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Numerical modeling is used to systematically examine the effects of turbulence, injection, and particle characteristics on
particle behavior during thermal plasma spraying. Using the computer program LAVA (Idaho National Engineering and Environmental
Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID), a steady-state plasma jet typical of a commercial torch at normal operating conditions is first
developed. Then, assuming a single particle composition (ZrO2) and injection location, real world complexity (e.g., turbulent dispersion, particle size and density, injection velocity,
and direction) is introduced “one phenomenon at a time” to distinguish and characterize its effect and enable comparisons
of separate effects. A final calculation then considers all phenomena simultaneously, to enable further comparisons. Investigating
each phenomenon separately provides valuable insight into particle behavior. For the typical plasma jet and injection conditions
considered, particle dispersion in the injection direction is most significantly affected by (in order of decreasing importance):
particle size distribution, injection velocity distribution, turbulence, and injection direction distribution or particle
density distribution. Only the distribution of injection directions and turbulence affect dispersion normal to the injection
direction and are of similar magnitude in this study. With regards to particle velocity and temperature, particle size is
clearly the dominant effect. 相似文献
Martin Friis Christer Persson Per Nylén Jan Wigren 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》2001,10(2):301-310
A detailed investigation of the relationship between the parameters of the spray process and the in-flight properties of the
particles was carried out using a multivariate statistical approach. A full factorial designed experiment concerning the spray
process was performed, the spray gun parameters’ current, argon flow rate, hydrogen flow rate, and powder feed rate being
selected to control the process. The particle properties, viz. velocity, temperature, and diameter, were determined using an optical measurement system, DPV 2000. In addition, the standard
deviations of, and the correlations between, the measured particle properties were analyzed. The results showed current to
have the strongest impact on particle velocity and particle temperature and argon flow rate to be the only parameter with
an inverse effect on velocity and temperature. 相似文献
Diagnostics of thermal spraying plasma jets 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
P. Fauchais J. F. Coudert M. Vardelle A. Vardelle A. Denoirjean 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》1992,1(2):117-128
The influences of the dimensions of optical components and the trajectories of spray particles on the variations of the waveforms
of the radiation signals from the spray particles were studied both theoretically and experimentally for correct simultaneous
measurement of the particle parameters including particle velocity, surface temperature, size, and spatial distribution. Two
types of filtering masks, including single-windowed and dual-windowed, were used as models in the current study. The evolution
of the radiation pulse from a moving thermal spray particle was simulated through the change of the projected area of the
particle image spot on the filtering mask window. The experimental detection of the thermal radiation pulses was performed
for the high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) process using an optoelectronic measurement system.
The theoretical simulation clearly showed that the characteristic waveforms of the thermal radiation signals from the spray
particles are varied with the distance and orientation of the trajectories of thermal spray particles with respect to the
ideal image plane of the filtering window plane. The typical variations of the characteristic waveforms obtained theoretically
have been observed experimentally with HVOF spraying. The waveforms expected theoretically were correlated well with those
observed experimentally.
The characteristic waveforms of the radiation signals from the spray particles in a trapezoid shape with a saturated top platform
contain the information for spray particle parameters including velocity, surface temperature, size, and spatial distribution.
