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二战以来,伦敦的城市发展经历了数次成功的转型,城市规划在其中扮演了重要角色。本文首先回顾了二战以来伦敦城市转型和城市规划的演进历程,介绍了新世纪以来为应对全球化的挑战所编制的大伦敦空间发展战略的内容,并以伦敦东部码头区的转型发展为例,阐述了其在伦敦城市转型中的角色和对城市整体转型的推进作用。  相似文献   

Trompes L'Oeil     
Mike Devereux sets out to explode the myth that London is an organic, unplanned city shaped by economic forces, and Paris is, in contrast, a planned city moulded by the state. He describes the many similarities that the two cities share and how planning ideas in fact ‘flowed between the capitals’ during the Haussmann era. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

如何理解像伦敦这样的城市?本文将亨利·勒菲弗(Henri Lefebvre)的思想与《不可知的城市》[1]中的实例结合,用以分析研究各种各样的城市问题:如作为社会产物的空间、体现记忆中的具有时代特征的历史建筑、社会特征(如性别、阶级、种族划分和性等)、对城市的切身经历、对资本社会和统治阶级特权的反抗以及所表达的建筑和艺术形式。伦敦这一城市所显示的是一个建造过程,包括博物馆、商业中心、纪念性建筑、酒吧、临时的艺术品和住宅等,以及其中各种各样的空间活动。通过这种分析,我们可以说对伦敦的理解不仅仅是包含一系列的有限的物质,而是还涉及一些不断进化的和可能的未知的领域。  相似文献   

赵云伟 《规划师》2001,17(5):9-12
在介绍当代城市形象营销宏观背景的基础上,分析城市形象营销策略的主要特征,并深入剖析伦敦3个千年工程的策划目标和实际经营状况。  相似文献   

The proliferation of social media and software, such as building information modelling (BIM), has led to an unprecedented accumulation of data in the last few years, which can be tracked, tagged and scanned.With it, buildings and cities have been transformed into portals for information. Andrew Hudson-Smith , Director at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London (UCL), describes how the ability to use emerging urban analytic tool kits provides the possibility of a real-time view of the city and a crystal-ball-like glimpse into urban networks of the future.  相似文献   

2011年,伦敦市长办公室修编了《大伦敦规划》,对伦敦未来20年的城市发展做出了新的设计。交通战略在这版规划中逐步从城市发展的支撑系统转向引导城市发展的动因。伦敦交通不以新建和扩张运能为主要发展模式,而是强调以政策措施来提高路网设施的交通效率,值得上海在城市转型发展期间学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

窦强 《建筑创作》2010,(6):152-159
文章从城市与建筑两方面描述和解读了伦敦这座独特的世界城市,以期对北京的城市建设有所借鉴。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了当代城市形象营销的宏观背景,然后分析了城市形象营销策略的主要特征,最后深入剖析了伦敦的三个千年工程的策划目标和实际经营状况。  相似文献   

This article examines commitment to the regional development of London as it emerged among individuals and groups interested in urban planning in the early twentieth century. Following a brief account of growth and reform in the capital during the nineteenth century, this article focuses on the development of debates about planning the metropolis in the first two decades of the century, exploring practical initiatives such as the Town Planning Conference held in 1910 and the production of The London Society's Development Plan for Greater London during the years of the First World War. London's associational culture was central in generating and hosting discussions about the future of the city during this period and the article provides an indication of the extent of overlapping memberships between groups such as the Royal Institute of British Architects, The London Society and the Town Planning Institute. In conclusion, this article suggests that the regional imagination, central to the later development of planning, was clearly visible in the programme of work undertaken during the First World War and that associational networks were an important part of early professionalization in planning in Britain.  相似文献   

