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This contribution gives some reflections on the Netherlands' New Housing Memorandum 2000-2010, which was published on 15 May 2000. This Housing Memorandum urges the housing corporations (the social housing organisations which own 37 per cent of the housing stock) to sell 500 000 dwellings in 10 years. This seems to confirm Harloe's assertion that social housing in Europe is only a transitional tenure. Even in the Netherlands-champion of social rented housing within the European Union-the owner occupied sector would seem destined to marginalise the social rented sector in the long run. This paper argues that the housing corporations, being private, independent social entrepreneurs, will be only partially inclined to take the political message of the Housing Memorandum to heart. It is expected that the Dutch social rented sector will remain a differentiated sector and continue to blossom alongside home ownership. Harloe's theory will, in short, not be confirmed by the housing developments in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

During the 1990s a large majority of the social rented sector managers in the Netherlands shifted towards an advert model of allocation in place of a waiting list system. This paper focuses on the consumer's response to this new letting mechanism. Three case studies were conducted, geared to evaluate consumers' appreciation and understanding of the advert model. Various additional local, regional or national evaluations are used to put the findings from the case studies in perspective. Generally, the public appreciates the advert model more than the distribution system. However, insufficient understanding of the complex do-it-yourself allocation system affects appreciation of the system and access to vacancies both negatively. On average, people on low income and ethnic minority members (overlapping groups) were more prone to lack of understanding and were less successful applicants as a result. Moreover, the allocation mechanism has not changed differences in resources and bargaining power and its effects on the outcome of the allocation process.  相似文献   

A new form of contractual agreement and way of working adapted from other industries, the ‘project alliance’, was researched, developed and is undergoing demonstration to reduce the length of construction time and construction costs. This is achieved through contractor involvement at an early stage of the design process, project participants paid on a net cost basis with participants jointly sharing in the financial success or failure of the project at completion, and the creation of a contractual partnership between all parties.

Cet article porte sur des recherches faites sur une nouvelle forme d'accord contractuel et sur une méthode de travail issue d'autres industries; cette étude intitulée «project alliance» a été affinée et est en cours de démonstration, l'objectif étant de raccourcir la durée des travaux de construction et d'en réduire les coûts. Ces réductions sont possibles, d'une part, grâce à l'implication du contractant au début du processus de conception, les participants au projet étant payés sur la base du coût net et étant solidaires, sur le plan financier, de la réussite ou de l'échec du projet au moment de l'achèvement et, d'autre part, grâce la création d'un partenariat contractuel entre toutes les parties concernées.  相似文献   

R&Sie(n)'s installation I'm Lost in Paris (2008), a disturbing take on the ecological house, epitomises the preoccupation of the French architect François Roche with the contradictions of modern nature. Javier Arbona tracks how Roche's notion of nature as ‘a partly human artifice’ which is both alien and personalised play out in his various projects, capitulating between attempts at overcoming alienation and heightening it. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The work of the office for subversive architecture (osa) ‘crosses boundaries by thinking beyond, or further than others’. For the office's Ulrich Beckefeld and Karsten Huneck , transgression is both a conceptual and practical tool. For the work to communicate effectively, it has to stretch expectations and question norms. The urban public spaces within which they intervene are also the most tightly controlled areas of any city, which requires a subtle but pragmatic disregard for regulations.  相似文献   

Infrastructure, ecology and art   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In keeping with the ‘industrial ecology’ metaphor, roads and railways should be regarded as forming an ecosystem with their surroundings, just like industrial systems (factory premises, manufacturing industries) that have had to start functioning as ecosystems in which the flow of energy, water, raw materials and waste products has been made to recycle as far as possible. In this type of system approach, the flow of material, transport, emissions and energy and the habitats of plants and animals are geographically, systematically and functionally integrated, especially when they are based on a greater degree of interweaving between man and nature than is currently the case. In short, a new way of looking at the meaning of ecology in relation to the physical infrastructure.In the article, examples are given about the practical implication of linking ecological patterns and processes within the design process of civil engineering object, as well as the possible art’s contribution in forming infrastructural landscapes.  相似文献   

Finding inspiration and drive in the chaos and fragmentation of today's world, Adriaan Geuze and Matthew Skjonsberg of West 8 have developed an approach that they refer to as ‘radical contextualism’. This requires not only a respect for reality and existing conditions, but also an openness to multiple layers of meaning and a wide variety of inputs, whether historic, cultural, anecdotal or even random. Giving themselves over to evolutionary entropy, they work with ingenuity with whatever they encounter.  相似文献   

