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制造云服务组合是一种提高云制造资源利用率,实现制造资源增值的新技术,对云制造产业的快速发展具有重要的支撑作用。随着云制造技术的日益成熟,网络上出现了大量具有相同制造功能和不同服务质量的制造云服务,如何通过这些制造云服务构建出既能满足用户制造需求,又具有最优服务质量的组合服务是云制造领域面临的难题。针对这一问题,将协作学习、变异和精英保留机制引入最大最小蚁群算法,构造了具有学习和变异能力的最大最小蚁群算法,并使用该算法求解服务质量感知的制造云服务优化组合问题。仿真实验结果验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Cloud manufacturing is a new manufacturing model that aims to provide on-demand manufacturing services to consumers over the Internet. Service composition is an essential issue as well as an important technique in cloud manufacturing (CMfg) that supports construction of larger-granularity, value-added services by combining a number of smaller-granularity services to satisfy consumers’ complex requirements. Meta-heuristics algorithms such as genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and ant colony algorithm are frequently employed for addressing service composition issues in cloud manufacturing. These algorithms, however, require complex design flows and painstaking parameter tuning, and lack adaptability to dynamic environment. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) provides an alternative approach for solving cloud manufacturing service composition (CMfg-SC) issues. DRL as model-free artificial intelligent methods enables a system to learn optimal service composition solutions through training, which can therefore circumvent the aforementioned problems with meta-heuristics algorithms. This paper is dedicated to exploring possible applications of DRL in CMfg-SC. A logistics-involved QoS-aware DRL-based CMfg-SC is proposed. A dueling Deep Q-Network (DQN) with prioritized replay named PD-DQN is designed as the DRL algorithm. Effectiveness, robustness, adaptability, and scalability of PD-DQN are investigated, and compared with that of the basic DQN and Q-learning. Experimental results indicate that PD-DQN is able to effectively address the CMfg-SC problem.  相似文献   

Cloud Manufacturing Service Composition (CMSC), as one of the key issues of Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg), has already attracted much attention. Existing researches on CMSC mainly focus on the optimization efficiency in ideal conditions, while scarcely focus on how to efficiently reconfigure CMSC when service exceptions occur. Uncertain service exceptions often occur during CMSC's execution in real-life CMfg. Thus, it is an urgent issue to perform an adjustment for CMSC to continue to complete the processing task. Besides, some practical constraints are non-negligible in real-world CMfg. Thus, it is necessary to consider them when reconfiguring CMSC. To bridge these gaps, this paper proposes a dynamic service composition reconfiguration model when service exceptions occur under practical constraints (DSCRWECPC). This model redefines optimization objectives, including machining quality, service quality, and cost. Besides, DSCRWECPC considers service exceptions, the cloud manufacturing service occupancy time constraint, the strict time constraint of original CMSC, and dynamic service quality change as its practical constraints. To solve this model, this paper proposes a service composition reconfiguration algorithm (SCRIHHO) based on the strengthened Harris Hawks Optimizer (HHO). Finally, to certify SCRIHHO's performance, this paper conducts numerical experiments and the case application to perform comparisons between SCRIHHO and other algorithms (Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO)). Results showed SCRIHHO in this paper is superior to PSO, GWO when tackling the practical DSCRWECPC in CMfg.  相似文献   

Wang  Yankai  Wang  Shilong  Yang  Bo  Gao  Bo  Wang  Sibao 《Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing》2022,33(3):735-751
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing - With the increasing market features of globalization, service and customization, the way manufacturers conduct manufacturing business is changing. Under this...  相似文献   

邓式阳  杜玉越 《计算机应用》2013,33(8):2167-2170
针对海量的语义Web 服务组合中如何提高搜索速度和获得最优组合的问题,提出了一种基于服务簇和服务质量(QoS)的快速组合方法。利用预先建立的服务簇进行服务搜索,可以有效缩小搜索空间,降低语义比较的复杂度,快速得到候选服务集合。组合过程中基于服务的最优组合QoS值动态确定阈值进行服务过滤,可以获得多个最优组合。同时采用高效的冗余处理方法保证组合中冗余服务最少,并采用服务簇内部过滤的方法限制候选服务数量,解决了因组合过多造成的运行超时问题。基于海量服务库进行实验,结果表明,服务搜索效率比普通搜索方法可提高几十倍,服务过滤和冗余处理效果明显,可快速获得多个QoS最优的无冗余组合,并且在百万级服务库进行大层次深度的组合时仍可保证良好的运行性能。  相似文献   

