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Peng Zhao Zhang Huan Tang Hongtao Feng Yue Yin Weiming 《Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing》2022,33(6):1725-1746
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing - As one of the manufacturing industries with high energy consumption and high pollution, sand casting is facing major challenges in green manufacturing. In... 相似文献
根据制造网格发展的现状和方向,分析了网格资源调度的主要方法,并对Globus环境下的GSI体系结构做了深入研究,分析讨论了其任务提交执行过程和架构特点,对现有的GSI架构基础做了相关改进,构建了一个满足制造网格下部分特性的安全体系结构M-GSI,实现了实时认证和强授权功能,满足了制造网格部分安全需求。 相似文献
研究了航天测控网资源配置问题,它是在航天器一地面站有限的时间窗口内对航天器的测控任务进行合理的配置,给每个任务分配一个开始执行时间,在给定的调度时间下,使得任务完成的目标值最大.将引入了杂交算子的蚁群算法来求解该问题,合理地构造了与问题相适应的杂交算子和杂交段.具体的仿真实例表明,在相同的约束条件下该算法总是能最大化地完成任务,并且求得的目标值也有很大的改进. 相似文献
基于制造网格的虚拟企业资源调度问题研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为支持虚拟企业间资源的高效调度,在制造网格的基础上,提出了虚拟企业的资源调度平台。研究了基于GlobusToolkit 4和agent技术的平台实现方法和工作流程。在此基础上,提出了以T、C、Q、S为目标的多目标资源优化调度模型,结合制造网格与计算网格的差异,将网格底层的跨地域实体物流交互对资源调度的影响纳入优化调度模型,使虚拟企业资源调度方案更加合理。最后,以一个具体的实例,验证了多目标优化调度模型的有效性。 相似文献
To address the uncertainty of production environment in knowledgeable manufacturing system, an interoperable knowledgeable dynamic-scheduling system based on multi-agent is designed, wherein an adaptive scheduling mechanism based on the state membership grade weighted Q-learning (known as SMGWQ-learning) is proposed for guiding the equipment agent to select proper scheduling strategy in a dynamic environment. To avoid the side effect of large state space and minimize errors between the clustering and real states, the state membership grade, defined as weight coefficients, is incorporated into the weighted Q-value update so that several Q-values can be updated simultaneously in an iteration. Results from our convergence analysis and simulation experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy that endows the scheduling system with higher intelligence, interoperability and adaptability to environmental changes by self-learning. 相似文献
针对资源约束的多项目调度问题(RCMPSP),考虑到项目、项目任务和资源各自之间的差异性,引入项目权重系数、活动质量因子和资源能力系数3个概念,提出了一个工期与质量的均衡优化模型.该模型根据资源的配置计划,确定了项目任务的资源平均能力系数,然后用项目权重系数和活动质量因子计算出多项目的单位工期时间内资源平均能力系数,利... 相似文献
A new approach to scheduling in manufacturing for power consumption and carbon footprint reduction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Manufacturing scheduling strategies have historically emphasized cycle time; in almost all cases, energy and environmental factors have not been considered in scheduling. This paper presents a new mathematical programming model of the flow shop scheduling problem that considers peak power load, energy consumption, and associated carbon footprint in addition to cycle time. The new model is demonstrated using a simple case study: a flow shop where two machines are employed to produce a variety of parts. In addition to the processing order of the jobs, the proposed scheduling problem considers the operation speed as an independent variable, which can be changed to affect the peak load and energy consumption. Even with a single objective, finding an optimal schedule is notoriously difficult, so directly applying commercial software to this multi-objective scheduling problem requires significant computation time. This paper calls for the development of more specialized algorithms for this new scheduling problem and examines computationally tractable approaches for finding near-optimal schedules. 相似文献
