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The cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae is a specialist herbivore that sequesters glucosinolates from its host plant as a defense against its predators. It is unknown to what extent parasitoids are affected by this sequestration. We investigated herbivore-mediated effects of glucosinolates on the parasitoid wasp Diaeretiella rapae and the predator Episyrphus balteatus. We reared B. brassicae on three ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana that differ in glucosinolate content and on one genetically transformed line with modified concentrations of aliphatic glucosinolates. We tested aphid performance and the performance and behavior of both natural enemies. We correlated this with phloem and aphid glucosinolate concentrations and emission of volatiles. Brevicoryne brassicae performance correlated positively with concentrations of both aliphatic and indole glucosinolates in the phloem. Aphids selectively sequestered glucosinolates. Glucosinolate concentration in B. brassicae correlated negatively with performance of the predator, but positively with performance of the parasitoid, possibly because the aphids with the highest glucosinolate concentrations had a higher body weight. Both natural enemies showed a positive performance-preference correlation. The predator preferred the ecotype with the lowest emission of volatile glucosinolate breakdown products in each test combination, whereas the parasitoid wasp preferred the A. thaliana ecotype with the highest emission of these volatiles. The study shows that there are differential herbivore-mediated effects of glucosinolates on a predator and a parasitoid of a specialist aphid that selectively sequesters glucosinolates from its host plant.  相似文献   

The checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas anicia (Nymphalidae), specializes on plants containing iridoid glycosides and has the ability to sequester these compounds from its host plants. This study investigated larval preference, performance, and sequestration of iridoid glycosides in a population of E. anicia at Crescent Meadows, Colorado, USA. Although previous studies showed that other populations in Colorado use the host plant, Castilleja integra (Orobanchaceae), we found no evidence for E. anicia ovipositing or feeding on C. integra at Crescent Meadows. Though C. integra and another host plant, Penstemon glaber (Plantaginaceae), occur at Crescent Meadows, the primary host plant used was P. glaber. To determine why C. integra was not being used at the Crescent Meadows site, we first examined the host plant preference of naïve larvae between P. glaber and C. integra. Then we assessed the growth and survivorship of larvae reared on each plant species. Finally, we quantified the iridoid glycoside concentrations of the two plant species and diapausing caterpillars reared on each host plant. Our results showed that E. anicia larvae prefer P. glaber. Also, larvae survive and grow better when reared on P. glaber than on C. integra. Castilleja integra was found to contain two primary iridoid glycosides, macfadienoside and catalpol, and larvae reared on this plant sequestered both compounds; whereas P. glaber contained only catalpol and larvae reared on this species sequestered catalpol. Thus, although larvae are able to use C. integra in the laboratory, the drivers behind the lack of use at the Crescent Meadows site remain unclear.  相似文献   

The parasitoids Trichogramma chilonis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and Cotesia plutellae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and the predator Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), are potential biological control agents for the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae). We present studies on the interactions between these bioagents and various host-associated volatiles using a Y olfactometer. T. chilonis was attracted to a synthetic pheromone blend (Z11–16:Ald, Z11–16:Ac, and Z11–16:OH in a 1:1:0.01 ratio), to Z11–16:Ac alone, and to a 1:1 blend of Z11–16:Ac and Z11–16:Ald. C. plutellae responded to the blend and to Z11–16:Ac and Z11–16:Ald. Male and female C. carnea responded to the blend and to a 1:1 blend of the major components of the pheromone, although no response was elicited by single compounds. Among the four host larval frass volatiles tested (dipropyl disulfide, dimethyl disulfide, allyl isothiocyanate, and dimethyl trisulfide), only allyl isothiocyanate elicited significant responses in the parasitoids and predator, but C. plutellae and both sexes of C. carnea did respond to all four volatiles. Among the green leaf volatiles of cabbage (Brassica oleracea subsp. capitata), only Z3–6:Ac elicited significant responses from T. chilonis, C. plutellae, and C. carnea, but C. plutellae also responded to E2–6:Ald and Z3–6:OH. When these volatiles were blended with the pheromone, the responses were similar to those elicited by the pheromone alone, except for C. carnea males, which had an increased response. The effect of temperature on the response of the biological agents to a mixture of the pheromone blend and Z3–6:Ac was also studied. T. chilonis was attracted at temperatures of 25–35°C, while C. plutellae and C. carnea responded optimally at 30–35°C and 20–25°C, respectively. These results indicate that the sex pheromone and larval frass volatiles from the diamondback moth, as well as volatile compounds from cabbage, may be used by these natural enemies to locate their diamondback moth host.  相似文献   

