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"三夏"时节,田野麦浪滚滚,收割机机声隆隆。小麦2010年又是丰收年,农民们看着丰收景象,满脸洋溢着喜盈盈的笑,农机手们开着联合收割机,满怀着甜蜜的快乐,机欢唱,人开心,同奏着麦收的"欢乐颂"!  相似文献   

王宇 《机电信息》2010,(28):36-37
<正>刚出火车站,天空幽蓝,空气湿润,寻路未果,索一路人,依其指点,穿过条条巷道,眼前便是一望无际的大海了,心情一下子就豁然开朗,长途的疲累此时早已  相似文献   

正在德国的大街上经常可以看到,既有白发老者,又有高挑美女,还有身着蓝色工装的技工,腋下都夹着一本书,目光祥和,举止优雅,慢悠悠行走着,公交车上、一些乘客静静地读书,有时还能见到在等候乘客的片刻,司机也在翻阅书本。自古以来,读书好学的  相似文献   

时光如水,岁月如歌。《现代零部件》即将走过悠悠十载春秋,在2013年迎来创刊十周年。十年来,《现代零部件》在广大作者和读者的支持与帮助下,脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,取得了令人欣喜的成绩。回首创刊之初,她犹如一株树苗,在春天萌发嫩芽,沐浴阳光雨露,伴随季节更替,历经重重洗礼,  相似文献   

文中通过运用三轴数控铣床和寻边器,用极坐标编程,对旋切机的凸轮轮廓进行测点,利用MATLAB对所测数据进行处理,找出轨迹方程,利用CAD/CAM软件的公式曲线等工具建模,最终生产出高品质的产品,不但提高了产品的质量,降低了成本,主要为企业找到了反求的捷径.  相似文献   

工程机械发展对液压技术的需求动向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入21世纪以来,世界工程机械发展处于低迷状态,平均增长率有下降趋势,2001年比2000年下降2.2%,自2003年开始,工程机械销售额有一定增长,以日本为例,2003年销售额约100亿美元,比2002年增长15%,其中内需为5247亿日元,增长4%,外需(出口)为6296亿日元,约占总销售额的1/2,增长20%,外需增长主要是中国及亚洲市场需求激增的缘故。由于日本对废气排出量有新的限制,使设备更新量增大,例如,液压挖掘机增长8%,汽车起重机增长12%。据日本建设机械协会预测,2004年日本工程机械将增长9%,达110亿美元,其中液压挖掘机增长16%,小型挖掘机增长6%,由于建设项目…  相似文献   

中国机械工业联合会是为适应国家工业管理体制改革需要,经国务院同意、民政部批准,于2001年4月正式成立的综合性行业协会。按照国家标准委和国家发展改革委的授权,三年多来,特别是在2004年,我们以科学发展观为指导,以市场需求为导向,以为政府、为企业服务为宗旨,本着不“越位”、不“错位”、不“缺位”的工作原则,围绕振兴机械工业,开拓创新,强化服务,  相似文献   

2003~2013时光如水,岁月如歌。《现代零部件》即将走过悠悠十载春秋,在2013年迎来创刊十周年。十年来,《现代零部件》在广大作者和读者的支持与帮助下,脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,取得了令人欣喜的成绩。回首创刊之初,她犹如一株树苗,在春天萌发嫩芽,沐浴阳光雨露,伴随季节更替,历经重重洗礼,一路茁壮成长。而今已有沉甸甸的十岁年轮,并在行业媒体中崭露头角。十年历程,您与我们携手并肩一起走  相似文献   

天然橡胶、轮胎、汽车,从上到下,从源头到终端,彼此之间关系紧密,价格上有明显的联动性,在利润上也紧密相关,照常理来讲,天然橡胶价格下跌,轮胎的利润在较短时间上升,影响到汽车,也会令汽车行业受益,反之亦然。  相似文献   

岚县位于山西省西北部,吕梁山北端高寒山区,地处黄河流域中部,属晋西北黄土高原山区.辖3镇9乡,面积1 514 km2,境内多为丘陵区,地势较为平坦,平均海拔1200 m以上,平均气温6.8 ℃,有效积温2 727 ℃,日温差14.7 ℃,年平均降雨为504.9 mm,无霜期为90~125 d.独特的自然条件,既是理想的马铃薯生产区域,又适宜机械化生产.全县粮田面积3万hm2,其中马铃薯每年种植面积均在1万hm2以上.占粮田面积的1/3,是农民收入的重要来源之一.实现马铃薯机械化生产具有得天独厚的优势.  相似文献   

