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Stimuli from the plant Camellia japonica that influence the host-finding and acceptance behaviors of adult females of the generalist herbivore Epiphyas postvittana were investigated. In a binary choice test in a small (35-cm-diam.) arena, females discriminated between a plant and a laminated card model, laying many more eggs on the plant. Observations of females showed that the greater number of eggs laid on the plant were primarily due to on-plant behaviors, with females spending significantly more time per visit on the plant than on the model. Interestingly, females landed a similar number of times on the plant as on the model, suggesting that volatile chemicals from the plant did not influence host-finding. This observation was further supported by wind-tunnel studies, in which females showed little or no upwind flight activity in response to plants and laid similar numbers of eggs on upwind and downwind plants. Leaf surface texture, a combination of smoothness and fine structure (consisting of the midvein and other raised leaf veins), was found to stimulate egg laying by females. Methanol, dichloromethane, and pentane extracts were made of the waxes on the leaf surface. Of these three extracts, only the nonpolar (pentane) one stimulated egg laying by females. Although we did not find a role for volatile plant chemicals in host finding, they appeared to stimulate increased egg laying when the female was on the plant. It appears likely that these chemical and tactile stimuli in C. japonica are general stimuli, which may be found in a large number of plants and, in combination with the feeding preferences of the larva, may explain the generalist herbivorous nature of this pest.  相似文献   

The effect of volatiles related to feeding activity of nonprey caterpillars, Spodoptera exigua, on the olfactory response of the predatory mites Phytoseiulus persimilis was examined in a Y-tube olfactometer. At a low caterpillar density (20 caterpillars on 10 Lima bean leaves), the predators were significantly more attracted to volatiles from infested leaves on which the caterpillars and their products were present or from infested leaves from which the caterpillars and their products had been removed when compared to volatiles from uninfested leaves. The predators, however, significantly avoided odors from 20 caterpillars and their products (mainly feces) removed from bean leaves. In contrast, at a higher caterpillar density (100 caterpillars on 10 Lima bean leaves), the predators avoided volatiles from caterpillar-infested bean leaves. Volatiles from infested leaves from which the caterpillars and their products had been removed were not preferred over volatiles from uninfested leaves. Volatiles from feces collected from 100 caterpillars were strongly avoided by the predators, while the behavior of the predatory mites was not affected by volatiles from 100 caterpillars removed from a plant. The data show that carnivorous arthropods may avoid nonprofitable herbivores. This avoidance seems to result from an interference of volatiles from herbivore products with the attraction to herbivore-induced plant volatiles.  相似文献   

The cowpea seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus, will lay its eggs on many potential hosts and inert surfaces. Oviposition on glass beads is stimulated by coating them with individual fatty acids. Nevertheless, female beetles reject mung seeds less frequently than beads treated with either an extract of mung seeds or, especially, an extract of mung seeds plus oleic acid. The addition of oleic acid to the extract resulted in a change in the sequence of oviposition behavior, notably an increase in a raised body position indicative of hosts of low acceptability. Fatty acids are present in the epicuticular waxes of legume seeds; wax extract of mung bean contains 32.4% fatty acid and 14 alkanes, whereas a wax extract of chickpea contains 5% fatty acid and 18 alkanes. Thus, chickpea may be a less acceptable host for oviposition than mung bean because of physical differences and/or because of chemical differences, including a reduced total level of fatty acid or the high proportion of oleic acid it is reported to contain. It is concluded that an appropriate mixture of fatty acids in the epicuticular waxes stimulates oviposition but that an elevated level of oleic acid in conjunction with others is deterrent.  相似文献   