In phytophagous insects, experience can increase positive responses towards non-host plant extracts or induce oviposition on non-host plants, but the underlying chemical and behavioral mechanisms are poorly understood. By using the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, its host plant Chinese cabbage, and a non-host plant Chrysanthemum morifolium, as a model system, we observed the experience-altered olfactory responses of ovipositing females towards volatiles of the non-host plant, volatiles of pure chemicals (p-cymene and α-terpinene) found in the non-host plant, and volatiles of host plants treated with these chemicals. We assessed the experience-altered oviposition preference towards host plants treated with p-cymene. Naive females showed aversion to the odors of the non-host plant, the pure chemicals, and the pure chemical-treated host plants. In contrast, experienced females either became attracted by these non-host odors or were no longer repelled by these odors. Similarly, naive females laid a significantly lower proportion of eggs on pure chemical-treated host plants than on untreated host plants, but experienced females laid a similar or higher proportion of eggs on pure chemical-treated host plants compared to untreated host plants. Chemical analysis indicated that application of the non-host pure chemicals on Chinese cabbage induced emissions of volatiles by this host plant. We conclude that induced preference for previously repellent compounds is a major mechanism that leads to behavioral changes of this moth towards non-host plants or their extracts.  相似文献   

A Rutaceae-feeding swallowtail butterfly. Papilio xuthus L., feeds on various rutaceous plants but always rejects Orixa japonica Thunb. (Rutaceae). Females were strongly deterred from laying eggs by a methanolic extract of O. japonica leaves. Larvae also rejected a diet leaf medium impregnated with O. japonica leaf extracts. Several components in the water-soluble fraction of the leaf extract were found to deter both oviposition and feeding responses. Two major deterrent compounds were characterized as 5-[[2-O-(beta-D-apiofuranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl]oxy]-2-hydroxybenzoic acid and adisyringoyl aldaric acid. These compounds induced potent deterrence of both oviposition and larval feeding by P. xuthus, which suggests a congruent chemosensory mechanism of allomonal chemicals acting on both female tarsal chemoreceptors and larval maxillary taste receptors.  相似文献   

Attraction and repulsion of the aphid,Cavariella aegopodii,by Plant Odors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cavariella aegopodii is induced to land on traps by the monoterpene carvone, and the relevance of this to host-finding by the aphid is discussed. Catches are reduced by linalool. The interaction of plant chemicals in natural communities is discussed, and the possibility of using repellent chemicals for crop protection is suggested.  相似文献   

Inflammatory processes are triggered by the fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin. Tissue-type plasminogen activator, which cleaves plasminogen to plasmin, can be activated by the cross-β-structure of misfolded proteins. Misfolded protein aggregates also represent substrates for plasmin, promoting their degradation, and are potent platelet agonists. However, the regulation of plasmin-mediated platelet activation by misfolded proteins and vice versa is incompletely understood. In this study, we hypothesize that plasmin acts as potent agonist of human platelets in vitro after short-term incubation at room temperature, and that the response to thrombospondin-1 and the bona fide misfolded proteins Eap and SCN-denatured IgG interfere with plasmin, thereby modulating platelet activation. Plasmin dose-dependently induced CD62P surface expression on, and binding of fibrinogen to, human platelets in the absence/presence of plasma and in citrated whole blood, as analyzed by flow cytometry. Thrombospondin-1 pre-incubated with plasmin enhanced these plasmin-induced platelet responses at low concentration and diminished them at higher dose. Platelet fibrinogen binding was dose-dependently induced by the C-terminal thrombospondin-1 peptide RFYVVMWK, Eap or NaSCN-treated IgG, but diminished in the presence of plasmin. Blocking enzymatically catalyzed thiol-isomerization decreased plasmin-induced platelet responses, suggesting that plasmin activates platelets in a thiol-dependent manner. Thrombospondin-1, depending on the concentration, may act as cofactor or inhibitor of plasmin-induced platelet activation, and plasmin blocks platelet activation induced by misfolded proteins and vice versa, which might be of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