With the dual-windowed filtering mask, the particle velocity can be correctly measured with the bi-peak radiation signal in
triangle-like shape, and the surface temperature may be estimated reasonably. However, the particle size cannot be estimated
correctly. It was revealed that the characteristics of the waveforms were remarkably influenced by the image spot size. Therefore,
the expansion of the image spot based on the relation between the image spot size of an in-flight particle and optical lens
parameters obtained optically was discussed. The influence of the image spot size on the waveform characteristics was examined. 相似文献
Effect of plasma fluctuations on in-flight particle parameters 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
The influence of arc root fluctuations in direct current (DC) plasma spraying on the physical state of the particle jet is
investigated by correlating individual in-flight particle temperature and velocity measurements with the instantaneous voltage
difference between the electrodes. In-flight diagnostics with the DPV-2000 sensing device involve two-color pyrometry and
time-of-flight technique for the determination of temperature and velocity. Synchronization of particle diagnostics with the
torch voltage fluctuations are performed using an electronic circuit that generates a pulse when the voltage reaches some
specific level; this pulse, which can be shifted by an arbitrary period of time, is used to trigger the acquisition of the
pyrometric signals. Contrary to predictions obtained by numerical modeling, time-dependent variations in particle temperature
and velocity due to power fluctuations induced by the arc movement can be very large. Periodic variations of the mean particle
temperature and velocity, up to ΔT=600 °C and Δv=200 m/s, are recorded in the middle of the particle jet during a voltage cycle. To our knowledge, this is the first time
that large time-dependent effects of the arc root fluctuations on the particle state (temperature and velocity) are experimentally
demonstrated. Moreover, large fluctuations in the number of detected particles are observed throughout a voltage cycle; very
few particles are detected during parts of the cycle. The existence of quiet periods suggests that particles injected at some
specific moments in the plasma are not heated sufficiently to be detected. 相似文献
S. V. Joshi 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》1993,2(2):127-130
Plasma-sprayed WC-Co coatings are used extensively in a variety of wear-resistant applications. The quality of these sprayed
coatings depends greatly on the temperature and velocity of the powder particles impacting the substrate. Because it is both
expensive and difficult to experimentally determine these particle parameters, the present study deals with a theoretical
investigation of particle heatup and acceleration during plasma spraying of WC-Co based on a recently developed model. The
effect of WC-Co particle size on the evolution of particle temperature and velocity is examined through calculations performed
under typical spraying conditions. The implications of the powder particles, assuming an off-axis trajectory during their
traverse through the plasma flame, are also discussed. 相似文献
Effect of Substrate Temperature on Deposition Behavior of Copper Particles on Substrate Surfaces in the Cold Spray Process 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
M. Fukumoto H. Wada K. Tanabe M. Yamada E. Yamaguchi A. Niwa M. Sugimoto M. Izawa 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》2007,16(5-6):643-650
The deposition behavior of sprayed individual metallic particles on the substrate surface in the cold spray process was fundamentally
investigated. As a preliminary experiment, pure copper (Cu) particles were sprayed on mirror-polished stainless steel and
aluminum (Al) alloy substrate surfaces. Process parameters that changed systematically were particle diameter, working gas,
gas pressure, gas temperature, and substrate temperature, and the effect of these parameters on the flattening or adhesive
behavior of an individual particle was precisely investigated. Deposition ratio on the substrate surface was also evaluated
using these parameters. From the results obtained, it was quite noticeable that the higher substrate temperature brought about
a higher deposition rate of Cu particles, even under the condition where particles were kept at room temperature. This tendency
was promoted more effectively using helium instead of air or nitrogen as a working gas. Both higher velocity and temperature
of the particles sprayed are the necessary conditions for the higher deposition ratio in the cold spraying. However, instead
of particle heating, substrate heating may bring about the equivalent effect for particle deposition.
This article is an invited paper selected from presentations at the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference and has been
expanded from the original presentation. It is simultaneously published in Global Coating Solutions, Proceedings of the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference, Beijing, China, May 14-16, 2007, Basil R. Marple, Margaret M. Hyland, Yuk-Chiu Lau, Chang-Jiu Li, Rogerio S. Lima, and Ghislain
Montavon, Ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 2007. 相似文献
A simple, unified, one-dimensional model has been developed to relate the effects of plasma spray parameters on the temperature
and velocity of the plasma and particles and on the void content in the coating. The torch, spray, and substrate regions in
a plasma spray process were first modeled independently and then coupled so that the plasma and particle characteristics calculated
in one region served as inputs for the subsequent region. Comparison of the model predictions with experimental data showed
reasonable agreement. Deviations from the measured data were attributable to the simplifying assumptions used in modeling
the different regions of the process. A parametric analysis of the unified one- dimensional model showed that, despite its
simplicity, the model is well suited for optimizing process parameters in terms of particle type and size to obtain high-