Host-plant genotype, environment, and ontogeny all play a role in determining plant resistance to herbivory, yet little is known about the nature of the interactions among these factors. We investigated resistance of cucumber plants Cucumis sativus to the generalist herbivore Spodoptera exigua in a manipulative experiment involving three factors. In particular, we tested the effects of bitter (cucurbitacins present) vs. sweet (cucurbitacins absent) plants (genotype), with or without previous herbivory (environment), and cotyledons vs. true leaves (ontogeny). Contrary to our expectations, S. exigua growth was 54% higher on bitter plants than on sweet plants; growth was 63% higher, however, on undamaged plants compared to damaged plants, and 59% higher on true leaves compared to cotyledons. Moreover, all two-way interaction terms between genotype, environment, and ontogeny were significant. For example, S. exigua performance was higher on bitter than on sweet plants; however, this effect was strongly influenced by whether the tissue consumed was a cotyledon or true leaf and also whether it had been previously damaged. An examination of leaf nutritional chemistry revealed that some of our results could be explained by genotypic, environmental, and ontogenic differences in foliar nitrogen content. In contrast, the cucurbitacin content of plants did not appear to affect caterpillar growth. Our results provide evidence for the importance of interactions between genotype, environment, and ontogeny in determining herbivory and illustrate the value of manipulative experiments in revealing the complexities of these interactions.  相似文献   

The chemical basis underlying orientation to fruit and fungal odors was investigated for the dried-fruit beetle,Carpophilus hemipterus (L.). In wind-tunnel bioassays of walking and flight response from 1.8 m, beetles were attracted to odors of the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae on agar, aseptic banana, or banana inoculated withS. cerevisiae, although both banana substrates elicited greater response than the yeast alone. When presented in a two-choice bioassay, the yeast-inoculated banana attracted approximately twice as many beetles as did the aseptic banana. GC-MS analysis of the headspace volatiles above these odor sources revealed a somewhat more complex and concentrated volatile profile for yeast-inoculated banana than for aseptic banana. The odor from yeast on agar had fewer components, and these were present at lower concentrations than the odors of either banana substrate. By blending mineral-oil or aqueous solutions of the 18 components of inoculated-banana odor in varying concentrations, it was possible to mimic closely the headspace profile of the natural odor. This synthetic odor also elicited beetle attraction in the wind tunnel at levels comparable to the inoculated banana. Through a series of bioassays in which individual components were subtracted from or added to a synthetic odor blend, it was determined that ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde, 2-pentanol, and 3-methylbutanol comprised the simplest blend of compounds evoking full behavioral response. However, 2-methylpropanol or butanol were apparently interchangeable with 3-methylbutanol in this blend, and comparable response could also be elicited by replacing acetaldehyde with a combination of both 2-pentanone and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone. Thus, our results suggest that this generalist insect herbivore locates its hosts by a long-range response to a variety of blends of common fruit volatiles, whose concentrations are enhanced by fungi.  相似文献   

We investigated volatile infochemicals possibly involved in location of the generalist predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus to plants infested with spider mites in a Y-tube olfactometer. The predators significantly preferred volatiles from lima bean leaves infested with Tetranychus urticae to uninfested lima bean leaves. Likewise, they were attracted to volatiles from artificially damaged lima bean leaves and those from T. urticae plus their visible products. Significantly more predators chose infested lima bean leaves from which T. urticae plus their visible products had been removed than artificially damaged leaves, T. urticae, and their visible products. These results suggest that N. californicus is capable of exploiting a variety of volatile infochemicals originating from their prey, from the prey-foodplants themselves, and from the complex of the prey and the host plants (e.g., herbivore-induced volatiles). We also investigated predator response to some of the synthetic samples identified as volatile components emitted from T. urticae-infested lima bean leaves and/or artificially damaged lima bean leaves. The predators were attracted to each of the five synthetic volatile components: linalool, methyl salicylate, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (E)-2-hexenal, and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate. The role of each volatile compound in prey-searching behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography coupled with electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) were used to identify a new blend of volatiles from apples as the key attractants for the apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh). The new five-component blend contains butyl butanoate (10%), propyl hexanoate (4%), butyl hexanoate (37%), hexyl butanoate (44%), and pentyl hexanoate (5%) compared with a previously reported seven-component mix of hexyl acetate (35%), (E)-2-hexen-1-yl acetate (2%), butyl 2-methylbutanoate (8%), propyl hexanoate (12%), hexyl propanoate (5%), butyl hexanoate (28%), and hexyl butanoate (10%). Volatiles from five different varieties of apple elicited reproducible and high EAD responses from R. pomonella antennae to the same five chemicals. In flight-tunnel choice tests involving red sticky spheres with odor sources, the new five-component blend of apple volatiles showed significantly more activity than the previous seven-component blend or the single compound, butyl hexanoate. In a field trial captures with the new five-component blend were better than with butyl hexanoate, which is currently used with commercial apple maggot monitoring spheres.  相似文献   