The debate between proponents of collaborative planning theory and their critics on the dynamics of power in planning highlights a discrepancy between the norms and the practices of democratic planning. According to the norm of democratic planning, all participants should have an equal opportunity to influence and to realise a plan's objectives, but practice has shown that power is unequally divided between people, privileging some and excluding others. This raises the important issue of how normative aspirations of deliberative planning can be reconciled with actual planning practices. This article discusses this question, exploring the power relationships and institutional transformations that influence planning using two case studies about conflicts over Dutch rural land use.  相似文献   

Artist Dominic Shepherd pursues the imaginative and a sense of mystery in his work; his 2012 one-man show at Charlie Smith London was entitled ‘Jerusalem’. Here he reflects on the Golden Age as depicted in Cranach's masterpiece of that name, and ruminates on the cyclical nature of the pastoral, a landscape that is tended and nurtured by generations of hands.  相似文献   

近20余年,我国园林园艺类博览会发展迅速。我国境内举办的综合性园林园艺类博览会包括:由国际机构主办的世界园艺博览会(简称世园会);由国内机构或组织主办的中国国际园林博览会(简称园博会)、中国绿化博览会(简称绿博会)和中国花卉博览会(简称花博会)等。这四类综合性园林园艺类博览会经历了长期的探索和发展,形成了较成熟的指导思想、展览内容和运作模式,但一定程度上存在生态效益低、展览内容趋同、展后运作困难等问题。对这四类博览会发展进程回顾和总结的基础上,提出我国综合性园林园艺类博览会应向着注重生态效益、传播自然理念,增强思想交流、融入百姓生活,市场主导运作、展后良性经营的方向发展,以使综合性园林园艺类博览会在未来保持活力与特色,实现生态和经济上的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Residents and non-residents are likely to think differently about a neighbourhood's reputation. Relatively little is known about the similarities and differences between these internal and external types of neighbourhood reputation or the relationship between reputations and ‘real’ or ‘objective’ neighbourhood characteristics. This paper addresses two points: first, the extent to which neighbourhood reputations differ between and within groups; second, the extent to which these neighbourhood reputations are associated with measured neighbourhood characteristics. Data from a specially designed survey carried out in 24 neighbourhoods in Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands, are used. Analysis of the data showed that neighbourhood reputations are rated higher by residents and estate agents than by other city residents. Within the group of other city residents, differences were found in how neighbourhood reputations are rated by socio-economic status, ethnicity and educational background. Further, it was found that neighbourhood reputations are correlated with measured social characteristics of the neighbourhood, while physical and functional neighbourhood characteristics are of less importance.  相似文献   

数百年来,我国古建砖塔饱受了地震的袭击,至今仍基本完好地屹立着,其强大的抗御灾害的能力,除取决于科学合理的筒体结构形式、行之有效的结构构造措施、精湛娴熟的施工技术外,良好的场地、地基条件对这种高柔结构的动力性质也产生了积极有利的影响。通过对滇、川、晋、豫等地的一些砖塔的考察,就我国古代建筑的选址原则,人工改良地基技术及砖塔抗震性能作一初步探讨。  相似文献   

Colin Harrison , Senior Curator of European Art at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, describes how the English 19th-century artist Samuel Palmer was deeply influenced by the poet and painter William Blake. Palmer's sublime paintings of the 1820s placed a new emphasis on the harmony of nature, reinterpreting traditional subjects entirely afresh, placing the Holy Family not in the Holy Land, but in the English countryside.  相似文献   

对2019年北京世界园艺博览会世界园艺展示区的公共区景观设计背景、公共景观设计逻辑、主题线索的选择及重点设计内容进行了阐述。通过该项目实践,探索国际级专业园林艺术博览会公共区景观设计中,将人的行为事件作为场地设计推动力,将人的主观性与自然的存在性有效融合的方法与途径。结合项目设计重点区域,着重谈论了"种子的故事""蝶恋花"和"老树记忆"3条设计线索的演绎,阐释与表达人与自然的和谐共生关系。希望该项目能传递设计者对于自然、对于生命的尊重与情感的表达,创造出与自然山水和谐共生的现代景观。  相似文献   

