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在多模复合制导模式下,被动雷达导引头(PRS)可采用共形天线阵列接收入射信号。共形天线通常为线极化天线,将其摆放在弹体的一周,天线阵列的接收信号将出现极化分集问题。针对该问题,建立了在极化分集条件下共形天线阵列接收信号的数学模型,理论推导极化分集对干涉仪方法测向性能的影响,以及分析干涉仪方法能够正确测向的前提条件,通过计算机仿真实验验证了研究结论的有效性。该文给出了解决共形天线阵列极化分集问题的研究思路。  相似文献   

杨小峰  史江义 《半导体学报》2013,34(4):045009-4
A C-band 6-bit digital phase shifter is presented.The phase shifter is based on the synthetic design of a high-pass/low-pass network and the all-pass network.The series scatter restrain method is also discussed.The phase shifter is fabricated in 0.25μm GaAs PHEMT technology and developed for C-band phased arrays,and the relative phase shift varies from 0 to 360 in step of 5.625°.The phase shifter,with a chip size of 4×1.95 mm~2,has achieved an insertion loss better than 6.4 dB,RMS phase error of less than 1.73°,and an input and output VSWR less than 1.6 at all conditions.  相似文献   

The authors introduce a multistate phase diversity scheme to reduce fading problems at the base station end in a microcellular environment. The results obtained show that the phase diversity scheme provides a considerable improvement at the receiving end with a compact antenna configuration  相似文献   

The broadband design of a circular array of bent stacked slot antennas (BSSAs) is presented. The angular diversity provided can mitigate multipath propagation and intersymbol interference occurring in indoor wireless communications. Details of the antenna design and experimental results are presented for a fixed sector configuration at 5.2 GHz. Numerical simulation results are consistent with experiments. The 3 dB beamwidth in azimuth and elevation is ~75 and 50°, respectively, and the directivity is 7.7 dBi. Over the whole HIPERLAN bandwidth, a -18 dB return loss is achieved, with only a 3 dB degradation of secondary radiation lobes  相似文献   

由于远距离传输、小口径安装、精确波束指向等诸多因素,传统的相控阵天线无法满足临近空间长航时太阳能无人机的通信需求。针对此问题,提出了一种新型的太阳能无人机分布式相控阵天线,以实现高数据率远距离传输;基于分布式阵列方法解决天线安装问题;采用基于应变测量元件的波束校正方法实现精确波束指向。设计了一种Ka频率的分布式相控阵天线,通过仿真,验证了本文提出方法的正确性。  相似文献   

In wideband direct sequence code division multiple access (W-CDMA), employing an adaptive antenna array is a very promising technique to reduce severe multiple access interference (MAI) from high rate users. A four-antenna pilot symbol-assisted coherent adaptive antenna array diversity (PSA-CAAAD) receiver comprising an adaptive antenna array based on a minimum mean squared error (MMSE) criterion and a RAKE combiner is implemented in preliminary laboratory and field experiments. There are two important design concepts of the PSA-CAAAD receiver. The first is that the adaptive antenna array forms an antenna beam for each resolved propagation path and tracks only slow changes in the directions of arrival (DOAs) and average powers of the desired and interfering user signals. The second is that the RAKE combiner tracks the instantaneous changes in channel conditions and coherently combines the signals of the desired user propagating along the resolved paths to maximize the instantaneous signal-to-interference plus background noise power ratio (SINR). This paper presents, both by laboratory and field experiments, the effectiveness of PSA-CAAAD receiver as a powerful means to reduce severe MAI from high rate users, and that it is more effective than using a space diversity receiver with the same number of antennas in the W-CDMA reverse link  相似文献   