The fungus, Botrytis cinerea, causes decay in apples in postharvest storage. Conidia of B. cinerea on polycarbonate membranes were incubated on filter paper disks saturated with water or suspensions of yeasts (2 × 106 CFU/filter) and then exposed for 24 hr at 22°C to 0–16 l of ethyl, butyl, or hexyl acetates injected into the headspaces of 500-cc glass jars. Germination of conidia was increased by exposure to 4–16 l of ethyl acetate compared to the no-ester controls. Conidia were stimulated to germinate by 4 l of butyl acetate and 8 l of hexyl acetate, but greater volumes were toxic to germination. The yeasts Cryptococcus laurentii and Sporobolomyces roseus were more effective at reducing the stimulatory effect than Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Acetate esters also stimulated germination of conidia on polycarbonate membranes on apples inside jars. Cryptococcus laurentii or S. roseus suppressed this effect more than S. cerevisiae. Germination of conidia on a membrane on water inside a 3.9-liter jar containing an apple was 2.5-fold greater than the no-apple control. Butyl acetate increased Botrytis infection of apple wounds. Butyl and hexyl acetate were detected by GLC in the headspace of Golden Delicious apples. Results indicated that some acetate esters produced by apple stimulated germination of B. cinerea conidia, and this effect was suppressed by yeasts.  相似文献   

In recent years, the demand for a natural plant-based polymer with potential functions from plant sources has increased considerably. The main objective of the current study was to study the effect of chemical extraction conditions on the rheological and functional properties of the heteropolysaccharide/protein biopolymer from durian (Durio zibethinus) seed. The efficiency of different extraction conditions was determined by assessing the extraction yield, protein content, solubility, rheological properties and viscoelastic behavior of the natural polymer from durian seed. The present study revealed that the soaking process had a more significant (p < 0.05) effect than the decolorizing process on the rheological and functional properties of the natural polymer. The considerable changes in the rheological and functional properties of the natural polymer could be due to the significant (p < 0.05) effect of the chemical extraction variables on the protein fraction present in the molecular structure of the natural polymer from durian seed. The natural polymer from durian seed had a more elastic (or gel like) behavior compared to the viscous (liquid like) behavior at low frequency. The present study revealed that the natural heteropolysaccharide/protein polymer from durian seed had a relatively low solubility ranging from 9.1% to 36.0%. This might be due to the presence of impurities, insoluble matter and large particles present in the chemical structure of the natural polymer from durian seed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that animals may make adaptive adjustments in response to chemical cues from predators, but hatching responses to diet-related chemical cues from predators have not been previously demonstrated. In the system studied here, the predator is an araneophagic jumping spider (Salticidae), Portia labiata, and the prey organism is a subsocial spitting spider, Scytodes pallida (Scytodidae). The spitting spider carries its eggs in its chelicerae, and carrying eggs is known to make it more vulnerable to predators. It is also known from an earlier study that the prior diet of the predator alters how dangerous the individual predator is to the spitting spider. In the experiments reported here, incubation time was shorter when volatile cues from the predator were present and longer in control tests when no chemical cues from the predator were present. The previous predators diet also influenced incubation time: when in the presence of volatile cues from individuals of P. labiata that had previously fed on individuals of S. pallida, incubation time was shorter than when in the presence of volatile cues from individuals of P. labiatathat had been feeding instead on house flies.  相似文献   

The wolf spider, Pardosa milvina, displays effective antipredator behavior (reduced activity) in the presence of silk and excreta cues from adults of another cooccurring wolf spider, Hogna helluo. However, Pardosa and Hogna engage in size-structured intraguild predation, where Pardosa may be either the prey or predator of Hogna. We tested the ability of adult female Pardosa to vary antipredator responses toward kairomones produced by Hogna that vary in size. Hogna were maintained on filter paper for 24 hr. We then presented the paper to adult female Pardosa simultaneously paired with a blank sheet of paper. One treatment had two sheets of blank paper to serve as a control. The Hogna stimulus treatments were as follows (N = 15/treatment): (1) 1 Hogna half the mass of Pardosa; (2) 1 Hogna of equal mass of a Pardosa; (3) 1 adult Hogna, 30 times the mass of Pardosa; and (4) 8 Hogna each 0.25 the mass of Pardosa. Pardosa decreased activity in the presence of kairomones from Hogna of equal or larger size, but showed no change in activity in the presence of a blank control or from a single Hogna smaller than itself. Pardosa showed a reduction in activity in the presence of cues from eight small Hogna. Pardosa avoided substrates with adult Hogna cues, but showed no avoidance response to any other treatment. These results suggest that Pardosa is showing graded antipredator behavior relative to the quantity of predator kairomones present rather than directly discriminating among the different sizes of the predator.  相似文献   

