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基于集成模拟的代建人的组织设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了代建人的组织绩效的影响因素,总结并建立结合互补框架和NK模型优势的代建人的组织设计模型,并采用离散事件与多智能体集成的模拟方法,研究组织设计变量间的作用关系、组织自身的资源获取能力和环境动态变化间的互动对组织设计变量取值的影响,并通过案例对模型的有效性进行定性验证,最后给出模型结果对代建人组织设计的启示.  相似文献   

It has been designated that humans have lost the balance between nature and society, and firms are expected to proactively contribute to a circular economy that minimizes harm to the world. To respond to these issues, this paper investigates the way of balancing environmental protection with corporate profits based on the Porter hypothesis, which is a well-known view on management practice. The hypothesis has been tested in many recent empirical studies, being supported until now; however, studies hardly used the organization theory approach effectively and they are restricted as the technological aspect of society was not treated. Therefore, we incorporate the co-evolutionary dual couplings model and clarify the interaction between the organizational and societal levels. Regarding the former, this study examines the interactions among four variables: environmental protection culture (containing technology), organizational capability, environmental performance, and economic performance, by multivariate analysis with the data of 498 Japanese firms. Regarding the latter, the study proposes a technological shift by employing the concept of the planned obsolescence-driven circular economy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates, by using a highly abstract evolutionarygame model, the mechanism of evolution of different organizationalconventions, as well as roles of free trade, integration, experiments,emulation and entrepreneurial foresight for exploring gainsfrom organizational diversity. It focuses on an aspect of organizationas a voluntary association of economic agents trying to overcomethe bounds of their rationality, scope of action and competence,rather than as an ‘instrument’ for entrepreneurialmaximizing behavior, and identifies two generic forms of organizationas an information system. The paper concludes by discussingthe relevance of the evolutionary game model for understandingactual organizational evolutionary processes in North Americaand Japan.  相似文献   

马宏宇 《包装工程》2019,40(22):102-106
目的探讨和界定产品美学价值的概念与内涵,并且从美学和设计学的交叉视角,针对产品美学设计提出系统性创新思维。方法在分析和总结国内外有关产品美学研究文献的基础上,首先提出产品美学价值的概念,然后对其特征和要素进行概述,接着分析其审美认知层次,再运用系统化和结构化思维对产品美学设计的创新维度进行划分,构建理论创新模型,最后结合问卷调查和人物访谈进行反馈验证,并解读各维度的内涵及其关联。结论产品美学价值是产品在一定条件下以物质为载体,带有一定功利性的以满足消费者审美需求为主要目的的无形属性,它具有审美愉悦性、关系依附性、感官观照性、表现多样性和价值动态性五大特征。物质要素、技术要素、符号要素是其三大构成要素,感知觉层、品位体验层和领悟判断层是其主要认知层次,造型感官美、功能体验美和形象内涵美是其设计创新的三大维度。  相似文献   

Organizational ecology is a theoretical perspective on organizationsthat attempts to explain long-term social evolution, especiallythe rise and fall of organizational populations. This articlereviews the most sustained demographic research program of theperspective, one based on the density-dependent model of legitimatingand competition. It discusses the theoretical model and evidencefrom industrial demography that has been offered in its supportas well as criticisms that have been registered. Unresolvedresearch problems of the program are identified and three majormodels-in-progress attempting to address these open questionsare discussed and compared.  相似文献   

采用个案追踪分析和研究的方法,对中国一新加坡合资兴建的某集装箱码头有限公司(简称CrC)的合作进展与运作过程进行纵向剖析,从跨文化管理的角度分析合资双方在经营理念、决策方式、领导行为、管理风格、沟通方式、规章制度、组织机构、员工激励等诸方面经历的冲突、交汇、融台的过程。从研究中可看出,港口的国际化经营和跨国投资面临着不同国籍、民旗、团队的人所带来的文化交叉,必须实行跨文化的有效管理,才能使资本和技术的投入获得满意的画报。  相似文献   