The screen is a recurring element in the work of Niall McLaughlin Architects . Environmental considerations have provided the opportunity for inclusion of the screen in built works, but it has been embraced by them for its geometric and material qualities, as well as the play it affords with light. The practice has relished the transformative powers of inserting everyday found objects into the screens to provide an additional level of surprise and delight. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Robert Harbison describes how the upgrading and extension of the old East London Line, which connects the city east and south, enables new explorations and insights. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The work of the office for subversive architecture (osa) ‘crosses boundaries by thinking beyond, or further than others’. For the office's Ulrich Beckefeld and Karsten Huneck , transgression is both a conceptual and practical tool. For the work to communicate effectively, it has to stretch expectations and question norms. The urban public spaces within which they intervene are also the most tightly controlled areas of any city, which requires a subtle but pragmatic disregard for regulations.  相似文献   

Curation or selection offers up probably the greatest challenge for the contemporary architect. With the onslaught of information, the emphasis is now on what an architect chooses to respond to rather than what is available to him or her in terms of sources. Iain Borden discusses how Block Architecture's responsive position enables the firm to react with immediacy to its urban surroundings, while also resulting in highly attuned ‘architectures of suggestion and momentary thinking’. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文从政策、规划思想和开发实践3个方面系统分析了伦敦码头区改造的发展过程,深入探讨了这一改造与英国总体经济结构变化尤其是伦敦城市经济发展的内在联系。一方面,伦敦码头区改造在开发上的成功为后工业的伦敦开辟了一个新的经济发展空间;另一方面,以市场为导向的改造开发严重冲击了城市规划与社区建设,这种现象引起了学术界和社会对城市规划与社区在私有化的后工业时代的命运的深思。  相似文献   

李凤会  刘泉  王萍 《城市建筑》2014,(20):33-34
城市风貌规划作为彰显城市个性、避免千城一面、一城千面的重要抓手,正日益被城市建设规划部门重视。本文以《铜陵市城市风貌规划》为例,介绍一种以行动规划为理念的城市风貌规划编制思路,希望为读者提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

伦敦湿地公园运作模式与设计概念   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
卜菁华  王洋 《华中建筑》2005,23(2):103-105
伦敦湿地公园是世界上第一个位于市中心的湿地公园,于1995年开始动工,2000年建成开放,它是城市区域内湿地恢复和保护的一个成功范例。该文着重分析了其运作模式和基本设计概念,为我国城市区域中湿地的保存和恢复提供借鉴。  相似文献   

城市风貌是通过自然景观、人造景观和人文景观而体现出来的城市发展过程中形成的城市传统、文化和城市生活的环境特征。城市风貌由自然要素、人工要素和复合要素构成,公共环境设施是人工要素组成部分,是城市环境整体不可或缺的细部元素,其景观风貌对城市整体风貌的形成具有重要的衬托作用,同时还有不可缺失的服务功能。本文以泉州古城区为例,通过对文庙广场中的环境设施进行调研分析,探讨环境设施对塑造城市特色风貌的作用,意在探寻环境设施系统与城市风貌协调发展的相关理论。  相似文献   

Gary Hausladen 《Cities》1985,2(1):55-69
The relative dominance of large cities in the USSR is striking given the traditional Soviet ideological bias against such cities. This bias has been translated into policies designed to divert growth away from major urban centres to satellite cities in the metropolitan region, a strategy quite similar to UK urban and regional economic plans. This article examines urban growth in the Moscow metropolitan region to determine the extent to which satellite city policies have helped regulate the growth of Moscow itself. Throughout the analysis the Moscow experience is compared to and contrasted with the UK regional development experience around London.  相似文献   

伦敦是公认的文化之都和创意产业之都。伦敦市长的文化战略对伦敦文化创意事业的发展起指引作用。而伦敦的文化和创意部门对推动这座城市成为世界城市具有显著的意义。文章介绍大伦敦文化战略的意义、目标、方略,以及大伦敦政府如何与文化部门的各种团体、代表、赞助方及合作方协同工作,以便更好地传播市长的文化战略。  相似文献   

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