Many plant species defend themselves against herbivorous insects indirectly by producing volatiles in response to herbivory. These volatiles attract carnivorous enemies of the herbivores. Research on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. has contributed considerably to the unraveling of signal transduction pathways involved in direct plant defense mechanisms against pathogens. Here, we demonstrate that Arabidopsis is also a good candidate for studying signal transduction pathways involved in indirect defense mechanisms by showing that: (1) Adult females of Cotesia rubecula, a specialist parasitic wasp of Pieris rapae caterpillars, are attracted to P. rapae-infested Arabidopsis plants. (2) Arabidopsis infested by P. rapae emits volatiles from several major biosynthetic pathways, including terpenoids and green leaf volatiles. The blends from herbivore-infested and artificially damaged plants are similar. However, differences can be found with respect to a few components of the blend, such as two nitriles and the monoterpene myrcene, that were produced exclusively by caterpillar-infested plants, and methyl salicylate, that was produced in larger amounts by caterpillar-infested plants. (3) Genes from major biosynthetic pathways involved in volatile production are induced by caterpillar feeding. These include AtTPS10, encoding a terpene synthase involved in myrcene production, AtPAL1, encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase involved in methyl salicylate production, and AtLOX2 and AtHPL, encoding lipoxygenase and hydroperoxide lyase, respectively, both involved in the production of green leaf volatiles. AtAOS, encoding allene oxide synthase, involved in the production of jasmonic acid, also was induced by herbivory.  相似文献   

The nudibranch,Glossodoris quadricolor (Doridacea) feeds on the red spongeLatrunculia magnifica, which grows in the reefs of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. The ichthyotoxic substance from the sponge, latrunculin B, was also indentified in the mucous secretion of the mollusk by TLC, indicating the use of this substance as defense allomone.  相似文献   

The Chinese beard eel (Cirrhimuraena chinensis Kaup) is an intertidal fish and a model organism for the study of impacts caused by topological fluctuations during the Pleistocene and current intricate hydrological conditions on fauna living in the coastal areas of China. In this study, we examined the phylogeographical pattern, population genetic profile and demographical history of C. chinensis using mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b (cyt b) and control region (CR)) from 266 individuals sampled in seven localities across the coastal area of southeastern China. The combined data indicated high levels of haplotype diversity and low levels of nucleotide diversity. Analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) and FST statistics suggested the absence of a significant population structure across the Chinese coast. Neutrality tests, mismatch distributions and Bayesian skyline plots uniformly indicated a recent population expansion. The phylogeographic structure of C. chinensis may be attributed to past population expansion and long-distance pelagic larval dispersal facilitated by present-day ocean currents.  相似文献   

The response of the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus, to yellow water traps baited with individual lures of 25 floral volatile compounds was studied in 17 field experiments. The compounds comprised seven nitrogenous amino acid derivatives, five nonnitrogenous amino acid derivatives, nine fatty acid derivatives, and four isoprenoids. Twenty compounds affected the trap catch of M. aeneus, but response was often dependent on release rate. Most compounds were attractive, but four fatty acid derivatives were repellent. 1-Hexanol was either attractive or repellent, depending on the release rate. It is suggested that M. aeneus responds to this large number of chemically diverse compounds because it is polyphagous.  相似文献   

