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加氢变压器油   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从理化性能和电性能方面对加氢基础油和环烷基油进行了比较,认为加氢基础油的性能比环烷基油有明显的优势,可以用来调配变压器油.  相似文献   

通过对石蜡基和环烷基变压器油在烃类组成、理化性能、电气性能及抗氧化安定性等方面的比较,指出两种变压器油的电气性能相当,在其它性能上各有优缺点。  相似文献   

环烷基油是变压器油的最佳选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭槐  白生军 《润滑油》1997,12(6):63-64
环烷基油是变压器油的最佳选择郭槐白生军(新疆石油管理局克拉玛依石油化工厂,克拉玛依834003)前言作为国民经济支柱的电力工业,它的主体是由发电、变电、输电、配电及用电组成的一个电力生产系统,其核心设备是将交流电压升高或降低的变压器,变压器油的选择正...  相似文献   

以绥中36-1常二线馏分油为原料, 在中型装置上模拟工业三段高压加氢装置流程进行试验, 验证该工艺能否生产满足 GB 2536-2011 中 I-30℃(特殊级别)标准要求的变压器油,考察不同工艺操作参数对油品性能的影响。结果表明:三段加氢装置合适的工艺条件为反应压力 15.0MPa,加氢处理的体积空速0.5/h、氢油体积比1 000:1、温度340~360 ℃,临氢降凝的体积空速1.5/h、氢油体积比1 000:1、温度350~360 ℃,加氢补充精制的体积空速0.5/h、氢油体积比600:1、温度200~210 ℃;在上述条件下得到的变压器油基础油具有优良的低温性能、优异的抗氧化性能,各项性能均满足 GB2536-2011 中 I-30 ℃ 特殊级别指标要求;添加复合剂后制成的变压器成品油的各项指标优于国内外知名品牌油品或与其相当,在低温性能、抗氧化性能等方面具有明显优势。绥中361常二线馏分油可以通过高压加氢生产变压器油。  相似文献   

文章以中海油环烷基常二线和减一线馏分油的混合油为原料,采用中压加氢工艺(加氢处理-加氢补充精制)制备变压器油基础油,加入已开发的添加剂复配体系,调合成品变压器油。结果表明,在加氢处理反应温度为基准+5℃,加氢补充精制反应温度为基准温度条件下,变压器油基础油收率90.2%,轻柴油收率9.0%,石脑油收率1.4%,氢耗1.38%,气体损失0.78%;通过中压加氢工艺生产调合的变压器油成品性能满足GB 2536-2011标准要求,相比直接销售常二线和减一线馏分油,经济效益明显。  相似文献   

我国生产变压器油的主要原料来源于环烷基原油和石蜡基原油.其中,环烷基原油低温性能优越,不需经过工艺繁杂且成本高昂的脱蜡工艺即能生产变压器油,是更为理想的原料,但受资源储量限制较大[1].据了解,2009年国内环烷基变压器油市场需求量约为3.6×105 t,而市场实际可供应量仅为1.2×105 t左右,有较大的供求缺口.  相似文献   

许金强 《润滑油》1993,(3):16-18
介绍了利用孔店原油常二线生产变压器油的工艺,经研究表明,经酸碱—白土精制并加入复合抗氧剂,能够生产出合格的变压器油。  相似文献   

加氢变压器油的推出,不仅可提高变压器油产品的质量,而且将大大缓解市场日益增大的对变压器油的需求压力。介绍了加氢变压器油基础油的特点,重点对加氢变压器油和环境和环烷基变压器油的性能进行了较全面的比较。  相似文献   

以绥中SZ36-1减一线馏分油为原料,在柴油加氢中型试验装置进行生产变压器基础油的可行性验证,结果表明柴油加氢装置具备生产变压器油基础油的可能性;在中海油气(泰州)石化有限公司柴油加氢装置进行工业试生产,在不改变工艺流程的情况下,当新鲜进料量为25 t/h、产物循环量为15 t/h、体积空速为0.96 h-1、反应压力...  相似文献   

在加氢中试装置上,以环烷基减压馏分油作为原料,比较了深度加氢处理与常规加氢处理的反应性能,并对深度加氢处理反应条件下的产物性质和收率变化进行研究。结果表明,与常规加氢处理条件(反应温度为Ta+5)下生产的重质润滑油相比,由深度加氢处理(反应温度为Tb+5)得到的重质润滑油收率降低约18%,环烷碳原子比例(CN值)降低约11%,黏度指数增加33单位,润滑油的环烷特性减弱;另一方面,深度加氢处理时的煤油馏分收率、密度和黏度均高于常规加氢处理。  相似文献   

20号变压器油是中国石油克拉玛依石化公司环烷基产品的典型代表,主要应用于变压器及其配套设备中作为绝缘和冷却介质以及变压器运行监测载体。采用适宜的生产工艺,生产的产品性质满足GB2536—2011和Q/SY 58—2011的20号通用变压器油标准,经过电力系统多年来的试验研究和实际运行经验证明,20号变压器油质量稳定可靠,具有优异的抗氧化安定性、热安定性、抗老化安定性和低温性能。作为配套绝缘油成功应用于我国首条1000kV特高压试验示范工程,自投运后已安全运行1000多天,用实践检验了变压器油的质量水平。  相似文献   

