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针对动力型热管内流动凝结传热过程中的特性复杂未知,搭建了动力型热管冷凝特性测试实验台。对不同流量及干度下的R134a管内流动凝结过程中的压降特性和传热特性进行了实验研究,实验结果表明:压降随着管内工质质量流量和气体干度的增加而增加,与文献中3种不同压降模型进行了比较,得出Muller-Steinhagen-Heck模型能更好地预测管内流动凝结过程中的压降特性。传热系数随着管内工质质量流量和气体干度的增加而增加,并且低干度区的增长斜率要明显大于高干度区的增长斜率,与文献中4种不同传热模型进行了比较,得出Chen模型能更好地预测管内流动凝结过程中的传热特性。该研究为泵的选择、换热器的设计、系统的优化以及两相流凝结相变过程的研究提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

李琪  张容铭  胡鹏飞 《化工学报》2021,72(8):4121-4133
在多孔介质区考虑局部非热平衡,采用Brinkman-extended Darcy模型结合应力跳跃条件对部分填充多孔介质通道内流体传热特性进行分析。获得了各区域温度分布及Nusselt数解析解,并分析了各参数对温度及Nusselt数的影响。结果表明:界面对流传热系数Hs较小时,界面应力跳跃系数β和Darcy数Da的增加会减小流固两相间温差。而在高Hs下,Da减小也会减小两相温差。在DaHs和固流两相热导率之比K较大且空心率S(自由流体区高度与通道高度之比)和Biot数Bi较小时,流固两相间会在接近多孔介质区中部出现最大温差,而该最大温差会随着S增加和DaHs的减小向界面区移动。对于不同KBi,Nusselt数NuS的关系曲线存在不同的类型,与模型A(界面处多孔介质固相和流相根据各自温度梯度和热导率划分总热流)不同的是,采用模型C(界面处固相热流分配与自由流体区流相的热交换相关)所获得的Nu曲线类型与Hs有关。在K较小时,βNu的影响大于HsNu的影响;而在K较大时,HsNu的影响要远大于βNu的影响,且Hs增加会明显提高通道内的Nu。  相似文献   

The present study is focused on the analysis of a Simple Solar Distiller (SSD) and a Simple Solar Distiller Hybrid with Heat Pump (SSDHP) plants. Experiments have been conducted for 17 h as True Solar Time (TST) for climatic conditions of Gabès (southeast region of Tunisia), during the months of June and July 2006 for four configurations of the above-mentioned plants. Data obtained from experimental conditions are used to determine values of convective and evaporative heat transfer coefficients as well as experimental and theoretical yields. It was found that the SSDHP configuration exhibits better results than the SSD one. In this case, the convective heat transfer coefficient is found equal to 2.373 W/m2 °C and the experimental yield is equal to 1.8 l/m2 h.  相似文献   

This work presents a study of using the Wilson Plot method to determine the convective heat transfer coefficient (CHTC) of the following nanoparticles in water as the base fluid: SiO2, TiO2, and Al2O3. The experiments were carried out in a double layer concentric glass tube in which the hot fluid and nanofluids exchange heat in a counter current fashion without direct contact. Attention was also given to the volumetric concentration, flow rate, and the size of nanoparticles to investigate their effects on CHTC. From the experiments, it was found that by adding nanoparticles, the CHTC of water can generally be enhanced and a 45% increase has been achieved with a 0.5?vol% concentration of Al2O3 nanoparticles at an intermediate Reynolds number around 4100. Moreover, simply reducing nanoparticle size and increasing the nanofluid flow rate do not necessarily lead to the CHTC enhancement, rather, they have adverse effects. It is concluded that the enhancement depends on the stability of the dispersed nanoparticles that can be characterized by their overall mean size and zeta potential as useful measures.  相似文献   

