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During the past decade there has been a steady diminution in the economic expectations and public support for nuclear power in the USA. An increasing number of nuclear plants have been delayed, deferred, or cancelled, and those being completed face unforeseen rising costs. As a result, both the electric utility industry and the public generally perceive nuclear power, based on light water reactor technology, as intrinsically uneconomic and troublesome as a future option for power generation. The authors believe that this is not because of the inherent nature of nuclear power in general or light water reactors in particular. It arises mainly from the adverse regulatory and institutional framework in which electrical utilities and power plant constructors have to operate in the USA.  相似文献   

Ian Fells 《Energy Policy》1984,12(3):306-309
The world nuclear scene is a patchwork, with a crisis of confidence in most Western countries (with France as the outstanding exception), steady progress in the Eastern bloc, and mixed experience in the LDCs — partly because of lack of interest by developed countries in the production and marketing of small robust nuclear plants with suitable back-up services. The situation in the UK is a microcosm of that in the Western world as a whole. It is compounded by the absence of any coherent energy policy other than an unspoken one of reliance on market forces, combined with short-term expediency, as the dominating element in decisions needing to be taken on individual energy industries.  相似文献   

The paper develops the idea of a new system of steam production (Simplified System for Steam Production, SSSP) in nuclear power plants (NPPs) with PWR reactors, which is simplified as compared to the system used in the classical NPP of this type where steam is produced by steam generators (SGs). With the SSSP, expanders are used instead of SGs. The particularities of a NPP with a SSSP are analyzed in comparison to the classical NPP equipped with PWR and BWR reactors, which are used almost exclusively at present to produce electric energy at the industrial level.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a CANDU-CANDU (Th/Pu)-LMFBR (PuO2) nuclear power system which evolves in a finite time interval. Its initial evolution is only in the CANDU variant, and subsequently in the variants CANDU (Th/Pu) and LMFBR (PuO2) by the use of Pu produced in the system. It is assumed that the fuel burn-up in the LMFBR (PuO2) reactors is a random value, as it is governed by an a priori determined field of probability. The resources of natural uranium and Pu which severely influence the development of the system are also random, as they cannot be definitely known, and moreover they are actually governed by another field of probability already known. Under these conditions, the set of optimal solutions and associated optimal values represented by the nuclear electric powers released in the system at the end of the considered time interval have to be derived. Concomitantly, the distribution of the optimal value, its average value and standard deviation can be evaluated. This type of stochastic approach to nuclear power system optimization is much more valid than the deterministic approach, as it supplies information of interest for the decision-makers engaged in the solution of a nuclear power policy.  相似文献   

This paper provides an economic analysis of possible nuclear new build in the UK. It compares costs and benefits of nuclear new build against conventional gas-fired generation and low carbon technologies (CCS, wind, etc.). A range of scenarios are considered to allow for uncertainty as regards nuclear and other technology costs, gas prices and carbon prices.  相似文献   

Only very optimistic views of the progress of FBR technology allow one to envisage its competitiveness on a time horizon of 40–50 years. This might occur in the improbable context of a trebling or quadrupling of the price of uranium. Even in that case the benefits of electricity production by FBRs would not compensate for the enormous expense of the necessary R&D and eventual commercialization of this new nuclear system. However these considerations seem minor when compared to the economic obstacles presented by plutonium reprocessing from LWRs. Investment in the plutonium associated with the FBR will possibly be more expensive than the actual construction costs.  相似文献   

James G. Hewlett   《Energy Policy》2005,33(18):2293-2297
One issue addressed in almost all electric power restructuring/de-regulation plans in both the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) was the recovery of operating nuclear power plant's spent fuel disposal costs and the expenditures to decommission the units when they are retired. Prior to restructuring, in theory at least, in both countries, electricity consumers were paying for the back end costs from operating nuclear power plants. Moreover, in virtually all cases in the US, states included special provisions to insure that consumers would continue to do so after power markets were de-regulated. When power markets in the UK were initially restructured/de-regulated and nuclear power privatized, the shareholders of British Energy (BE) were initially responsible for these costs. However, after electricity prices fell and BE collapsed, the British government shifted many of the costs to future taxpayers, as much as a century forward. If this was not done, the book value of BE's equity would have been about −3.5 billion pounds. That is, BE's liabilities would have been about −3.5 billion pounds greater than their assets. It is difficult to see how BE could remain viable under such circumstances.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the extent to which the construction of new nuclear power plants in the UK can safeguard or enhance energy security. The paper starts with a discussion of energy security, and breaks it down into four main categories of threat. These include threats due to fossil fuel scarcity and external disruptions, problems due to a lack of investment in infrastructure, threats due to technology or infrastructure failure, and risks due to domestic activism or terrorism. The paper then discusses one of the most common strategies put forward to improve security—the promotion of diversity within energy systems. Following this, the paper assesses the potential for new nuclear investment to ameliorate security threats in each of the four categories introduced earlier in the paper. The paper concludes that whilst nuclear investment can help to mitigate some threats to UK energy security, the government's case for supporting this investment ignores some equally important security issues. As a result, the energy security case for nuclear power has not yet been made.  相似文献   