换流变绝缘油主要用于换流变压器中作为绝缘和冷却介质,在变压器内充满各部件之间的间隙,排除空气,避免各部件与空气接触受潮而引起绝缘性降低。为实现换流变绝缘油的国产化,填补国产空白,中国石油克拉玛依石化公司自主开发了超高压直流输电换流变绝缘油。该产品以克拉玛依环烷基原油为原料,采用适宜的加工工艺生产,在我国首条输电线路的换流变设备中得到应用。经过电力系统多年来的实际运行验证,该油品达到国际同类产品的质量水平,性质稳定,使用性好。  相似文献   

介绍了克拉玛依环烷基稠油特点、环烷基润滑油加工工艺及产品的优势。根据稠油特点和相关行业用油的特殊要求,自主开发了专用加工工艺并研制开发了达到国际先进水平的系列环烷基润滑油产品,有力支持了我国相关行业的发展。  相似文献   

In this article, the reasons for discoloration of hydrotreated naphthenic rubber base oil under high temperature were studied in detail. In order to define compositional factors associated with the color deterioration, firstly liquid-solid chromatography was used to separate hydrotreated naphthenic rubber base oil into five different fractions, i.e., saturates, monoaromatics, diaromatics, polyaromatics, and polars. Then color change of each fraction was evaluated under high temperature. The results of the test indicate that polyaromatics and polars are the main precursor of color and deposits, respectively, and the composition of polyaromatics was characterized by elemental analysis, gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometer (APCI/MS).  相似文献   


In this article, the reasons for discoloration of hydrotreated naphthenic rubber base oil under high temperature were studied in detail. In order to define compositional factors associated with the color deterioration, firstly liquid-solid chromatography was used to separate hydrotreated naphthenic rubber base oil into five different fractions, i.e., saturates, monoaromatics, diaromatics, polyaromatics, and polars. Then color change of each fraction was evaluated under high temperature. The results of the test indicate that polyaromatics and polars are the main precursor of color and deposits, respectively, and the composition of polyaromatics was characterized by elemental analysis, gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometer (APCI/MS).  相似文献   

王鹏  李雁秋 《润滑油》2012,27(4):6-11
随着环保进程的持续推进,制冷行业使用的冷媒种类发生了重大变化。R717(氨)、R22(一氯二氟甲烷)、R600a(异丁烷)是目前业内使用最为广泛的制冷剂品种。对应于三种制冷剂的冷冻机油,仍然以矿油型产品为主导。现阶段矿油型冷冻机油的技术发展主要针对"优异的化学稳定性"、"优良的抗磨损性能"、"节能"等方面。文章简要介绍了国内外矿油型冷冻机油产品发展及冷冻机油标准体系的制定情况,详细说明了中国石油润滑油公司开发的DRC系列、KRD系列、KHT系列产品特性及使用情况。  相似文献   


Microwave technology is introduced for removal of naphthenic acid from diesel oil. The decrease of Zeta-potential of interface and the viscosity of diesel oil are responsible for the acceleration of separation of naphthenic acid with microwave irradiation. It was observed that the separation percentage changed with the dosage of alkali compound solvent, irradiation pressure, irradiation time, irradiation power, settling time, and oil phase-to-solvent phase volume ratio (O/S). The removal rate of naphthenic acid was maximum when the optimum conditions were suggested to be M p /M T = 1.5, 0.05 MPa, 6 min, 375 W, 25 min, and O/S = 10, respectively.  相似文献   

Microwave technology is introduced for removal of naphthenic acid from diesel oil. The decrease of Zeta-potential of interface and the viscosity of diesel oil are responsible for the acceleration of separation of naphthenic acid with microwave irradiation. It was observed that the separation percentage changed with the dosage of alkali compound solvent, irradiation pressure, irradiation time, irradiation power, settling time, and oil phase-to-solvent phase volume ratio (O/S). The removal rate of naphthenic acid was maximum when the optimum conditions were suggested to be Mp/MT = 1.5, 0.05 MPa, 6 min, 375 W, 25 min, and O/S = 10, respectively.  相似文献   

Low-temperature viscosity of lube oils mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil at different mass ratios has been tested by experiments. The influence of paraffinic base oil on the performance of naphthenic base oil was investigated by studying the low-temperature viscosity of tested oils. The viscosity of lube oils increased with an increasing content of high-viscosity paraffinic base oil in the oil mixture. And the low-temperature viscosity was less influenced when the content of paraffinic base oil in the mixture was insignificant. In order to reduce the cost for formulating lubricating oil, a small fraction of paraffinic base oil can be added into naphthenic base oil as far as the property of lubricating oil can meet the specification. According to the study on low-temperature viscosity of the oil mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil, a basic rule was worked out for the preparation of qualified lubricating oils.  相似文献   


Emulsification is an undesired phenomenon in the refining of highly acidic oil by alkali-washing electro-refining. In this article, a novel microwave method is applied for demulsification in the removing of naphthenic acid from diesel oil. The internal heating is attributed to molecular rotation and ionic conduction. The decrease of interface zeta-potential and the viscosity of diesel oil are responsible for the demulsification with microwave irradiation. The results exhibited that the demulsification rate is maximized when the optimum microwave irradiation power, exposure time, and irradiation pressure for Anshan and Liaohe diesel oil are deemed to be 375 W, 5/6 min and 0.05 MPa, respectively.  相似文献   

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