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建筑不仅是一个功能产品,更是一个文化作品,因此,建筑方案的设计不仅要满足功能的需要,更要表现出对于环境与文脉的尊重和承应.特别是在历史文化积淀深厚的地区,这种对于环境与文脉的尊重和承应应当成为建筑师的一种职业素质,并将它充分地反映在建筑的功能组织、空间塑造、意匠表现、环境营造和材料运用等方面.本文将结合实际设计案例阐述在建筑创作过程中对于这种职业素质的体会.  相似文献   

普柬  王宇舟 《新建筑》2015,(2):50-53
一个新建筑的诞生,必将改变基地现状,产生新的问题和矛盾,故其应尊重历史、尊重环境,尽可能与业已存在的建筑"友好相处"。云南师范大学附属中学学术交流中心,作为一个加建项目,方案用高效的措施,将新建筑有机地嵌入既有的校园环境中:同时,作为一个文化项目,用抽象的建筑语汇来表达并传承校园文化,期望通过这样一个轻松的设计过程,使建筑最终呈现出一种自然的状态。  相似文献   

"觉醒的现代性——毕业于宾大的中国第一代建筑师"展览的举办,已引起建筑学界学者对于布扎教育在中国的传播、影响及其历史价值的再度研究,进而也引发我们希望对西方布扎传统与现代建筑发展进程之关联性的重新认识。文章基于我们是否仍然应该在"规则"与"自由"间的矛盾中定义布扎传统与现代建筑的不可调和性这一追问,通过对法国布扎教育机构的形成与发展的回溯,聚焦其代表人物的建筑观念和设计理论的源流关系及其学术争议.展开关于布扎传统与现代建筑发展之复杂关系的重新认识,为重构中国自身20世纪现代建筑发展进程的历史叙述,贡献基础研究。  相似文献   

通过对近现代博物馆建筑发展趋势的概述,结合当代著名老博物馆修复与加建设计案例,对于旧建筑更新的理论进行深层次的解读,总结在面对建筑遗产的复兴时建筑师处理方式的共性。将修复与加建中涉及的要素重点归结为在风格,材料,构造衔接方面强调历史"断代","延续",以及"尊重性",并以此为依据和出发点,梳理完善旧建筑保护和更新的理论逻辑。  相似文献   

在柯布西耶"旧建筑消解"理念的倡导下,城市功能化发展趋势已经让历史街区破壁残垣,直到1999年《北京宪章》的提出,标志着我国对于历史文化保护态度的转变。文章旨在对户部山历史街区进行文化性地修复,以徐州户部山文化城为例,通过对其的文化适应性改造赋予它建筑历史地域特色和实现街区文化重生的特征。建筑的文化适应性改造设计需要尊重文化精神和建筑风格的传承,文章总结如下认识,并阐述对于建筑历史文化特征改造的几个观点。  相似文献   

李晓峰 《建筑学报》2003,(12):58-59
文章对建筑设计与建筑历史在国内一向过于界限分明的现象提出质疑,指出其对建筑教育的不利影响;通过对传统建筑意象设计教学的过程分析,介绍了近年来作者对于建筑设计与建筑史课程教学整合的的新尝试.  相似文献   

建筑设计应尊重城市环境中富有历史文化意义的景观,并赋予其新的情调.作为城市建筑主体的住宅,尤其是高层住宅建筑对于构建城市空间环境所肩负的作用就更加突出.本文透过温州新国光商住广场设计对策与设计实践的回顾和思考,揭示了高层商住建筑在正确处理建筑造型与功能定位的同时,必须解决特定时空中城市发展的具体问题,为城市增添富有内涵的建筑人文景观.  相似文献   

该文以石河子大学公共教学楼为例,在全面分析人、环境与建筑三者关系的基础上,从"建筑造型与校园环境的融合、教育理念与教学建筑的印证、封闭空间与开放空间的渗透"三个方面,阐述了寒冷地区公共交流空间的设计理念,提出了"围合式"建筑的设计构想。同时,在设计中本着"尊重自然环境、服从校园规划、满足教学功能、促进师生交流"的设计原则,采用具有中国传统空间观念的"书院式"设计手法,营造了一个四季如春、安静幽雅的学习环境和便于交流的共享空间,体现了现代教育建筑的实用性、适宜性、整体性和灵活性。  相似文献   

齐康 《建筑学报》2002,(3):32-35
将杨廷宝先生的建筑学术思想总结为5条1.实践是建筑设计的基本,是建筑教育的重要环节.2.从国情出发,依据当时当地的社会、经济、技术状况做出合理设计.3.在中两文化的交流中探索建筑文化的传承、转换和创新.4.将建筑看成是社会人的建筑,辨证地对待建筑的变化,了解实施过程又注重其结果.5.尊重自然环境与建筑、城市的融合,尊重建筑历史、科技的发展,不断提高建筑文化境界.  相似文献   