In service-oriented manufacturing models, manufacturing resources in different enterprises are integrated and shared through network, cloud platforms, and logistics. On cloud manufacturing platforms, service providers offer on-demand manufacturing services to service demanders according to supply-demand matching results. As a special type of manufacturing services, logistics services provide transportation capabilities for production services and demanders. It is a critical issue to schedule logistics services efficiently, especially when manufacturer selections have been planned. This research focuses on the logistics scheduling problem in cloud manufacturing with pre-selected manufacturers. We analyze this optimization problem from aspects of tasks, production services, logistics services, and optimization objectives. Then a logistics scheduling method is proposed to reduce the average delivery time from manufacturers to customers. In the proposed method, the total time from start points of logistics to demanders is considered to reduce the average delivery time of all tasks. Based on four different scenarios, we build their scheduling models and run simulations to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Results show that the average task delivery time of the proposed method is shorter than three typical strategies.  相似文献   

This study optimizes service composition on the basis of task requirements to solve the problem of multitask corresponding multi-service selection. First, the basic path structure and the implementation steps of cloud manufacturing (CMfg) service composition are analyzed, and service composition is divided into four patterns. Second, the quality of service (QoS) index system of service composition is proposed by combining the six goals of time, composability, quality, usability, reliability, and cost; the calculation expressions of QoS under different composition structures are listed; and the mathematical model of CMfg service composition is established. Then, the weight of each index value in QoS evaluation is determined using an improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Finally, the optimal selection scheme of service composition is proposed by using gray relational analysis method(GM), and the validity of the optimal selection scheme is verified by an example of mold manufacturing.  相似文献   

为了进一步分析QoS历史数据的动态变化,对现有的基于QoS历史数据的云服务选择算法进行了改进。将原算法中每一时间段的评价指标权重由QoS历史数据平均值获得,修改为由该时间段对应的QoS历史数据获得,更能发挥历史数据的动态性。使用时间序列预测ARIMA模型对原QoS历史数据进行预测,把预测结果并入原数据集形成新的数据集,在新数据集上进行服务选择。设计了三个模型递进地进行实验分析,通过对比实验结果验证了改进算法的性能效果。  相似文献   

为了更好地解决服务质量感知的云服务优化组合问题,首先对社会认知算法进行了改进,提出了面向离散型优化问题的模仿学习方法以及基于多次变异的观察学习方法。然后使用改进的社会认知算法对服务质量感知的云服务优化组合问题进行了求解。实验结果表明,改进的社会认知算法具有较强的搜索能力和较快的收敛速度,并且具有较强的推广性,可以用来求解其他离散型优化问题。  相似文献   

Distributed multimedia service composition with statistical QoS assurances   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Service composition allows multimedia services to be automatically composed from atomic service components based on dynamic service requirements. Previous work falls short for distributed multimedia service composition in terms of scalability, flexibility and quality-of-service (QoS) management. In this paper, we present a fully decentralized service composition framework, called SpiderNet, to address the challenges. SpiderNet provides statistical multiconstrained QoS assurances and load balancing for service composition. Moreover, SpiderNet supports directed acyclic graph composition topologies and exchangeable composition orders. We have implemented a prototype of SpiderNet and conducted experiments on both wide-area networks and a simulation testbed. Our experimental results show the feasibility and efficiency of the SpiderNet service composition framework.  相似文献   

Recently, a lot of research has been dedicated to optimizing the QoS-aware service composition. This aims at selecting the optimal composed service from all possible service combinations regarding user's end-to-end quality requirements. Existing solutions often employ the global optimization approach, which does not show promising performance. Also, the complexity of such methods extensively depends on the number of available web-services, which continuously increase along with the growth of the Internet. Besides, the local optimization approaches have been rarely utilized, since they may violate the global constraints. In this paper, we propose a top-down structure, named quality constraints decomposition (QCD) here, to decompose the global constraints into the local constraints, using the genetic algorithm (GA). Then the best web service for each task is selected through a simple linear search. In contrast to existing methods, the QCD approach mainly depends on a limited set of tasks, which is considerably less complex, especially in the case of dynamically distributed service composition. Experimental results, based on a well-known data set of web services (QWSs), show the advantages of the QCD method in terms of computation time, considering the number of web services.  相似文献   

Web服务技术的发展使得组合Web服务的应用成为可能,组合服务的QoS优化问题的重要性越来越明显。遗传算法与蚁群算法是解决QoS全局优化的两种方法,针对采用蚁群算法进行优化时易出现的收敛速度缓慢及遗传算法易陷入局部最优解、效率不高的问题,结合两种算法的优势,充分发挥蚁群算法正反馈特性与遗传算法的快速全局搜索能力,改善QoS全局优化算法,提高了算法的优化能力,从而更好地解决了Web服务的QoS全局优化问题。  相似文献   