For large Schmidt numbers, analytical expressions of the continuous phase mass transfer coefficient for an active test drop or bubble located in a random fixed array of inactive falling drops or bubbles having an arbitrary size distribution have been obtained for the two limiting cases of rapidly circulating drops and almost solid-like drops in slow creeping motion. The theoretical basis for using a statistically expected velocity field around the test drop in the random cloud to calculate the statistically expected concentration field has been examined. Replacing the size distributed cloud of inactive drops by a uniform cloud of drops of size equal to the Sauter mean radius b32 of the size distributed system causes a minor increase in the predicted mass transfer coefficient for the active test drop unless it is much larger than b32. Theoretical calculations show a similar behavior if one deals with an active cloud and utilizes mass transfer coefficient expressions from an inactive cloud. The conclusion of Tan, Prasher and Guin that mass transfer coefficient in non-uniform active packings obtained experimentally is adequately described by correlations for uniform packings if b32 is used is supported by the theoretical calculations for the size distributions used in the experiments of Tan et al. The predicted mass transfer coefficient in an inactive uniform cloud are somewhat lower than those predicted by the Waslo—Gal-Or model. There is reasonable agreement between the predicted values for a uniform inactive cloud of drops and available experimental data on active clouds of drops and bubbles.  相似文献   

针对动力型热管内两相流沸腾过程复杂未知,实验复现性差的问题,搭建了动力型热管两相流沸腾传热实验装置,对水平管内R134a工质沸腾传热过程的沿程阻力特性及对流传热系数进行了实验研究,并将获得的实验数据与前人总结的压降、对流传热系数计算关联式进行对比分析。研究表明,Muller-Steinhagen-Heck压降关联式的积分值与实验结果吻合较好,误差在±10%以内;Mohseni关联式在干度大于0.1时所得对流传热系数与实验结果具有较好一致性,误差在±10%以内,但在干度小于0.1时存在较大偏差,部分误差已超30%,为此重新拟合了干度小于0.1时的对流传热系数关联式。该结果可为该类换热器的实验研究、数值模拟及优化设计提供有效的理论参考标准。  相似文献   


An indirect method for determining the heat transfer coefficient of rubber to air by convection is proposed. Finite element analysis is used to simulate the cooling of a cylindrical specimen of rubber, the heat transfer coefficient being adjusted to give a good fit to experimental data provided by a thermocouple embedded in the specimen.  相似文献   

徐晓萍  史金涛  姜峰  李修伦 《化学工程》2011,39(6):16-19,28
将三相流强化传热技术应用于重力热管,构建了三相流闭式重力热管系统.以水为工质,固含率(体积分数)、固体颗粒的种类、大小及加热功率等作为参数,研究并分析了三相流重力热管的传热性能.结果表明:在一定的条件下,三相流闭式重力热管具有一定的强化传热效果.随着加热功率的增加,等效对流传热系数增大.加入φ5.5 mm的聚甲醛颗粒时...  相似文献   

在高温高压沸腾二相流实验系统上,实验研究了窄缝为2.05 mm的同心环形管,在不同加热条件下水的流动阻力与传热特性。2种加热方式为单内管或单外管电加热,通过处理实验测量的管壁温度获得传热系数。得到了以下结果:层流向紊流转变的临界雷诺数为2 300;环形管内的流动阻力系数小于普通圆管,外管加热时的摩擦系数小于非加热条件时的数值;窄缝环形管内换热有一定强化,高于相同条件下的圆管内紊流换热;内外管同时加热时,相比仅外管加热而言,外管的换热得到了抑制;得到了环形管内流动摩擦阻力系数与传热系数的实验关联式。  相似文献   

窦从从  毛羽  王娟  王江云 《化工学报》2010,61(9):2314-2319
基于双流体模型,建立了适合高压高过冷工况的过冷沸腾模型,考察了液体过冷度和壁面热通量对垂直圆管内气液两相传热特性的影响。结果表明,高过冷度下整个截面上气相分布十分不均匀,壁面附近气泡比较密集。随着入口过冷度的减小,气相体积分数增加,促进了沸腾传热的发展。随着壁面热通量的增加,表面传热系数沿流体流动方向总体上呈增大趋势,局部区域内出现下降,并且传热系数的下降趋势随入口过冷度的减小逐渐变得不明显。  相似文献   