严国泰  宋霖 《中国园林》2021,37(3):112-117
改革开放40余年,中国的自然保护地体系发展迅速,除风景名胜区外,还先后设立了自然保护区等14类保护地,实际上形成了中国的自然保护地体系。但由于各类保护地在空间和权责上的重叠,国家决定建立国家公园体制并对各类保护地进行重组。在此背景下,比照世界遗产、国家公园等国际上的保护地体系建设经验,梳理了中国风景名胜价值演进和利用发展的3个阶段,解说了世界遗产与中国风景名胜资源的对应关系。并在目前风景名胜区体系整体保留的情况下,尝试借鉴世界遗产价值评估对中国国家公园体系的分类分级进行完善,识别风景名胜区强调自然和文化相结合的价值和特色,指明国家公园体制下的风景名胜区保护资源并带动地区发展的潜力与路径。  相似文献   

Market principles are now a keyfeature of many social housing systems in Europe,and are a product of international public sectormanagement reforms. These reforms have led to thedevelopment and use of performance indicators. Dutchand English housing associations use what appear tobe very similar performance measures. This paper,however, illustrates that there are fundamentaldifferences in their use and their capacity toexplain the performance of the sector. This isargued to be a product of the extent of publicmanagement reform, the nature of the funding regimeand the way they are held to account.  相似文献   

丰富的自然体验与感知有利于发挥绿地的健康效 益,明确影响滨江人群自然感知及感知复愈性的景观环境要素 对于精细化提升公园绿地环境品质具有重要意义。以典型沿江 型湿地公园上海后滩公园为例,采用游客受雇佣拍摄法,获得 景观环境感知特征数据及感知自然程度和感知复愈程度评分数 据,探索与人群自然感知及感知复愈性相关的公园绿地景观环 境影响要素。研究发现:1)场景内存在水体、植被物种丰富度 越高、视觉主体植被健康程度越高、场地的整洁程度越高、无 硬质铺地道路或道路类型为线性延伸路径,对人群的自然感知 程度和感知复愈程度更有利;2)场景内有动物出现、人工修剪 痕迹更少会显著提升人群对自然的感知程度,但与人群的感知 复愈程度相关性不显著;3)场景内的土地裸露度会负向影响 公众在自然中的复愈感受,而对人群的自然感知程度无显著影 响。基于以上研究结果,对沿江型湿地公园景观环境提出设计 优化建议:1)增加水体要素;2)提高植被物种丰富度;3)提高 场景整洁度,降低土地裸露度,同时也须避免对植被的过度修 剪;4)营造丰富生境,提高野生动物多样性及其可观测性。  相似文献   

《Architectural Design》2007,77(6):100-106
The first architectural firm in Bangalore, founded in 1947 by Narayan Chandavarkar, Chandavarkar and Thacker is currently under the directorship of Prem Chandavarkar and Sai Shankar Bharatan. Continuing the collaborative nature of the practice during its many reorganisations over the years, Prem Chandavarkar has also given the firm a new intellectual edge by confronting Bangalore's new urbanity, and as such is a role model for many younger-generation architects. The practice's current work represents thoughtful and reflective responses as architecture finds itself at a critical juncture in this city of a euphoric present.With the practice's 60-year history, Chandavarkar is particularly aware of the humility and ‘backgroundness’ that once characterised the culture of the city in contrast to the present voluble environment. He has written (including in his essay in this issue) about the nature of practice and production, and has argued why a critical and self-reflexive practice needs to be the order of the day. Chandavarkar and Thacker speak of an ‘aesthetics of absorption’ and a ‘negotiated practice’, both of which should inform a much needed criticality of the exuberant conditions today. ‘A building does not convey meaning as much as it slowly absorbs it,’ declares the practice, and so the test of a building is not the initial impression of its spectacular presentation, but the accrued experiences and memories of its everyday inhabitation. In their understanding of culture as an active and ongoing phenomenon, and hence one not yet susceptible to definition, the architects bring an open-endedness to their own practice. The result is an avoidance of a predetermined language of expression, and thus the variety of spatial, volumetric, site and technofunctional responses, in their array of works. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Visionary New York architect Lebbeus Woods reviews the evolution of Zaha Hadid's work from the 1970s to the present. Tracking the shifts in her work from a Suprematist-informed fragmentation in the 1980s to a more contemporary fluidity and a preoccupation with complex curvilinearity, he throws light on the relationship between Hadid's drawing and her architecture. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

巢耀明 《建筑学报》2004,(12):26-29
从2005年日本爱知世博会选址的争论与变迁、与自然和睦相处的会场规划布局、环境低负荷的公共交通系统、世博会的生态环境策略等方面,探讨大型博览会建设中生态环境可持续发展的理念,也揭示了之所以称爱知世博会为环境世博会的原因。  相似文献   

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