企业职工的工作价值观与组织行为关系分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
工作价值观是近来随着组织化的兴起而提出的新课题。组织化对管理的影响是直接和有力的,它的核心就是价值观。该研究以企业现场调查为基础,分析了企业职工的工作价值观特点,指出工作价值观是由工作行为评价因素、组织集体观念因素和个人要求因素三个方面构成,通过多元回归分析,建立起工作价值观、工作动机及组织行为三之间的因果关系,证实工作价值观具有激励作用。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a general model of organizational problem-solvingin which we explore the relationship between problem complexity,decentralization of tasks and reward schemes. When facing complexproblems that require the co-ordination of large numbers ofinterdependent elements, organizations face a decompositionproblem that has both cognitive dimensions and reward and incentivedimensions. The former relate to the decomposition and allocationof the process of generation of new solutions: since the searchspace is too vast to be searched extensively, organizationsemploy heuristics for reducing it. The decomposition heuristictakes the form of division of cognitive labour and determineswhich solutions are generated and become candidates for selection.The reward and incentive dimensions fundamentally shape theselection environment which chooses over alternative solutions.The model we present begins to study the interrelationshipsbetween these two domains of analysis: in particular, we comparethe problem-solving performance of organizations characterizedby various decompositions (of coarser or finer grain) and variousreward schemes (at the level of the entire organization, teamand individual). Moreover we investigate extensions of our modelin order to account for (admittedly rudimentary) power and authorityrelationships (giving some parts of the organization the powerto stop changes in other parts), and discuss the interactionof problem representations and incentive mechanisms.  相似文献   

张道振  屠欢根  李运喜  高啸 《工程爆破》2011,17(1):92-94,23
从组织协调的定义出发,分析爆破工程项目特点、安全监理的风险责任.文中运用组织行为学的理论及项目管理学观点,论述了组织协调的基本原理、过程、特定的方法和技巧等.对监理工程师如何采用组织协调的有效手段开展爆破安全监理工作进行深入分析,为从事爆破安全监理的工作者提供参考.  相似文献   

从组织协调的定义出发,分析爆破工程项目特点、安全监理的风险责任。文中运用组织行为学的理论及项目管理学观点,论述了组织协调的基本原理、过程、特定的方法和技巧等。对监理工程师如何采用组织协调的有效手段开展爆破安全监理工作进行深入分析,为从事爆破安全监理的工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

A. Kameoka 《Scientometrics》1995,34(3):427-439
Toshiba, a broadly-based electric/electronics manufacturer, operates diversified businesses. A sophisticated research and technology management system supports those businesses based on a research and technology development (RTD) organization consisting of three layers: corporate, business group, and divisional laboratories. Evaluation of RTD projects is varied in accordance with their characteristics. To promote future inter-divisional business, the Corporate Incentive Program (CIP) funds corporate projects which are authorized and evaluated by the Corporate Technology Committee (CTC). In parallel, under the Corporate Strategic Program (CSP), committees monitor and evaluate specific, rapidly-advancing technologies so as to promote early acquisition and diffusion. Additionally, transnational strategic alliances (TSAs) are promoted on the basis of their merits and in accordance with Toshiba's corporate philosophy of Competition, Cooperation and Complementarity (CC&C). The corporate Research and Development Center (RDC) conducts pre- and intermediate evaluations as part of the Long- and Middle-range Planning every year. When new technologies are transferred to the business divisions, post-evaluation starts and future monetary impacts are estimated; subsequently actual monetary contributions are monitored annually. Another style of pre-evaluation can be observed at the RDC in the Exploratory Programs by the Young (EPY). First, some actual cases at Toshiba are introduced. Next, discussion is extended to the evaluation framework, the corporate technology model and RTD productivity. Also noted is the importance of recognizing that the consumer is the ultimate evaluator and that evaluation-quality is improved by feedback from the market. Concept creation and target clarification must come first; only then does the evaluation make sense.  相似文献   