随着城市的发展与产业结构的转型,曾经的工业建筑被大量废弃,曾位于城市边缘地带的工业建筑现在大多在城市里与不同的社区形成新的整体,如何重新利用这些工业建筑的历史价值而非简单的"推倒重来"是当下一个比较重要的问题。重庆印制二厂改造设计中,对建筑"彼时生产"历史信息的尊重,使建筑适应此时此地的生活使用需求的设计处理,对废弃工业建筑的更新利用有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

Paul A. Rodgers 《CoDesign》2018,14(3):188-202
This paper presents research that illustrates how design thought and action has contributed to the co-design and development of a mass-produced product with people living with dementia. The research, undertaken in collaboration with Alzheimer Scotland, has adopted a range of disruptive design interventions for breaking the cycle of well-formed opinions, strategies, mindsets, and ways-of-doing, that tend to remain unchallenged in the health and social care of people living with dementia. The research has resulted in a number of co-designed interventions that will help change the perception of dementia by showing that people living with dementia can offer much to UK society after diagnosis. Moreover, it is envisaged that the co-designed activities and interventions will help reconnect people recently diagnosed with dementia to help build their self-esteem, identity and dignity and help keep the person with dementia connected to their community, thus delaying the need for formal support and avoid the need for crisis responses. The paper reports on an initial intervention where the author worked collaboratively with over 130 people diagnosed with dementia across Scotland in the co-design and development of a new tartan. The paper concludes with a number of recommendations for researchers when co-designing with people living with dementia.  相似文献   

A two dimensional model of a geosynthetic tube sitting on a rigid horizontal foundation and filled with several separated liquids with different densities is proposed. The material from which the tube is made is a special synthetic fabric which is inextensible, perfectly flexible, and leakproof. Such a model is useful for modeling a consolidations process in the tube filled with a slurry. The equilibrium equations of the model are formulated. Unknown values like the pressure on the top and bottom of the tube, the tension in the geosynthetic fabric, the length of the contact zone between the tube and the rigid foundation are searched with respect to the given perimeter, the volumes and densities of liquids. Such a problem is solved by the Newton’s method. The initial approximation is obtained by solving a simplified problem with one liquid with the average density. The problem is implemented in a MATLAB code for geosynthetic tubes filled with two, three, and four liquids with different densities. The tubes filled with two different liquids are studied in more detail. The graphs of the relations are compared with the graphs for the tube filled with the single liquid whose density is the average of the densities of the liquids. The comparison enables to discuss the influence of the consolidation process on the height, the contact zone, the pressures and the tension of the tube. The results of the proposed model for a tube filled with a single liquid are compared with another model.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》1998,33(4):173-179
This article shows that the T-Method, a new numerical method for optimizing duct networks, fails under certain conditions. The authors discovered this phenomenon while they were developing software that implements the T-Method. The method worked fine until they used C-coefficients that are referenced to the dynamic pressures of duct sections other than the duct sections to which the C-coefficients are actually assigned. (Such C-coefficients are important because duct designers use them to account for the dynamic pressure losses at junctions and crosses.) The T-Method became unstable and it produced grossly oversized ducts.To prove that certain C-coefficients cause problems for the T-Method the authors devised two realistic one-dimensional problems which differ only in one aspect: problem number one contains a C-coefficient that is referenced to an adjacent duct section while the C-coefficient of problem number two is referenced to the section it belongs to. For problem one the T-Method produced a duct diameter that deviated significantly from the true optimum, but it gave accurate results for problem two.The authors studied the theory of the T-Method to find an explanation for the above-mentioned findings. The only part of the theory that seemed suspicious was the assumption that a certain derivative is negligible. The assumption seems necessary for the T-Method scheme but the creators of the T-Method do not prove its validity. The authors show that the T-Method gives the correct answers when this assumption is avoided. Unfortunately this can only be done for one-dimensional problems.In conclusion: the results presented in this article show that the T-Method is unable to optimize duct systems that contain C-coefficients referenced to duct sections other than the section to which the coefficient is assigned. This article does not propose a solution to this problem. However, it does prove that the T-Method cannot be used in certain circumstances, which casts doubts on its overall practicality.  相似文献   

锚杆与框架梁的连接方式影响加固效果和工艺流程。GFRP筋锚杆以其耐腐蚀、高强度特性成为钢筋锚杆腐蚀问题解决途径之一,GFRP筋锚杆与框架梁的有效连接方式是需要研究的问题。通过钢筋折杆、钢筋直杆及GFRP筋直杆的框架梁锚固模型试验,研究钢筋和GFRP筋锚杆框架梁锚固效果的差异。研究结果表明,为施加预应力而研制的锁定装置能够实现FRP筋的预应力张拉和锁定,工作状态稳定,拆装方便操作简单;钢筋折杆的框架梁锚固效果明显优于钢筋直杆锚固形式,相同厚度梁体下,折杆框架梁锚固结构能承担更高的荷载;钢筋直杆与GFRP筋直杆的框架梁锚固效果相近;以GFRP筋直杆等体积取代钢筋锚杆时,按照钢筋弯折锚固形式设计的框架梁厚度不能直接用于GFRP筋锚杆锚固,须根据直杆锚固试验确定框架梁厚度。  相似文献   