陈曦  杨龙  吴丹  傅光 《电波科学学报》2016,31(6):1195-1201
为精确预测阵列天线相位中心的特性, 研究了阵列口径的幅相误差对阵列天线相位中心的影响.对阵列天线相位中心的求解方法进行了简要论述, 得出了阵列天线相位中心的计算方法; 采用该方法对一个算例阵列进行仿真计算, 分别引入均匀分布和正态分布的幅相误差, 计算得出不同类型幅相误差造成的天线相位中心变化.分析计算结果可以得出, 幅相误差对阵列天线相位中心可造成显著影响, 并且该影响与幅相误差分布类型和误差限有关.该研究结论可用于指导高精度阵列天线的设计.  相似文献   

An analytical approach to the design of a super-synthesis antenna array is applied in this paper. It involves isolation and separate optimization of the influence of different parameters on the sampling of the spatial frequency components. The approach requires a detailed understanding of the geometry of tracking by an ensemble of baselines, but it gives a nearly optimum array design without much help from a computer. A feature of this design is that by simply doubling the array elements, the synthesized main beam area of the array is reduced 16 fold. Extensive computations have been used to demonstrate this extraordinary result.  相似文献   

This is a presentation of a new design of circularly polarized (CP) antenna array having a wide axial ratio (AR) bandwidth and high-gain. It uses an innovative feed network which consists of compact directional couplers and a delay line describing a new kind of sequential phase (SP) feed network. Furthermore, in this work, we report and discuss the features of the feed network and single element. In the following, the single element antenna and the 2 × 2 CP antenna array are designed, prototyped and tested. The antenna array is designed by a multilayer microstrip structure with a compact size of 75 × 52 mm2. Moreover, a metal reflector is utilized to enhance the antenna gain and achieve a unidirectional radiation pattern over the operating frequency band. According to the experimental results, the CP antenna array has a return loss (RL) bandwidth of 2.42 GHz (5.83–8.25 GHz), AR bandwidth of 1.11 GHz (6.76–7.87 GHz), and peak gain of 12.15 dBic. It seems that the performance of the proposed design is admirable for C-band frequency.  相似文献   

为解决铁电体陶瓷移相器中高相对介电常数材料间的匹配问题,研制了一种可用于Ka波段低成本相控阵天线的新型铁电体陶瓷材料移相器,并用其设计制作了一种一维电扫低成本相控阵天线。结果表明:通过利用三级阻抗匹配技术,所制新型移相器中高相对介电常数材料间的匹配问题得到了有效解决。当外加偏置电压约为11 kV时,该移相器可在损耗小于2.2 dB的情况下实现360°相移。  相似文献   

A set of arbitrarily located receiving antenna elements, each connected with an appropriate network, can be used to construct a matched filter where the antenna array response results in an autocorrelation of a specified desired signal, correlating over time and space coordinates simultaneously. A receiving system using such a signal processing antenna can discard interferences which do not have the same spectral characteristics as the desired signal, or which do not originate from the same point as the desired signal source. Examples of correlating antenna arrays for various arbitrary intelligence modulations of the desired signal are discussed in this communication.  相似文献   

基于AD8302的甚高频天线阵电缆相位差检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据甚高频天线阵相位测量原理,提出一种利用相位检测芯片AD8302将接收机至传输馈线的两两阵元的定标信源信号的相位差转化为对应的直流电压,再用12 b量化精度单通道A/D采样,最后做误差分析及修正达到修正相位误差的方法。通过验证在低频(2 MHz等)、高频(300 MHz等)等测量条件下,系统给出的电缆相位误差的精度,如在300 MHz信号输入下,电缆之间距离误差达到了cm精度,可以广泛用于相关天线阵误差修正及电缆误差测量中。  相似文献   

为精确预测相控阵天线相位中心的特性,研究了数字移相器相位量化误差对相控阵天线相位中心的影响.对计算相控阵天线相位中心的方法进行了论述,得出了根据远场相位分布精确计算天线阵相位中心的方法;采用该方法对一算例阵列进行计算仿真,算例阵列采用5位数字移相器,计算得出不同扫描角下天线相位中心的变化.计算结果表明:数字移相器量化误差对相控阵天线相位中心可造成显著影响,该影响与移相器位数和扫描角均有关.研究结论可用于指导高精度相控阵天线的设计.  相似文献   