以介孔分子筛为催化剂,催化烷基化混合邻间对甲酚制备6-叔丁基邻甲酚、6-叔丁基间甲酚、2-叔丁基对甲酚混合液,并精馏获得三种叔丁基甲酚纯品。考查了催化剂用量、异丁烯用量、反应温度等反应条件对烷基化反应的影响,确定了最佳工艺条件。结果表明,催化剂为三混甲酚用量的2.0%(质量),异丁烯用量与三混甲酚用量之比为1.05∶1(摩尔比),最佳反应温度为95℃的反应条件下,三混甲酚的总转化率达到96.25%以上,反应液中目标产品含量达94.67%,产品选择性可达98.36%。精馏后,6-叔丁基邻甲酚、6-叔丁基间甲酚、2-叔丁基对甲酚三种产品的质量含量分别为99.75%、99.57%、99.54%。整个工艺过程安全环保,成本低,能耗低,收益高。  相似文献   

The developing chemical depth profile in an epoxy adhesive bulk (with varying amine content) is monitored during aging by FTIR microspectroscopy on sample cuts prepared with low angle microtomy. Three aging regimes are applied in order to separate the role of temperature and water: dried or moist air (90% rel. humidity) at 60°C and dried air at 120°C for up to 300 days. Quantitative evaluation of the IR spectra shows: thermo-oxidative aging (= dried air) is controlled by the diffusion of atmospheric oxygen. It affects a gradient region of more than 200 μm in depth. At given aging time, the depth profiles depend on temperature, humidity, and on the epoxy-amine ratio. Humidity mainly affects the IR band intensities. The plasticizing effect of water promotes the loss of small network fragments. At 120°C, autoxidation of α-CH2 at ether and amine groups and the oxidative attack on tertiary amines dominate aging. At 60°C in dried air, these processes proceed only very slowly. In the case of amine excess, aging is extended by the additional oxidation of primary and secondary amines to carbonyls. Carbonyls undergo consecutive reactions, especially in the presence of water. Hence, increasing temperature does not simply accelerate the aging mechanisms but it reduces their selectivity and changes their hierarchy. Thus, the long-term aging behavior at moderate temperatures cannot be predicted safely from accelerated aging tests.  相似文献   

采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取黄檗果实精油,利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对其成分进行分离鉴定;通过DPPH自由基清除作用和β-胡萝卜素漂白法检测精油的抗氧化活性,应用磺酰罗丹明B(SRB)比色法检测精油对人宫颈癌细胞He La、人肺癌细胞A-549和人胃癌细胞BGC-823这3种肿瘤细胞株的细胞毒活性。经GC-MS分析,从黄檗精油中共鉴定出39个成分,主要有β-蒎烯、β-氧化石竹烯、3-亚甲基-4-异丙烯基环己醇、西松烯等。精油具有一定抗氧化活性,对肿瘤细胞株A-549和BGC-823的细胞毒活性不显著,但对He La细胞具有较好的细胞毒活性。  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of the plant lipoxygenase (LOX)/lyase pathway for host search behavior of two parasitic wasps attacking herbivorous larvae, an Arabidopsis mutant (all84) was isolated with a mutation somewhere in the LOX/lyase pathway. Detached leaves of the mutant were shown to release less (Z)-3-hexenal, a first green leaf volatile (GLV) product of the LOX/lyase pathway. The braconid larval parasitoids studied, Cotesia glomerata and Cotesia plutella, differ in their ability to discriminate among plant volatiles induced by feeding of lepidopteran hosts and nonhosts: C. plutella only responds to plant volatiles induced by hosts (Plutella larvae), whereas the response by the more generalist C. glomerata is not host specific. The Arabidopsis mutant all84 infested by Pieris larvae was less attractive to C. glomerata than Arabidopsis wild type (wt) infested by the host larvae. C. glomerata was attracted by two of the GLV biosynthesized through the LOX/lyase pathway, (E)-2-hexenal and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate. However, attraction of C. plutellae to volatiles from Plutella-infested all84 plants did not differ from attraction to host-infested wt Arabidopsis. Both wasp species were arrested to the respective host-infested edge of the wt leaf by showing characteristic antennal searching behavior on the edge. In C. glomerata, the duration of this searching behavior at the infested leaf edge was significantly shorter on all84 plants than on wt plants. By contrast, the duration of the searching behavior of C. plutellae on the host-infested leaf edge of all84 was not significantly different from that on the wt leaf. These data suggest that the LOX/lyase pathway is directly involved in the production of attractants and arrestants important for host search behavior of the more generalist C. glomerata, but not for the specialist C. plutellae.  相似文献   

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