The effect of aphid population size on host-plant chemical defense expression and the effect of plant defense on aphid population dynamics were investigated in a milkweed-specialist herbivore system. Density effects of the aposematic oleander aphid, Aphis nerii, on cardenolide expression were measured in two milkweed species, Asclepias curassavica and A. incarnata. These plants vary in constitutive chemical investment with high mean cardenolide concentration in A. curassavica and low to zero in A. incarnata. The second objective was to determine whether cardenolide expression in these two host plants impacts mean A. nerii colony biomass (mg) and density. Cardenolide concentration (microgram/g) of A. curassavica in both aphid-treated leaves and opposite, herbivore-free leaves decreased initially in comparison with aphid-free controls, and then increased significantly with A. nerii density. Thus, A. curassavica responds to aphid herbivory initially with density-dependent phytochemical reduction, followed by induction of cardenolides to concentrations above aphid-free controls. In addition, mean cardenolide concentration of aphid-treated leaves was significantly higher than that of opposite, herbivore-free leaves. Therefore, A. curassavica induction is strongest in herbivore-damage tissue. Conversely, A. incarnata exhibited no such chemical response to aphid herbivory. Furthermore, neither host plant responded chemically to herbivore feeding duration time (days) or to the interaction between herbivore initial density and feeding duration time. There were also no significant differences in mean colony biomass or population density of A. nerii reared on high cardenolide (A. curassavica) and low cardenolide (A. incarnata) hosts.  相似文献   

The beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), can utilize a number of different host plants for oviposition and larval development, but some host plants are preferred over others. This study, using cage choice tests and olfactometer assays, demonstrates the beet armyworm's preference for pigweed, Amaranthus hybridus L., over cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L. Cage and olfactometer choice assays indicated that olfaction plays an important role in host selection by ovipositing females. First instars exhibited no feeding preference, but the more mobile third instars showed a significant feeding preference for excised pigweed leaves. The higher quantities and more diverse accumulations of free amino acids in pigweed might, in conjunction with other physiochemical and mechanical attractant and deterrent factors in the two-plant species system, play roles in the tendency of the beet armyworm to select pigweed over cotton and in providing a superior array of easily absorbed amino acids as compared to cotton.  相似文献   

Complex odor recognition in the honeybee was investigated using two behavioral assays: (1) the conditioning of the proboscis extension (CPE) with restrained individuals, and (2) the observation of foragers visiting an artificial feeder in a flight room. Nine compounds, previously identified as oilseed rape flower volatiles, were tested either individually or in mixtures. Different sets of experiments were done to determine: (1) the acquisition rate of the nine compounds in the CPE assay, and (2) the discrimination of the individual compounds after conditioning to a mixture, using the CPE assay and free-flying foragers. After conditioning to a complex mixture, honeybees established a hierarchy among the components, with some of them accounting for a major part of the behavioral activity of the mixture. Both behavioral assays led to the same classification of compounds, indicating good agreement between discriminating abilities of restrained individuals and of a population of foragers. The key compounds for recognition of these mixtures were those that were well learned when presented individually. However, the recognition of some compounds was affected by the other components of the mixture, with the activity of some compounds being either enhanced or reduced.  相似文献   

Plants use a diverse mix of defenses against herbivores, including multiple secondary metabolites, which may affect herbivores synergistically. Chemical defenses also can affect natural enemies of herbivores via limiting herbivore populations or by affecting herbivore resistance or susceptibility to these enemies. In this study, we conducted larval feeding experiments to examine the potential synergistic effects of iridoid glycosides (IGs) found in Plantago spp. (Plantaginaceae) on the specialist buckeye caterpillar, Junonia coenia (Nymphalidae). Caterpillars were placed on artificial diets containing different concentrations of single IGs (aucubin or catalpol alone) or combinations of the two IGs. Larval performance and immune response were recorded to test the hypothesis that IGs would have positive synergistic effects on buckeyes, which are specialists on IG plants. The positive synergistic effects that IGs had on buckeyes in our experiments included lower mortality, faster development, and higher total iridoid glycoside sequestration on mixed diets than on aucubin- or catalpol-only diets. Furthermore, we found negative synergistic effects of IGs on the immune response of buckeye caterpillars. These results demonstrate multiple synergistic effects of IGs and indicate a potential trade-off between larval performance and parasitoid resistance.  相似文献   