Robust scheduling for manufacturing systems 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Xing K Han L Zhou M Wang F 《IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics》2012,42(3):603-615
Deadlock-free control and scheduling are vital for optimizing the performance of automated manufacturing systems (AMSs) with shared resources and route flexibility. Based on the Petri net models of AMSs, this paper embeds the optimal deadlock avoidance policy into the genetic algorithm and develops a novel deadlock-free genetic scheduling algorithm for AMSs. A possible solution of the scheduling problem is coded as a chromosome representation that is a permutation with repetition of parts. By using the one-step look-ahead method in the optimal deadlock control policy, the feasibility of a chromosome is checked, and infeasible chromosomes are amended into feasible ones, which can be easily decoded into a feasible deadlock-free schedule. The chromosome representation and polynomial complexity of checking and amending procedures together support the cooperative aspect of genetic search for scheduling problems strongly. 相似文献
云制造环境中资源数量巨大,且广泛分布,对于业务过程而言,合理的资源组合可提高资源的选取效率以及利用率。以工作流模型为基础,根据资源之间的依赖关系构造关联度矩阵,进而采用键能算法对关联矩阵做二分变换,将依赖关系强的资源聚集到一起,形成若干个资源集。以产品设计、加工和组装为例,通过实验以及对资源选取效率的对比,验证该方法的有效性。 相似文献
基于资源的信誉度,提出一种经济模型下的网格资源调度策略.由用户自己设定各因素的重要性,调度器根据用户提交任务的需求不同,将任务放到对应的任务队列中,各队列调用不同的调度算法,以得出最优资源分配.同时每次任务完成后,用户的满意度又直接影响到资源的信誉度.理论上能够实现资源和消费者的有效匹配,使消费者请求达到快速响应,让资源提供者和消费者双方获得更高的满意度. 相似文献
在多业务的正交频分多址(OFDMA)蜂窝系统中,为改善小区整体的吞吐量并提高多用户之间传输数据的公平性,提出一种基于最优调度优先级进行资源块分配的长期演进项目(LTE)下行分配方案。打破传统资源分配过程中顺序分配资源的束缚,将用户与资源块(RB)配对,优先把服务质量最好的RB资源分配给相应的用户,尽量保证用户在各自有利的信道上传输数据。仿真结果表明,该方案在不增大丢包率的前提下,有效提高了系统的吞吐量和公平性指数,对LTE下行链路是一个很好的选择。 相似文献
由于作业车间调度问题的目标函数目前还无法用换位矩阵的元素以数学公式的形式表示,因此无法保证求出全局最优解。文中首先对换位矩阵表示方法进行了改进,给出新的带有目标函数的能量函数表达式,然后提出改进的Hopfield神经网络作业车间调度方法,并将模拟退火应用于Hopfield神经网络求解,避免了陷入局部极值。仿真结果表明,该方法具有全局搜索能力,并能够保证神经网络的稳态输出为全局最优或近似全局最优。 相似文献
Cell Manager (Cm) is a prototype knowledge based system for real-time control and short-term planning of an automated manufacturing facility. It uses background of mathematical programming, simulation, and heuristic search. The Cm engine allows tracking of time related events and facts in discrete or continuous time. The use of Cm is illustrated on a cell that processes discrete batches of parts. There are four workstations and the material handling system consists of automated guided vehicles. 相似文献
在协作频谱感知中,当信道经历衰落和阴影时,各用户的感知性能会有不同程度影响,某些受影响严重的次用户甚至可能会严重影响到整个感知网络的性能.同时参与协作的用户数越多,认知传感器网络面临的问题越大.为了解决这些问题,提出了一种基于能耗的分簇协作感知算法.该算法引入基于节点能量的LEACH分簇算法,将认知传感器网络中的各个节点按该分簇算法分入若干簇内;在每个簇内,构造了同时考虑检测性能和能量消耗的效用函数,基于该效用函数对最佳协作用户数和用户进行选择,使每个簇内的检测性能和能耗达到很好的折中;在汇聚节点运用OR规则将簇头发送过来的感知信息进行融合,得到最终判决结果.仿真结果表明,该基于能耗的分簇协作频谱感知算法可以有效地延长认知传感器网络的生存时间,节省网络的能耗,并且保证良好的检测性能. 相似文献
面对大数据带来的能耗及环境方面的严峻问题,构建节能的绿色数据库系统已成为关键需求和重要挑战。针对现有数据库系统主要以性能优化为目标,缺少对能耗的感知及优化的问题,提出基于数据库负载的能耗感知模型,并将模型应用于基于固态硬盘(SSD)的数据库系统中。首先,将数据库负载执行过程中对主要系统资源(CPU、固态硬盘)的消耗解析为时间开销和功耗开销,并基于SSD数据库负载的基本I/O类型构建时间开销模型和功耗开销模型,实现为数据库构建资源开销单位统一的能耗感知模型;然后,利用多元线性回归实现对模型的求解,并分别在独占环境和竞争环境下,验证模型对不同I/O类型的数据库负载能耗估算的准确性;最后,分析实验结果,并讨论了影响模型准确性的因素。经实验验证模型准确度较高,在DBMS独占系统资源情况下的平均误差为5.15%,绝对误差不超过9.8%;竞争环境下的准确率相对下降,但平均误差也低于12.21%,可有效构建能耗感知的绿色数据库系统。 相似文献