Hydrogenation of metals is an exothermic and reversible process. Thus, metal hydride reactors/devices become essentially heat-driven. Excellent heat control in the MH reactor is required to develop metal hydride devices such as H2 storage systems successfully. Few attempts at nature-inspired designs have proven to have good heat transfer capabilities. Based on this idea, the present study investigates novel bio-inspired leaf-vein type fins for the metal hydride reactor. Two reactor designs are proposed for heat transfer fluid flow, namely (i) central straight tube and (ii) narrow trapezoidal channels with 10 kg of LaNi5 as a sample alloy. Compared to longitudinal finned single tube reactors (LFSTR), these designs provided better heat transmission and temperature uniformity. For LFSTR, Case-1, and Case-2, 90% storage capacity was reached in 210, 145, and 80 s. Different fin configurations, such as parallel, inclined fins, and fins of different thicknesses, are investigated further in the design with narrow trapezoidal channels. The inclined fin configuration shows better performance, and it is further optimized by varying the inclination angle from 3 to 9° and the fin number from 2 to 4. The optimized design with a 7° inclination angle and four fins required 57 s to attain 90% storage capacity and reduced absorption time by 73% compared to LFSTR. The influence of operating parameters such as hydrogen supply pressure, inlet temperature, and velocity of the heat transfer fluid on the performance is evaluated for the optimized design.  相似文献   

This article investigates forms of social, political, and economic organization conducive to nuclear power expansion. We begin by developing a theoretical framework of nuclear socio-political economy based primarily upon the evolution of nuclear energy in France. This framework posits that (1) strong state involvement in guiding economic development, (2) centralization of national energy planning, (3) campaigns to link technological progress to a national revitalization, (4) influence of technocratic ideology on policy decisions, (5) subordination of challenges to political authority, and (6) low levels of civic activism are influential factors in supporting development of nuclear power. Accordingly, we seek to verify the causal properties of these six catalysts for nuclear power expansion in two nations – India and China – that are on the brink of becoming major nuclear powers. We validate our framework by confirming the presence of the six catalysts during the initial nuclear power developmental periods in each country. We also apply our framework as a predictive tool by considering how present conditions in the two nations will impact nuclear power development trends. We conclude by highlighting the emergence of a potential seventh catalyst – the influence of greenhouse gas emission abatement policy on nuclear power development.  相似文献   

In this study, two types of high temperature electrolyzers (O=SOE and H+SOE) were investigated for hydrogen generation in relation to nuclear power plant operations. The analysis encompasses the thermal integration of proton and ion conducting solid oxide electrolyzers, which are fed with steam generated in the nuclear plant. Under consideration in the study was the steam turbine cycle of an AP1000 nuclear power plant. The main parameters of electrolysis were tailored to match the typical operating temperature of the electrolyzers, and the water utilization factor was set at the same value for the two technologies under consideration. There are some advantages to applying high temperature electrolysis to the deaerator steam feed: first, there is almost no modification of the nuclear steam turbine cycle; second, flexibility of the nuclear power plant rises by 20% with almost constant thermal load of the nuclear reactor; and third, high pressure hydrogen is obtained for commercial purposes. The analysis concludes that hydrogen can be produced in electrolyzers integrated with nuclear plants at an energy cost of 38.83 and 37.55 kWh kgH2−1 for protonic and ionic solid oxide electrolyzers, respectively.  相似文献   

Nuclear fuel cycle costs for a single PWR electricity generating station have been calculated and reported as part of the CEGB Proof of Evidence to the Sizewell B Public Inquiry. In the present study, a similar calculation is carried out for a CANDU-type station. The comparison of results shows a considerable advantage in favour of CANDU fuel cycle costs. In view of uncertainties regarding the cost and availability of reprocessing, this cost is not included in the comparison.  相似文献   

