设计方案,分析了无线视频监控系统的关键技术,并提出了改进意见.  相似文献   

介绍使用VisualBasic开发工具和MicrosoftAccess2000数据库软件开发的回弹法检测混凝土抗压强度数据处理系统的功能与回弹检测数据自动处理的实现过程.该应用系统可以实现回弹检测数据的自动计算与查询,减少检测人员的工作量,提高回弹检测数据处理的精确度,从而有效地提高回弹检测的工作效率.  相似文献   

基于AutoCAD使用Visual Basic 6.0研制与开发拱坝应力分析CAD系统,有助于设计者提高设计工作效率和质量.  相似文献   

本专家系统以船闸设计规范为基础,吸收了国内外已有船闸输水系统的科研成果和工程经验。当用户输入船闸设计条件的基本参数后,专家系统即可自动选择输水系统模式和尺寸,并进行水力计算和评估,如不满足设计要求,可调整输水系统布置和参数,直至满足。  相似文献   

基于VB的水电站电气一、二次CAD系统计算模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张宁  张渭  李秀丽 《水力发电》2005,31(6):41-44
结合Visual Basic的可视化运行界面和结构化程序设计模式构建了一种通用型水电站电气CAD系统计算模型,该模型克服了旧的程序设计语言的不足,代替繁琐的手工计算,尤其是利用VB建立的选择结构的短路计算、Sub子过程的电器设备选择和防雷接地及继电保护整定计算、Function函数过程的投资费、运行费三大结构化设计计算模块,具有良好的通用性和可移植性,为进一步优化水电站电气设计结构提供了依据。  相似文献   

张良 《江淮水利科技》2022,17(4):14-16,23
为推进临淮岗工程信息化建设,根据临淮岗工程中小型涵闸的实际情况,结合近年来不断发展的电子技术、移动通信技术,提出了适用于中小型涵闸视频监控系统建设的思路,以及信息采集、供电、网络传输、数据存储等关键技术的建设方案,通过试点运行,结果表明:方案的实施能满足视频监控的工作需求。为实现中小型涵闸运行管理信息化,打造“数字临淮岗”奠定基础。  相似文献   

本文建立了模拟农田SPAC (Soil Plant AtmosphereContinuum)系统中土壤水分动态 ,蒸发蒸腾、CO2 通量和光合作用的模型 .模型包括土壤水流子模型 ,根系吸水子模型 ,蒸发蒸腾子模型 ,冠层阻力 -光合作用 -CO2 通量子模型几个组成部分 .土壤水流子模型采用土壤水流的连续方程来描述 ;根系吸水子模型采用了根据Feddes模型改进得到的模型 ;蒸发蒸腾子模型采用Shuttleworth Wallace公式 ;采用叶片水平的气孔阻力 光合作用模型 ,并将其扩展到冠层尺度来确定冠层阻力、光合作用速度以及叶片气孔下腔的CO2 浓度 ,并进而确定冠层的CO2 通量 .本模型的特点是尽可能采用简便的处理方法来描述SPAC系统中的水、热、CO2 传输过程与光合作用过程 ,同时各个子模型又具有较强的机理性 .  相似文献   

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