To further reduce injuries in the workplace, companies have begun focusing on organizational factors which may contribute to workplace safety. Safety climate is an organizational factor commonly cited as a predictor of injury occurrence. Characterized by the shared perceptions of employees, safety climate can be viewed as a snapshot of the prevailing state of safety in the organization at a discrete point in time. However, few studies have elaborated plausible mechanisms through which safety climate likely influences injury occurrence. A mediating model is proposed to link safety climate (i.e., management commitment to safety, return-to-work policies, post-injury administration, and safety training) with self-reported injury through employees' perceived control on safety. Factorial evidence substantiated that management commitment to safety, return-to-work policies, post-injury administration, and safety training are important dimensions of safety climate. In addition, the data support that safety climate is a critical factor predicting the history of a self-reported occupational injury, and that employee safety control mediates the relationship between safety climate and occupational injury. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating organizational factors and workers' characteristics in efforts to improve organizational safety performance.  相似文献   

In this essay it is suggested that the success of Japan andthe newly industrialized countries (NICs) is, in no small measure,due to their intuitive grasp of the relationships between technology,growth and economic policy as these countries constantly adjustedeconomic policy to reflect changed economic circumstances, withconcomitant changes in economic structure. The key element tothe explanation in this paper is ‘economic organization’.Economic organization refers to more than the simple dichotomybetween ‘centralization’ and ‘decentralization’of decision making at the highest level. As is now widely recognized,market economies consist of many firms; these firms, however,may be organized in different ways. At one extreme each maybe highly centrally controlled, in which case the economy canbe thought of as a polyarchy of hierarchies. There are two aspectsof economic organization of particular relevance: the abilityto monitor and to innovate. Changes in technology have profoundeffects on how well different organizational structures canperform these central functions and, on the other hand, an importantaspect of economic development is organizational innovationswhich affect the ability of the economic system to monitor andinnovate. Moreover, the performance of an economy depends notjust on the internal organization of its firms and the marketstructure; it depends on how well capital markets function.These too may be organized in markedly different ways. The paperis organized into six sections. The first describes the majorphenomena to be explained, the stylized facts with which anyexplanation of growth must come to terms. The second and thirddiscuss the two competing explanations—explanations whichemphasize returns to scale and factor accumulation—andargue that these explanations cannot account for * The authoris a member of the Council of Economic Advisors, on leave fromStanford University The views expressed are solely those ofthe author. This paper is based on research which was supportedin part by the National Science Foundation, the Sloan Foundation.the Hoover Institution and the World Bank My ideas on the growthprocess have been greatly influenced by an extended study ofthe East Asia miracle, sponsored by the World Bank. For fullerdiscussions of the East Asia miracle, see World Bank (1993).Stiglitz (1994a) and Stiglitz and Uy (1994). This paper incorporatesand excends ideas developed there as well as those presentedin several earlier papers, in particular Stiglitz (1992a). Theinfluence of my co-authors Bruce Greenwald. Andrew Weiss, ThomasHellmann, Andres Rodriguez, Kevin Murdock and Marilou Uy shouldbe evident.  相似文献   

王莲  李然  徐笑非  钟玲 《包装工程》2021,42(20):389-394, 401
目的 对地域文化产品造型多维评价模型的构建方法及流程进行研究与实践.方法 从造型风格、地域气质、文化意象3个维度,采集与地域文化相关的语义词,将其提炼为可做评价指标的核心语义词,邀请专家对评价指标、评价维度进行权重评估,获得各维度评价指标以及3个维度间的权重矩阵,用于构建多维评价模型.结果 按照多维评价模型的构建方法及流程,顺利地开展了川蜀文化公共设施(垃圾箱)设计项目,并且,最终设计方案的地域性和地域特色均得到了较好的认可.结论 基于评价模型,可从潜在用户评价打分中获取方案的维度评估值B与综合决策值E,辅助设计者筛选更具发展前途的原型方案及明确其优化方向,有助于提升设计迭代效率,降低项目开发成本,故多维评价模型是面向地域文化产品的一种高效、可行的设计方法.  相似文献   