Experimental measurements of the radiative heat flux were made, and radiative heat transfer coefficients were determined for a circulating fluidized bed of sand particles of mean diameters of 137 and 264 microns. The bed used in this study measured 0.05 m in diameter. The heat transfer test section was 0.9 m long and located in the middle of CFB riser. Operating temperature was varied from 200–600 °C, and the gas velocity in the CFB riser varied from 6 m/s to 11 m/s. The suspension densities covered a range from 3 to 35 kg/m3. Time-averaged radiative heat flux was directly measured with a radiometer. Radiative heat flux and suspension emissivity showed strong dependence on the suspension density. Particle size effect on suspension emissivity was observed. Experimentally determined suspension emissivities, which ranged from 0.3 to 0.85, were in good agreement with the predicted suspension emissivity based on independent scattering theory. The radiative heat transfer coefficients were determined from the measured radiative heat fluxes and were found to be well predicted by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. It was also found that for a dilute system, the prediction of suspension emissivity by Hottel and Sarofim, in conjunction with independent scattering theory of Brewster and Tien, showed good agreement with experimentally determined suspension emissivity.  相似文献   

In the last few years, there has been a renewed interest in the molten salt reactor (MSR), one of the “Generation IV International Forum” concepts, which adopts a circulating molten salt mixture as both heat generator (fuel) and coolant. The heat transfer of a fluid with internal heat generation depends on the strength of the source whose influence on the heat exchange process is significant enough to demand consideration. At present, few studies have been performed on the subject from either an experimental or a numerical point of view.This study considers fluids with a wide range of Reynolds numbers, flowing through smooth and straight circular tubes within which the flow is hydrodynamically developed but thermally developing (conditions of interest for MSR core channels). The study aims at an assessment of the heat transfer modelling for a large variety of fluids (with Prandtl numbers in the range 0≤Pr≤104), in particular taking into account the influence of the internal heat generation on the temperature distribution, which plays an important role in the case of molten salts for nuclear reactors. To this purpose, the general and unified solution of the heat transfer equation is applied to the turbulent Graetz problem with boundary conditions of the third kind and arbitrary heat source distribution, incorporating recent formulations for turbulent flow and convection.Computed results are shown to be in a good agreement with experimental data concerning heat transfer evaluations for both fully developed and thermally developing flow conditions, over a large range of Prandtl numbers (10?2<Pr<104). Finally, a preliminary correlation, which includes the Prandtl number range of interest for molten salts, is proposed for the Nusselt number predictions in the case of simultaneous uniform wall heat flux and internal heat generation.  相似文献   

陶汉中  张红  庄骏 《化工进展》2006,25(Z1):218-222
通过试验的方法对直径为6mm、长为210mm的小型轴向槽道热管蒸发段换热系数进行研究,并得出计算模型.热管管内工作介质为水,蒸汽饱和温度分别为40℃、50℃和60℃.通过测定,得出在水平工作状况下,热管管内气化换热系数受传输功率.温度差和饱和蒸气压的影响不大.气化形式以蒸发为主.并且通过半理论分析和试验的方法得到在试验条件范围内,热管蒸发段换热系数基本稳定在30 500x(1±25%)W/(m2·℃).  相似文献   

A theoretical model has been developed to describe heat transfer to a fluid which is flowing turbulently in a pipe and within which a first-order endothermic irreversible chemical reaction is taking place. It is based on the penetration model for the fluid boundary layer close to the pipe wall and enables the calculation of the effect of chemical reaction on the heat transfer coefficient of turbulent pipe flow.The model has been checked against experimental results for flow distribution and heat transfer in turbulent pipe flow without chemical reaction. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental results was found. The measured heat transfer coefficients for turbulent pipe flow with a uniformly distributed heat source within the fluid were also well predicted. Unfortunately no accurate experimental data on the effect of a first-order chemical reaction on the heat transfer coefficient of turbulent pipe flow are available. However, calculations made with the model show that this effect can be considerable and thus may not always be neglected in practice.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型分离热管式固相粉末换热系统的工作原理,并对其传热情况进行了分析.这种新型的分离热管式固相粉末换热系统已得到实际应用,用来加热高炉喷煤用的空气和煤粉的混合物,运行效果良好,增加了高炉的喷煤量,减少了焦炭用量.利用分离式热管作为以固相粉末为换热介质时的传热元件是完全可行的.  相似文献   