Jordan plans to import two conventional gigawatt scale nuclear reactors from Russia that are expensive and too large for Jordan's current electricity grid. Jordan efforts to establish nuclear power might become easier in some ways if the country were to construct Small Modular Reactors, which might be better suited to Jordan's financial capabilities and its smaller electrical grid capacity. But, the SMR option raises new problems, including locating sites for multiple reactors, finding water to cool these reactors, and the higher cost of electricity generation. Jordan's decision has important implications for its energy planning as well as for the market for SMRs.  相似文献   

Anthony G Heyes 《Energy Policy》1995,23(12):1027-1034
Regardless of the regulatory style chosen (‘command and control’ or ‘functional’) a vital prerequisite for coherent safety regulation in the nuclear power industry is the ability to assess accident risk. In this paper we present a critical analysis of current techniques of probabilistic risk analysis applied in the industry, with particular regard to the problems of quantifying risks arising from, or exacerbated by, human risk and/or human error  相似文献   

核能发电的优点及世界核电发展动向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
首先介绍了核电在资源、环境和经济性方面的情况,指出核电用的核燃料在地壳和海洋中的储藏量在相当长的时间内不会因为一定规模的核动力应用而出现资源紧张的状况;核电是各种能源中温室气体排放量最小的发电方式,核电与其他发电方式在经济方面具有可比性。然后介绍了世界各国和我国核电的发展趋势,最后提出面对发展核电的大好局面应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Decision making under risk offers promise of a new and valuable procedure for social decisions. In this paper the theory of risk perference is adopted and it is shown that the interesting type of risk attitude is constant risk aversion. the theory is applied to a nuclear power system consisting of PHWRs and PWRs integrated with LMFBRs. Nine development alternatives for the system which evolves over a time period of 40 years are considered. the fast reactor integration is accomplished beginning in year 15 with a variable time delay so that for every alternative, six final states are possible. an econometric model of the system offers the cost price of annual energy generated by the system at the end of a given time interval for every possible state of any aiternative. Further, every state of an alternative is associated with a known probability and the concept of lottery is introduced. Finally, it is shown how to quantify the attitude toward risk and how to select among lotteries. In this way it was possible to obtaine the optimal development alternatives of the nuclear system in three cases: risk-perference, risk-indifference and risk-aversion. the solution in the last case is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In an earlier article the author has argued that the turbulent history of nuclear power in Britain and the USA stems from the technology itself, and has little to do with the very different institutional arrangements made for the new technology in the two countries. Nuclear plant has various features which make its planning extraordinarily difficult. Its long lead time, large unit size, capital intensity and dependence on complex infrastructure combine to ensure that mistakes are likely to be made in planning the technology and that what mistakes do occur are expensive. This article aims to expand on the earlier one in two ways; by looking at the apparent success of the French nuclear programme which seems to run counter to the thesis of the earlier article, and by trying to draw lessons from the earlier analysis for the breeder reactor.  相似文献   

Electric utilities are characterized as timid risk averters that select coal or nuclear plants or both, where the levellized cost of each is characterized by considerable risk. A portfolio selection model is developed to explain the historical demand for nuclear reactors by region. Some qualitative policy implications are derived with respect to the DOE's objective of reviving the nuclear power market.  相似文献   

Most commentators on the history of civil nuclear power have looked at the mistakes which have occurred, but mistakes always happen. What is notable about nuclear power is not the existence of error in its development, but the great cost of mistakes. This is a function of the technology itself. Nuclear plant has a long lead time, large unit size, is capital intensive and heavily dependent on special infrastructure. This makes whatever errors occur in development very costly. Commercial breeders would have the same features, but to an even more marked degree. Mistakes in developing this technology are therefore likely to be even more expensive.  相似文献   

In this article the economic consequences of nuclear accidents are expressed as a surcharge on the capital costs of each new station. An accident at any nuclear station may cause electric power utilities elsewhere to reduce output from the same type of reactor, as happened after Three Mile Island. The size of the accident surcharge therefore increases with the worldwide use of a reactor type. Plausible assumptions for the UK give a surcharge of 7.5% of total capital costs for the pressurized water reactor (PWR), compared to 2.5% for a lesser-used design such as the advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR). These results are subject to considerable uncertainty but they clearly indicate that the accident surcharge could be of some importance in the choice of reactor for future power stations.  相似文献   

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