The physiological roles of polyphosphates (polyP) recently found in arthropod mitochondria remain obscure. Here, the relationship between the mitochondrial membrane exopolyphosphatase (PPX) and the energy metabolism of hard tick Rhipicephalus microplus embryos are investigated. Mitochondrial respiration was activated by adenosine diphosphate using polyP as the only source of inorganic phosphate (P(i)) and this activation was much greater using polyP(3) than polyP(15). After mitochondrial subfractionation, most of the PPX activity was recovered in the membrane fraction and its kinetic analysis revealed that the affinity for polyP(3) was 10 times stronger than that for polyP(15). Membrane PPX activity was also increased in the presence of the respiratory substrate pyruvic acid and after addition of the protonophore carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone. Furthermore, these stimulatory effects disappeared upon addition of the cytochrome oxidase inhibitor potassium cyanide and the activity was completely inhibited by 20 μg/mL heparin. The activity was either increased or decreased by 50% upon addition of dithiothreitol or hydrogen peroxide, respectively, suggesting redox regulation. These results indicate a PPX activity that is regulated during mitochondrial respiration and that plays a role in adenosine-5'-triphosphate synthesis in hard tick embryos.  相似文献   

羟乙基纤维素的性能、应用与市场现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了羟乙基纤维素(HEc)的结构与性能,综述了国内外HEC市场与应用技术发展现状。欧美的HEC市场已较为成熟,发展较为缓慢;目前国内HEC产量较低,市场被国外大企业垄断,但随着中国经济的发展和技术水平的提高,HEC产量和消费量将快速增长。欧美由于生产HEC较早,应用技术较为丰富;国内HEC应用技术刚刚起步,但随着国内城镇化进程的加快和人民生活水平的提高,涂料、石油和医药将是HEC应用增长最快的领域。随着技术的发展和市场的拓宽,在未来10年内,国内将会出现几家像美国道化学公司和赫克力士公司一样的大企业或跨国公司,并带领国内各纤维素醚企业向前发展,形成百花齐放,百家争鸣的局面。  相似文献   

The glucosinolate–myrosinase system of Brassicaceae is known to hold a defensive function in both a constitutive and an inducible fashion. Glucosinolates are sulfur- and nitrogen-containing metabolites that are hydrolyzed upon tissue disruption by myrosinase enzymes. The resulting products are toxic for most herbivores. Nevertheless, some insects evolved detoxification mechanisms that enable them to feed exclusively on Brassicaceae. Induction of plant chemical defenses that deter or poison generalists might be ineffective against adapted specialists. We investigated the specificity of short-term induction patterns of chemical defenses in Sinapis alba damaged by a glucosinolate-sequestering specialist herbivore (turnip sawfly, Athalia rosae), a generalist herbivore (fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda), or mechanical wounding (cork borer), and their effects on the behavior of A. rosae. After 24 hr of damage to young leaves, local as well as systemic changes in glucosinolate and myrosinase levels were analyzed. The intensity of the resulting changes was highest in damaged leaves. Induction responses in S. alba were dependent upon the attacking herbivore and were distinct from a mere wound response. Specialist feeding and mechanical wounding evoked up to threefold increases in levels of both parts of the glucosinolate–myrosinase system, whereas generalist feeding induced up to twofold increases in glucosinolate levels only. The majority of constitutive and induced myrosinase activity was found in the insoluble fractions. Possible consequences for the plant–specialist interaction were examined in behavioral tests with larvae and adult females of A. rosae on induced S. alba plants. Larval feeding and adult oviposition patterns were not modulated in relation to plant treatment. Thus, specificity was found in S. alba responses in relation to the inducing agent, but it was not present in return in the effects on the behavior of an adapted herbivore.  相似文献   

Studies in crop species show that the effect of plant allelochemicals is not necessarily restricted to herbivores, but can extend to (positive as well as negative) effects on performance at higher trophic levels, including the predators and parasitoids of herbivores. We examined how quantitative variation in allelochemicals (iridoid glycosides) in ribwort plantain, Plantago lanceolata, affects the development of a specialist and a generalist herbivore and their respective specialist and generalist endoparasitoids. Plants were grown from two selection lines that differed ca. 5-fold in the concentration of leaf iridoid glycosides. Development time of the specialist herbivore, Melitaea cinxia, and its solitary endoparasitoid, Hyposoter horticola, proceeded most rapidly when reared on the high iridoid line, whereas pupal mass in M. cinxia and adult mass in H. horticola were unaffected by plant line. Cotesia melitaearum, a gregarious endoparasitoid of M. cinxia, performed equally well on hosts feeding on the two lines of P. lanceolata. In contrast, the pupal mass of the generalist herbivore, Spodoptera exigua, and the emerging adult mass of its solitary endoparasitoid, C. marginiventris, were significantly lower when reared on the high line, whereas development time was unaffected. The results are discussed with regards to (1) differences between specialist and generalist herbivores and their natural enemies to quantitative variation in plant secondary chemistry, and (2) potentially differing selection pressures on plant defense.  相似文献   