The brainstems of frogs contain many of the neurochemicals that are found in mammals. However, the clustering of nuclei near the ventricles makes it difficult to distinguish individual cell groups. We addressed this problem by combining immunohistochemistry with tract tracing and an analysis of cell morphology to localize neuropeptides within the brainstem of Rana pipiens. We injected a retrograde tracer, Fluoro-Gold, into the spinal cord, and, in the same frog, processed adjacent sections for immunohistochemical location of antibodies to the neuropeptides enkephalin (ENK), substance P (SP), and somatostatin (SOM). SOM+ cells were more widespread than cells containing immunoreactivity (ir) to the other substances. Most reticular nuclei in frog brainstem contained ir to at least one of these chemicals. Cells with SOM ir were found in nucleus (n.) reticularis pontis oralis, n. reticularis magnocellularis, n. reticularis paragigantocellularis, n. reticularis dorsalis, the optic tectum, n. interpeduncularis, and n. solitarius. ENK-containing cell bodies were found in n. reticularis pontis oralis, n. reticularis dorsalis, the nucleus of the solitary tract, and the tectum. The midbrain contained most of the SP+ cells. Six nonreticular nuclei (griseum centrale rhombencephali, n. isthmi, n. profundus mesencephali, n. interpeduncularis, torus semicircularis laminaris, and the tectum) contained ir to one or more of the substances but did not project to the spinal cord. The descending tract of V, and the rubrospinal, reticulospinal, and solitary tracts contained all three peptides as did the n. profundus mesencephali, n. isthmi, and specific tectal layers. Because the distribution of neurochemicals within the frog brainstem is similar to that of amniotes, our results emphasize the large amount of conservation of structure, biochemistry, and possibly function that has occurred in the brainstem, and especially in the phylogenetically old reticular formation.  相似文献   

罗伏隆 《衡器》2014,(9):48-52
优秀企业的成长、发展、壮大,与其优秀的"企业文化"建设不无关系。任何企业都是有文化的,不存在没有文化的组织,只有不同文化的组织。衡量企业文化的标准,只有显著程度、优劣和现实性,而不是有或无。只要有人群存在,他们的行为就构成一定的文化。企业老板,是企业文化的倡导者和缔造者。老板对企业文化建设的影响很大。"老板文化"是"企业文化"的奠基石。因此,企业要创建优秀的企业文化,企业领导层首先要有优秀的"老板文化"。而随着企业的发展,企业所有员工共同参与讨论并提炼企业文化,逐步走向民主与开放。这时的企业文化更多的融入了集体的智慧,老板文化的作用会逐渐减小,所以企业文化又不单是老板文化。  相似文献   

In order to avoid the accuracy deterioration or tool damage caused by milling chatter, it is necessary to have an efficient and reliable diagnosis system that can on-line predict/detect the occur-rence of chatter. The diagnosis/predicting system proposed is to on-line process and analysis the vi-bration signals of the milling machine measured by accelerometers. According to the analysis results, the system will be able to detect/predict the occurrence of the chatter. The diagnosis algorithm is, first, collecting both the normal signals and chatter signals from milling processes, and then, converting the signals through wavelet transform and fast Fourier transform (FFT). Since the converted chatter sig-nals exhibit different characteristics from the normal signals, through defining the characteristic val-ues, such as root-mean-square value, max value, and ratio of peak value to root-mean-square value, etc, a diagnosis reference library that contains the distribution of these characteristic values is built for diagnosis. When a diagnosis is executing, the characteristic value of the measured signals is con-trasted with the diagnosis reference. The approach index which shows the possibility of occurrence of milling chatter will, then, be calculated through the diagnosis system. Cutting experiments are con-ducted to verify the proposed diagnosis system. The results show the success of early chatter detecting for the system.  相似文献   

Bauhinia forficata is a medicinal plant that has flavonoid components with hypoglycemic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antibacterial, antiviral and anti‐inflammatory action. Aim of this study is to evaluate the action of B. forficata alcoholic extract in the male genital system of adult male Wistar rats. For that, 20 adult male Wistar rats were distributed into two experimental groups: the B. forficata group, receiving B. forficata alcoholic extract (0.1 ml/10 g body weight/day) on alternate days, and the control group, receiving just the vehicle for 30 days straight both via gavage. On the 31st day, the animals were euthanized, and the testis and epididymis were collected for histopathological, biochemical, morphometric, and sperm count analysis. Mass spectrometry identified new compounds in the extract: trans‐caffeic acid, liquiritigenin, gallocatechin, and 2,4,6‐trihydroxyphenanthren‐2‐glycoside. Biochemical analysis showed higher total cholesterol levels in the testis and lower malondialdehyde levels in the testis and epididymis, in the B. forficata group. The mast cell count showed a reduction in degranulated mast cells in the caput region of the epididymis, in the B. forficata group. The luminal compartment of the caput and the epithelial of the epididymis cauda were reduced, whereas the stromal region of the epididymis caput was increased in the B. forficata group, compared with the control group. The testicular tissue was less impaired, considering that all the histological analyses were similar to the control. We believe that B. forficata alcoholic extract in the male genital system showed antioxidant action, especially in the epididymal tissue.  相似文献   