integrity coatings. 相似文献
Particle temperature, velocity, and size measurements in DC arc plasma thermal sprays are reported in this article. Experiments
were performed using a conventional DC are argon-hydrogen plasma with two 7 wt % yttria-stabilized zirconia powders injected
transversely into the plasma jet. Measurements were performed along the axis of the plasma jet as well as at a number of radial
locations at several axial positions. It was found that transverse injection of the powder results in the aerodynamic size
classification of the powder with the large particles penetrating further across the plasma jet than the smaller particles,
which were more readily swept by the high momentum of the plasma jet. Consequently, the particle temperatures were influenced
by their degree of penetration into the core of the plasma jet. Average particle temperatures showed a good degree of uniformity
radially and decayed with increasing downstream distance. When nanoclustered particles were injected into the plasma, significant
differences in particle velocities and temperatures were observed in comparison to the conventional powder under the same
plasma operating and particle injection conditions. These differences were attributed to the penetration characteristics of
the powder into the plasma jet and the consequent effects on the particle heat up. Hence, axial injection of powder into plasma
jets may provide more uniform and axisymmetric particle property distributions compared to the transverse injection schemes. 相似文献
Per Nylé Anita Hansbo Martin Friis Lars Pejryd 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》2001,10(2):359-366
Yttria stabilized ZrO2 particle in-flight characteristics in an Ar-H2 atmospheric plasma jet have been studied using analytical and experimental techniques. In the previous article,[1] the primary gas flow, plasma composition, current, and powder feed rate were systematically varied and particle surface temperatures,
velocities, and size distributions measured and statistically analyzed. In this paper, a mathematical model for the plasma
flow and particle characteristics is presented. Model predictions are compared with the experimental results in Ref 1 and
a reasonable correlation is found. A statistical investigation (composite cubic face (CCF)) is performed on the particle predictions,
giving fast and simple relationships between gun parameters and particle in-flight properties. The statistical and theoretical
models that are presented here combine to form a powerful and cost-effective tool, which can be used in the evaluation and
optimization of spray parameters off-line. 相似文献
Novel method for in-flight particle temperature and velocity measurements in plasma spraying using a single CCD camera 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
J. Vattulainen E. Hämäläinen R. Hernberg P. Vuoristo T. Mäntylä 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》2001,10(1):94-104
A novel, technically simple imaging system for individual, in-flight particle temperature and velocity measurements for plasma
and other thermal spray processes is described. A custom double dichroic mirror is used to add spectral resolving capability
to a single, black-and-white, fast-shutter digital charge coupled device (CCD) camera. The spectral double images produced
by the individual in-flight particles are processed using specialized image processing algorithms. Particle temperature determination
is based on two-color pyrometry, and particle velocities are measured from the length of the particle traces during known
exposure times. In this paper, experimental results using the first prototype system are presented. Laboratory tests were
performed using rotating pinholes to simulate in-flight particles, and plasma spraying experiments were performed with commercial,
standard spraying equipment operated with Al2O3 and NiCrAlY powders. The prototype instrument can be readily used to determine velocity and temperature distributions of
individual in-flight particles from the imaged region of interest of the plume. Dividing the imaged area into smaller sections,
spatial distributions of particle temperature, velocity, and number of detected particles can be studied. The study aims to
develop a technically simple, single imaging instrument, which can provide a visual overview of the spray plume in combination
with quantitative evaluation of the most important spray particle parameters. 相似文献
Cagri Tekmen Masashi Yamazaki Yoshiki Tsunekawa Masahiro Okumiya 《Surface & coatings technology》2008,202(17):4163-4169
In-situ plasma spraying (IPS) is a promising process to fabricate composite coatings with in-situ formed thermodynamically stable phases. In the present study, mechanically alloyed Al-12Si and SiO2 powder was deposited onto an aluminum substrate by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) to obtain a composite coating consisting of in-situ formed alumina reinforced hypereutectic Al-18Si matrix alloy. The effects of spray parameters (arc current and spray distance) and in-flight particle characteristics (temperature and velocity) on in-situ reaction intensity (alumina and silicon) have been investigated. The results show that, in-situ alumina formation and silicon intensity strongly depend on in-flight particle characteristics, spray distance and substrate temperature. 相似文献
Eui Hyuk Kwon Sung Ho Cho Jeong Whan Han Chang Hee Lee Hyung Jun Kim 《Metals and Materials International》2005,11(5):377-381
The cold spray process is a relatively new process that uses high velocity metallic particles for surface modifications. Metallic
powder particles are injected into a converging-diverging nozzle and accelerated to supersonic velocities. In this study two-dimensional
temperature and velocitiy distributions of gas along the nozzle axis are calculated and the effects of gas pressure and temperature
on particle velocities and temperature inside and outside the nozzle are investigated. It was found that acceleration of the
gas velocity takes place in the area of the nozzle throat, and it increases and reaches a maximum value at the nozzle exit.