The performance and behavior of herbivores is strongly affected by the quality of their host plants, which is determined by various environmental conditions. We investigated the performance and preference of the polyphagous shoot-infesting aphid Myzus persicae on the host-plant Arabidopsis thaliana in a two-factorial design in which nitrate fertilization was varied by 33 %, and the root-infesting cyst-nematode Heterodera schachtii was present or absent. Aphid performance was influenced by these abiotic and biotic factors in an interactive way. Nematode presence decreased aphid performance when nitrate levels were low, whereas nematode infestation did not influence aphid performance under higher nitrate fertilization. Aphids followed the “mother knows best” principle when given a choice, settling preferentially on those plants on which they performed best. Hence, they preferred nematode-free over nematode-infested plants in the low fertilization treatment but host choice was not affected by nematodes under higher nitrate fertilization. The amino acid composition of the phloem exudates was significantly influenced by fertilization but also by the interaction of the two treatments. Various glucosinolates in the leaves, which provide an estimate of phloem glucosinolates, were not affected by the individual treatments but by the combination of fertilization and herbivory. These changes in primary and secondary metabolites may be decisive for the herbivore responses. Our data demonstrate that abiotic and biotic factors can interactively affect herbivores, adding a layer of complexity to plant-mediated herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Generalist herbivores forage on a variety of plant species, allowing them to gain nutrients while limiting ingestion of harmful toxins. As the capacity to mix diets appears important for maximizing intake, the spatial scale in heterogeneity of food resources should influence the foraging behavior of herbivores. Our aim was to identify how the feeding strategy of a generalist mammalian herbivore, the common brushtail possum, responds to foods within a spatially defined environment. We evaluated foraging responses against increasing spatial separation between pairs of artificial diets that differed in flavor and toxin profile, to determine how distance and diet affect intake and behavior. Foraging responses were influenced by the type of diet or the degree of spatial separation between foods but not by their interaction. Diet influenced intake, time spent feeding, and feeding rate, but had no effect on nightly foraging interval, number of feeding bouts, or bout length. The number of switches between paired food resources and foraging efficiency (intake per unit distance, which accounts for the energetic costs of travelling), were influenced only by distance. Titrating foraging against a range of distances demonstrated how quickly foraging efficiency can decline in response to the spatial separation of food resources, highlighting the importance of spatial heterogeneity of plants within the home range of an herbivore.  相似文献   

MicroRNA-7a2 (miR-7a2) plays fundamental roles in the female reproductive axis, and estrogen is indispensable for maintaining ovary function. However, the interaction between miR-7a2 and ovarian function is unclear. The present study aimed to determine whether and how miR-7a2 functions in estrogen synthesis. Firstly, the results verified that miR-7a was highly expressed in ovarian granulosa cells. The knockout (KO) of miR-7a2 caused infertility and abnormal ovarian function in mice. Concomitantly, the Cyp19a1 expression and estrogen synthesis were significantly inhibited, which was validated in primary granulosa cells. The mice transplanted with miR-7a2 KO ovaries showed similar results; however, estrogen supplementation reversed infertility. In the in vitro experiment, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) significantly improved the expression of miR-7a and Cyp19a1 and the synthesis of estrogen. However, the miR-7a2 KO markedly reversed the function of FSH. Also, FSH upregulated miR-7a by activating the (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) JNK signaling pathway. In addition, Golgi apparatus protein 1 (Glg1) was shown to be the target gene of miR-7a2. These findings indicated that miR-7a2 is essential for ovarian functions with respect to estrogen synthesis through the targeted inhibition of the expression of Glg1 and then promoting Cyp19a1 expression; the physiological process was positively regulated by FSH via the JNK signaling pathway in granulosa cells.  相似文献   

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