通过分析世博会项目管理的目标体系,揭示了国际参展协调工作所面临的挑战。并以直线制、直线职能制和矩阵制组织结构为基础,结合上海世博会国际参展协调工作的特点,兼顾组织运行效率、组织成本和人力资源配置等组织设计的影响因素,提出了动态演进式的组织结构优化模式。  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo computer model of mammography has been developed to study and optimise the performance of digital mammographic systems. The program uses high-resolution voxel phantoms to model the breast, which simulate the adipose and fibroglandular tissues, Cooper's ligaments, ducts and skin in three dimensions. The model calculates the dose to each tissue, and also the quantities such as energy imparted to image pixels, noise per image pixel and scatter-to-primary (S/P) ratios. It allows studies of the dependence of image properties on breast structure and on position within the image. The program has been calibrated by calculating and measuring the pixel values and noise for a digital mammographic system. The thicknesses of two components of this system were unknown, and were adjusted to obtain a good agreement between measurement and calculation. The utility of the program is demonstrated with the calculations of the variation of the S/P ratio with and without a grid, and of the image contrast across the image of a 50-mm-thick breast phantom.  相似文献   


Current and forecasted world economic trends call for an examination of traditional management organizational behavior. Changes in organizational behavior require a downward decision-making responsibility transfer. An examination of human motivational theories and experimental data provides insight into this needed decision transfer.

A decision impact model of current operational management trends is presented. The model shows the necessity for streamlining the traditional organization in an effort to accommodate rapidly changing technology and increase organizational competitiveness. An investigation of decision transfer is also presented.  相似文献   

我国企业CIMS系统中技术与组织之间相互关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对我国CIMS实施企业的调查,研究了企业的适应CIMS中的技术要求而进行组织创新的四大方向:(1)组织结构纵向的扁平化;(2)组织结构横向的合工精简,(3)建立新的信息中心组织;(4)建立各种类型的跨部门团队。指出了CIMS技术适应企业组织的主要方式;(1)开发设计技术系统时充分考虑企业现有的组织管理状况;(2)开发设计技术系统时充分考虑企业今后经营管理和组织体制的改革方向,最后还分析总结了我  相似文献   

针对疫情演变不确定情境下考虑多种决策信息和企业社会责任的应急医疗用品生产决策问题,提出一种基于累积前景理论的考虑多个参考点的应急医疗用品生产决策模型。综合考虑企业经济目标和社会责任对生产决策的影响,基于决策者的风险规避、参考依赖和损失厌恶等心理特征,建立多个参考点以表征疫情演变方向不确定时决策者期望的不确定性。将含有多种评价信息的决策矩阵归一化处理,利用不同演变方向的参考点,建立益损决策矩阵。根据决策者面对收益和损失的态度,建立主观价值矩阵,依据主观概率函数得到扭曲后演变方向的概率。计算各个生产方案的累积前景值并对其进行优先排序。通过算例验证模型的有效性,进行对比分析和敏感性分析证明模型的优越性。  相似文献   

用回归分析方法,得知组织承诺的三个主要自变量是情感承诺、价值承诺、制度承诺,建立了情感承诺与经济满意、家庭动力、岗能匹配、工作投入、企业工龄之间,价值承诺与家庭动力、工作投入、经济满意、工作家庭冲突之间,制度承诺与经济满意、岗能匹配、家庭动力、企业工龄之间的回归方程.情感承诺、价值承诺、制度承诺、家庭动力、经济满意、岗能匹配等任何两个变量之间均存在一定的因果关系,构成了组织承诺模型.为了使员工对企业产生较高的组织承诺,企业建立的政策和制度,应当首先满足员工在经济、岗能匹配、家庭动力等方面的需求.  相似文献   

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