Cloud Manufacturing is a paradigm of intelligent manufacturing system with information opening, resource sharing, and diversified services. In order to research the issues in cloud manufacturing, such as behaviors of a service provider and service consumer, matching of service, dynamic change of resource, verification of business model, scheduling of service and evolution of service network, cloud manufacturing simulation platform is widely applied. However, the method of simulation-based on agent or rule lacks to represent the characteristics of service in cloud manufacturing. This paper presents a method of integrating the service and agent to form a service agent. The service agent integrates intelligence to the service in cloud manufacturing so that it can trade autonomously and adapt itself to the environment. A simulation case of production takt is presented in the rear of the paper. It shows that the conceptual model of the service agent and the communication architecture of the service agent can build the service agent model, which can support the cloud manufacturing simulation platform.  相似文献   

As a new service-oriented smart manufacturing paradigm, cloud manufacturing (CMfg) aims at fully sharing and circulation of manufacturing capabilities towards socialization, in which composite CMfg service optimal selection (CCSOS) involves selecting appropriate services to be combined as a composite complex service to fulfill a customer need or a business requirement. Such composition is one of the most difficult combination optimization problems with NP-hard complexity. For such an NP-hard CCSOS problem, this study proposes a new approach, called multi-population parallel self-adaptive differential artificial bee colony (MPsaDABC) algorithm. The proposed algorithm adopts multiple parallel subpopulations, each of which evolves according to different mutation strategies borrowed from the differential evolution (DE) to generate perturbed food sources for foraging bees, and the control parameters of each mutation strategy are adapted independently. Moreover, the size of each subpopulation is dynamically adjusted based on the information derived from the search process. Different scales of the CCSOS problems are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and the experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has superior performance over other hybrid and single population algorithms, especially for complex CCSOS problems.  相似文献   

Aiming at the diversity of user features, the uncertainty and the variation characteristics of quality of service (QoS), by exploiting the continuous monitoring data of cloud services, this paper proposes a multi-valued collaborative approach to predict the unknown QoS values via time series analysis for potential users. In this approach, the multi-valued QoS evaluations consisting of single-value data and time series data from consumers are transformed into cloud models, and the differences between potential users and other consumers in every period are measured based on these cloud models. Against the deficiency of existing methods of similarity measurement between cloud models, this paper presents a new vector comparison method combining the orientation similarity and dimension similarity to improve the precision of similarity calculation. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method is used to help potential users determine the objective weight of every period, and the neighboring users are selected for the potential user according to their comprehensive similarities of QoS evaluations in multiple periods. By incorporating the multi-valued QoS evaluations with the objective weights among multiple periods, the predicted results can remain consistent with the periodic variations of QoS. Finally, the experiments based on a real-world dataset demonstrate that this approach can provide high accuracy of collaborative QoS prediction for multi-valued evaluations in the cloud computing paradigm.  相似文献   

云制造环境中资源数量巨大,且广泛分布,对于业务过程而言,合理的资源组合可提高资源的选取效率以及利用率。以工作流模型为基础,根据资源之间的依赖关系构造关联度矩阵,进而采用键能算法对关联矩阵做二分变换,将依赖关系强的资源聚集到一起,形成若干个资源集。以产品设计、加工和组装为例,通过实验以及对资源选取效率的对比,验证该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

随着云计算理论和技术的成熟,越来越多的云服务得到了蓬勃发展,如何建立高质量的云服务成为了云计算研究领域的一个关键难题。服务质量QoS排序为用户从一系列功能相似的云服务候选者中挑选最优云服务提供了非常有价值的信息。为了获得云服务的QoS值,就需要调用真实的候选云服务。为了避免时间消耗和昂贵的资源浪费,提出了一种基于时间感知排序的云服务QoS预测方法。不同于传统的QoS值预测,基于QoS排序相似度的预测考虑为特定用户检测服务的排序。分时段按权计算出排序相似度,结合时间偏好合成相似度的前k位用户,用来提供信息支持QoS的缺失预测。在WS Dream真实数据集进行的实验研究表明,基于时间感知排序的云服务QoS预测方法有更好的预测精度。  相似文献   

针对当前服务组合研究主要考虑单个用户请求而忽视并发请求的问题,提出一种基于QoS模糊支配的并发服务组合方法。根据QoS模糊支配关系,提出模糊支配得分的概念,以衡量服务的整体质量。在服务组合过程中,从每个组件中选出模糊支配得分最高的k个服务,去匹配批量的用户请求。对于每个组合请求,从每个相关组件的top-k服务中随机选择一个服务参与服务组合。实验结果表明,该方法可为用户提供较高质量的组合服务,具有较好的实时性。  相似文献   

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