The existing research of the integrated chassis control mainly focuses on the different evaluation indexes and control strategy. Among the different evaluation indexes, the comprehensive properties are usually not considered based on the non-linear superposition principle. But, the control strategy has some shortages on tyre model with side-slip angle, road adhesion coefficient, vertical load and velocity. In this paper, based on belief, desire and intention(BDI)-agent model framework, the TYRE agent, electric power steering(EPS) agent and active suspension system(ASS) agent are proposed. In the system(SYS) agent, the coordination mechanism is employed to manage interdependences and conflicts among other agents, so as to improve the flexibility, adaptability, and robustness of the global control system. Due to the existence of the simulation demand of dynamic performance, the vehicle multi-body dynamics model is established by SIMPACK. And then the co-simulation analysis is conducted to evaluate the proposed multi-agent system(MAS) controller. The simulation results demonstrate that the MAS has good effect on the performance of EPS and ASS. Meantime, the better road feeling for the driver is provided considering the multiple and complex driving traffic. Finally, the MAS rapid control prototyping is built to conduct the real vehicle test. The test results are consistent to the simulation results, which verifies the correctness of simulation. The proposed research ensures the driving safety, enhances the handling stability, and improves the ride comfort.  相似文献   

Crankshaft, the core element of the engine of a vehicle, transforms the translational motion generated by combustion to rotational motion. Its failure will cause serious damage to the engine so its reliability verification must be performed. In this study, the S-N data of the bending fatigue limit of a crankshaft are derived. To evaluate the reliability of the crankshaft, reliability verification and analysis are performed. For the purpose of further evaluation, the bending test of the original crankshaft is carried out, and failure mode analysis is made. The appropriate number of samples, the applied load, and the test time are computed. On the basis of the test results, Weibull analysis for the shape and scale parameters of the crankshaft is estimated. Likewise, the B10 life under 50% of the confidence level and the MTTF are exactly calculated, and the groundwork for improving the reliability of the crankshaft is laid. This paper was presented at the 4th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics(ACMD2008), Jeju, Korea, August 20–23, 2008. Do-Hyun Jung received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Ajou University in 1988 and 1990, respectively. He then obtained his Ph.D. degree from Changwon National University in 2006. Dr. Jung is currently an Adjunct Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering of Sunmoon University, Korea. He also manages the Reliability Application Research Center of the Reliability Division of KATECH. Dr. Jung’s fields of study include fatigue, reliability, and remanufacturing issues.  相似文献   

由于谐波系统中存在传动误差,结果会使机构无法准确执行预定的传动。为了对谐波齿轮系统的传动误差进行补偿,本文首先对谐波齿轮传动系统进行分析,综合考虑谐波齿轮啮合摩擦、扭转刚度、侧隙、传动误差等多种非线性因素,根据谐波齿轮传动系统的力学模型,建立系统非线性动力学微分方程。采用PID控制器对系统进行控制,为补偿误差根据传递函数建立了控制系统方框图。最后通过比较PID控制前后的仿真误差,证明了PID控制对误差补偿的有效性。  相似文献   

A system of analysis is developed to predict the rate of wear in sliding contacts. The essence of the approach is the proposal that the rate of wear can be predicted only in probabilistic terms. Therefore, the estimation of the probability of wear, which can be regarded as synonymous with the probability of surface asperity contacts, precedes the calculation of the wear rate. Further, recognising the fact that wear takes place within the actual area of contact, it is argued that this area consists of plastic and elastic contacts between asperities which, in turn, have different shear strengths and contribute differently to the wear process. In the case of lubricated contact, a frictional film defect represents the influence of a lubricant on the wear process. Moreover, as in this type of contact the load is supported by both lubricating film and contacting asperities, a special procedure is provided to estimate the load supported by the asperities, because it is only that part of the load which contributes to the wear. The catastrophic form of wear in lubricated contacts, that is termed ‘scuffing’, is also considered, and the probability of scuffing, under a given set of operating conditions, is estimated. The predictive system has been tested and its predictions are compared with available experimental results.  相似文献   

设计了一个简易多功能计数器,由89C52单片机控制。配合相应的测量电路以及相应的软件,实现对频率、周期和时间间隔,被测信号峰值、温度等的测量,可记录10个历史数据,且具有掉电保持功能。其主要电路包括电平电路、时基电路、测频电路、测周电路、测温电路,键盘输入电路,显示电路等,信号输入后先自动判断频率的范围,然后选择需要的测量电路.通过单片机对数据进行处理,在误差允许的范围内显示各个测量值。  相似文献   

This paper reviews briefly the present state of fundamental research, in tribochemistry of load-carrying additives, including oiliness agents, organolsulphur, organochlorine, organophosphorus, organic borates and organometallic compounds. The emphasis is on the weak areas of investigation. It is revealed that the least understood mechanisms, such as the effect of additives on fretting wear, additive-material compatibility, the efficacy of antifatigue additives and the action of water-based fluid additives in metalworking, are the concern of overlapping spheres of learning. A cooperative effort by chemists, metallurgists and mechanical engineers would help overcome the difficulties posed by problems in areas beyond individual expertises. Some research projects for the future are also suggested.  相似文献   

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