Theoretical analyses of mass/heat transfer from a neutrally buoyant particle in simple shear flow indicate that mass/heat must diffuse across a region of closed streamlines of finite thickness at zero Reynolds number, whereas spiraling streamlines allow the formation of a thin mass transfer boundary layer at small but non‐zero Reynolds numbers (Subramanian and Koch, Phys Rev Lett. 2006;96:134503; Subramanian and Koch, Phys Fluids. 2006;18: 073302). This article presents the first numerical results for mass/heat transfer at finite Reynolds and Peclet numbers. The simulations indicate that fluid particles in the flow‐gradient plane spiral away from the particle for Reynolds numbers smaller than about 2.5 while they spiral toward the particle for higher Reynolds numbers. Solutions of the Navier‐Stokes equations coupled with a boundary layer analysis of mass transfer yield predictions for the rate of mass transfer at asymptotically large Peclet numbers and Reynolds numbers up to 10. Simulations of mass transfer for zero Reynolds number and finite Peclet numbers confirm Acrivos' (Acrivos, J Fluid Mech. 1971;46:233–240) prediction that the Nusselt number approaches a finite value with increasing Peclet number. Simulations at finite Reynolds numbers and Peclet numbers up to 10,000 confirm the theoretical predictions for the concentration gradient at the particle surface at angular positions away from the flow‐gradient plane. However, the wake near the flow‐gradient plane remains too large at this Peclet number to yield a quantitative agreement of the overall rate of mass transfer with the theory for asymptotically large Peclet number. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011  相似文献   

沙丽丽  巨永林  张华 《化工学报》2018,69(4):1349-1356
对体积分数为3%的Fe3O4/water纳米流体在不同温度、不同磁场大小和方向的均匀磁场和梯度磁场作用下的对流换热进行了详细的实验研究。首先,开展了纳米流体能量方程的量纲1分析,讨论了纳米流体强化换热的机理。发现磁性纳米粒子所受到的磁力远远大于布朗运动力。实验测试结果与量纲1分析相吻合,在垂直均匀磁场作用下,纳米流体层流流动的平均对流传热系数提高了5.2%;在垂直梯度磁场作用下,平均对流传热系数提高了9.2%。而在水平均匀磁场作用下,纳米流体平均对流传热系数下降了4.8%。另外,随着温度的升高,对流传热系数均逐渐升高。  相似文献   

分离型热管蒸发段流动特性和传热特性的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱玉琴 《化工机械》2001,28(1):9-11,8
对分离型热管管内蒸发段流动特性和传热特性进行了试验研究 :在保证热管工作效率及安全性的前提下 ,分离型热管蒸发段工质流动形式除单相液流和泡状流 (低热流密度时为弹状流 )外 ,在蒸发段上部约有 42 %~ 50 %的不稳定飞溅降膜区 ;合理充液率随热流密度的增加而减少 ;随着热流密度的增加 ,核态沸腾区及飞溅降膜区的换热系数均增加 ,蒸发段总换热系数也增加。  相似文献   

Fluid dynamics and heat transfer of flow through periodic open‐cellular microlattice structures are characterized for varying superficial flow orientations and flow rates to investigate heat transfer and pressure loss anisotropy. For given Reynolds number, friction factor is lowest when flow is aligned with the largest straight‐through passages in the microlattice. A maximum friction factor, over twice the optimally aligned friction factor, exists for flow orientations between π/8 and π/4 rad off the optimal alignment, with little variation in friction factor for π/8 and π/4 rad. Heat transfer is maximized at π/4 rad off axis from the largest straight‐through passages; however, less angular variation occurs in Nusselt number than in friction factor. Empirical correlations involving superellipses yield analytical equations describing Nusselt number dependence on flow angle and Reynolds number. This work enables selection of optimal flow orientations and optimal cellular architecture in convective heat transfer implementations of microlattice materials for lightweight and multifunctional applications. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 622–629, 2013  相似文献   

Using the solution by Tam of Navier-Stokes equations for creeping flow around an active sphere surrounded by a random cloud of inactive spheres, an asymptotic solution of the convective diffusion equation is obtained for high Schmidt numbers. The Sherwood number for the overall mass transfer coefficient to the active sphere has been analytically related to the Peclet number as
It agrees very well with the experimental mass transfer data on single active spheres for σ = 0476, Re < 10 and large Sc. This analytical result becomes invalid as σ decreases to 0.33. Pfeffer's model for the same problem has excellent agreement with the mass transfer data on single active spheres for σ = 026, Re < 10 and Sc = 1600. Pfeffer's model seems to be quite satisfactory for the usual range of void volume fractions in packed beds. The present model seems to be more accurate at higher values of void volume fractions in packed and distended beds.  相似文献   

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