Due to compression shocks, irregular changes of the gas jet properties were found in the area after the nozzle and these resulted
in the experience of the maximum particle velocity by the change of the particle size at a given gas pressure and temperature. 相似文献
M. Vardelle A. Vardelle A. C. Leger P. Fauchais D. Gobin 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》1995,4(1):50-58
A measurement system consisting of two high- speed two- color pyrometers was used to monitor the flattening degree and cooling
rate of zirconia particles on a smooth steel substrate at 75 or 150 °C during plasma spray deposition. This instrument provided
data on the deformation behavior and freezing of a particle when it impinged on the surface, in connection with its velocity,
size, and molten state at impact. The results emphasized the influence of temperature and surface conditions on particle spreading
and cooling. When the substrate temperature was 150 °C, the splats had a perfect lenticular shape, and the thermal interface
resistance between the lamella and the substrate ranged from 10− 7 to 10− 8 W/m2 · K. The dependence of the flattening degree on the Reynolds number was investigated. 相似文献
A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis using Fluent V5.4 was conducted on the in-flight particle behavior
during the plasma spraying process with external injection. The spray process was modeled as a steady jet issuing from the
torch nozzle via the heating of the are gas by an electric are within the nozzle. The stochastic discrete model was used for
the particle distribution. The particle temperature, velocity, and size inside the plasma plume at a specified standoff distance
have been investigated. The results show that carrier gas flow rate variation from 2 standard liters per minute (slm) to 4.0
slm can increase the centerline particle mean temperature and mean velocity by 10% and 16%, respectively, at the specified
standoff distance. A further increase of the carrier gas flow rate to 6 slm did not change the particle temperature, but the
particle velocity was decreased by 20%. It was also found that an increase in the total arc gas flow rate from 52 slm to 61
slm, with all other process parameters unchanged, resulted in a 17% higher particle velocity, but 6% lower particle temperature.
Some of these computational findings were experimentally confirmed by Kucuk et al. For a given process parameter setting,
the kinetic and thermal energy extracted by the particles reached a maximum for carrier gas flow rate of about 3.5–4.0 slm. 相似文献
Oxidation behavior of Ni–20Cr alloy and Ni-base self-fluxing (NiCrSiBC) alloy in atmospheric plasma spraying was studied experimentally. The in-flight particles were collected by quenching into liquid nitrogen. The oxygen contents in the collected particles and the coatings deposited on a substrate were analyzed by the inert gas fusion method. The oxide distribution, morphology and phase composition were analyzed using SEM, EDX, XRD, and AES. The results clearly show that the oxygen content in the NiCrSiBC coating was remarkably lower than that in the Ni20Cr coating by a factor of over 10. The formation of Cr2O3 and its vaporization primarily occurred during the flight of Ni20Cr particles, which dominated the oxidation in the coating. In contrast, little oxygen pickup occurred during flight for the NiCrSiBC alloy particles and a thin surface layer of 5 nm with rich in oxygen was found on the surface of NiCrSiBC splats. The mechanism of protecting NiCrSiBC alloy particles from oxidation is preferential oxidation of C, Si and B and simultaneous vaporization of the formed oxides. 相似文献
Cagri Tekmen Yoshiki Tsunekawa Masahiro Okumiya 《Surface & coatings technology》2009,203(12):1649-1655
In the present study, mechanically alloyed Al-12Si, B2O3 and TiO2 powder was deposited onto an aluminum substrate using atmospheric plasma spraying (APS). The effects of mechanical alloying (MA) time and plasma parameters (arc current and primary/secondary/carrier gas flow rate) on in-situ reaction intensity and in-flight particle characteristics (temperature and velocity) have been investigated. It has been observed that MA time has a remarkable effect on powder morphology and relative amount of in-situ formed TiB2 and γ-Al2O3. In-flight particle diagnostic measurements demonstrate that among the plasma parameters arc current has the strongest effect on in-flight particle velocity and temperature. Also, results indicate that in-flight particle velocity is more dominant than temperature on the relative amount of in-situ formed phases. 相似文献