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计算性设计思维、方法和技术作为当下解决复杂工程设计问题的密钥,对建筑学学科的发展产生着深层影响,其中,最为直接的表现是该领域研究者的不断涌现以及他们在教育、科研到实践过程中累积而成的大量成果。葡萄牙籍学者何塞·平托·杜阿尔特作为该领域的杰出代表,以形状语法作为主要工具,构建了面向大规模定制的建筑计算生成方法论,结合以形状规则为支撑的生成平台研发、算法思维主导的教育理念凝练以及数字技术驱动的多元化探索,凝练出系统性、自新性、开放性兼备的计算性设计哲学。本文对杜阿尔特的学术历程、理论探索和教学实践进行深入剖析,旨在为我国建筑学学科的发展和改革提供启发。  相似文献   

在信息时代下,从计算的角度对设计规则做出解析是城市设计未来发展的必然方向。形状语法作为计算科学的重要理论成果,尤其适合设计师通过图形思维理解城市肌理的生成过程。文章从自上而下与自下而上两种方式对形状语法在城市肌理生成方面的运用进行讨论,并开发参数化工具对设计过程进行探索。  相似文献   

熊璐  张红霞 《新建筑》2014,(1):100-103
通过系统梳理30多年来建筑语法规则在建筑形态数字生成中的表现和演进,揭示出在数字设计这种全新的建筑设计(书写)方式中,语法规则的发现和创新起到了前所未有的重要作用.然而,目前国内建筑语法理论研究尚存在诸多不足,须不断完善,建筑语言理论的研究也应与时俱进,以指导和推动建筑数字设计的深化和创新.  相似文献   

贾正阳 《新建筑》2010,(6):132-135
"师法万物"是台湾建筑学教学中一种全新的建筑形式生成方法。它通过剖析建筑之外事物的逻辑,产生一套此体系的规则与语法,然后再将此语法转化为建筑语法,通过实验,完成建筑的形式生成。简述了这套方法及其应用,阐述其在建筑学教学中的意义。  相似文献   

简述形状语法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄翔  周栋 《华中建筑》2004,22(2):45-48
介绍一种逻辑性的建筑概念设计方法——形状语法(Shape grammar)的历史和演变。随后介绍从形状语法衍生出的分裂语法(Split grammer)及其工作机制。分裂语法通过增加对形状属性的匹配和控制来扩展形状语法的设计能力。并使用计算机程序将形状语法的工作过程自动化。根据程序开发和数据设定的不同深度,这种方未能将可以生成草图级的空间模型或者生成精细级的后期模型。最后提出空间语法(Space grammar)的设想,通过发展这一方法将可以适应更加自由的建筑概念设计和空间设计的要求。  相似文献   

本文关注在传统建筑聚落的历史风貌保护或更新设计中,如何依靠计算机信息技术获得不依赖于人的主观判断的传统空间形态构成规则,建立数字化生成设计工具,来解答传统建筑聚落历史文化信息的精确传承和创新利用的问题。文中介绍了人工智能领域中的数据挖掘和机器学习对以上问题的解决可能,并结合案例介绍了"基于案例学习"等技术工具在城市历史地段城市更新设计中的应用成果。探索了基于知识发现的生成设计工具对传统建筑聚落历史风貌保护所起到的作用。  相似文献   

通过研究树状结构的形态构成特征,建立了描述其结构拓扑构型的形状语法规则,并探讨了实现语法规则的数据结构。以结构应变能与自重比作为结构性能的评价准则,引入应力比构建形状语法规则的应用策略,并利用所建立的语法规则生成了树状结构的拓扑形态。研究结果表明,相比于完全随机确定结构部位并应用语法规则的结构优化策略,以结构性能评价规则应用后的效果,并引入应力比诱导语法规则的应用过程,提高了结构优化的效率;所提出的形状语法规则可用于树状结构的拓扑生成。  相似文献   

元语言的概念建立在现代语言学的基础上,研究的是语言本体,即描述语言的语言。以单元空间的基本结构为例,解释建筑元语言的建构。约翰·海杜克致力于建立建筑的词汇表。文章通过研究九宫格、菱形住宅、墙宅以及巴巴住宅中的形式语言逻辑,解析约翰·海杜克的建筑元语言。  相似文献   

黄龑枫  周毅荣 《城市建筑》2023,(15):202-206+213
近年来,随着大型语言模型(LLM)和各类生成式神经网络技术的突破,建筑生成设计对规则、算法等基于建筑学本体建构的研究脉络不断完善,但是从建筑师设计流程和工作环节中交互的具体文本和出图环节方面讨论建筑生成设计的研究较少。本研究以Prompt关键词生成建筑意象的整体设计过程为例,通过文献研究与实证调研方法,从AIGC现有的技术出发,总结目前AIGC的三个生成路径方法,而后提出了一个建筑方案设计过程全生成的优化方法设想。  相似文献   