介绍了一种适用于星载(GNSS)掩星探测的新型阵列天线,可覆盖GPS L1/L2和BD2 B1/B2频段。该天线采用双层空气腔式圆极化单元,整体为变形工字型阵列形式。通过计算机仿真,并采用差分进化算法对天线单元的幅度、相位进行优化设计,展宽了阵列天线方位面波束宽度。在保证天线电性能的同时,减少了阵元数量,降低了网络设计的复杂度并减轻了天线重量。实测结果在工作频段内10 dBic方位面波束宽度≥±42.2°,俯仰面波束宽度≥±6.4°,相位中心稳定度在方位±40°内最大为±1.67 mm。表明该设计在工程应用中是可行的。  相似文献   

陈谦  李磊  张小林 《信息通信》2014,(10):58-59
基于改进型Vivaldi天线单元,采用4单元十字交叉组合构成圆极化天线,并通过增加耦合金属立柱改善天线轴比,设计了一种超宽频宽角覆盖圆极化直线阵。该天线在1.25-4.1 GHz频段电压驻波比(VSWR)小于2,在1.6-3.6 GHz频段轴比小于3 dB,在垂直扫描方向具备宽角覆盖能力,具备较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

Polarization properties of the field of linear antenna arrays with random phase errors in the excitation currents of orthogonal vibrators and a system of biorthogonal radiators are studied. The influence of errors’ correlation on the degree of polarization and ellipticity of antenna with broadside radiation of waves with circular polarization is analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a wide-band photonically phased array antenna is demonstrated. The array configuration consists of a 4 /spl times/ 1 Vivaldi single-polarization antenna array and an independent photonic phasing system for each element. The phasing network of this array is implemented using two novel photonic phase shifters based on the vector summation approach. A vector sum phase shifter (VSPS), which exhibits a frequency-linear characteristic from dc to 15 GHz and can be continuously tuned from 0 to 100/spl deg/, is presented. A second-order VSPS (SO-VSPS), a modification of the VSPS that is capable of 0-430/spl deg/ phasing range, is also demonstrated. This paper presents the operation and characterization of each component of the array, including the radiating elements and the various photonic phase shifters and, finally, a demonstration of the combined system. A discussion on the practicality of this system for airborne applications is presented, along with suggestions for simplification and improvement.  相似文献   

贺锋涛  石文娟  朱云周  张建磊 《红外与激光工程》2018,47(9):903005-0903005(7)
针对水下无线激光通信系统中对准困难的问题,提出了一种分集阵列式光学接收天线,在光学设计软件Zemax中分别设计出了复合光学接收天线和分集阵列式光学接收天线的光学结构,分析了复合光学接收天线和分集阵列式光学接收天线的视场角、聚光效率以及光源移动范围,并且通过实验和Matlab仿真给出两种光学接收天线的聚光效率随光源径向移动范围和光源入射角的关系,结果表明:当光源尺寸10 mm时,复合光学接收天线的聚光效率是0.06%,接收视场角是6,光源径向移动范围是6 mm;分集阵列式光学接收天线的聚光效率是0.06%,接收视场角是16,光源径向移动范围是22 mm。因此分集阵列式光学接收天线更适用于水下激光通信系统。  相似文献   

A new phased array antenna of wide bandwidth and good beam scanning angle has been developed using a low cost multiline phase shifter controlled by a piezoelectric transducer (PET) and a stripline fed Vivaldi antenna array. The multiline progressive PET phase shifter has a low perturbation loss of less than 2 dB and a total loss of less than 4 dB up to 40 GHz with a maximum phase shift of 480°. The proposed phased array antenna consists of four E- or H-plane Vivaldi antennas, a PET phase shifter, and a power divider. The phased array shows a wide beam scanning capability of ±27° over a wide bandwidth from 8 to 26.5 GHz covering X, Ku, and K bands  相似文献   

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