Finding inspiration and drive in the chaos and fragmentation of today's world, Adriaan Geuze and Matthew Skjonsberg of West 8 have developed an approach that they refer to as ‘radical contextualism’. This requires not only a respect for reality and existing conditions, but also an openness to multiple layers of meaning and a wide variety of inputs, whether historic, cultural, anecdotal or even random. Giving themselves over to evolutionary entropy, they work with ingenuity with whatever they encounter.  相似文献   

Anyone who plans uses prediction of some kind. However, the most elaborate and inclusive predictive model is not necessarily the best for applied work. This may be the case if the cumulation of data errors exceeds the predictive gain from superior specification, a stage which some of our most ambitious models may have reached. Rules of thumb for choosing and building models by this criterion suggest that, when complication leads to negative returns, a strategy of netting out simple, complementary models may be better. In general, poorer data call for simpler models. In passing, a technique is suggested for estimating the value of improvements in data. Meanwhile, elaborate models which are poor predictors may serve as useful contexts for partial models, and may achieve their full worth if maintained and improved over time. Further, even a poor predictor may contribute significantly to scientific knowledge and to the understanding of processes, and thus be helpful for making decisions. Some features of current practice may keep us from receiving the full benefit of the most advanced work in the modeling field.  相似文献   

This paper deals with an experimental and analytical study to simulate partial-interaction behavior by using push-out results for steel-concrete composite members. In order to analyze the interface behavior of steel-concrete by the degree of interaction, a total of 9 push-out test specimens were tested. The steel-concrete interface was idealized by a number of interface elements and the properties of interface element were determined as the results of push-out tests. To validate the current study, using a commercial structural analysis program, a nonlinear structural analysis was performed for a steel-concrete composite member exclusively designed for this study, and the results were compared with the results of the flexural test. The results of this study have shown that the partial-interaction behavior of steel-concrete composite members can be efficiently and accurately predicted by the analysis method presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The author suggests that quality is not achieved by having high-calibre people, nor even high-calibre managers, but rather it is achieved by a style of management which has the aim of successfully getting everyone to strive for customer-focused excellence in everything. The author discusses the quality strategy introduced at BT during the 1980s and the effects it has had on the company  相似文献   

Nondestructive inspection tools are commonly used to inspect structures or structural components with resistance deterioration due to defect size growth. The quality of the tools is mainly defined by the rate of detecting a defect with defect size s, (s), and the accuracy in sizing a detected defect. The uncertainty of sizing a detected defect can be incorporated in limit state functions that include defect size, and a reliability evaluation can be carried out with the efficient first-order reliability method (FORM). The rate of detecting a defect can also be incorporated in the reliability evaluation of an inspected structure or structural component. This is done, in this paper, by introducing a standard normally distributed variate, Z, and defining a limit state function as a function of and (s). Advantages of using this limit state function, rather than using a limit state function based on the actual defect size and the critical defect size distributed according to the rate of detection curve, are discussed. It is shown that one only needs to use the mean rate of defect detection curve to consider the uncertainty in the rate of detection. The incorporation of the uncertainty in rate of detection for reliability updating analysis with inspection results, and for reliability-based selection of optimal inspection and maintenance schedule for resistance deteriorating structures are also presented. The proposed approach is illustrated by two examples in evaluating reliability with inspection information and in selecting an optimal inspection and maintenance schedule by minimizing the probability of time to failure before inspection and before the time at the end of remaining service life.  相似文献   

Maker spaces and maker activities offering access to low-cost digital fabrication equipment are rapidly proliferating, evolving phenomena at the interface of lay and professional design. They also come in many varieties and change fast, presenting a difficult target for, for instance, public authorities, who would like to cater for them but operate in much slower planning cycles. As part of participatory planning of Helsinki Central Library, we experimented with a form of collaborative futuring with and by makers. By drawing elements from both lead-user workshops and participatory design, we conducted a futuring workshop, which allowed us to engage the local maker communities in identifying the issues relevant for a public maker space in 2020. It further engaged the participants in envisioning a smaller prototype maker space and invited them into realising its activities collaboratively. Our results indicate that particularly the information about future solutions was of high relevance, as was the opportunity to trial and elaborate activities on a rolling basis in the prototype space. Insights about more general trends in making were useful too, but to a lesser extent, and it is likely that these could have been gained just as easily with more traditional means for futuring.  相似文献   

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