现代城市风貌呈现出同质化与混杂化问题,与和谐、活泼的传统历史街区风貌形成了鲜明对比。运用形状语法理论与参数化技术,对城市设计的形态生成方法进行探索。首先对历史街区建筑风貌特点进行简要分析;然后对形状语法与参数化技术进行介绍,解析技术手段与设计风格之间的关系,提出一个适合历史街区城市设计形态生成的方法;最后运用太湖流域江南水乡风格案例对此方法进行验证,并讨论城市设计导则与形状语法的关联性。  相似文献   

Chinese ice-ray lattices are perhaps one of the earliest and controlled designs of asymmetric and complex patterns applied as a traditional motif in windows. Such intricate and complex designs developed centuries back have created an evident curiosity to explore its underlying geometric rules. Some scholars used the Shape Grammar as a tool to explain and recreate similar patterns. The previous studies conceive the ice-ray lattice design as the iterative subdivisions of a polygon. However, they missed explaining this geometric quality through the discussion of fractal geometry, which can explain the shapes consuming self-similar or self-affine repetitions of itself at different scales. As a novel approach, this paper analytically focuses on the fractal characters of ice-ray lattice designs and uses fractal geometry as a unique tool for generating different types of ice-ray lattices. The significance of this study is the demonstration of the efficacy of fractal geometry and the simple geometric rule of IFS for analyzing and algorithmically modeling complex lattices and cracked-like patterns.  相似文献   

In this research, we propose a novel method for automated simulation of the characteristics of a group of architectural buildings that share similar typological features. The procedural modeling algorithm for 3D simulation is based on shape grammar rules and a mathematical model that combines statistical analysis and fuzzy logic.In this research, we used a group of sacral buildings on the territory of Vojvodina. 3D mass models that are similar to the real world buildings are automatically generated via CGA Shape Grammar programming rules.The results demonstrate that coupling procedural modeling with fuzzy and statistical analysis enables generation of infinite number of buildings representing the typical appearance of an architectural type and their variations, which is a reliable reproduction of characteristics of the real world buildings. We also demonstrate the application of this approach in the simulation of architectural heritage appearance.  相似文献   

语言是建筑学研究和建筑设计中广泛用到的一个概念,不同的建筑学学术讨论中的“语言”有着不同的涵义,近年来国内建筑学界对语言的使用频繁,但关大多还是停留在语言概念的表面,对语言本质和语言学的借鉴尚显不足。旨在从历史文献研究出发,梳理建筑学理论历史中与语言结合的不同方式,并对此进行批判性的分析,以汲取语言这一学术领域对建筑学研究的借鉴价值。基于不同研究对语言认识的差异,将语言—建筑学研究分为三类:语言在其中分别作为一种类比对象、一套规则和一种结构系统,据此分别向语言学作了溯源与理论性分析。对语言—建筑学的理论体系进行了总结性梳理,重新讨论了语言之于建筑研究的意义,立足当下提出了交叉融合的借鉴思路。  相似文献   

徐琦 《建筑师》2007,(1):8-18
本文通过对一个小型教堂的设计分析图示,从若干视角展现了设计者将设计意图向结果转化时所使用的逻辑和控制方法。同时简要论述了针对具体对象的设计分析程序,也显示了图示工具在其中的关键作用。  相似文献   

翟志成 《城市建筑》2014,(29):50-50
梵高说:“没有不好的颜色,只有不好的搭配。”建筑是视觉艺术,色彩是建筑的语言,所以,在建筑色彩设计的过程中应该考虑色彩的规律以及色彩的运用技巧,从全局出发,掌握色彩的氛围,让色彩更能符合人们的审美心理。  相似文献   

This paper describes a process used to develop and test a framework to produce thermal simulation post-processed information meaningful to building design decision-making. The framework adopts a user-centred approach in which the building designer is considered the ultimate simulation tool user either directly or indirectly when supported by consultants. The framework supports the building designer's ‘modus operandi’ and is developed through a set of interdisciplinary research methods. Participatory Action Research, Thematic Analysis and Grounded Theory are used, together with principles from Information Visualization, dynamic thermal modelling and Building Design, following a design approach to problem-solving taken from the discipline of Interaction Design. The various elements of the framework and their connections are derived from analysis of sequences of design actions made by novice designers undertaking complex design activities. Tests of the framework are undertaken through an online questionnaire and five semi-structured interviews with UK architectural design practices.  相似文献   

A design process that involves the participation of children should effectively elicit the needs of child users by considering characteristics such as their age-appropriate levels of cognitive ability, shyness, language skills, and motor-sensory capabilities. Since the 1960s, a variety of methods and guidelines have emerged specialising in children. Participatory design deals with the problem of enabling users to participate in the design process and with the task of generating ideas by means of generative toolkits and workshops. Hence, participatory design enables designers to look at problems from a child's standpoint and, simultaneously, deal with childhood traits such as shyness and immature language skills. This paper introduces two participatory design toolkits: namely Info Block and Info Tree. These toolkits enable users to build information architecture (IA) that can, firstly, reflect their cognitive characteristics and, secondly, elicit user needs with respect to the information architecture design of children's websites. In a case study, the toolkits were used to evaluate the usability of the Yahoo!® Kids (Korea) directory. The results show that the information architecture of children differs from that of adults in depth, breadth, and clarity of contents and logicality. Finally, suggestions are made to improve the usability of children's websites.  相似文献   

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